Be a Master of the Middle Way

Way back on October 25, 1960, at the start of the Mark-Age period and program in these Latter Days, Sananda/Jesus, the spiritual co-leader of Earth with his twin soul, Sol-O-Man/Mary, channeled via Nada-Yolanda: “All will not be governed from above. All on the Earth will be governed from the Earth. We [of the Hierarchal Board] guide, we teach but we do not control you. . . .

“In the Golden Era men [and women] of Earth will be practicing God consciousness. They will not need politics, as you know it now, for they will seek who is worthy to lead and automatically will want him [or her] to lead. . . .

“That is why we do not choose one party, one country or one ideology above another. We teach only one thought: love one another. If you truly love one another, and do unto one another as you each would have done to you, there could be no preference except for that good that manifests in each one.”

Above & Below

In 1960, Sananda further guided Yolanda not to give undue energy to promoting one political candidate or party over another. As an United States citizen, she could vote for someone of her liking, for one whom she thought was best qualified to love one another; but she was not to try to influence others to vote as she did. Rather, in her prayers and projections, she was to affirm and recommend that God’s will be done; that each person do the will of God as he or she was guided from within to do so.

Moreover, Sananda advised Yolanda that the vast majority of her thoughts, feelings and actions were to demonstrate with El Morya/Mark the prototype of spiritual government on Earth (the I Am Nation), which would not fully be established until Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary redescended to Earth in their light bodies to usher in a New, Golden Age during which we will Love God and Love One Another.

In other words, as Christ Jesus had taught, Yolanda and we light workers were to render unto Caesar (mortal government) what was Caesar’s, but unto God (spiritual government) what was God’s. Thus, mortal government might get 5% or less of our attention, but spiritual government would get 95% or more of our love, wisdom and power. We might vote for a Democrat, Republican, Independent or member of another political party, but our most important and powerful vote would be for Sananda and Sol-O-Man as President and Co-President of the I Am Nation on Earth.

After all, some 26 million year ago, the Hierarchal Board chose (elected) Sananda and Sol-O-Man as the rightful, spiritual co-leaders of Earth some 26 million years ago. Was it not about time for them to be so elected by people incarnated on Earth? Were Yolanda and all light workers not to give their whole heart to loving them and seeing them return to Earth?

Middle Way Party

On March 14, 1993, when Nada-Yolanda was completing the third phase of her seventh major initiation of ascension and redescent, Lord Maitreya of the Seventh Ray and co-titular head of the Hierarchy with Archangel Lord Michael of the First Ray, issued instructions via Nada-Yolanda about a new matrix of consciousness and action.

Yolanda paraphrased Maitreya’s guidance: “During the seventh-phase rending of the planet’s seventh veil [and until the Second Coming of Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary to Earth and the second coming of mankind to spiritual awareness and consciousness], individuals and groups can benefit by using this formula in this exact sequential order: Peace, Love, Cooperation, Coordination. (To  download, read and print out Nada-Yolanda’s full account of the four-step Christ matrix, click here.)

Lord Maitreya is the Christ of our Solar Love System, whereas Sananda is the Christ exemplar and spiritual co-leader with Sol-O-Man of Earth. Maitreya is Sananda’s master teacher, whereas MaYa, Maitreya’s feminine soul, is Sol-O-Man’s master teacher. In Maitreya’s above communion with Nada-Yolanda, he also inspired her to call this new four step approach the Middle Way.

When Sananda was incarnated as Gautama the Buddha in northeastern India in the Eastern Hemisphere, he and his feminine twin soul, Sol-O-Man/Yasodhara the Buddhi, had experienced, demonstrated and taught the Middle Way. When Sananda was Christ Jesus and Sol-O-Man was his mother, Mary, whose teachings would spread and be followed especially throughout the Western Hemisphere, they likewise followed and advocated the Middle Way, although they did not specifically label it as such. However, Christ Jesus did proclaim: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Thus, he and Mary were masters of the Middle Way that all light workers are to follow in order to bring forth a new heaven on a new Earth, within and without.

Two Sides of One Coin

From the time that I joined the Mark-Age United Staff in October 1974, I thought of Republicans and Democrats as being two sides of one political coin, who were to cooperate and coordinate with one another, rather than to fight with and try to dominate each other. My goal as regards government was to be in and positively promote the center of the coin, not to favor one side or the other.

