Welcome Afri-Ka and Kil-I-Man

On this day 2 of our first of three weeks to re-birth Temple Eleven on Earth, at Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, and within ourselves, we are going to come into communion with, and welcome to Earth, the two co-leaders of the Eleventh Planet. They now are stationed over Mt. Kilimanjaro in the etheric planes. Her code name is Afri-Ka; his Earthly moniker is Kil-I-Man.

What follows is a summary of how these two visitors from the Eleventh Temple slowly revealed themselves to me in unique, multi-faceted ways, until such time that I consciously grasped and understood who they are, and what their code names are. Only then could I wholeheartedly welcome them into my home and heart.

Mac and Adrienne

Over fourteen years ago, on January 6, 2008, I served as a holistic healing channel for Mac Gibson, our beloved next door neighbor and co-worker in the light for the Second Coming program. His wife, Adrienne, who is of African-American descent, observed and added her energy to the healing focus. The day before, Mac had fallen and bruised his right-eye socket, such that he now had a swollen, black eye. He had had other head injuries in the past, including when he had fallen out of a car as a child, and falling off a roof as an adult.

In the healing exchange, I linked with my high Self and his, as well as our higher plane guides and teachers. Sol-O-Man appeared above me and surrounded Mac and me a sheath of golden light. I did some hands-on, pressure point healing, then worked with Mac’s auric field to clear out the residual shock of his present and past head traumas. Once his physical and astral bodies were in healthy alignment, Sol-O-Man placed a huge golden sphere in my upraised two arms, which I lowered into and around Mac’s head, with the bottom of the sphere being just below his heart chakra. This was the grounding in of his own I Am, golden Self and light body. Mac reported feeling much better afterwards, although he had received no specific images or ideas. To me, he glowed with golden light.

African Princess

After my sharing with Mac and Adrienne about what had been given to me, Adrienne said that she had seen the golden light around the two of us, and had perceived the golden ball of light over Mac’s upper body. She too was lit up in higher light. From her sharing, I knew that she definitely was psychic and tuned in. For years she had practiced yoga and meditated for two hours each morning. I felt a total rapport with her.

From the time I had first met her, she felt like a kindred soul, someone whom I had known in past lives. In this lifetime, she initially had been a Registered Nurse (RN), hence our common healing focus. However, now, with Mac, she worked with their spiritual center that they called Place of the Heart, in which her primary role was focusing on its organic farming operation; some of its vegetables and fruits Phillel and I enjoyed eating.

The next day, January 7, 2008, my healing focus and work was with Adrienne. During this session, the primary center or chakra for energy exchange was her throat chakra: She needed to speak up for herself, to call forth her own good, to help others in this way. At the end part of the session, in linking with her I Am Self and light body, she appeared in my inner vision to be about 7-8-feet tall, in a slim, sparking, brilliant etheric body. Physically, Adrienne has a slim body and is about 5’6″ tall, but in her light form as she appeared to me, she is “out of this world” with her face looking like it is not of this Earth.

Afterwards, when her light form had fully anchored over and around her, she reported that she had felt her I Am presence, that she had been lifted into it. She shared that in the process her third-eye vision had been filled with multiple flashes of swirling, other dimensional colors. Moreover, in the past, she had communed with so-called dead friends, teachers and family members. In one vision, when looking upward into the night sky, three objects appeared, and from one of them emanating a beam of light that had knocked her on the ground. I shared that these objects were spacecraft, and the beam was a hieronics beam. She said she now had goosebumps all over her body.

I ended up pondering and tentatively concluding that Adrienne was a “space lady,” one who had had incarnations elsewhere in the solar system. The “A” in her name stood for her I Am or ascended or Abel Self. “Enne” stood for Anne, who had been the mother of Mary who gave birth to Jesus. “A” it now seemed also stood for Mother Africa. I thought to myself, this lady is like a princess from Africa. When I shared this with her, she said her maternal grandfather, who is African-American, had called her “princess” from the time she was born. Others in her family and amongst her friends said that she carried herself as a princess. I thought the very same thing. But she was not a haughty princess but a truly humble one.

