Now that Pentecost is over, starting today, January 9th, our focus for a few weeks in 2025 is going to be on the First Ray of Faith, Will and Power. All new cycles and projects begin with the First Ray, whose corresponding color is blue.
There is only One Power Who is God, Indivisible, the I Am Who I Am. However, in manifesting creation, God works via two polarities, which we on Earth call Father and Mother.
God is our Creator. Made in God’s image and likeness, we are co-creators with God, regardless of whether we now are expressing in a male or female physical body. Our subconscious is feminine, whereas our conscious is masculine. Our superconscious is our I Am, high, Atman, Christ, Abel Self.
Seven Elos
God’s first creations are the Seven Elohim (which Hebrew word is plural) or Elos, each of whom are a masculine and feminine pair, an EloHim and an EloHer team or partnership. Being the first level of Creative Energy in expression, the Elo pairs are said to be of the Godhead. They are at the “head” of all created beings and forms in our Solar Love System.
The Elos of all Seven Rays are the Cosmic Architects or Designers of all created forms. Since our Solar Love System radiates and demonstrates primarily the Seventh Ray of Peace, Love and Rest, the first and most powerful Elo pair within this system is of the Seventh Ray. Their symbolic, spiritual code names are Big PaPa and Big MaMa.
Sun and Planets
Millions and billions of years ago, Father-Mother God originally spoke the word to Big PaPa and Big MaMa about creating a new Solar Love System. Big PaPa and Big MaMa then drew up the overall “blueprints” for bringing forth the Sun and the twelve planets that orbit our Sun. The primary home of these two Elos is on and about the Sun that is a star, not a planet, which they designed and began to bring into manifestation. From there, they now watch over, guide, supervise and direct all the Elo pairs who have created and manifested the twelve planets.
Seven Elo teams, one team per each of the Seven Rays of Life, work under Big PaPa and Big MaMa, with their being like architects in a big architectural firm. Our focus now will be on the First Ray Elos, whom I call Blu PaPa and Blu MaMa. Blue is the corresponding color of the First Ray. Rather that the word Blue, I have used Blu. By doing so, Blu PaPa and Blu MaMa each have seven letters.
One way I have prepared myself to receive and work with their First Ray consciousness and energies has been to visualize each of the seven letters in their names in each of my seven major chakras, with Blu MaMa’s letters (starting with “B” in my crown chakra) being in the left side of my seven chakras, and Blu Papa’s letters being in the right side of my spiritual centers or chakras. This technique helps me to begin to feel close to them, and to overcome my doubts and fears about my ability to experience their actual presences. Perhaps this visualization technique will help you, too.
These two Blu Elos originally drew up the specific blueprints for the planet Neptune, which best demonstrates and radiates the First Ray in this overall Solar Love System. But these two Blu Elos also now have come to Earth, to help us with the upliftment of Earth into the fourth dimension during these Latter Days or End Times. Their formidable spiritual willpower helps us to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Sananda and Sol-O-Man, the spiritual co-leaders of Earth; and for the second coming of spiritual awareness and consciousness for all on Earth and in the astral planes.
Be Blue
I first came into communion with Blu PaPa and Blu MaMa in March 2024. Over a period of four weeks, I had a series of definitive contacts, communions and exchanges with them, in which I got to identify them, know them, and work under their directions and auspices. However, I never published these contacts on my blogs in 2024 back at that time, for it never seemed to be the time to do so. I eventually concluded that I first needed to let all of their input slowly settle into my mind, soul and body; to be sure that what I had received was indeed true, before I would share it with others.
Months later, starting in late October 2024, I began once again to feel Blu PaPa’s and Blu MaMa’s contacts, overshadowings, transfigurations and powerful presences. As part of working with them, I sometimes felt guided to surround my auric field and physical body with blue light for my spiritual protection and First Ray upliftment, always leaving the top of my crown chakra/cerebrum open, with a tube going up from it through the astral planes to the etheric, celestial and elo planes. To the best of my ability, I was blue, through and through.