Since the founding of the United States, which serves as the New JerUSAlem for the whole world, the two parties have fought for control of the government, with no party prevailing for any length of time. This competitive, us-versus-them system has had its benefits, but like all aspects and departments of life on Earth, it needs updating, transmuting, healing and refining.

Time and again, USA citizens have voted for the party that was not in control, such that the government passed back and forth from Democrats and Republicans. Thus, the whole political history of the USA is a panorama of how the Middle Way has been demonstrated to some degree. Now comes a new step forward and upward in this application of the four step Christ matrix.

Middle Way Party

Following Lord Maitreya’s message of the matrix of the Middle Way, my idea and inspiration was that I would establish and be a leader of the Middle Way Party in the United States. It would not be a legal, specific, political party or formal physical entity, but rather it would be composed of all citizens who followed and demonstrated the four steps of the Maitreya/Christ matrix.

I envisioned the day when both parties saw the wisdom of working together as one team, taking the best of each party’s beliefs, principles and practices, and merging them with the best approaches of those of the other party; and thereby coming up with new, holistic (holy) programs and practices that would would serve and uplift all people, not just the one half of the populace that each party primarily led and served.

As the saying goes, two light-and-love-filled heads are better than one, two loving parents are better than one parent in raising children. Just as the two hemispheres of the cerebrum, which govern the rest of the body, work together as one, so, too, were all light workers to see the merging of the conservatives and liberals to create one golden coin of love in action.

Meet in the Middle

Back in 1993, Lord Maitreya had alerted Yolanda that with the ongoing increase of fourth-dimensional, spiritual energies into the planet, the Democrats and Republicans would become radicalized, more fixed and crystallized than ever in their own principles and practices. Moderate Democrats and Modern Republicans would fall by the wayside, as the far left and far right politicians would take over their respective parties. And this indeed has happened.

These days, each political party accuses the other of being evil, of being agents of the devil; thus to cooperate and coordinate with the other side is said to be the selling of the soul of one’s party. There now is an all out battle going on between the two parties, not only in the USA but also in democracies around the world. But the higher, overriding battle is between good and evil in each soul and in each party. This is the spiritual War of Armageddon.

Jesus had predicted that in the End Time or Purification Period, father would fight with son, mother with daughter, and brother with brother. In other words, all would become polarized. Men would fight with women; one race would fight with another race; Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hindus would fight each other for religious supremacy; and East and West would be at war. We light workers all around the world, therefore, are to ever more masterfully stay centered in and resolutely follow the Middle Way. Adhering to the Middle Way will lift us into ever higher levels of Christ consciousness, thereby lifting all others who chose to be uplifted into spiritual awareness and consciousness. We are to be masters of the Middle Way!

Two By Two

To demonstrate my own progress in applying the Middle Way to politics, in 2010, I dreamt that I was here on the top or second floor of Hilarion House where I live and work at I Am Nation/Sun Temple headquarters. Behind this house now was a newly constructed, huge, long pool that looked like the 2-3 foot deep wading-reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. When I walked downstairs to the basement/ground floor, and went outside and over to the side of the pool, however, I saw that it was 8-10 feet deep. Moreover, all 100 United States Senators were underwater in this pool, with 50 Democrats in the left side of the pool and 50 Republicans in its right half. All of them were all bickering, arguing and fighting with one another.

Guided and empowered from within by Spirit and the higher plane agents of Spirit, I walked down steps into the pool such that I, too, like the Senators, was under its surface. I carried a long, thick, strong rope and multiple shorter pieces of rope. I placed the long rope down the middle of the entire length of the pool. With the shorter ropes, I connected one Democratic and one Republican Senator to the same point on the central rope, thereby linking the Democrat with the Republican, combining them together as one, inseparable team, two sides of one political coin. Slowly, systematically, I did the same with the other 49 Democratic-Republican teams.

Then I turned around and faced Hilarion House, and climbed back up the steps and out of the pool, pulling the central rope behind me. In so doing, I started to pull each set of two Senators out of the pool and onto the dry, solid ground. When the dream ended, 5 sets of Senators were out of the pool, looking around with newly opened eyes and clear vision, joyously amazed at what they now saw, astounded at how distorted their vision and attitudes had been when they were underwater. Now they were happy and began to cooperate and coordinate with those of the other party.

