Double Up

On November 15, 2024, Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Mom/Mary announced to me, SolTiel-Robert, that they had repositioned their etheric spacecrafts. Sananda’s ship #10 was now above the North Pole, and Sol-O-Mom’s ship #01 was above the South Pole. This was partly in preparation for the Christmas cycle of higher spiritual energy influx that usually starts just after Thanksgiving and lasts until Epiphany on January 6th.

At the time of Jesus’ birth some 2000 years ago, ship #10 was above Bethlehem where he was born of Mary, his virginal mom, with his father Joseph protecting them. Sananda’s city-sized spacecraft appeared as a star in the sky, which guided shepherds and the Three Wise Men to this site. Thus, it was called the Star of Bethlehem.

In this current Christmas cycle, however, both Sananda and Sol-O-Mom will redescend and rebirth their light forms on Earth, sometimes seemingly alone and other times together as the prototypical spiritual father and spiritual mother who together as twin souls are the spiritual co-leaders, the king and queen, of planet Heart/Earth.

Double Birth

These multiple visitations in their light bodies all around Earth will illuminate, electrify and uplift the entire planet to an entirely new level of spiritual awareness and consciousness. The spiritual energy inflow from them will be double what it was in the recent past. Earth will take the next step upward and forward in becoming the Heart that it is and always has been. Heart will be born again. Our hearts likewise will be doubly reborn.

You, I and all other light workers will more clearly see them in our dreams and visions. We will more deeply know and feel them in our minds and hearts. We will welcome them with open arms and tears of joy. Come on down, Sananda-Jesus and Sol-O-Mom. We love you, serve you and bless you with our whole, holy hearts. You are our long lost Dad and Mom. And we are your beloved sons and daughters. This is our time of re-union as one family. Double amen!

Lucid Light

Three days later, on November 18, 2024, deep in my morning meditation, the murky, dark, huge face of a grotesque, evil woman appeared before me, and looked down menacingly at me. Her intent was to conquer me and destroy me. In time, the realization arose within me that she was the twin angel of Lord Lucifer, the fallen angel of the Third Ray of Personal Love, Feeling and Dedication to a Higher Cause. This was my first contact with Lucifer’s lady.

My first contact with Lucifer had been about one year previously, on October 12, 2023. During it, he had tried to tell and show me then that he was totally transmuted, but it became clear upon my further and deeper inspection that he was not. Rather, he was trying to “shine me on,” for around and within him was much darkness.

Thankfully, at the start of this current meditation, I had linked with all the First Ray forces to enhance and strengthen my spiritual protection, and to rightly wield the sword of truth. First, I had united with El Morya and Glo-Ria, Co-Chohans of the First Ray, and spiritual co-leaders of Neptune, which planet exemplifies and radiates the blue light of the First Ray of Will and Power. Then, I had affirmed and felt my oneness with Archangel Lord Michael and his feminine angelic counterpart, Lady Mariel. Finally, my most powerful unification was with the Blue EloHim and Blue EloHer of the First Ray.

Therefore, upon my first seeing and feeling the presence of Lord Lucifer’s feminine twin angel, my protection and power was intact. As part of one team with the First Ray elos, angels and ascended masters, I used my sword of truth to remove this nefarious, dominating, self-powered angelic lady from my forcefield.

Lucifer & Lucinda

A little later in my meditation, upon further pondering this stupendous revelation, the Blue EloHer and Lady Mariel shared that I was to call this feminine, fallen angel by the spiritual code name of Lucinda. She originally was of the light, hence the three letters “Luc” that mean light. However, due to selfishness, self-power and feeling separate from the Pink EloHer, she, along with Lucifer, had fallen into darkness, which had contributed mightily to mankind’s fall into human, animal bodies. Her pink light had become a muddled, distorted, darkened pink, even a nasty looking blackish red.

As given in the Book of Revelation in Chapter 12, which describes the appearance of the Lady Clothed with the Sun, Lord Michael had defeated Lord Lucifer in ages past, and cast him out of the highest angelic realm to the lowest realms of the angelic kingdom. As it was described symbolically, Lucifer had been “cast down to the earth.” Those angels in the lowest part of the celestial realm are like unto souls in the lowest of the seven astral planes, in that they have much negative influence upon, and control of, souls who are incarnated on earth.

What was not given in this Biblical Revelation is that Lucinda likewise was removed as an Co-Archangel with Lucifer. She had become a fallen, error-filled, feminine, earthly-oriented angel in need of transmutation. Thus, in my vision of her, her face was clouded, darkened and evil-looking.

