Be Yellow

Today, January 18, 2024, we switch from the First Ray of Faith, Will and Power to the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom, whose corresponding color is yellow. So, to start, you may wish to visualize yourself surrounded and imbued by the Yellow Flame of the Second Ray.

During this coming week or so, link first with Yellow MaMa (Yellow EloHer) and Yellow Papa (Yellow EloHim). They are the primary Elo male-female team that head up the Second Ray. Elos are those beings who are closest to God, hence they are said to be part of the Godhead.

Think about and focus also the Archangel of the Second Ray who is Lord Hophiel, and with his feminine angelic counterpart who is Lady Hophiel. Ask for their guardian angel assistance, and you will receive it in your dreams, meditations and “aha” moments of intuitive insight and illumination.

Ascended Master, Devic-Elementals

Next, focus on and commune with Kut Humi, the Chohan of the Second Ray, whose past incarnations include St. Francis, Leonardo da Vinci, Lao-Tzu (the father of Taoism in China), John the Beloved (Apostle of Christ Jesus), Ananda (the major disciple of Gautama the Buddha), and Babaji who has appeared in a series of light-body manifestations on Earth. Kut Humi’s twin soul is Ella. Seek them and you will find them in due time.

Also, focus some attention at times on the primary Yellow Deva (masculine) and Yellow Devi (feminine) of the Second Ray, who work under the guidance of the Second Ray angels. The devas and devis in turn guide and direct the Elementals, hence together they are called the devic-elemental kingdom.

Finally, become aware of and connect with higher astral guides, such as astral Amerindians in North, Central and South America, who work on the Second Ray.

Begin With Blue

To lay a solid, faith-filled foundation, in your meditations and quiet times, you may want to start as you did last week by using one of the blue visualizations of the First Ray in order to focus first on spiritual protection and empowerment. In other words, see yourself within the First Ray Flame of Blue Light that surrounds your entire auric field and physical body. Or you may imagine, visualize and feel that you are within a blue Christ column of light, a tower or pillar of power, that goes from the ground, up through the astral planes to the etheric and celestial realms.

Or you may just affirm, decree and realize that you are spiritually protected by your immersion in the Blue Flame. Affirm that God’s will be done, and that you will do all things by having God/Spirit/Creative Energy do them through you.

Be a Yellow Y 

Other times, you may start your meditation with working first with the Yellow Flame of the Second Ray, seeing it all around you, protecting you, guiding you, sustaining and uplifting you. Maybe the Christ cylinder this time is yellow, such that you have the understanding and wisdom to see and know things as they truly are. This wisdom again serves as a protection device from any lower forces in the astral planes or in mass consciousness that wish to invade your aura and negatively influence you.

Then you can use the yellow Y visualization to be receptive to new yellow light/energy consciousness. Reach up with both arms out at about at about a 45 degree angle that form the V in the upper half of the Y. They also form a downward pointing vortex into which new illumination and knowledge flows as concerns what you now are to do in your life, as you continue your upward spiritual journey to I Am consciousness on Earth.

The new yellow light/energy/consciousness, the higher conscious understanding and intuitive wisdom, flow down into your cerebrum/head, and from there down your spinal column of light that is in the center of you. This is your spiritual spine. You rise up out of it and you come back down it with new I Am energies, insights and realizations.

Tree of Life

As given via Nada-Yolanda in her channelings and intunements, the spinal cord and nerves are the tree of life, which includes the record of our past incarnations that have led us to where we are now, whether we remember these past lives or not.

As the yellow energy flows down your spine, into your chakras and out your nerves to all organs and parts of your physical body, affirm: I am strong, stable and steadfast. Each day, also affirm: I am centered within the central core of my being and body, which is my spinal column. Do not worry about the future or the past, but stay rooted in the present. Take things as they come and imbue them with yellow light. Know that all is well. Know that Spirit will provide the answers to your questions and requests.

Affirm and see yourself following the straight and narrow path to I Am, spiritual consciousness. Carefully think things through via your understanding faculty. Carefully and with good discernment,  separate the chaff from the wheat, as Jesus put it. Wait for wisdom to come in a series of insights, intuitive knowings and Christ realizations that may take at least seven days to fully unfold and become clear in your conscious mind. Then apply them in the way and manner as you guided to do.

As you are doing this, know that the Yellow Elos, angels, ascended masters, devas and higher astral guides are working with and for you. You are part of a large team of innerplane friends and co-workers who are with you, whether you are fully aware of them or not. Thank them for enlightening you.

Stay Steady & Straight

Keep the faith. Keep on, keeping on. Grow evermore strong, steady and stable as the new yellow light flows into and all around you, enlightening and illuminating you as it did when Gautama the Buddha was spiritually awakened and enlightened under the Bodhi Tree.

Be who you are:  A beloved, wise child of our One Father-Mother God. Do only that which you are guided from within to do, without becoming entangled in the mortal drama and negativity of those around you.

By all means, have love and compassion for everyone, as it is fitting, and be of service to them. But know when enough is enough, when it is better to pull back into the center or spinal column of you. Know when it is best to let your yellow light shine, which will help all others to become more spiritually aware, enlightened and wise.

Be yellow, thru and thru. See the Second Ray Temple of Mercury, which is located in northeastern India, filled with new yellow light. See the entire planet surrounded by, and imbued in, yellow light.

As you see it, so it will be in God’s good time. Amen.




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