We Give Thanks

On November 7, 2024, two days after the election of Donald Trump as the incoming President of the USA, Sananda and Sol-O-Man said to me, SolTiel-Robert, that he and Sol-O-Man had sent out Hierarchal orders to the millions of spacecraft around the world to use their hieronic equipment to take the “thought temperature” of all souls on Earth. This would measure how spiritually positive each individual and each nation in the East and West now are, and/or how negative they are.

Twenty-five years previously, in late October or early November of 1999, Sananda and Sol-O-Man had revealed to Nada-Yolanda that he and Sol-O-Man had directed and overseen a similar hieronic evaluation by those aboard etheric spacecraft. A week later, Sananda had reported that the overall planetary thought temperature was barely in the positive range. It was just over 50% positive and just under 50% negative. Sananda further shared that it was the positive, idealistic, loving energies and consciousness of the higher evolved youth on Earth that were primarily responsible for the the 50+% positive rating.

New Recruits

Four-and-one-half-years later, in 2004, Lords Michael and Maitreya, the Co-Titular Heads of the Hierarchal Board of this Solar Love System, announced via Nada-Yolanda: “We on the celestial, etheric and astral planes, in conjunction with interdimensional spacecraft, have called for new recruits. . . . Hope is on the way!

“The sensitive individuals, particularly the hierarchal channels on the Earth planet, will begin to sense the shift and the incoming hope by the new recruits of the light. But we caution all of you: please, do not anticipate, do not speculate, do not project a fixed and given time according to Earth’s calendars and clocks.”

Good News!

Then, two weeks ago, on November 14, 2024, Sananda and Sol-O-Man revealed the current new Hierarchal findings: Mankind of Earth now was 60% positive and 40% negative. Thus, in the last 20 years, mankind had been uplifted from being about 50% positive and 50% negative, to now being 60% positive and 40% negative.

I was totally stunned by this magnificent finding, as I was only thinking and hoping that we of Earth had moved just a little bit more into the positive range. Moreover, the election of Donald Trump (who represents Cain negativity) and the defeat of Kamala Harris (who represents Abel positivity) seemed to indicate that what Sananda and Sol-O-Man now had shared with me might not be true; that I somehow had colored it.

Therefore, I asked Sananda and Sol-O-Man to explain the new spiritual findings. Sananda patiently shared that the Hierarchal hieronic evaluation does not just focus on the physical body or outward physical evidence and events, as mortal techniques, devices and judgments do. Rather, hieronics also measures the mental, emotional and astral bodies of each individual and group on Earth.

One Person, One Vote

Then, Sol-O-Man, in her role as the feminine “Soul of Man,” stepped forward and explained to me the underlying, contributing soul factors that had been involved in the current election. As I already had read online, Sol-O-Man pointed out that Trump had won 64.2% of the Electoral vote, whereas Harris had won 34.5%, hence what appeared to be a landslide victory.

Thus, by the Electoral System, Donald Trump had won even more than 60% and Kamala Harris had won even less that 40%, hence just the opposite of the current Hierarchal findings and conclusion. However, Sol-O-Man then explained and declared that the Electoral College and System was an archaic, limited and not accurate or fair way to conduct elections.

Every other democracy around the planet elects its leaders by the one person, one vote approach, hence by what is called the popular vote; this system honors the truth that each person is an equal son or daughter of God. Thus, when the Hierarchal Board meets on Saturn, each Chohan and Archangel get one vote, and then the whole group comes to a consensus as to how to proceed. (Click here to read about the anachronistic, imbalanced, hopefully soon-to-be discontinued Electoral System of the USA.)

And yet, Donald Trump also had won the popular vote, with his receiving 50.01% of the vote, whereas Kamala Harris had won 48.4% of the vote. Together, Third Party candidates had won the remaining 1.4% of the vote. Thus, even this popular vote tally indicated that man of Earth was still about 50% negative. However, at least it was a much closer election than that indicated by the Electoral Vote.

Soul Darkness

Then, Sol-O-Man revealed that at the beginning of Kamala’s candidacy, only about three months before the election, Hierarchal testing showed that she had polled at only about 40% and Trump polled at about 60%. This low rating for her was primarily due to her being a woman of color, not just due to her political views. No woman has been elected president, and the majority of USA citizens are racist. Of course, most US citizens deny that this is true, and much progress has been made in these two areas, but the truth is that these deep, submerged, soul biases and prejudices remain, and strongly influence people’s voting choices.

Nonetheless, three months later, Kamala won 48.4% of the popular vote. So rather than the election being an all-encompassing defeat of Kamala, she came close to being the victor. Thus, in our judging wisely and righteously, it was wondrous and heartening that she did as well as she did. (Jesus said that we are not to judge lest we be judged, in other words we are not to judge only by physical/conscious and soul/subconscious factors. Rather, we are judge wisely and rightly in I Am, superconscious, light-body way.)

Maturation of New Recruits

In the ongoing three-way, give-and-take exchange between Sananda, Sol-O-Man and me, Sananda now further explained that the Hierarchy’s present 60% positive to 40% negative finding about humankind was due primarily to the ongoing maturation of the souls who had answered the Hierarchy’s call for new recruits in 2004, and had come to Earth from all planets in our Solar Love System and from out in the Milky Way Galaxy, such as the Pleiadeans.