The Power of the Middle Way

By way of interpretation, Abraham Lincoln was the spiritual father of the nation, who oversaw the Civil War between the North and South and their two political parties and principles, one advocating slavery and the other the abolition of slavery. In the days of the Cains and Abels, some 26 million years ago, the Cains had treated the fallen, third-dimensional humans as slaves whereas the Abels, led by Sananda and Sol-O-Man, tried their best to teach and uplift the fallen ones back into fourth-dimensional, I Am consciousness and light-body expression, from which they had descended and become entrapped in animal, third-dimensional physical bodies and mortal consciousness.

The ancient Cain error of superiority and selfishness had carried over into the United States, which was founded on the principle that all men are created equal; that everyone had free will that was not to be abrogated by those in power; and that there was to be the separation of church and state. Thus, kings or queens, or particular religious approaches, no longer would rule American citizens. Rather, the United States would follow universal, cosmic, divine laws and principles.

The middle rope down the middle of my dream pool represented the Middle Way of peace, love, cooperation and coordination. 50 sets of two Senators portrayed healing, unification and integration of the Fifth Ray, the binding up and healing of the nation’s wounds between the two political parties; and integration of the 50 states in the USA. 100 Senators symbolized the upcoming fulfillment and completion of this unification and healing process, such that a new day and a new way will be born.

Two as One

As Christ Jesus had proclaimed, where two or more are gathered together in peace and love, there I Am; when conscious and subconscious are unified, there is the expression of the superconscious, high, I Am or Christ Self in each soul. Therefore, our goal as light workers is to see and bring forth the spiritual awakening of all those in both parties, not to work for the destruction or preference of one or the other party. In so doing, we will become rich in Spirit; golden in light and love; one whole Christ coin; and we will rest in and demonstrating the peace of our combined I Am Selves and those ascended masters in the etheric realms. We will enter the kingdom and queendom of our Father-Mother God on Earth.

Five sets of Senators being out of the pool by the end of the dream represented the beginning of this spiritual healing, transmutation and resurrecting process. But 45 sets remained, which symbolized the remaining work to be done with the Middle Way during the remainder of these Latter Days or Judgment Time. Moreover, the five sets of Senators being pulled out of the water represented the spiritual principle that I, when I be lifted up, lift all others unto me. As light workers, we lead the way; we carry the rope; we unite together as one healing force; we use our spiritual power to bring forth peace and love for all on Earth and in its astral planes.

Stay Centered

As Lincoln proclaimed in his second Inaugural Address, we are to have malice toward none, but charity for all, thus to forgive and bind up the remaining wounds of the ages-old Cain-Abel conflict on Earth. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation abolishing slavery became law in 1865 in the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.

For me individually, my above dream confirmed that indeed I had come to a new level and new plateau in following the Middle Way. However, I knew that other light workers who favor Republicans might still think and claim that I preferred Democrats over Republicans; whereas light workers who preferred Democrats might think that I am not enough of a Democrat; and I had a series of “blowback” dreams and encounters with both such partisan political adherents and “enemies” of the Middle Way. Even light workers tend to have political preferences, to believe what they want to believe, not what the facts show them.

Thus, when we follow the Middle Way, we will be challenged and attacked by others of both political parties. Our saving grace is knowing and practicing that when we are one with God and His-Her Middle Way, we are in the majority. At times, we may feel mortally alone, but then we remember all those in the higher planes and dimensions, including ascended masters, angels and elohim, who support us in the good work that we are doing. We realize anew that we are not alone, but rather All-One.

In my case, maybe 1-2% of me still was and is tempted at times to favor Democrats, to be somewhat to the left of center. As long as I and others remain in a physical body, we will have the residue of personal, mortal preferences and biases, just as Yolanda did for almost all of her life. But as my classic dream demonstrates, the vast majority of me in 1990 was centered and functioning in the Middle Way; and I was more determined then ever to continue to do so, and so I have. Herein was, and continues to be, the fulfillment of my Fifth Ray healing soul mission under Hilarion and Harmony of the Fifth Ray. Herein is the Middle Way in action.

Pray for the Presidents

A year or two before Lord Maitreya’s dissertation and implantation in 1993 of the Middle Way on Earth, I also started having dreams and visions of visiting United States Presidents in the Oval Office, conference rooms or personal living quarters of the White House in Washington, DC. Starting with President George H.W. Bush, 1989-1993, and continuing to now, in my astral and light bodies, Spirit and the agents of Spirit have taken me to visit and spiritually work with three Republican and three Democratic Presidents. Since I am the President of the I Am Nation, with Phillel being my co-president, it has been my duty and function to work from the distance with the presidents of the United States.