Loving African Lady

Four years later, on November 21, 2012, long after Adrienne had absorbed the higher frequencies in my healing exchange with her, I was with her in a room in a higher, ethereal  place, not of this physical Earth; probably in the higher astral planes. She was open, loving, lovely, self-confident and friendly. She said that she wanted Mark-Age and Place of the Heart to now work more closely together.

But, then she went on to say that she was in love with me and wanted to be with and serve me. And she indicated that she would like to even have a sexual relationship with me. She was still married to Mac, but she said that made no difference. Her love was for the most part that of a higher, spiritual kind. In response, particularly with the “red flag'” of her personal, physical desire, I backed up a step, said I loved her and looked forward to our new level of friendship and sharing. Inwardly, I thought to myself, I best be careful about how I proceed. It will be best to err on the side of caution.

When I awoke, I first took the dream on a personal level, with her representing a part of my soul. I have come to a new level of pure Third Ray love and service, but the temptation is still there to have my cake and eat it to, to have an inappropriate sexual relationship. I feel like I am being tempted in the Garden of Eden. So, I protected myself anew and devoted myself to be purely pink in every male-female relationship, an ever, ongoing challenge as long as we are in a physical body.

As to being about Adrienne, she obviously has grown in the last few years, but like me has some personal, physical, less than healthy and balanced feelings and desires. She wants to serve and help, but at some level she is still human, still physical, and she has to deal with this. As for me, I knew I was not going to talk with her about any of this at this time. Some things are best left unsaid. I was to let it go and do my best to be my most loving self. The rest would take care of itself.

Finally, I wondered if Adrienne represented someone in the higher astral or etheric planes, who was connected with Mt. Kilimanjaro, who was as a spiritual sister or partner to me. Back in September 2010, I had dreamt about such spiritual beings who were atop this sacred mountain site. However, all of this was still rather nebulous. The next step was not clear, so I turned the whole thing over to Spirit.

Three Lady Visitors

About nine years later, in July and August 2021, I was reviewing all of my visits with my ex-wife, MariLyn, to the thirteen temples around the world from fall 2010 to spring 2015. In late August 2021, I had awakened one morning with severe back pain, as I described in a prior blog. Pondering this, it came clearly to me that the Tenth Temple correctly was located in Córdoba, Argentina, South America. This was a new revelation and I was having trouble absorbing this input and the higher energy flowing to me from Temple Ten in Córdoba, hence my back pain.

Then a couple days later, on August 29, 2021, I dreamt that ascended masters and angels had taken me in my light body to an open, flat Earthly plain somewhere in Africa, which I soon realized was the Serengeti Plain. In the distance, I could see Mt. Kilimanjaro. This whole setting had a rarified atmosphere and brilliant yet diffuse light and energy about it. The plain fairly glowed with higher dimensional light and energy. Before me came three African women who were loving and so happy to see me. They looked normal enough at first, like other African women. However, they had close cropped hair, with just an inch of so of hair around their heads, which looked a bit like a hat without a brim, or even a yarmulke or skull cap.

One of these three ladies was its obvious leader, who stood out a bit in front of the other two and was their spokeswoman. She sweetly exclaimed that it was so incredible to be in this spot, how extraordinary the location and atmosphere and light were, how refined was the spiritual vibration of the place. After pondering this a moment, I fully agreed with her. I said to her: I “get it.” At this point this lady, actually all three of them, seemed so familiar to me, like I had met them or been with them before. It dawned on me that the leader looked very similar to Adrienne, who lives next door to us. She, too, has short, cropped hair; and recently she had begun wearing a cup-like cap on her head, made of multiple colors. But none of these three were Adrienne. I awoke in wonderment at all of this.

By this time, I had already begun to think that Mt. Kilimanjaro was the site of the Eleventh Temple. If Temple Ten was in Córdoba, Argentina, and Temple Twelve was in southern Vietnam, then Temple Eleven had to be at Mt. Kilimanjaro. That had been shown to me symbolically in my dream of September 2010. That dream now made sense to me. In it, I was about Mt. Kilimanjaro, where I saw the two leaders of the several light beings there. One leader was masculine, the other one was feminine.

