Be Here, There, Everywhere

On October 13, 2022, in the second half of my 2-hour morning meditation, suddenly before me in my third eye vision appeared a dazzling, mostly grayish-white circle. At first, it reminded me a bit of the artistic image of Planet X or Ten that I posted in my prior blogs (see to right). But this current image was whiter and bigger, yet still located in outer space. What is this, I asked Kil-I-Man and Afri-Ka, the two co-leaders of Planet 11 that is invisible to man’s physical senses and space probes?

Back from them came the answer: What you are seeing is our home planet, Planet #11. With us, you now are there, as you have been in the past in its outlying etheric realms and on the planet’s surface and in its astral realms. It is now here with us in our cosmic mind’s eye, high above Mt. Kilimanjaro, aboard our ship #137, which numbers add up to an 11.

Moreover, Planet 11 is now right before you on Earth in your own individual Temple Eleven, clear as day, now that you have the third eye to see it. It is around and in your four upper chakras: crown, third eye, throat and heart. On this fourth day of your first week of focusing on Temple 11, it is manifested and crystallized anew, under the auspices of the Fourth Ray of Manifestation and Crystallization whose corresponding “color” is crystal clear.

See in a Circle

At this point, it dawned on me that what I was seeing of Planet 11 via my third eye screen was in a round, circular view of Planet 11 and the area surrounding it. We commonly think of our “third-eye screen” as being rectangular in shape, like a physical computer screen or a movie theater screen. But our third eye actually sees more so in a circular fashion, and not just in two dimensions, but in three dimensions, hence not just a flat circle but rather a round ball. The rectangle is symbolic of the third dimension and our five physical senses, whereas the circle/sphere is the doorway to the fourth dimension, via our Elementary Spiritual Powers, especially that of clairvoyance.

Next, the sphere moved such that it was located over Mt. Kilimanjaro (see below), and became a round spaceship, that of mother craft #137. On Earth, with our two physical senses, we cannot see it, although it is right in plain sight to our opened, clairvoyant, third-eye, round vision; it is like we have our own inbuilt telescope to see into other dimensions.

Seeing ship #137 over the bright, shining, white, sacred mountain, I was bilocated into it, as I have been many times before in dream state, without my consciously remembering or realizing it. Currently, wide awake, I was here on Earth, there in ship #137, and out in the solar system on Planet #11. In 11 consciousness, via my crystal-clear third eye, I saw and experienced solar system, interdimensional oneness.

Next, the realization and explanation came that ship #137 had descended around and suffused itself and its energies into my seventh, sixth, fifth and fourth bodies: 7) ascended body; 6) resurrected body; 5) light body; and 4) mental body. As above, now four bodies, steps or chakras below. As within, so now foursquare without. I was here, there and everywhere, one in the One.

See & Be 11

In your meditations today, the 22nd, a 2 + 2 = 4 day, be centered, align your will Spirit’s will, merge your heart with the One Heart, and keep your eye single and clear. Be ready and receptive to receiving new, multiple views and realities of Planet/Temple 11, inwardly and outwardly.

Picture a white-filled circle in front of your forehead that fills up you entire circular third-eye screen. The circle is mostly white with shades of grey, brighter and whiter than the past artistic image of Planet Ten. All around this white-grey circle are stars in the dark heavens, in the Milky Way Galaxy. As you focus on Planet 11, the white-grey circle gradually morphs into a sphere, whose surface features you see, like those you see on a full moon here on Earth. Do not so much as try to create this image, but make your self open to the way that Spirit and the agents of Spirit, especially those from Planet 10, are showing it to you.

Whether you psychically see Planet 11 or not, feel its presence and power out in front of and around you. Your inner eye lights up, your mind clears, your heart opens and flows with new love. You go from feeling confined to your physical form and mortal ideas to being one with all life, all forms, all kingdoms here on Earth and in its astral realms, and out in space, in and around all the planets.

The white light of Planet 11 lights your way, enlightens your mind, quickens your cerebrum, thalamus, respiratory organs and heart such that new First Ray Power and Third and Seventh Ray love flow through them. You now are in love with Planet 11, whose co-leaders are in love with you. What a threesome you are!

See yourself aboard ship #137, having been lifted up and into it by your higher astral plane guides, ascended masters and angels, and aided by a hieronic space beam. Look around and see that aboard are circular screens on which those in ship #137 can see all around the planet, being interconnected with spacecraft hovering over every other spiritual temple, power center or vortex of sacred light.

See & Be

Be a white, still somewhat grey in places, #11 sphere. In it, birth Temple 11 on Earth, at Mt. Kilimanjaro and right within your apartment or house, and in expanding circles around your property, town, city and state/province.

Be crystal clear. Be one in the One, with one all-seeing eye and two physical eyes, with both levels working harmoniously together. Be above and below, within and without. Be here, there, everywhere. Be 11 in action.  Amen.