Always in these inner plane communions with the presidents, they and I spoke about basic spiritual principles in terms that the presidents could understand and apply. Never was partisan politics mentioned. Never did I try to tell the presidents what to do. More than anything, while with them, I saw the good or the Christ in them and radiated light and love to them, without calling any specific attention to what I was doing. After all, being a resident or a leader of any groups at times is a very lonely job. Its lonely being at the top of a mountain.

In my daily prayers while here at I Am Nation/Sun Temple headquarters, many times over the years I was guided to say silently or aloud to the Presidents: Hail to the Christ in thee; may God’s will be done in and through you. In 1975, when Mark and Yolanda were in Switzerland during the First European Mission, Sananda had channeled that from that time onward, when we met someone, we were to greet this person by saying hail to the Christ in thee.

Even today, when I find myself getting somewhat wrapped up in, or disturbed by, mortal politics or other earthly dramas between individuals or groups, or when I sink down into being angry and annoyed with other people who are thorns in my flesh, my saying “Hail to the Christ in thee” is my favorite and most effective way of bringing me back to the Middle Way; of seeing past the mortal to the immortal nature of the presidents, other political leaders and all people on Earth; of having faith in Spirit’s laws and principles, not in mortal man’s machinations and personal desires.

Be a Friend

In 2016, I did not vote for Donald Trump for President. Of the six presidents I would visit, he was the most difficult and challenging for me to love and to see and hail the Christ in him. Given his flawed character, which has been well-documented, I could hardly believe that people had voted him into office. But as I would discover, it typically is the person you most dislike, the one whom you most see as your enemy, who becomes not only your worst tempter but also your best teacher.

In deep meditation on several occassions, I realized that if I could follow the Middle Way with President Trump, then I would be able to do the same with anyone in politics. In my better, centered and peaceful moments, I thanked Spirit for giving me the opportunity to rightly work with the President, to forgive him but not to forget or blind myself to what he still was doing in error, self-power and political divisiveness.

Furthermore, the majority of USA citizens people had voted him into office, at least as determined by the electoral vote, not the popular overall vote, so it was my spiritual duty to work positively and lovingly with him. I was to be positive, positive, positive in using my spiritual power to work with the President Trump. After all, he represented a whole segment of the US population. Moreover, he had many good qualities that I could and did support.

So time and again in my meditations and after seeing or reading some disturbing news about him and his cohorts, I made it a point and a practice to say: Hail to the Christ in thee. In time, when I said this, I felt a warm, loving glow in my heart — loving him uplifted me. I began to feel that I was spiritually reaching him in my light body; I was connecting with the real or Christ him, with his being a beloved son or child of God just like everyone else. Moreover, who was I, with my past history of soul mistakes, to throw stones at him? I certainly did not like others throwing stones at me.

Four Dreams

In mid-2017, about six months after Trump’s inauguration, I had a vivid dream in which I walked into the White House and went to the closed doorway of the room where he was. Two Secret Service men were guarding the door. I confidently shared that I had received an invitation to see the President. One of the two men went inside the room and asked him about this, whereupon he said this was true. The door was opened and I started to walk through it, seeing the President therein, but I awoke before moving fully into the room.

By way of interpretation, symbolically, on the inner, after months of prayers and projections to him, I now had established loving, spiritual contact with him. The doorway from my heart to his was now open. After all, he, in I Am consciousness, was the one in the dream to have invited me to see him. Moreover, because of my pure, divine love for him, those on the inner planes who guard and protect him allowed me to visit him. This was proof and verification that I was doing what was right and good in demonstrating the Middle Way.

A year later in mid-2018, once again I was called to meet again with the President. This time I was allowed entry to his inner chamber right from the start. But I was stopped when I got only a few steps inside where I was instructed by his political associates to wait, for the President was in a conference. However, he looked up and clearly saw me. He took good stock of me, the way that I carried myself, seeing if he could trust me, or if I was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He nodded his head in greeting me, with a warm smile on his face, and then the dream ended.

