Be a Pink Flame

In your visualizations today, see yourself within a pink flame that surrounds your entire auric field and suffuses you with Third Ray Personal Love and Dedication to a Higher Cause. If you are not visually gifted, affirm and realize that you are a pink flame of light.

In either or both of these ways, begin your three-day journey to become the individual Temple of Venus that you are.

Be Safe & Secure

Be sure that you are spiritually protected and rightly guided. Call upon Archangel Chamuel (pronounced Sham-u-el) and his feminine angelic counterpart who calls herself The Pink Lady to guard and inspire you. See him before you and her behind you. Their auras (wings) are all around you. They feed your flame with their celestial Third Ray love. (See the picture of her to the left.)

Also, link in consciousness with Lanto, who is the Chohan or Director of the Third Ray (he was the artist Paolo Veronese); and with his twin soul, Anna. He is  to the right or conscious side of you, whereas she is primarily to the left side. With them may be some of their associates and co-workers.


Remember, too, that you are being visited and assisted by your beloved brothers and sisters from Venus, which is the primary planet in the Solar System that exemplifies and radiates Third Ray pink light to all the other eleven planets. (See image of Venus to right.)

Wear pink clothing to remind you during the day that you are within your pink flame. Put a single or a bouquet of pink roses in your meditation room or throughout your living quarters.

I Am a Pink Flame

Throughout the day, love one another, including all of God’s creations. Rededicate yourself to and serve the Second Coming program.

Be in the pink. Think pink. Feel pink. Be pink love in action.

Be the Venusian-Earthling that you are. Be an individual, unique Temple of Venus.

Be your pink Self. Shine your pink light on one and all.

Thank You, Father-Mother God. Amen.