Pink Angelic Lady

Then, the most beautiful, vibrant, feminine pink angel I have every seen appeared before me, wrapped her loving “pink wings” around me, and drew me into her pinkest of hearts. Once I had gotten over being stunned by, and somewhat used to, her magnificent presence, she revealed that her spiritual code name was Lady Loviel. She was the feminine Archangel counterpart of Lord Chamuel, who had replaced Lord Lucifer as the masculine Archangel of the Third Ray of Personal Love, Feeling and Dedication to a Higher Cause.

Lady Loviel had been chosen to replace Lady Lucinda. “Lov” in Loviel stood for feminine Third Ray Personal Love. Lady Loviel rightly loves the Pink EloHer who oversees and directs her. (See image of Loviel to right.)

I felt utterly, totally and completely loved by Lady Loviel. She was the missing link in my communions with the chain of Third Ray beings starting with the elos. Back on April 2, 2024, the Pink EloHer (also called Pink MaMa) first had contacted me and filled me to overflowing with her glorious, motherly, feminine pink love. I also had felt then the connection with Lord Chamuel’s twin angel, but only called her Lady Chamuel. Now, Lady Chamuel’s unique, individual name was shared with me, with her being Lady Loviel. It symbolized an entirely new octave of my ability to commune with the feminine Archangel of the Third Ray. It represented also that light workers around the world will now begin to feel her exquisite, feminine, guardian-angel presence.

Her vivid appearance means that I no longer will be so vulnerable to, and afraid of, those negatively-oriented Third Ray individuals in the astral planes and on Earth who are attacking me and hoping to destroy me. Their days are waning. Moreover, Loviel’s visitation signifies that a much greater amount of feminine Third Ray love is about to pour into the planet during this Christmas cycle, during which we will be “tickled doubly pink.” All light workers will feel it to some degree and in some unique way in their hearts. So, get ready for, and open your heart to, the best Christmas present you ever have had!

Shine Like the Sun

Referring back now to the biblical revelation of the Woman Clothed with the Sun, she was described as having twelve stars around her head, hence her alignment with all twelve planets in the Solar Love System and with its Sun. Thus, this sunlit woman was a representation of Sol-O-Mom, Sananda’s twin soul. “Sol” in Sol-O-Mom means that she is of, and shines like, the Sun. Sol-O-Mom, however, also  represents the “soul of man” or the Mother of God (Mom) aspect. She is the primary Seventh Ray Mother of Mothers throughout the Solar Love System. Her divine feminine love shines on one and all, in all places.

So, it is not just Sananda as Sun-Anda or Son-Anda who shines as the Sun-Son, but it also is Sol-O-Man, his twin soul and spiritual co-leader, who shines like the spiritual Mother-of-God-infused-Daughter that She is. Where these two are gathered, there are each one of us as a child (son or daughter) of God. This is the cosmic trinity of Father, Mother, Child.

Furthermore, in John the Beloved’s vision when he was taken up in the spirit when he was on the Isle of Patmos, Sol-O-Mom was pregnant and eventually gave birth to her son. In one sense, this vision referred back to Sol-O-Mom/Mary giving birth to Jesus, the Messiah. However, in this current vision, the birth of her son/daughter/child foretold the spiritual rebirth of the Christ in all of the 144,000 elect, those who have elected to serve God only, to serve only Sananda and Sol-O-Man as the co-leaders of the planet. This rebirth is ongoing now, some 2,000 years after John’s revelation. Moreover, this vision also foretold the soon-to-be, full rebirth of Sananda and Sol-O-Man in their ascended light bodies on Earth.

Wings of Eagles

After the Woman Clothed with the Son gave birth, a fiery dragon attacked her and her newborn son, hoping to destroy her child. This fire-breathing “dragon” was a symbolic depiction of Lucifer and Lucinda. The term “dragon” also represented Satan or the Devil. Thus, with the new birth of Christ consciousness on Earth, an all-out war has begun between the forces of darkness (those of the Devil/Satan/evil) and the forces of light (good-love). Lucinda represents this battle at the soul-subconscious-astral levels.

As given in Revelation 12:13,14: “When the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth [by Lord Michael and Lady Mariel], he pursued the woman who had given birth to a son. And to the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly from the presence of the serpent to the wilderness, into her place, where she would be nourished for years, months and days.”

In part, that “great eagle” was Sananda who as the masculine co-leader of Earth has always protected, and worked as one with, his twin soul, Sol-O-Mom. The two of them are “Eagles,” in the highest sense of the word. They are the ones capable of flying the highest in their light bodies, just as physical eagles soar to 20,000 above sea level.

In part, the “great eagle” also symbolized all those in elo, celestial and etheric planes who watch over and guide Sananda and Sol-O-Man, as well as all light workers. The “wings” of Archangels Uriel and Ariel of the Seventh Ray especially protect Sananda and Sol-O-Mom. Moreover, the elos, angels and ascended masters, including visitors from other planets and beyond the Solar Love System, watch over each and every one of us as “eagles in the making.” For in these trying yet wondrously uplifting times of the Latter Days, we are to fly on wings like eagles, including the wings of our own I Am Selves which propel us in our own ascents and redescents.