Some of these highly evolved souls/recruits are now of voting age on Earth, which is 18, whereas many of them are not. Moreover, not even all those of voting age voted in this election, because they are so disgusted by, and disillusioned with, the current state of third-dimensional, partisan politics on Earth.

However, the higher light and consciousness in all these maturing New Age children is such that it still plays a major role in lifting the overall mass thought form. It adds a significant boost to the love and light that we light workers on Earth broadcast out to mass consciousness.

For the last twenty years, the positive light and love of the planet has risen at about 1 point every 2 years. Moreover, the positive energy is gaining momentum. We now are at 60% light and 40% darkness. So, let’s light a candle instead of cursing the darkness.

Civil War of Armageddon

Sol-O-Man now shared that the current state of the Second Coming program is like unto when the USA was at about the middle of the Civil War that took place from 1861 to 1865). This war had begun following the election of Abraham Lincoln as President. For about the next two years, the Union Army had lost every battle. It had looked outwardly that the Confederation Army would win the war.

However, one part of the Union Army that was directed by Ulysses S. Grant did win a battle in late 1962.  Then, on January 1, 1863, Lincoln published the Emancipation Proclamation that proclaimed that all African-American slaves were now free. From that time forward, about 180,000 free black men joined and fought in the Union Army and 19,000 blacks joined and fought in the Union Navy. They comprised ten percent of the overall Union armed forces. They were a significant factor in the eventual defeat of the South. The South’s slavery karma came back to haunt and defeat them. What the South had sown, they now had reaped.

(The freed black men symbolically were like unto the new recruits who have answered the call from the Hierarchy and came from throughout the Solar System and beyond to serve in the War of Armageddon in this present time.)

However, it was not until March 1864 when President Lincoln appointed Ulysses S. Grant as General-in-Chief of the entire Union Army that the Union Army won every battle. On April 9, 1865, General Robert E. Lee as commander of the Confederate Army officially surrendered his army to Ulysses S. Grant.

So, in this time of now, as of November 2024, it appears outwardly that the Cains are winning the War of Armageddon whereas in truth the Abels with the maturing of the new recruits have tipped the scales to the positive side, from 50-50 to 60-40. The Cain/Trump led forces currently are celebrating their physical victory, but this seeming victory will be short-lived. They won this election battle, but they lost their souls, and they will pay dearly for this. As they now sow, so will they quickly reap. They will lose the war!

Celebration Time

So, in honoring the new 60/40 rating and progress, today and for the next three days, hence from Thursday to Sunday, as mortal man is celebrating the physical holiday of Thanksgiving here in the states, let’s celebrate our new stage of spiritual victory of good defeating evil. For four days, we will celebrate the four-step matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination.

But then, starting Monday, if not sooner, we will get back to work. After all, those of Cain consciousness, including all those who voted for Trump who thereby have residual Cain tendencies in themselves, will not go down to defeat easily. So, day by day, we Abels-in-the-making we will be called upon to slay them in the Spirit until final victory is ours.

The positive light still must go from 60% to 100%, such that Sananda and Sol-O-Man can return on or about 2040 AD, as they have predicted that they will. Thus, we have before us about 16 more years until their projected redescent. Considering that we have been fighting this Cain-Abel battle for 26 million years, 16 more years is but a drop in the ocean.

All that we true light workers have to do is to lift the mass thought temperature about 2 and one-half percent (2½%) each of the upcoming 16 years, thus to reach 100%. In a sense, then, we now have to double our efforts to get this done. Rather than let ourselves be dragged down into Cain darkness and depravity, we will doubly devote ourselves to keep climbing up Mt. Abel. As we do so, we will continue to lift others unto us. Those that resist, we leave behind.

As we continue to rise and shine, we are to remember that more and more of the new recruits will be coming of voting age as the spiritual program progresses. Therefore, maybe even by midterm elections of Congress in two years, we may see the physical fruits of our labors. Maybe four years from now in the next presidential election, Kamala Harris or some other positive leader will be elected. Maybe there will be more moderate Democrats elected and more moderate Republicans elected, who will be closer to following the Middle Way in politics than those current politicians who are ultra-left Democrats or ultra-right Republicans. Amen to that!

Thanksgiving Toast

Now, here’s to you, all my dear and beloved friends, family and fellow Abel-oriented light workers in the Army of Love and Light on Planet Earth, who sit with me now at one, huge Thanksgiving Table. Here’s to Sananda and Sol-O-Man, the spiritual co-leaders of Earth, who give us living water and the bread of life as we celebrate our Thanksgiving feast. Here’s to our beloved Guardian Angels and Elohim. Here’s to Father-Mother God from Whom all Goodness, Truth and Love flow. God is the Middle Way!

Beloved Spirit, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Hallelujah. Amen!






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2 thoughts on “We Give Thanks”

  1. Amen!! Giving hearthfelt Thanks! To all on Earth and above on this Day of Thanksgiving we receive the blessings, the messages and the directions towards spiritual evolvement. To almighty God is the glory. Forward and upward in the light, love, cooperation and coordination.

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