Be a Soul Surgeon

On October 14, 2022, while trying to rest and take a nap, suddenly a brilliant, clear vision appeared before me. It was of a heart-shaped lake nestled high up in, and surrounded by, multiple mountain tops. All around the lake were beautiful trees and foliage. The waters of the lake appeared to be crystal clear. Was this Shangri-La?

About 15 minutes later, in a following vision, I was once again at the lake, this time walking around it, not looking down from above on it, walking my walk as an “11.” In 11 consciousness, I saw that the lake had a definitive border/boundary around it, which was perfectly heart-shaped, or nearly so as far as I could tell. (See shape to right.)

However, l looked more thoroughly and deeply into the lake’s “water”, I saw that it was not fully clear, but rather it looked more like a type of gel, like unto transparent “Jell-O.” In my hand now appeared a sword with about a 3-foot, electric-blue blade. I took it and cut around the lake inside its border, deeper and deeper as my sword grew in size, until I took my power-filled hands and lifted the “Jell-O” out of it and threw it away on the surrounding ground, whereupon it dissolved  and disappeared. Then new, pure water flowed from above down into the lake’s basin.

Soul Surgery

The heart-shaped lake represented my love aspect, both Third Ray and Seventh Ray components, but especially the Third Ray on this 3rd day of focusing on Temple Eleven. The setting high in the mountains in a pristine area, with no physical/earthly/mortal houses, roads or developments, symbolized my own Eleventh Temple on Earth, like unto high up in and above Mt. Kilimanjaro, now descending to Earth.

I am at first above the lake, thus in my seventh or ascended light body. However, when I walk on the ground, fully empowered, the lake’s water component, meaning my soul, still is somewhat polluted. It still is not fully fluid but it is crystallized, gelled and congealed with some lesser soul/mortal feelings. The sword is the First Ray sword of truth, with which I am to “cut out the crap” in my lungs and heart. My arms and hands are First Ray power instruments, those of a spiritual, holistic surgeon.

But where was this lung/heart gunk coming from? Yesterday, October 20, 2022, the answer flowed more fully. While cleaning up the bottom, ground-floor apartment here in Hilarion House (I live upstairs), where I had lived in the past, I became short of breath, with pain and pressure in my chest, especially in my two lungs (will) that surround my heart (love). I thought at first that it was from breathing in the dust and dead ladybug debris there that I was sweeping up, even though I was wearing a good mask. And partly, physically, it was. I became so short of breath, that I stopped cleaning and went upstairs to rest and recover.

For a hour, old memories surfaced in my lungs and heart as I coughed and hacked and had trouble breathing, times when others had willfully demeaned, denigrated and mistreated me, when they had speared me in my chest, when they had tried to impose their superior, arrogant will on me. I thought I had forgiven these Cain-like ones. But now I was super angry, ready to cut them to shreds, to cut off parts of their anatomy. I was astounded and rightly afraid of how angry I was, in the throes of which I might something really stupid; would do even worse unto others than they had done unto me.

Physician, Heal Thyself

Eventually, though, I realized that my anger was partly misdirected. For, looking back on these past battles, I had allowed such nasty ones to do what they did without challenging them, without wielding my sword of truth, without standing up for myself, without pointing out their superior, arrogant attitudes and actions under the misapplication of the First and Third Rays.

Yes, I had made errors in the past, but no one then had the right to impose his or her will on me, to dump on me, to treat me in superior fashion, to enslave me in his or her power-mongering attitudes and actions. If they were true spiritual brothers and sisters, true spiritual teachers, they would have rightly helped me, not hurt me; have used their swords to serve me, not as weapons.

On my own crazy side of the equation, I had let my shame and guilt over past mistakes, my fear that I would repeat them, my unwillingness to rightly wield the sword to make me a ready target for those who were all too happy to lord it over on me, to prove their superiority, that they were right and I was wrong. No one has mortal, selfish power over us unless we let them do so, unless we give away our power to them.

On the third day of my first week in Eleven consciousness, in and through my third or throat chakra, my task was to clean out my respiratory system (will) and muscular system (power) with my sword of truth; and then to wield my spiritual, surgical sword rightly with others.

It was time to say “no more, never again, get thee behind me Satan” to my “enemies;” to breathe in God’s Good will and to clear out the pathway forward in front me; to cut out the congealed gunk in my lungs and heart-shape lake, to fill it anew with His-Her will and power. Then and only then could I rightly love and serve others, near and far away from me.