And then, as Chapter 12 continues, the battle goes on. The dragon/Devil/Satan does not give up, but rather follows new ways in an attempt to destroy the new child and its mother. For 26 million years, Cains have fought and won the War of spiritual will and talents, have conquered and re-conquered the light workers, have taken their power away from them because these light workers allowed them to do so.

This time, we shall stay centered, stand up time and again, and stall tall in our light bodies. We will let go the chains around our hearts and ankles that the Cain power-mongers have placed there. We will double our efforts to keep walking and climbing up Mt. Shasta, now called Mt. Abel. Our resolute and ongoing climbing will lift others unto us and unto God.  No more will we give our power away to the demonic forces of darkness. Rather, we will fly high and bring heavenly, Christ consciousness back down with us to Earth. Om!

Past Preparation

Nearly forty years ago, in 1985, Sananda had contacted Nada-Yolanda and told her that his ship #10 was positioned above the North Pole. Over the next thirty years or so, ship #10 slowly descended around the planet in a downward spiralling fashion until it reached the South Pole. This put a protective cocoon of light and power around the whole globe, which prevented those in the lowest astral planes from incarnating on Earth. This prepared the way for these first-and-second-plane-astrals to be transported out of the Solar Love System.

Nothing was mentioned in this 1985 communication, and in later communications, about Sol-O-Man’s ship #01, but it had co-participated in this Hierarchal planetary project, probably starting at the South Pole and spiralling upward to the North Pole. After all, she is the Queen of the Soul, hence the astral planes. So, to close off the lowest astral planes from the Earth planes necessitated her full co-operation and co-participation.

The fact that Sol-O-Man’s part in this was not described was partly symbolic of the fact that the Earth and astral planes were markedly patriarchal in their thinking, feeling and actions; hence masculinely biased. But over the last 40 years, the war between the sexes on earth and in the astral planes has reached a new and higher level in which many more men and women see and treat each other as co-equal but opposite polarities.

But still, much work along these lines needs to be done now. The battle of good versus evil is far from over. This War of Armageddon is about to intensify and heat up. Thus, we need not only “man” power but also “woman” power to finally win this all-out war between darkness and light. Thus, now, Sol-O-Man’s role can more clearly and expansively be described so that we, whether in a male or female physical body, can coordinate with her and work more definitively and powerfully with both her and Sananda.

Within & Without

All this is represented in the recent presidential election in the USA. Donald Trump, an unrepentant Cain since the days of Cains and Abels, who now is the prototypical wealthy white male who dominates women and worships money, fame, selfish power, won the election, but only by a small margin of the popular vote.

Kamala Harris, a reformed past Cain, who truly loves and serves others regardless of their race, religion, ethnic background or wealth, who epitomizes the right use of the Third Ray, nearly won. A woman of color almost won the election. Now that is progress. Sometime soon, there will be a woman USA president!

Moreover, the report from Sananda and Sol-O-Man via me, SolTiel-Robert, is that mass consciousness is now 60% positive and 40% negative, whereas in 2000 AD it was barely in the positive range.

Given all these factors, it is abundantly clear to those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear that a doubling of the input of higher spiritual energies starting with the Christmas cycle is about to take place. There now are enough of us light workers who will be able to handle and work effectively with the higher frequencies in order to accelerate the spiritual awakening of all on Earth. The masculine and feminine sides of each light worker are now in much better balance, so therefore we can have greater alignment and communion with our I Am Selves and those in the higher planes of life. We are now much more “in the pink” than we were years earlier. So be it!

Now we begin to double up. We become doubly focused on steadfastly climbing “up” the mountain and from its top to soar as on the double wings of an eagle. We give less and less attention to looking “down” and dealing with those who are addicted to various mortal dramas, who want to grab onto our ankles and yank us down to their level. We doubly let them go and doubly go to God. So be it.

 Official Announcement

Two days after Thanksgiving here in the US, on November 30, 2024, Sananda and Sol-O-Man once again strongly overshadowed me. Sananda announced that the Christ energy influx now officially had begun.

Three days later, on December 3, 2024, Blu MaMa (Blue EloHer) and Blu PaPa (Blue EloHim) of the First Ray of Will and Power contacted me, She to my left, He to my right. They formed a huge, blue letter V whose two lines were as arms that extended so high in the sky that I could not see where they ended. She was the left line and He was the right line. Down through the V poured blue liquid-light. The tip of the V was in my crown chakra/cerebrum, which strongly pulsated with the higher frequencies of the First Ray. The linear or two-dimensional V actually was in the shape of a three-dimensional vortex like unto the top cup of a funnel.