Third and Seventh Rays

After my morning meditation, pondering all of the above, standing in my kitchen while preparing breakfast, I suddenly “knew” who these three symbolic, yet literal, visitors were: They were from the Eleventh Planet. The leader of them was the feminine co-ruler of the Eleventh Planet. There being three of them indicated that one of the primary focuses of the Eleventh Planet and the Eleventh Temple on Earth was the Third Ray of Personal Love, Feeling and Dedication to a Higher Cause. That made perfect sense, knowing what has been going on in Africa, as I shared in my last blog.

When I later reread my diary entries about Africa, the evidence was there for this new hypothesis. When Leslie began donating money to help Mark-Age purchase Madagascar, she gave $300 per month, hence a multiple of 3. When I dreamt that I was to go into a bomb shelter below ground in the central region of the Serengeti, I was to pay $300,000 to enter the deepest, safest level where I could be of most spiritual service to the area.

Now, I was meeting with 3 seemingly African ladies, who had obvious personal love for me and the area with all its life forms, but who also had Seventh Ray Peace and Love that the lead lady described. In my prior exchanges with Adrienne, there was a definite Third Ray, Personal Love and Feeling component; but she and I both wanted a Seventh Ray, holy, spiritual love for and exchange with one another and the work we were to do together. All of these experiences were a progression, a conditioning, a preparation at a soul level for what I now was consciously beginning to understand.

Finally, in this new flow through, I remembered that for 3-4 days prior to this dream, about once per day I would be working at my computer or doing something around the house in its remodeling, and suddenly a great peace had came over me. I felt it especially in the top of my head, in my crown chakra, like a cap of higher energy or a yarmulke. It was Seventh Ray peace and love. So, now I began to realize that Planet Eleven demonstrates and radiates the combined energies of The Third and Seventh Rays. Moreover, ten days earlier, Nada had overshadowed me and placed a golden ring around my head. Gold is of the Seventh Ray, as is Nada. Being a circle, it also represents completion, hence the proper positioning of all the 13 Temples around the world, all of which are plugged into my crown chakra/cerebrum.


Two days later, on August 31, 2022, when sorting through my past files, once again a serene, deep feeling of peace and love came over me, which I felt personally and cosmically. Then, slowly, the feminine leader of the Eleventh Planet totally transfigured me, moving slowly down my spine and chakras, until her feet were around and one with my feet. Oh my, what an extraordinary “hug” and feeling this was! I was quickened and goose-bumped from my head to my toes.

While still in her loving, total embrace, like a young child being held by his mother’s chest, the clear thought came to me that her name was Africa. For, she represents and loves all of this continent — she is The Mother of Africa. She, being of higher dimensional consciousness, thereby has taken on the name Africa, because she has come to love and serve all of Africa, every single soul in this continent, all 1.4 billion of them. She and all others who would be great, must first be made small in loving service to one and all.

Then, the idea came to spell the name as Afri-Ca, because the Romans named this continent after the “Afri” tribe in what is today Tunisia, just south of Italy. The Roman/Latin name was “Africa Terra,” meaning the Land of the Afri (plural) or Afre (singular). Another interpretation of the modern name “Africa” is that it means sunny, hence its northern or Sahara Desert part; with Africa being a girl’s name.

Still another version or derivation comes from the ancient days of the Pharaoh’s. In those times, one of Egypt’s names was “Kemet”, as so named by the black African tribes that populated this land. The ancient name given to the whole continent of Africa was “Alkebulan,” which means mother of mankind, garden of Eden or Motherland, hence where physical life originated; like in the modern evolutionary theory that man originated in the Rift Valley, north of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, where he from being an ape to a human.

Of course, this theory is only partially correct. Man is a spiritual being who God has created in His-Her image. Eons ago, a segment of mankind fell into matter and took on human form. He did not, therefore, evolve from animals so much as that after his devolution into an animal/physical/third-dimensional body he has re-evolved or is re-evolving into his spiritual, fourth-dimensional, light body. The current cycle of re-evolution may have occurred in the Rift Valley, but humanity has been re-evolving from his fall from grace through the past ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. Thus, the African hypothesis in incomplete and inaccurate, although it contains some scientific truth. Man’s evolution, to be seen properly and fully, has to be viewed from above to below, not just from below to above.


In my own ongoing flow of the above ideas and input, what came next is that the code name for the First Lady of Africa or Afri-Ca is rightly spelled as Afri-Ka, thus with the last syllable being Ka instead of Ca. “Ka” is the ancient Egyptian word that means invisible life force, that which gives life to and lights up the physical body, which upon death continues to exist and rises into the astral planes. “Ka” is thus of the soul or subconscious, and the soul-astral body. “Ka” in this way is similar to the word and concept of “chi” in Chinese acupuncture, which is said to flow in different forms through the 12 major meridians, but which survives the death of the physical body. In the West, we refer to it as “soul force” or having “soul power.” Since Afri-Ka is feminine, it thus only makes sense that her name is spelled with “Ka” that indicates her divine feminine polarity.

Pondering all of this, I felt Afri-Ka smiling at me, nodding her head, blessing me, saying in essence that this is her preferred name. She also indicated that this process is the proper loving relationship between her and me/us. We are to honor and feel her presence, in step by step progression, but she does not right off the top tell us her full name. And she gives us, as she did me, the opportunity to participate in the naming process, because after all I am on Earth, and this is only her Earthly code name. Every child has a “pet” name for his Mama/Mom,

To all of this I now say: You, Afri-Ka, you are my African Mama, whom I have served not only here on Earth but also on the Eleventh Planet during my sojourns around the solar system. Please do come on down and enter into our minds, hearts and souls. It is my abiding and abundant joy to introduce you to everyone. I love you! And always will!

Onward and Upward

The next morning, September 1, 2022, I dreamt that I was once again with Adrienne in some higher realm. She shone with greater light this time than in my earlier dream of her. She was more her Self/self, more powerful and self-confident, more balanced and at peace. It was a joy to be with her.

Once again, in a new and higher way, she proclaimed her love for and appreciation of me, and said she wanted to be of service to me and the Hierarchal Second Coming program. This time, thankfully, there was only a bare trace of her personal desire to have a physical, sexual relationship with me. For now, all seemed in good order, with her and with me. But still, I could hardly wait to see how my ongoing interactions with her might change and become even better, hopefully in the near future..

Upon awakening, I thanked God and the agents of God who had served, inspired and protected me in this ongoing cosmic mini-drama. In my dream, she again represented that feminine part of me, which is improving and transmuting but still has a ways to go. There perhaps is no greater challenge on Earth than dealing with personal love relationships. A couple months later, I shared the gist of this second dream with her, saying only that we must have known each other in prior lifetimes and on other planes; and briefly mentioned the Eleventh Temple in Africa. And I shared that if there was any way I could be of help to her now, please ask me and I will do what I can.

Meanwhile shortly after this, her husband Mac died at age 80. She now is dealing with her grief and loneliness. My cosmic love surrounds her even as I say little to her when I see her. Mostly, I do my best to be a good listener. All is well and in divine order.


Coming back to my narrative, even as I pondering and receiving the versions of Afri-Ka’s name, I felt connected with her masculine cohort, her twin soul, the co-leader with her of Planet Eleven. He briefly indicated that his name was some version of Kilimanjaro. The most common derivation and meaning of the name Kilimanjaro is that “Kilima” comes from the Swahili language, that of the largest tribe in Tanzania, that means mountain; and “njaro” comes from the KiChagga tribe/language that means white or shining. Physically, Kilimanjaro is so tall that snow and ice at its top never melts, hence the description of it being white. Shining refers physically to sunlight reflecting off the ice caps.

Spiritually, however, a mountain is considered to be a sacred place, for atop it one is closest physically to Father God or Father Sky. So, Native Peoples in all cultures worldwide see it this way — they climb hills or mountains on their vision quests to commune with the Grandfathers and Grandmothers, and other Ancestors, and via them with the One Spirit. However, in Kilimanjaro’s case, the climb goes so high that if you are not conditioned for it, you will develop altitude sickness, which Natives believe is caused by negative entities living in the upper parts of the mountain.

Seen from above to below, however, Mt. Kilimanjaro shines brightly with etheric light because it is the location of the Eleventh Temple, now mostly in the etheric planes, but descending to Earth, as it is being re-generated and re-birthed here. Our focus and task is to rise and then shine with the light of our ascended-redescended light body, which we radiate to all in Africa.

After much pondering and trying out different versions, suddenly it came as clear as a bell that the earthly, masculine co-leader of the Eleventh Temple code leader’s name is Kil-I-Man. After all, he is The Mountain Man of Africa. He is masculine, needless to say. “K” in “Kil” is composed of one vertical pole, above to below, plus two lines pointing outward to the right or conscious side, representing our physical arms and legs, via which we express First Ray power on Earth. “I” as the middle syllable is for the “I Am Self” at our core. “Man” stands for the male polarity of Father-Mother God, and for the Son of his Parents. Kil-I-Man is the Son, Afri-Ka is the Daughter.

1 3 7

For a couple days before this, it had become obvious to me that there was another Ray that was equally demonstrated and expressed on the Eleventh Planet and in the Eleventh Temple on Earth. Kil-I-Man with El Morya now revealed this to me: It is the First Ray of Will and Power. Kil-I-Man referred to the “K” in his name, its first letter. The upright pole of the K is in the shape of a l. It means that the first step in demonstrating Eleventh Temple consciousness is to align our person will with God’s will, such that His Power can pour out upon and through us, out through the two rightward point lines of the K. Those two lines symbolized expressing power via our arms and legs, hence the expression of First Ray Power.

El Morya Khan has a “K” in his name “Khan” that means leader or governor. In the the name “El” is another upright pole, and in the letter “M” are two such upright poles. El Morya is the Chohan of the First Ray of Will and Power.

In expressing Third or Seventh Ray Love, we may get lost or not be protected without an equal emphasis on the First Ray. We have to rightly wield the sword of truth in order to rightly Love One Another and to Love God.

This is what Planet Eleven examples and does, radiating it out the combined 1st, 3rd, and 7th energies and consciousness to all other planets, including to us on Planet Earth, especially and most powerfully at the Eleventh Temple located in and around Mt. Kilimanjaro. We are to be 137 in action in these three weeks of re-birthing Planet 137 on Earth. So be it.

Be the Son or Daughter of Kil-I-Man and Afri-Ka

In your meditations today, surround yourself in a Christ column that is eleven-sided. Viewing a horizontal slice through this column, it is an endecagon, also called a hendecagon in another Greek version, or a undecagon, with “en” and “hen” and “un” being one (1), whereas “deca” is ten (10); hence 1 plus 10 equals 11. (See image to right.)

Your Christ, endecagonal-shaped column rises up through the astral planes to the to the etheric and celestial realms. Coming down from the etheric realms are two poles or two co-axial cables. One comes down and anchors into your left cerebral hemisphere, symbolic of your feminine, subconscious mind and astral body. The other pole descends and anchors into your right cerebral hemisphere, symbolically your masculine, conscious mind and physical body. The two poles form a number l l with the left pole connecting you to Afri-Ka and the right pole connecting you to Kil-I-Man.

Once secured in your crown chakra and two cerebral hemispheres, the two poles descend into your third eye chakra and its corresponding two thalami. You may feel this as pressure, even pain, in your two temples, just above and in front of your ears. Your third eye is the second chakra down from above to below, first to your crown chakra, then down to your third eye chakra on this 2nd day of the week.

Ask for and receive new images that you are hold and radiate in order to re-birth your own Temple Ten. See light flowing down into your third eye and radiating out to your house or apartment, and the land around it. Keep you eye single and let your 1, 3, 7 light shine.

Focus on Afri-Ka and/or Kil-I-Man. Be open to and receptive to the presence of either one of them, or eventually both of them. Know that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of co-workers from Planet Eleven who are working with them, able to connect to you, therefore, no manner where you now live.

Focus first on the First Ray whose color is blue. Focus next on the Third Ray whose color is pink. Then concentrate on the gold and white light of the Seventh Ray. Which of these Rays are your forte, and which one or ones are those that need further refinement and re-empowerment?  Ask and receive how you are now to work with each Ray and with all Three Rays in combination.

Be an “l l.” Be “1 3 7.” Be the Son or Daughter of Kil-I-Man and Afri-Ka that You already are in I Am consciousness. Be your best Self. Be one with all light workers in Africa, and all parts of Africa. See  all Africans being healed and lifted the next step up their individual mountains and at their central, sacred Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Amen. Thank You!