In mid 2019, as my third dream in this series commenced, I was already inside the Oval Office, sitting down and talking with the President who sat in his own chair before me. We had a good exchange, a kind of getting to know one another talk, but still mostly on a surface level, man to man. However, I felt more connected and at one with his indwelling I Am Self than I had in the two prior dreams. And he was more gracious, attentive and loving with me. His mean mouth and combative, competitive nature, his win-at-all-costs attitude was nowhere evident.

Fourth Ray Manifestation

Then in early spring 2020, my fourth dream meeting with him was the most loving one yet. It still was not about politics or anything deeply philosophical or spiritual. But I had the most amazing, uplifting and loving connection with his Christ Self in the core of and around him. From within, via my opened all-seeing or third eye, I saw his spiritual heart that was filled with and emanated peace and love. I thought to myself that I would love to be friends, even brothers, with this man. In fact, we were now friends who loved one another. Then I awoke in a daze of light and love, astonished at my revelatory Christ-to-Christ experience, my heart full and glowing brightly.

This last of the four dreams “blew me away.” All my past annoyances, disagreements and limited judgments of him had been shattered and put aside. Not just in my thinking, but in my actual light-body connection with him, I knew without a doubt that this man was a son of God, who was trying his best to do what he thought was right and good for the country. This I Am to I Am communion with him completely changed my overly negative opinions of him.

It was not that I now agreed with everything he thought, said and did, some of which still were filled with error, selfishness, braggadocio, mean spiritedness and arbitrary political preferences. But I had looked past these soul and personal imperfections and weaknesses to the Christ core of him, and I now was better able to keep my eye single on it. I knew in my heart that he had been changed by my spiritual work with him over the past four years, for he likewise treated me as a fellow spiritual being. The evidence was clearly before and within me. Upon my awakening from this dream, through my tears, I thanked Spirit and the agents of Spirit who had been working with and through me, and with him!

Upward Spiral

Still, however, I knew from much past spiritual experience in working for the healing and upliftment of others, not to mention in my own ongoing soul transmutation, that President Trump quite likely now  would take one step backward, after the past four years when he had taken two spiritual steps forward. True healing is always an upward, spiralling process, two steps up the spiral toward I Am consciousness, then one step back into soul cleansing, then two more steps upward. The new light and love now anchored within him would dislodge and reveal more of the soul/mortal negativity within him, so that he could transmute, heal and rise above it.

And that indeed happened especially and most evidently when Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden, when Trump made the repeated, over-the-top, unverified, false claim that he had been robbed and cheated in the election. Trump had always thought of himself as a winner, not a loser, whether it be in politics, personal relationships, sports or business.  Therefore, to lose was his worst nightmare in his ongoing soul transmutation.

Rather than take this opportunity to work on his winner-loser, superiority-inferiority complex, rather than humble himself before God and seek comfort, correction and care from Him-Her, he consciously and willfully chose to believe that he had been illegally defeated by the Democrats, and he set out to prove this. Others in the MAGA (Make America Great Again) ranks who supported him stormed the halls of Congress and took it over on January 6, 2021. And Trump, the former New York City street brawler who now felt that he was above the US Constitution and the  law of the land, supported them.

I stepped back from this ongoing mortal/soul drama, and stayed centered and at peace. After all, you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make this horse drink. Nonetheless, as guided from within, I continued to see the Christ in ex-president Trump. I followed the Middle Way and became still more masterful of it. Perhaps, I thought, at some time he will drink of the waters of life, not of the polluted waters of Earth. I saw that day coming. I let him go to God and his spiritual, higher plane teachers in the higher realms.

I will cover more of this ongoing political/soul drama now playing out before us in my next blog, to be titled Be a Master of the Middle Way, Part II. Stay tuned!

Take Four Steps Forward

In your own ongoing mastering of the Middle Way, as you meditate this week or so, start first by affirming and decreeing that God’s will be done with His-Her power doing all things through you. Remember that to master the Seventh Ray mantrum of peace, love, cooperation and coordination, you first have to start with the First Ray of Will and Power. For the Middle Way is that between, and incorporating equal amounts of, the First Ray and the Seventh Ray. First, you must make the conscious choice to do the will of God, and then stay centered, composed and confident that you will receive God’s good guidance and power as how to be more peaceful and loving.

