Be a Master of the Middle Way II

At the start of the new solar year on December 22, 2023, the first day after the winter solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, as part of my New Year’s spiritual resolutions, I (Soliel-Dr. Robert) affirmed that I would not vote physically in the upcoming November 4, 2024 election for either the Republican Donald Trump (age 78) or the Democrat Joe Biden (age 81) as the next president of the United States, if indeed they would be the final candidates. Both of them were too old and too partisan, Trump had too many character flaws, and neither of them advocated or demonstrated the Middle Way.

Instead, once again, as I had in the 2020 presidential election between these two men, following in the footsteps of El Morya/Mark and Nada-Yolanda, who in one presidential election had voted via write-in ballots for Christ Jesus as President, I now planned to give my primary attention to, and to vote spiritually for, Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary to redescend in their light bodies and to become spiritual co-presidents of the USA and the entire planet.

My goal, also, was to continue to be truly non-partisan, to be a voting member of the Middle Way Party. As such, I would keep my eye single on, love and vote for the I Am, Christ, Buddhic, Atman or high Self of both Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Leading all the way up to election day, as I and other light workers radiated our love and light to them, in time they or other candidates would fully reveal who they truly are, how able they are of following Jesus’ and Mary’s instructions to love one another, and how willing they are to transmute their soul/mortal darkness.

We would know Trump and Biden, and any other candidates that would come forth, by their fruits; and then we might rightly and wisely vote for one of them.

Stay the Christ Course

Therefore, I was committed to giving only minimal attention to all the media hoopla and doings of the upcoming and ongoing political campaigns, just enough to get a clear overview and feeling for what was taking place. Moreover, I would not actively or overly engage physically with anyone who was a resolute political partisan. If I did talk with such folks, be they hardcore Republicans or Democrats, I would simply say that I was going to vote for Jesus as president, and thereby end any partisan political discussion. Then in my later meditations, I would project truth and love to them.

Furthermore, I would not try to impose my will on any voter, but rather would advise them to seek God’s will and to act upon what the still voice within them directed them to do. Their decision to vote for one candidate or another, or none of them, was between them and God. Not my will, but Thy will be done!

Thus, given my overall Middle Way approach, I had no expectation or desire whatsoever of receiving any new, specific, enlightening guidance about Joe Biden, Donald Trump or others.

Be Blue

In the depths of my morning meditation the next day, December 23, 2024, Archangel Lord Michael of the First Ray of Faith, Will and Power, and Lord Maitreya of the Seventh Ray of Peace, Love and Rest, jointly overshadowed me. Lords Michael and Maitreya are the co-titular heads of the Hierarchy or Spiritual Government of our Solar Love System.

Lord Michael, under the direction of the Blue EloHim (the primary First Ray masculine Elo), placed a large, blue, etheric sapphire in my crown chakra and cerebrum. (See image to the right of such a blue gemstone).

Blue is the color of the First Ray. We always start any new project by focusing on, and manifesting, the First Ray; by rightly and positively wielding the sword of truth. We have faith in, and do the will of, God by having His-Her power do all good things in and through us as a son or daughter of God, a creation of our Parent Creator.

The word “sapphire” comes from the Sanskrit word Shanipriya. Shani means “Saturnand priya denotes “dear.” Thus, a blue sapphire signifies being “dear and devoted to Saturn.” Saturn primarily demonstrates and radiates the Six Ray of Cleansing and Transmutation. It is the headquarters of the Council of Seven or the Saturnian Council, the highest governing body of the Hierarchal Board, which is composed of the seven Chohans or Directors of the Seven Rays of Life, and the seven Archangels of these Rays.

Fortify Your Rock of Faith

With this implantation and crystallization of the brilliant blue sapphire and the corresponding new seal opening and expansion of, my astral crown chakra, the two hemispheres of my physical cerebrum, signifying the male/conscious and female/subconscious aspects of my one mind, were electrified and powerfully lit with superconscious First Ray faith, will and power. (See image to right of a blue brain and its auric glow and radiations.)

Upon my welcoming and adjusting to this, Lord Michael instructed me to upgrade and further fortify my faith in the four-step Christ matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination, which Lord Maitreya had given via Nada-Yolanda to all light workers in 1993. Michael then proclaimed that I was to become a Master of the Middle Way on Earth in these Latter Days.

Archangel Michael reminded me of what Christ Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount, as given in Matthew 7:24-27: “Whoever hears these words of mine, and does them, he is like a wise man [or woman] who built his house upon a rock. And the rain fell and the rivers overflowed and the winds blew and beat upon that house; but it did not fall, because its foundations were laid upon a rock.