In other meditations and contacts, the Blue Elos’ guidance was to first see myself having a blue brain, for the inflow and insertion of their blue energies descended first into my crown chakra/cerebrum, my body’s central computer station that regulates, monitors and directs all other physical organs. (See image of a blue brain to left and above.) From my blue brain, blue light/energy/power flowed down my spinal column and into all my lower chakras and corresponding organs. Once again, I was blue, through and through, all the way down to and through my feet.
Be Blue, Through & Through
At times, the spiritual guidance was to see myself in a blue flame of light. The flame appeared and was felt all around me, below me and above me. I was in the center of it. It was not hot, but rather cool and comfortable. I felt spiritually comforted and empowered by it. So, as guided from within by your own I Am Self, this is yet another blue image that you can work with in your meditations over the next seven days.
If you are not visually oriented and talented, you can work more so with affirmation, decree and realization, thereby calling forth the blue light of the First Ray into and through your mind, soul and body. You can affirm that you have a blue brain or that you are surrounded by a blue flame. You can time and again affirm that God’s will be done in and through you, with God’s own power.
Moreover, you also may want to wear mostly blue clothing that reminds you that you are becoming clothed anew in pure Blue Power. As always, go with the flow. See what works for you each day in your meditations, moments of stillness. Moreover, you may to read the entry in our booklet Seven Rays of Life about the First Ray that was channeled by Sol-O-Man via Nada-Yolanda. Whatever you do each day, record your experiences in your spiritual diary. so that be the end of a week you can see the overall pattern and purpose of what you have accomplished.
Blue Angels & Devas
During these ongoing Blu Elo communions, I also became aware of, and worked under the guidance of, Archangel Lord Michael and his angelic counterpart, Lady Mariel, with whom I have had multiple contacts starting especially in 2007, when I began my seventh major initiation of ascension and redescent. (See a symbolic image of Michael to the right.)
The Blu Elos draw up the blueprints and begin to manifest them. So, as an analogy, they design a blue building and then oversee and bring forth the studs, window frames, roof beams and foundation of that building; hence the building’s or the body’s gridwork or framework.
Then, the blue angels add blue thought forms to that gridwork or framework. Symbolically, they build in the walls, windows, roof covering and flooring of the foundation of such a building or a body. (See image of Lady Mariel to right.)
Under these two Blue Archangels are the Blue Deva (masculine in Sanskrit) and Blue Devi (feminine in Sanskrit). Devas and devis are etheric beings who mold, shape, integrate and refine the elements and structures of our physical form or of a physical entity such as a tree or a mountain. Thus, symbolically, they add the furniture, appliances and such to a house or building, making it livable for an individual or group. They mold, refine and complete the formation of a physical body or other physical creation. Every man or woman on Earth has a body devic pair who works with him or her.
Ascended Masters
Angels are our guardians and protectors. When we came to Earth about 206 million years ago, we were fourth-dimensional, spiritual beings. But due to selfishness and self-power, we eventually separated ourselves from God the Good, Who is our One Power. A whole segment of humankind thus fell into third-dimensional matter and physical, animal bodies. Now, we are climbing back up the metaphorical mountain from which we descended to ground level. Our guardian angels guide, assist and protect us at every step of our way up the symbolic mountain to full I Am consciousness and light-body expression.
In our ascent, we also are aided by the Co-Chohans of the First Ray, who are El Morya (see his image to right above) and Glo-Ria (see her image to right below.) Both have recently been on Earth, whereupon they fell from grace. Gloria made her transition in 1962, Mark left in 1981. But they have re-evolved into full I Am First Ray mastership in their ascended bodies in the etheric planes of life.
El Morya is positioned at the top of the highest or seventh astral plane, and into the first or lowest etheric plane. He is still the Executive Director of Mark-Age, Inc., watching over and directing Phillel and me. Glo-Ria is in the second or third etheric plane.
These two ascended First Ray masters are with all light workers in all ways, always. We are to call upon them at any time, and they will be with us and help us in talking our talk, and especially in walking our walk.
We also are being helped by visitors from the planet Neptune, who have come in their spaceships to assist Sananda and Sol-O-Man in the Second Coming program. We may feel their presences as hieronics space beams, especially in the two temples of our head. Or we may have dreams of being with them or seeing them here on Earth.
