Wrap it Up, Pin it Down

On June 3, 2022, at about noon, I sat outside on my upstairs, back deck/porch of Hilarion House here at I Am Nation/Sun Temple headquarters. I had a new John Grisham book that I started to read, even as I enjoyed the glorious, sunny day with its ideal temperature in the mid-70s F, with a light breeze. It was heaven on Earth and I was thoroughly enjoying it.

Shortly into the book, the higher energies built up, a space beam locked onto my whole head, especially my temples; and my breathing accelerated as I felt encased in a etheric forcefield of light, healing, power and love.

I closed my eyes and intuned with the ascended masters, the angels and the space visitors. Shortly, the realization came that it primarily was Archangel Raphael of the Fifth Ray of Unity, Integration and Healing who was with and around me, guarding, protecting and lifting me into a new and higher state of ascended I Am consciousness. This was part of completing the anchoring of the Temple of Uranus on Earth, in me and in and around Manaus in northwestern Brazil, South America.

Telepathically, Raphael said: Look out over the I Am Nation property. Wherever you see greenery, there I am. Peering out, everyplace around me was green, in the “holler” or valley of the property with its green grass and green trees, and all the hillsides as far as I could see in three directions. (See picture to right/above.) Our property was/is truly a Garden of Eden — ecstatic tears of joy poured down my face.

Anavilhanas Lodge

Then, I vividly recalled when Lord Raphael first had given me similar instructions. It was about 11 years ago, in November 2011, when my ex-wife and I were in the Amazon Rainforest on the South American Mission. We had flown from Brasilia to Manaus, Brazil, stayed overnight there, and then traveled in a van for three hours northwest to the Anavilhanas Lodge located alongside the Black River where it is about to merge into the Amazon River. We would stay there for a full 5 days.

Sitting in the back of the van that was carrying us there, Lord Raphael had strongly overshadowed me and advised me to look around as we rode down the road. He said that wherever I saw greenery, there he was in the midst of and overseeing this vast rainforest. Of course, upon looking in every direction, I saw greenery of every imaginable size and shape. And Lord Raphael’s angelic presence was clearly and powerfully present; he was particularly working with the devas and elementals of this huge area, which is sparsely populated.

This was the 5th of 5 major places that we visited in South America: Lima, Peru; Cordoba, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Brasilia, the capital of Brazil; and Manaus/Anavilhanas Lodge Brazil. (See map to right.)

Lord Raphael said he would be our major guide during this 5th and final stop. He would “pin down” the canopy of green light over Manaus and the surrounding rainforest, and then link it with all the other four sites, thereby encasing all of South America in a huge, continental canopy or pentagon of Fifth Ray green light of unity and integration. And that is just what happed.

Back then, I had no conscious idea whatsoever that the Temple of Uranus was located in and around Manaus, and extended outward to most of the northern half of South America. That realization did not come until spring 2015, when our worldwide travels to re-open the thirteen temples, power centers or vortices of higher light worldwide was complete for that period of time.

Here I was now at I Am Nation/Sun Temple HQ, peering out on its vast greenery, feeling Lord Raphael’s majestic presence. I was in my own unique “Anavilhanas Lodge,” but with only a small creek flowing through our property. Time merged, it was all one, it was like just yesterday I had returned from Brazil. It was magical and mystical. It was unity and oneness personified!

Angels And Man

Going back about 50 years, on October 27, 1971, Lord Raphael had channeled the following via Nada-Yolanda, as found on page 94 of our Mark-Age text Angels And Man:

“Raphael speaking. Those angelic forces of the Fifth Ray are integrating your consciousness, your experiences and your preparatory vibrational forces, to create form in whatever plane of action or dimension you may have existence. These integrating forces or principles are part of the very beginning of existence, never leaving, never separating, ever vigilant. They are inherent in the alpha and the omega of life itself.

“It is code-contained in my name and responsibility. The aelph in Raphael is for this indication; as are the names and the codes of all higher beings, to give them the mathematical, as you term it, understanding and protection for their functions and jobs, and is part of your understanding now to comprehend this never-changing law. All are part of the code and integrated in the One, Which is God. [Symbolic image to right is of Lord Raphael radiating Fifth Ray green light.]

“As soon as we have the dual aspects of God consciousness in operation—negative and positive polarity; or Mother-Father God, as you term it for now—we have the integrating or balancing faculties in immediate operation. For the two are one, and the one operates as seemingly two. Likewise, the third aspect of the Trinity, the Sonship or love emanating out of this dual operation and faculty, is one in it, part of it and totally balanced with it. I am not aware of any place or time, any dimension or experience, where the Trinity can be separated.”

God Heals

The name Raphael also comes from the Hebrew root that means “to heal.” Thus, the definition of Raphael is “God healed” with Father-Mother God working and healing in and through him.

Raphael first is mentioned as an archangel in the apocryphal books 1 Enoch and the Book of Tobit, with both dating a few centuries before Christ Jesus. In 1 Enoch, he is one of the four named archangels, and in Tobit he is one of seven.

In later Jewish tradition, Raphael became identified as one of the three heavenly visitors entertained by Abraham at the Oak of Mamre. Raphael is not mentioned in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, which only names Michael and Gabriel as archangels. But later Christian tradition identified Raphael with healing and as the angel who stirred the waters in the Pool of Bethesda in John 5:2-4. In Islam, Raphael’s name is Israfil; he is understood to be the unnamed angel of Quran 6:73, standing eternally with a trumpet to his lips, ready to announce the Day of Resurrection.