“And whoever hears these words of mine, and does them not, is like a foolish man [or woman] who built his house upon sand. And the rain fell and the rivers overflowed and the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it fell, and its fall was great.”

Two As One 

To fortify and crystallize anew my First Ray rock of faith in God and of my God Self, I resolved to seek, choose and follow God’s will, which is to Love God and Love One Another. Via the Seventh Ray, I would do my best to love God’s will and power. The First and Seventh Rays are Twin Rays that must be employed together in co-equal fashion in order to best follow and apply the four-step Christ matrix in all aspects of our lives, including in the way that we govern ourselves and thus near us, and we take part in local, state or province, and national government and politics.

Moreover, via the blue etheric gemstone or crystallized First Ray etheric thought form, Michael instructed me to radiate this same information and guidance especially to the receptive brains/antennas of all 144,000 or more elect worldwide, for they, too, were to take new steps in perfecting the I Am, Christ/Buddhic four-part Way, to become blue brains and have golden hearts.

It was like there were 144,000 facets on the surface of my blue sapphire gemstone, one for each of the 144,000 elect. Via these facets, I was to project the Hierarchy’s instructions to all of the elect (those who have chosen to serve God only) around the Earth, in and/or near all of the twelve planetary spiritual temples, power centers or vortices of sacred light worldwide.

In my doing so, all 144,000 elect would be inspired anew to continue setting the stage and to solidify the earthly foundation for Sananda/Gautama the Buddha/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Yasodhara the Buddhi/Mary to redescend in their light bodies to the Eastern and Western Hemispheres of Earth, thereby to usher in the New Age of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, the Golden Age of peace and love on planet Earth/Heart.

Complete Step One

Note: You may now choose to stop reading this whole blog that is long and epic, about the length of one of our Mark-Age, Inc. booklets, such as Seven Rays of Life; and to go into meditation and ask the Blue EloHim and Lord Michael to place a blue etheric sapphire gemstone in your crown chakra/cerebrum. Once you see and feel this implantation, you can focus on anchoring and solidifying it throughout the day, and maybe one or more days. Via it, you can radiate First Ray blue light to others of the elect and all people on Earth. With this accomplished, you can read the next few pages of this blog and apply its information, affirmations, visualization and lesson.

On the other hand, you may want to read this whole blog in one setting, to get the overall gist of it, and then to come back and work with a few pages per day over the next couple week. Depending on how fast a reader you are, it may take 45-60 minutes to read this whole post. As always, follow your I Am, spiritual guidance as to what approach you are to take each day in reading and applying this blog in your life.)

Be Positively Protected

The next day, December 24th, El Morya/Mark, Chohan or Director of the First Ray, under the direction of Lord Michael who is his master teacher, clamped his powerful First Ray energy and consciousness on the right (conscious-masculine) side of my head and neck, which is his unmistakable contact signal with me. (See 1961 photo of Mark to the right; note his steely blue eyes that look deeply into you.)

With him was his feminine twin soul, Glo-Ria, whose master teacher is Lady Mariel of the First Ray (Michael’s feminine angelic counterpart). Glo-Ria powerfully stimulated and accelerated the left (subconscious-feminine) side of my head and throat (see a painting of her below/right.)

To further bolster and power up my First Ray protection and projections, El Morya and Glo-Ria placed what at first looked like a steel-blue, electrified, chain link fence around my entire Christ column of light that at the start of my meditation I had envisioned around my entire aura and physical body. (See blue lattice image to right.)

In time, I realized that this “wire fence” was composed of beams of power-packed, fourth-dimensional, brilliant blue light that crossed one another at right angles, like unto two blue sword blades or our two arms or two forefingers crossed before us, hence in the form of a lattice.

Their multiple crossings represented First Ray masculine and feminine energies working together as one, plus the First Ray empowerment of my combined conscious (male) and subconscious (female), in order to regenerate and rebirth my transcendent, eternal, superconscious of my I Am or Soliel Self; such that I ascend and redescend in my seventh or ascended light body.

Moreover, symbolically, the crossing lines portrayed the cooperative merging and expression of the will and power aspects of the First Ray.

As I now envisioned and anchored the blue lattice around me, I felt its glo-rious, Godly blue faith, will and power flowing into and through all of me, thereby uplifting and electrifying all my seven bodies, seven chakras and corresponding seven physical systems. I not only had a blue brain but also a blue physical body.

Diamond Crystal

El Morya and Glo-Ria also explained that the crossing of the blue lattice lines formed the outline of a four-sided, Christ, blue-diamond crystal, with one of their four apices pointing in each direction: north, east, south and west.

Each four-sided diamond shape represented the four-step Christ diamond matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination. (See image to right/above.) This Christ, I Am, diamond-shaped crystal must be anchored in, and expressed through, each of our four lower bodies; mental, emotional, astral and physical.

