Celebrate Pink Love

Friends, celebrators, re-birthers of Third Ray, pink, personal love, here’s our joyous song for today: Celebration by Playing for Change, from the original song by Kool and the Gang.

Even in the midst of all the selfishness and self-power now so obviously prevalent on Earth, as in Russia’s attempted invasion of Ukraine and China’s domination of its 1.4 billion citizens, we continue to keep our eye single on resurrection and rebirth of Third Ray love on our pink planet Earth.

This is not denial or pie in the sky. It is rather our proper attitude and feeling, even as we feel the pain and torment of the times. So let’s keep not only our eye but especially our heart on pink love, the love for one another and all of God’s creations. Let’s celebrate love!

This version of the song is sung by joy-filled children around the world, who in time will be part of the vast contingent of light workers who will birth love of God and love of one another on Earth. So be it!


Enjoy, joy, Joy. And, get up and dance!!!

DJ Doc Kool