Be Sacred

Today, Sunday, December 11, 2022, our Vulcan V begins its descent into our sacral chakra at about the level of our waist, with this astral psychic center being the sixth of the seven chakras, as seen from above to below. (See image to right.)

The full descent of the apex of our Vulcan vortex of sacred, etheric, 12th-level-vibrational-light into our sacral chakra will take 4 days; thus, two days with this current blog, and 2 more days starting on December 13th with the next blog; from the 11th to the 14th.

Descent of Holy Spirit

The word “sacral” comes from the Latin word meaning sacred or holy. The sacral chakra symbolizes the 2nd or higher of the two physical planes on Earth, in which souls are spiritually awakened. The 1st or regenerative chakra represents the lowest of the two Earth realms, wherein unawakened souls are still asleep in mortal, personal, egotistical, self-absorbed, competitive, five-sensual consciousness.

Symbolically, as viewed from above to below, the 7th (crown), sixth (third eye) and fifth (throat) chakras represent our etheric or fourth-dimensional light body, our superconscious mind, and the three etheric planes. The fourth (heart) and third (solar plexus) chakras portray our astral body and subconscious mind, and the seven astral planes; with the heart chakra symbolizing the three higher astral planes, and the solar plexus chakra representing the four lower astral planes; and with all seven of them being feminine in vibration. Our 2nd (sacral) and 1st (regenerative) chakras represent our physical body and conscious mind, and the two physical planes that are masculine.

In our own spiritual growth, in step-by-step fashion, we systematically rise or ascend from our lowest or 1st chakra to the 7th or highest chakra, which climb is symbolized by a Λ. In our redescent, we travel back down the spine, through the seven chakras, hence in the form of a V. Up we go, down we come.

In planetary and solar system symbology, we rise from Earth all the way to Vulcan, the 12th or highest vibrational planet, whose Temple of Vulcan is at and around Ta Cu Mountain in southeastern Vietnam. Then we redescend the mountain to re-open and re-birth this Temple. This seven-step up and down movement is symbolized by the upper pagoda at Ta Cu Mountain, which has seven levels and roofs. (See the left side of the above image of the 7-tiered pagoda.)

Twin Rays

The letter “V” in Vulcan also represents three sets of Twin Rays: The First and the Seventh Rays; the Second and Sixth Rays; and the Third and Fifth Rays (see image below). The first two sets of Twin Rays were covered in my prior blogs. In this blog, we will mostly on the third set of Twin Rays. The Third Ray is that of Personal Love, Feeling and Dedication to a Higher Cause, whereas the Fifth Ray comprises Unity, Integration and Healing.

In terms of the seven chakras in our astral body and the corresponding seven endocrine glands in our physical body, the sacral chakra and the two adrenal glands symbolically and literally are more so of the Fifth Ray. This is because in this second or sacral center, the psychic doorway of the Fifth Ray of Unity and Integration is opened with spiritual awakening. Thereupon, one experiences unity and integration of the physical, astral and etheric levels. The second chakra is the doorway to the 3rd (solar plexus) and 4th (heart) chakras, those representing the astral planes that are the doorway or passageway to the etheric planes.

Correspondingly, the regenerative chakra and two gonads (testes or ovaries) are more so of the Third Ray. In this bottom or 1st chakra level, people are still caught up in their self-love and self-power, still feel separate from God, and think that they are creators rather than being co-creators with the One and Only Creator, Father-Mother God.

This selfishness is an aberration of the Third Ray — it is the original sin that led a segment of mankind to de-generate and thereby fall into physical, third-dimensional matter and to take on animal bodies, all the way down from the seven or highest chakra to the first or lowest chakra, by way of the spinal column. Thus, currently, the first chakra or level of mortal consciousness still needs to healed via the Fifth Ray, such that it rightly expresses the Third Ray. Mortal man needs to be re-generated, re-born in sacred consciousness, and t re-united with his-her I Am Self; hence the goal of the Second Coming program to which we as light workers are dedicated and devoted.

Vulcan is 1 2 3 5 6 7

On Vulcan, the Third and Fifth Rays are rightly, purely and sacredly demonstrated as a complementary team, such that they radiate Third and Fifth Rays to the other planets, starting with the 11th Planet and 10th highest vibrational planets that are etheric, and from there to the 9 other planets that are physical, all the way down to the Earth that is the lowest vibrational planet in the solar system. Thus, the symbolic and literal number for Vulcan is 1 2 3 5 6 7; hence the combined three sets of Twin Rays.

Only the Sun or solar logos fully demonstrates all Seven Rays, with it being the center of the solar system; hence of the Fourth Ray that is at the center of the Seven Rays and of the heart chakra in the center of the seven chakras. Thus, in terms of numbers and the Seven Rays, the Sun is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Vulcan is the first planet to receive the Sun’s vibrations, because symbolically it is 1 2 3 5 6 7.

Two Sacred Systems

In our physical body, our second or sacral chakra also manifests via the urinary system and the colon. The urinary system eliminates liquid wastes from the body, whereas the colon disperses solid wastes. (See drawing below of female/left) and male (right)  urinary systems.)