Higher Astral Guides
Below the ascended masters in the etheric realms are higher astral guides in the fifth, sixth and especially the seventh or highest astral planes. The primary two Amerindian seventh-astral guides call themselves Papa Blue Bear and Mama Blue Bear. They are of the Bear Clan which comes under the First Ray. (See symbolic image of Papa Bear to right. See painting of Mama Bear and cubs below.)
In my lifetime as a Zuni Amerindian in the 1400s in southwest USA, the New JerUSAlem, my spiritual name was Blue Bear. At that time, I was able to commune with Papa and Mama Blue Bears in the seventh astral plane. They serve under the overall co-leaders of the Amerindians in the Americas, who are War Cloud and his twin soul War Woman, so named because they are serving Sananda and Sol-O-Man in the ongoing War of Armageddon.
I also on many occassions communed with Sol-O-Man, who, as Zolanda in the Earth Temple in the end days Atlantis, had trained the race that would become the Amerindians, to carry the higher spiritual teachings to what would become North, Central and South America.
Higher astral guides protect us as we rise up through the seven astral planes on our way to the first or lowest of three etheric planes. They also work in conjunction with the devas to bring forth and work with the Earth changes that will occur on Earth as part of the ending of the old age of transmutation and the beginning of a New or Golden Age on Earth.
Ascend a Blue Mountain
In mid-December 2024, just prior to the winter solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere on December 21st, and the summer solstice in the South Hemisphere, in a series of contacts, Blu PaPa and Blue MaMa gave me a new visualization technique to empower and fortify my ongoing ascent into full I Am consciousness on Earth. Perhaps you will find it helpful to use this new imagery and technique.
See yourself in the central portion or core of a tall blue mountain. In two dimensions, the mountain is in the shape of an ∧, like in the letter A for Ascension, the I Am Self and Abel consciousness. However, in three dimensions, this ∧ is an inverted cone. (See image of blue mountain to right.)
Inside the solid blue rock mountain is what at first appears to be a empty column or shaft that goes from the bottom or base of the mountain all the way to its peak or top. It is like an elevator shaft. Or you can think of it as being an upward pointing spiral staircase.
Lord Uriel via Nada-Yolanda once described this column as a spinal column of light via which we rise into I Am consciousness. The blue rock mountain represents our four lower bodies: mental, emotional, astral and physical. The point is that our every thought, feeling, memory and physical organ are to be imbued with blue First Ray faith, will and power. Thereby, we become a blue rock mountain of faith on Earth.
Ascend as an Abel
See yourself securely within the shaft, part way up it, on your way eventually to its very top. All around you are hundreds of feet of solid blue rock that is impregnated with First Ray power. Therefore, no one of lesser power can penetrate and enter into your shaft. No power-monger can take your I Am power away from you or rob you of your peace. No one can “yank your chain” or stab you in the back. The only way that can happen is if you allow such a power-mongering soul to do this to you, or if you yourself try to exert your personal/mortal/soul power over another light worker or individual.
The First Ray sword of truth is not a weapon, but rather is rightly used in helping and uplifting others, helping them to climb their blue mountain. Power-mongers, and they are legion on Earth, think they are so high and mighty that they can lord it over you, tell you what to do, treat you in essence as their slave and subordinate. Power-mongers try to make themselves better by making your feel worse. This is called Cain consciousness. And selfish, self-powered Cain consciousness has ruled the Earth for 26 million years, since the battle between the Abels and the Cains, in which the Cains in the vast majority dominated the Abels who were led by Sananda and Sol-O-Man at Mt. Shasta.
Cains were slave masters, whereas Abels under Sananda and Sol-O-Man did their best to uplift the fallen ones back into I Am consciousness and light body expression. They did so by following and applying the mantrum Love God & Love One Another, as it was co-received by Sananda and Sol-O-Man. We are to follow in their ancient and modern footsteps. We are to climb up the central shaft of Mt. Shasta and win the war between the Abels and Cains, between good and evil in each soul. So be it.