Solid Square

Furthermore, at times, this blue-light-filled-lattice around me looked like the wire screen of a screen door, which likewise has a series of thin wires that cross one another at right angles. Such a screen or lattice, with its multiple small openings, allows one who is inside a house to see outside the house, but prevents literal and/or symbolic bugs, bees, scorpions, snakes and other potentially harmful creatures, including negative humans on Earth and in the astral planes, from entering through the door of one’s holy house (church or temple), in their attempt to impose their will upon us, to con and control us, and to take away our spiritual power.

In such a wire screen, the crossed lines typically form squares that are flat on the top, the bottom and both sides. Once again, this four-sided form represents the Fourth Ray of manifestation and crystallization of the four-step Christ matrix. (See image to right of such a square.)

Thus the First Ray works in conjunction with, protects and facilitates the manifestation of divine Seventh Ray peace, love, cooperation and coordination in and through our thoughts, feelings memories and physical body.

The diamond or square is the symbol of the Fourth Ray, which manifests in and through our third- or all-seeing eye of our astral body, as well as via our five physical senses of our physical body. The Fourth Ray portrays the universal principle of “as above, so below; as within, so without.”

Via our crystal-clear or clairvoyant vision, we can see not only into our own soul, but also into the souls who appear before us, they the are on the other side of our “wire screen.” Thus, we not only see a person’s physical form, but also his or her astral body and auric field. In this way, we see and know the whole person, not just his or her outer persona and physical appearance. We see any person for who he or she truly is, not just for what this individual wants us to see. We see the truth and it sets us free to wield the sword and to love this whole person.

Sheep & Wolves

In my previous visualizations of seeing the blue light of protection around my aura, I mostly had imaged it as solid, thick, congealed, blue energy/light — this solid blue enclosure looked like a thick stone wall around a castle, which no physical enemy could breach.

The new image of the electrified blue lattice/screen allowed me to look out through it and to see if any physical or astral visitor is a gentle, loving lamb, like unto Jesus the Abel, who is called the Lamb of God; or if this person before us is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a false prophet, an uncleansed Cain who wants to dominate, enslave, “eat” and destroy us. (See image to right.)

After wisely, carefully and truthfully judging any visitor, we then then can powerfully and masterfully use our First Ray sword of truth to rebut, cut away and remove any potential intruders from our forcefield. We can prevent some Cain-like imposter from tugging on our heart strings or entering into our heart, even as we stay centered and love the Christ in this potential intruder.

Upon my practicing this blue-lattice-screen imagery, I felt the most protected and empowered of any time prior to this in my entire current incarnation. Thank You, Spirit, and all the agents of Spirit. Amen!

Step Two

(Note: Here is another possible stopping point, whereby in your meditation(s) you can visualize, feel and anchor the blue lattice/screen around your entire aura or Christ column of light that is your tower of power, leaving only an opening at the top of your crown chakra/head via which you rise in your light body through the seven astral planes and commune with those in the etheric, celestial and elohim realms; and then redescend to Earth.

In this step two, you can receive and work positively with your baptism of your fiery light body, even as baptismal waters pour into you and cleanse your soul and that of others near to, and far away from, you. The winds of change will blow, the cleansing waters of life will flow in you, the river of life descending and moving through you will quench your spiritual thirst but also purify you. Your blue sapphire rock of faith will further solidify and manifest. You now are better able as an I Am Abel to slay any Cain who tries to sneak up behind you and defeat you.

Four Realms

During my following month, I continued to solidly and fully anchor the new, blue, etheric sapphire in my crown chakra/astral body and my cerebrum/physical body — incrementally, I became a newly righteous rock of faith. Moreover, the blue lattice/screen around me became a living, powerful, fully-evidential and functioning reality. More than before, I now was blue through and through.

During this month, I slowly realized how this fourth-dimensional sapphire had made its way from God, to the First Ray Blue Elo-Him and Blue EloHer (his feminine counterpart), to Lord Michael and Lady Mariel, to El Morya and Glo-Ria, and to my masculine and feminine body devas that helped to shape and firmly anchor the sapphire in my crown chakra and physical brain. So, it takes four steps, four realms or “kingdoms” for this to take place: elos, angels, ascended masters and devas, with the devas working under and carrying out the decrees of the angels. As above, in four steps, so now below.

Beware your Blowback

Then, in my lucid, riveting dream of January 28, 2024, I stood near the top of a very tall mountain, like unto Mt. Everest, the highest mountain on Earth (see picture of it to the right), whose summit was only about 500-700 feet above me. No one else physically was with, or higher than, me, but I felt the abiding, yet physically-invisible, presences of my higher plane guides, teachers and protectors.