As the blue energies swirled down and streamed into me, I involuntarily shuddered and shook, quaked and quivered, and had trouble breathing. Eventually, I was able to hold the new frequencies, pass them down my spine to my other chakra centers and corresponding organs, and flow them out the bottoms of my feet and into the ground below me.

All new cycles and projects start with the First Ray. That is why Blu MaMa and Blu Papa were with me, working with me, lifting me anew into ascended I Am consciousness. All I could say was: Thy will be done. And then go with the flow.

As Within, So Without

Then, the Blu’s explained that with the infusion of the Christmas energies, all manner of physical disasters and catastrophes would take place. Like I just had experienced, the whole Earth would “shake, rattle and roll.” The winds would blow, fires would rage, floods would sweep the Earth, physical sickness and mental-emotional illness would develop throughout the planet.

Those who in prior months have done their spiritual work to transmute, refine and uplift their mortal/soul consciousness will now benefit from the new influx of fourth dimensional energies. Those who have not continue to err will pay the price of their selfishness. The “Kamala Harris’s” of the world will shine anew, and keep on rising and climbing. The “Donald Trumps” of the world will meet all kinds of personal and soul disasters. The law of cause and effect is impersonal. It applies to one and all. We  reap what we have sown.

Thus, we are not to fear any seemingly personal disaster or disorder within us, but rather we are to welcome and work positively with the higher incoming light to transmute any remaining weakness within our mind, soul and body. We are to stay centered, to stay grounded, to stand tall, to keep on climbing, even as others fall by the wayside. Nothing will shake our confidence or destroy our power unless we let it.

Father-Mother-God-Creator is in charge! He-She loves us and gives us everything we need to keep growing spiritually. We always ask Spirit and the agents of Spirit to guide and protect us. We seek and find, and new doors will open to us. All those in the higher planes have their hands reaching down to us, even as we reach up to them. We are about to be born anew as the beloved children of God that we are.

Up North & South

Think of yourself as being a miniature planet. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, your gaze is up to Sananda and his ship #10. But if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, your gaze is up to Sol-O-Mom and her mothership #01. Wherever you are, keep looking up and climbing up. Wherever you physically are, keeping looking up to the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. Wherever Sananda is, so too is Sol-O-Mom in light-body oneness. Wherever Sol-O-Man is, there is Sananda in his heart. Therefore, be in touch and communion with both of them.

See yourself in the center of the Earth, in its fiery core. That’s your right place, in your light body. You are centered in your I Am Self that is in the center of you, in your heart. The central axis of the Earth is like unto your spinal column of light. You can travel via your spinal column to the North Pole or the South Pole of your being. You can ascend and descend.

Stand tall. Stand in your light body that to start is about 7-10 feet tall. In your light body, you can teleport to anyplace on Earth, whether to the North or the South Pole, or to either side of the globe at its Equator or elsewhere, hence to any part of the Eastern or Western Hemisphere. Regardless of where you physically reside, you are not only a citizen of a particular nation, but you also are a global or I Am Nation Citizen that exists worldwide.

Stand as tall as the Earth is from one pole or position to the opposite but equal pole or position. When your conscious/masculine/physical self is one with your subconscious/feminine/astral self, you can be one with your I Am, superconscious Self and light body. You can be transcendentally tall! Indeed you can stand Tall, one with the All!

Stay the Course

Stay centered. Stay calm, confident and composed no matter what swirls or shudders around you, no matter what catastrophe temporarily shakes you, no matter who tries to “yank your chain.”

Be a doubly committed and dedicated member of the Middle Way Party. Talk the Middle Way talk, but even more importantly, walk the Middle Way walk. Be of the Middle Earth/Heart.

Hunker down and spiritually and physically protect yourself when it is necessary to do so. Then, when balance is restored at a new level, start walking again up the mountain. Some souls will come with you, others will not. All you truly can do is to change yourself, which is the most powerful way to help others. I, when I be lifted up on the wings of a great eagle, will lift all others unto me.

Be one with Sananda and Sol-O-Man, Ariel and Uriel, and Lattice and MaiTrix (the Seventh Ray masculine and feminine Elos). Be one with all those beings of all Seven Rays who are with you, for you, and working in and through you. Be one with Father-Mother God.

Whatever the storm is, within or without, have First Ray faith that you can weather it and begin anew. Have First Ray faith in Seventh Ray love. Love conquers all.

Be a tower of First Ray Will and Power and a pillar of Seventh Ray Peace and Love. Choose time and again to Love God and Love One Another. Rest in the Heart of God, the only place there truly is. God is the Middle Way.

Om. Amen. So be it.





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1 thought on “Double Up”

  1. This news is wonderful ❤️ thank you 😊 all-ways! I am like an eagle and I will soar wherever and whenever Sananda and Sol-o-Mom lead me.

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