Thus, I was positioned to develop new proficiency and mastery in the combined use of the First Ray with that of the Third Ray and Seventh Ray, to be 137 in action that brings forth new “waters of life” that fill up my lungs, my limbs and eventually my heart/lake. Indeed, I spent the rest of the day doing so, with some ongoing success. I talked my talk, and walked my walk as best as I knew how to do.


In doing so, it also became clear to me that many of my symptoms were the blowback from the two blogs I have posted about Temple Eleven at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa. My seemingly physical and soul disorders were not so much because I was doing or had done something wrong, but rather because I had rightly spoken Words of Truth. Many folks on Earth and in the astral planes are not happy about these blogs and their messages, for my writings expose their selfishness and abuse of power, now and in the past, in regards to Africa, the least of these, as well as in regard to me as the stand-in for Sananda. Rather than seeing their own darkness, their own “dust and dead bugs,” they try to “bug” me and blame me for their own superiority, arrogance and being on their “high and mighty horses” whereupon they “poop” on others.

Even those in the seventh or highest astral plane still have about 10% of error-ridden mortal/soul consciousness (dead bugs) that needs to be cut out of their minds, souls and astral bodies. Some degree of Cain consciousness, hence feeling superior and treating others as being lesser or as slaves, still is there. Blowback coming from the seventh astral plane to us as light workers is often the worst of all, because it comes with the greatest power. That is what was mostly hurting my lungs and heart, their superior stuff that starts with an “s” (selfishness) and ends with a “t” (temper tantrum). This is a four letter word that symbolizes the garbage in the four lower bodies: mental, emotional, astral and physical.

This morning, Friday, October 21, 2022, in my meditation, still feeling some residual tightness in my chest, the thing that helped me the most in my rightly dealing with the residual of this ongoing battle between good and evil was linking with Archangel Michael of the First Ray, along with his feminine angelic counterpart, Lady Mariel; and with El Morya who is Chohan or Director of the First Ray, and with his twin soul, Glo-Ria.

I visualized them standing around me, which brought me great relief, peace in my mind, soul and body. I “heard” they say to me as Soliel-Robert: For this have you come, to slay everyone in the Spirit, to do spiritual surgery on the soul of man, to heal humanity, to serve one and all by exposing their darkness that they are then to slay in themselves, so that they may be born again as the Abels that they are.

The 4 Ms surrounded me and empowered me anew in rightly wielding my surgical sword to cut away the relatively small amount of crap surfacing from within my own soul, but mostly from the arrogance and selfishness and willfulness of those on Earth and in the astral planes. Hey, I said, you superior folks would be wise not to mess with Michael or Morya, Mariel or Glo-Ria, or me, Soliel, or you are you are not going to like what happens. You really do not want to get stuck with our combined sword of truth! If you do not shape up, you will be shipped out!

Even as I was experiencing all of this, I also was aware of the presence of Kil-I-Man and Afri-Ka, the co-leaders of Planet Eleven, who demonstrate the combined energies of the First, Third and Seventh Rays. I was mostly working with the First Ray and both of them were helping me with this.

I finished my meditation by affirming: I love everyone in the Family of Man; I Am here to help and heal, not to harm or hurt anyone with my sword of truth. To all my Earthly soul brothers and sisters, I said: Go and do likewise; be healed by the renewing of your minds and hearts.

Be an Oxygenated Lake of Love

Whose negative feelings are you still carrying around in your lungs and heart?  Whose Third Ray selfishness still is in evidence in your life? Who do you still allow to dump on you without setting this person straight? Who are you to now cut out of your heart and life? Who is it that you finally are you going to stand up to and say “no more?” To say, either shape up or you will get shipped out from Eden, from Shangri-La, from the 11th Temple, even from the solar system?

Ask Michael and Mariel, Morya and Glo-Ria to help you to rightly wield the sword of truth. And then use it to cut out the gunk in your lungs (throat chakra) and heart (heart chakra). Say: goodbye, good riddance, adios, I bid you adieu. See new and wondrous waters of life pouring down and into you, from above to below, from the angels and ascended masters and space visitors from Planet 11 to you on Earth. Be ready now to begin to rightly slay others in the Spirit, just as you have been slain by Spirit.

Wield the sword and be the “11” that you are! Amen.