I walked out to, and stood on, the outer edge of a huge boulder or rocky shelf, and looked out at the glorious panorama before and below me, all the way down to the luscious, green valley at the mountain’s base. Then the potent, I Am cautionary realization came: If I took just one more step forward, I would fall over the edge of the shelf and down hundreds, maybe even thousands of feet below me. Therefore, I carefully and deliberately stepped back, rested and re-centered myself; and prepared to take my next steps up the mountain. (End dream.)

This dream/night vision depicted one of the major temptations that we as Christ light workers encounter in our ongoing ascension into full I Am consciousness on Earth; in our becoming a Master of the Middle Way. Jesus, following his baptism with fire, all alone in the wilderness of his soul, in his baptism with water, was taken by Satan (symbolizing selfish, self-power, arrogant consciousness, as well as one’s doubts and fears) to the Temple in Jerusalem, where he stood on the edge of its pinnacle or roof. (See image to left.)

There, Satan tempted Christ Jesus to throw himself down from the temple/mountain, saying that the angels would protect and lift him back to the temple’s highest point. But Jesus knew better than to do so, to tempt God, for God via His-Her angels can only protect us to the degree that we selflessly do the will of, and love, God Who is the One Power and Presence. If we choose to self-destruct, to kill ourselves, then God and the agents of God have to honor our willful desire.

Keep Climbing

Thus, at every step of the way in our climb to Christhood, we may be tempted to let down or even open our blue lattice/screen; to descend into lesser consciousness; to allow others of lesser mastery of the Middle Way to enter our forcefield and drag us down into their mortal-soul dramas; to give our power away to subtle or overt power-mongers; to try to impose our will and power on others; to give up our arduous climb and to search and settle for mortal/soul peace and selfish love; to fall prey to our own mortal doubts, fears, and superior-inferior ideas and feelings; and thereby to once again become a Cain, rather than an Abel.

We may allow Cain (a so-called son of of the Devil or Satan) to sneak up behind us, to slyly nudge and push us off our high cliff or rock. If we do this, we deny and give up the spiritual protection and empowerment of the elohim, guardian angel(s), ascended masters, space visitors, devas and higher astral plane guides and assistants.

In my dream, my being near the top of the mountain’s peak represented my being in the seventh phase of my seventh major initiation of ascension and redescent. However, I had not reached the mountain’s summit. About 2000 years ago, Sananda/Jesus and his twin soul Sol-O-Man/Mary did reach the peak and from there ascended into the etheric/heavenly planes; and Nada-Yolanda accomplished this same full ascent about twenty years ago.

Be an Abel

At my current level of high elevation, however, there still is a remaining, small sliver of mortal/soul consciousness and Cain selfishness within me, hence the temptation to throw myself down into my doubts, fears, worries, insecurities, lust and selfish desires; or to think that I know it all, feel superior to, and try to “lord it over” others.

Furthermore, those following me to the top have more Cain consciousness in them than I have in me. Therefore, in competitive rather than cooperative fashion, they may be jealous of me, mortally feel like they are more powerful than me, or feel threatened by me. Therefore, we always have to remember the ancient history of how Cain snuck up behind and killed Abel. Every day we must spend sufficient time and energy in seeing and working within the protective, blue lattice/screen around us; in affirming and demonstrating that we Love God and Love One Another.

Without doing so, we may unwittingly allow someone to sneak up behind or beside us, who with an earthly rock in hand may “bash our brains out,” thereby  shattering and destroying our blue sapphire crystal. Such a Cain may slaughter and kill us, leave our body to the vultures, and then dump our dead remains off the high ledge of the mountain.

In the Biblical allegory of Cain and Abel as brothers (as presented by Sananda when he was Moses), Cain, being the first-born son, thought he was special and entitled to most of Adam’s and Eve’s love, abundance and inheritance. But God, working in and through Cain’s parents, instead rewarded Abel because of his pure mind and heart, because he followed and demonstrated the four-step Christ matrix.

In response to this, Cain, in a fit or rage, jealously and perverse mortal power, then killed Abel, and compounded his error by denying his doing doing so when God asked him about his dastardly deed. After that, Cain mostly lived in denial of his soul darkness for the remaining years of his life. In like manner, mortal men and women have lived in denial of their wretched past for the past 26 million years. What they do not remember, they repeat time and time again.

Trust only God

Given the above, as Nada-Yolanda was told by Sananda when she was in her seventh major initiation of ascension and redescent, we are not to fully trust anyone on Earth or in the astral planes, because everyone has some remaining Cain consciousness in himself or herself. Rather, in I Am, Christ, