Let the Good Times Roll

Here’s our song for today: Let the Good Times Roll by super ventriloquist/singer Darci Lynne with her puppet mouse Oscar on America’s Got Talent.

Yes, today, Saturday, April 16th, we are being quiet, reflective, sitting in the darkness, in the tomb, wherein Jesus and we are morphing into something brand new, something much better, something out of this world. But as we go through the day, the excitement starts to build, because tomorrow Jesus rises and resurrects in his light body, and we will rise up with him.

These will be the good times when the stone is rolled away from his tomb, and from our soul darkness, and like him we roll out a new life.

Hey, we may have been a dummy in the past, but now we will have our own divine voice, our own Christ voice of peace and love, our own body of light. And all other former dummies also will realize that they too are divine children of our Father-Mother God, beloved and loving. And all animals, vegetables and minerals likewise will be filled with new light. Amen!


All together now, 1, 2, 3: LET THE GOOD/GOD TIMES ROLL!

DJ Doc J