Take a new and deeper look at how you allow yourself at times to get annoyed, upset, angry, frustrated and confused, how you let some one or group rob you of your peace, rather than your remaining, radiating and projecting peace. Who is it that you still allow to “yank your chain,” such that one of the links in your chain gets broken and therefore the whole chain of earthly expression becomes non-functional? And what is your antidote to rightfully and peacefully dealing with this person or situation? Perhaps, you will feel guided to affirm and say to your tempter, inwardly and outwardly: Hail to the Christ in thee. That affirmation and demonstration is the strongest link in your Christ chain, from above to below.

Upon your doing so and totally meaning it, peace will flow more smoothly into and through you. Then you can say: My peace I give unto you, not as mortals give it, but as I in immortal, I Am consciousness give it to you. So, affirm and experience: Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me and then flow out to and bless all others. This leads automatically to the next or second step of the Middle Way.

Love One Another

Who is it that you have not yet fully loved and forgiven? Who is it that you have allowed to worm their way into your heart and eat away of it, thereby causing some form of heart disease within you? Who is it, or what condition still exists within you, in which you are more focused on wanting to be loved by some person or circumstance, rather than on loving the Christ in him, her or it?

First, you must see and know the cause of your inability to love rightly and purely. Then and only then can you heal, transmute and correct this soul imperfection. Only then can you love one another, whether that other is a person, group, political party or nation. Love heals! Forgiveness heals! Therefore, time and again, with renewed First Ray fortitude and power, make the decision to love one and all. And then do so. In loving others, you will realize anew that you are a beloved child of God, beloved by the elohim, the angels, the ascended masters, the visitors from other planets and the higher astral plane guides who are with you always, in all ways. You will become more of a master of tough love and tender love.

All Together Now

Then you move to the third step of cooperation. Within you, see and bring forth the cooperation of your conscious, subconscious and superconscious aspects of your one mind. Focus on cooperating with others of like mind and heart, not on competing with them, not on feeling superior or inferior to them, not on preferring one political party or approach over another. With the power of love, begin to draw others out of the swamps and pools of their negative, selfish, superior/arrogant consciousnesses.

Link with and love others, and then draw them up and out of the murky depths of their mortal, material, us-versus-them consciousness. You especially can reach all those near and far from you whom you represent; those with similar genders, races, professions, religions, ethnicity and beliefs as yours; your “rope” is already attached to them. Affirm again and again: I, when I cooperate with God and ask Him-Her to work in and through me as a co-creator with Him-Her, can lift up all others unto me into I Am, Christ, spiritual awareness and consciousness. Keep looking up instead of allowing yourself to be dragged down in mortal ways of thinking, feeling, remembering and acting.

One Love, One World, One Party

Your co-operation and co-creating leads you to the fourth step of co-ordinating, to uniting with others of like mind, to link Democrats and Republicans together in the Middle Way Party, to see groups and nations around the world coordinated in one-world, spiritually awakened consciousness, with all peoples loving our One God and loving one another. Become more masterful in coordinating with those light-and-love filled beings in the higher astral, etheric, celestial and elohim realms.

Especially coordinate with BIG MaMa and BIG PaPa, the two Seventh Ray Elos who powerfully and peacefully oversee, guide and love our entire Solar Love System. BIG stands for Be In God, to be of the Godhead. “P” in PaPa stand for power and peace, together as one divine force. “M” in Mama stand for Mother God, for Maternal, Feminine peace and love.

Even as you do all this, decide for yourself how much attention and energy you are to give to the political process of picking a new president here in the USA. Or, focus more so on the two parties in your own nation in the East or the West. Be wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove in evaluating the two or more candidates for president, giving less attention to what they say and more attention on what they do. Let go of any vestiges of your preference for one party or the other.

As guided by Spirit, see and determine for yourself the candidate who best loves one another, whether he or she be a Republican, Democrat or of any other earthplane political party. Decide if it is best for you to give 100 percent of your energy to electing Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man to return to Earth, rather than to vote for one candidate or another. Or find the best way to do both.

Sufficient Unto The Day 

Take your time. Have faith in Spirit and the agents of Spirit, not in any mortal leader or politician. Have faith in your own indwelling I Am Self. Make the best decision that you can make. Encourage others to do the same, to do God’s will, not their mortal will. Give thanks to Spirit for guiding you as you do so.

Be Peace, Love, Cooperation and Coordination. Amen. Om!





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1 thought on “Be a Master of the Middle Way”

  1. I apply the 4-step matrix as often as possible – when I don’t forget. For me, it’s intricately tied to and interwoven with “be here now”, focused in the Moment.

    Thanks for your in-depth explanation!

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