Full Anchoring and Opening

At our Hierarchal Board Meditation (HBM) on June 1, 2022, Spirit lifted me into I Am consciousness as I visualized myself within a 50-foot sphere or ball of green light. In this protective, healing, green globe, the agents of Spirit took me to high above Manaus, Brazil, where the Temple of Uranus is located. Uranus is the primary planet in the Solar System that demonstrates and radiates Fifth Ray Unity, Integration and Healing, whose corresponding color is green.

A huge green globe appeared over Manaus that was 500 to 1,000 miles in diameter. Angelic forces, etheric masters, higher astral guides and Uranian space visitors worked together as one to lower this sphere down into the ground. (It surrounded the prior image of a green pentagonal canopy over this region.)

The lower half of the green sphere was below the ground, whereas the upper half was above the ground. (See image to right of green circle/globe.)

Symbolically, the lower half represented the subconscious and astral plane, whereas the upper half portrayed the conscious, physical plane. The full anchoring and reopening of the Temple of Uranus thus was symbolized and foreseen.

Using this as our visualization, we are to complete the re-energization and re-empowerment of the Temple of Uranus on Earth for this period of time. This will take 3-5 days to complete.

Then & Now

I did not realize it at the time that it was primarily Lord Raphael who was overseeing this pinning down of the canopy or sphere of green light over and around Manaus. Being of the masculine polarity, Raphael was the one to direct and finalize this physical anchoring; to ‘wrap up” the month-long project to do this, and to “pin it down” into the very earth elements that the angels oversee by way of devas and elementals.

This realization did not come until two days later as I was sitting on the back, upstairs porch at Healing Haven, as described above. Lord Raphael had been the major angel to pin down this canopy in November 2011 at the final stop in the South America Mission. Now he was doing it again at a new and higher level. I had not had to physically travel to Manaus this time, but rather had visited there in my I Am, ascended light body.

Pin Down your Temple of Uranus

In your meditations over the next few days, first visualize and experience the full anchoring and pinning down of your own Temple of Uranus. As it occurs in and around Manaus, so does it synchronistically take place in you.

Call upon Lord Raphael to guide and work in and through you. Link also with his feminine co-worker and counterpart, Lady Raphael. Unite with Hilarion and his twin soul Meta. Welcome the input and assistance of male and female Uranian visitors aboard their Uranian spacecraft. All of these 5th Ray workers are part of your one united team, with Lord Raphael being its primary leader.

See a green globe of etheric light hovering above you, then being slowly lowered around and in you. It may be as much as 50 feet in diameter. Remember that originally in this series of blogs about the Temple of Uranus, the green sphere was only 1 foot wide, being anchored solidly in your heart. Each day of the last four weeks or so, the globe has expanded a foot or two, such that now it is 50 feet in diameter. This number is symbolic, representing the Fifth Ray, and literal as seen and felt physically around you.

Previously, the green globe was only anchored a foot or two into the floor and ground below your feet. Now it descends until half of the green globe is below you. It means that I Am, green, healing consciousness is anchored fully into your astral body and feminine subconscious (below); whereas half of it is above ground, anchored into your physical body and conscious, masculine mind.

With the two levels of anchoring completed, with your subconscious and conscious united and functioning as one green Uranian unit, your I Am or superconscious, healing mind is fully functional on Earth, in and through your four lower bodies: your mental, emotional, astral and physical bodies. You are “wrapped up” in your light body, which is “pinned down” in your astral and physical vehicles. You are one in the One.

Green Earth

In following meditations and visualizations, see a vibrant green glow around the entire Earth. It emanates primarily from Manaus, Brazil and lights up each of the other 11 planetary temples, as well as the Sun Temple. From this united gridwork radiates green light to all parts of the Earth. (See image of green glowing Earth to right.)

Maybe as part of imaging this, you are guided to just focus on one nation or part of the Earth, such as Moscow, Russia or Beijing, China. But in time, the whole planet is aglow in Fifth Ray green light. All on Earth are being united and healed.

Green Uranus

Focus next on Uranus. Physically, as revealed by photos taken from a space probe there, Uranus appears in a light blue color. However, this color is physical. What you now see is the green aura of Uranus, which after all is the primary Fifth Ray planet in the Solar System. (See image to right of green light around Uranus.)

If you are not visually oriented, simply affirm that Uranus is aglow with green, healing light. Know from within that Earth is one with Uranus, that they are linked solidly together. See yourself on Uranus. Be one with your brothers and sisters there. All is green!

Green Solar System

Finalize your affirmations, decrees and visualizations by focusing on all the nine physical and 3 higher dimensional (hence physically invisible) planets of the Solar System; as well as the Sun. See all of them as being integrated in the Federation of Planets. Only the Earth now is not consciously linked with this Federation. But it will be soon. As we see it, so shall it be. (See image to right of green globe surrounding the solar system.)

Lord and Lady Raphael, with all other Fifth Ray, masculine and feminine angels, lead the way in this new step. Hilarion and Meta add their green energies to this Solar System graduation, as do male and female Uranians. Together with them, we affirm and see all Solar System citizens being one in the One!

The Temple of Uranus on Earth is now re-empowered, re-born and re-opened.

Thank You, Father-Mother God. So be it. So it is!