Blu MaMa & Blu PaPa
When you are fully centered within, and protected by, your blue mountain, begin to feel out to your left for the presence of Blu MaMa. Ask her to show herself to you. Slowly seek Her and you will find Her. Knock on Her door and it will be open to you so you can begin to feel her wondrous, blue, powerful, mother presence and energy.
Maybe you just see Her as amorphous blue light. Maybe you mostly feel her feminine blue power, that of a Blu MaMa who is the most powerful, First Ray MaMa in the solar system. Maybe she comforts you when your faith falters, when you Self-confidence wanes, when your doubts and fears seem about to take you over and down, when you fall down and need to get back up.
Remember that you are only in what we might call grade one or two of grade school in the University of Life on Earth. You are basically a neophyte in learning your ABC’s, multiplication tables, spelling and such, when it comes to communing with, and working under the Elos. But we have to start somewhere, sometime, in some degree. So get started. Enroll in the Elo school. And begin to listen, learn and be blue-lighted and blue-embraced, empowered and loved by MaMa Blu.
Once you begin to feel Her Holy Presence and Power, then shift to the right, conscious, male side of you. However, this may not occur for another week or two. First, your key focus is on Blu MaMa. Nonetheless, you still may be guided from within to begin to link with Blue PaPa. You can do so the same as you did with Blu MaMa, but you will notice the difference in His Elo vibration, how it is more masculine in nature. Thank Him ahead of time for making Himself known to you. He is your Blue Elo PaPa or Father, and you are His beloved blue grandson or great-grandson or great grand-daughter.
Take Your Time
Use any of the above visualizations or techniques for the next seven days. Keep a record each day in your spiritual diary of what you have received and experienced. Some days you may have much inner input, whereas other days will be mostly devoid of new ideas, images, inner knowings and realizations. Remember, it takes seven days of creation to complete a project, to bring forth a new form, to birth more of your I Am Self. So please do not be in a hurry.
Some days and nights you may have visions or dreams. Other times, the Blu contacts may come more so when you go for a quiet walk out in nature, when you climb to the top of a hill, when you look out and see the splendor of Mother Nature before you. Maybe you feel MaMa’s or PaPa’s presence as “chills” in your body, goose bumps, even some sudden jerks and involuntary shudders as you adjust to the higher energy inflow.
Everyone receives things differently. There is no one right way or technique. Find your own I Am Way, as guided by God or Spirit or the One Power. Thy will be done, oh Lord, Thy will be done.
Be aware, too, that you may have minor physical symptoms in response to the new blue power flowing into and through you. Perhaps you will have slight, nagging headaches, or those times when you cannot think clearly or straight. Maybe your sinuses, nose, throat and chest fill with mucus, which is caused by a shedding away of old cells that cannot hold the higher frequencies. Maybe you develop a cough or a slight sore throat. If so, work with these. Maybe you have joint or low back pain and discomfort. Moreover, you may see new upheavals in mass consciousness, government, weather and natural disasters.
To deal with any of your such symptoms, see and feel the blue light flowing into you, down through you, and out your hands and feet to uplift and help others. In other words, out of fear, worry or doubt, don’t hang onto the symptoms, or think you are doing something wrong. It is just part of your ongoing transmutation. Eat well. Take your vitamins. Get some exercise. If your symptoms do progress, you may want to see a doctor for his-her medical assistance. In other words, be holistic..
Receive and then send out the blue light to others. It not, it may back up within you and lead to more symptoms. Project to those near and dear to you, and those at the distance. Send out blue power to Mother Earth.
Realize, too, that as you visualize others being bathed and uplifted in blue light, so will more blue light flow into you. As you give, so shall you receive. God’s will for you is that you be whole, holy and empowered to do all things by having God-Spirit do them through you.
Rest in the First Ray power and Seventh Ray peace within and around you. Time and again, affirm that all is well. And so it shall be. And so it is. Amen.
Wow. Great to see this in my e-mail and I will read it asap. All Blue Progress with Yellow strength and understanding powers are matching all the True Blue aspects. Love to all @ Sun Temple.