The urinary system consists of the two kidneys in the low back region (atop which are the two adrenal glands), two ureters, the bladder and the urethra. In a woman, the urethra opens into the vagina, whereas in a male the urethra travels through the prostrate and penis.

The two kidneys filter the blood in order to remove from it excess water, minerals, degraded hormones and toxic wastes, which forms urine that is about 95% liquid and 5% solutes. The urine travels via the two ureters that are tubes into the single bladder. From there, during urination via the urethra, this liquid with its solutes is released from the body.

Note that the overall shape of the urinary system is more of less in the form of a V, with the two kidneys being at the top of the two lines of the V and the bladder and urethra being at the bottom or the apex of the V. Plus, note that there are two kidney and two ureters, hence representing the second lowest or sacral chakra and the two sides of the V. To rise into spiritual awareness, and to keep rising, and to re-birth our ascended light body on Earth, as well as our Temple of Vulcan, we have to cleanse and transmute our mortal consciousness and soul record. We have to “see and pee.” (Oy Vey!)

Have a Christed Colon

Our colon or large intestine, so called because its diameter is larger than that of the small intestine, consists of the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and anus. Together, these sections form more or less an upside down letter U or ∩.

Note, also, that the colon of the sacral or second chakra more or less circles around the small intestine, which correlates more so with the third or solar plexus chakra. This shows that the two chakras work together and overlap one another; aligning the physical body with the astral and emotional bodies.

Undigested food (including roughage or fiber), water, mineral salts, pigments and some toxic items move into the colon through the ileocecal valve, which is located between the end of the ileum (last section of the small intestine) and the first part of the colon, the cecum. Most of the water and the mineral salts are reabsorbed in the ascending colon and the first half of the transverse colon. This leads to the solidification of the waster matter or feces, which is stored in the second half of the transverse colon, the descending colon and the sigmoid colon. During defecation, the feces are removed via the rectum and out the anus.

Liquid wastes or urine removed by the urinary system are more so symbolic of the astral body and level, whereas solid wastes or feces in the colon or large intestine, with feces being brown and hence earthly in color, represent more so the physical body.

Note that there are up, lateral and down movements of wastes through the entire large intestine, hence ascension, integration and descension within a ∩ or a Λ.

Be Sacrally Centered

Having now read over 1,000 words about all the components of the sacral and regenerative chakras, shift gears and focus on just one image — that of the golden globe with a V in it that was at the start of this blog. After all, one image is worth a thousand words.

However, to it have been added the names of Vertex and Vortex, who are in the highest etheric plane; VyRa and Vietnam, who are in the lower etheric planes, lapping over into the higher astral planes; and Mama and Papa Viet, who are in the fifth astral plane, lapping over into the higher astral planes and down into the fourth and third astral planes. These three groups of two, men and women, represent the full integration of the etheric, astral and physical planes; with you portraying the physical anchoring point of the V in your sacral chakra and eliminatory organs.

As you have in preceding meditations, see yourself in your 12-sided, dodecagonal, Christ column of cosmic, sacred light and energy. Feel out, inwardly and intuitively sense how wide the column is, whether 12 or 24 or 48 or more feet wide. Be protected within it, whatever its size.

Ensconced within it, raise your arms to form a letter V that welcomes the descent of the cosmic, Vulcan V, down into your crown, third eye and throat chakras that represent your light body; then down into your heart and solar plexus chakras that symbolize your astral body; and finally down and into your sacral chakra that portrays your physical body.

Today, the apex of the V is at the level of your two kidneys and your transverse colon, thus at the top of your sacral chakra. Tomorrow, it will descend 2-4 inches and into the upper part of your two ureters and the upper part of your ascending and descending colons.

Near, Far & Wide

Be aware of, and commune with, Vertex and Vortex, VyRa and Vietnam, Mama Viet and Papa Viet, as they guide and protect you, inspire and uplift you, energize and empathize with you, and help you to re-open and re-birth your own individual Temple of Vulcan. Remember, always, that you are a part of a huge, interdimensional, solar system brotherhood and sisterhood. Be the Temple of Vulcan that you are wherever you now are located and living on Earth.

Ask the guardian angels, etheric masters and higher astral guides for new instructions and input as to how you are to bring forth your renewed, Vulcanized consciousness in all of your thoughts, feeling, memories and physical actions; all the way down to your sacral chakra.

Focus especially of Fifth Ray Unity, Integration and Healing, whose corresponding color is green; and on Third Ray Personal Love, Feeling and Dedication to a Higher Cause, whose corresponding color is pink. If you are like most light workers, you favor one more so than the other. So, bring them together in one V such that they are balanced, united, integrated and healthily employed.

Then, shift your focus and radiate love, life and light to Ta Cu Mountain in southeastern Vietnam, about about 100 miles east of Ho Chi Minh City, near the coast of the South China Sea. From this epicenter of the Temple of Vulcan on Earth, the light spreads out for hundreds of miles in all directions, reaching all of Indochina and down into Malaysia and Indonesia and all the way east to the Philippines. Be guided as to any specific place in this huge forcefield that you are to especially focus upon.

Be a sacred Vulcan-Earthling!

Be 1 2 3 5 6 7
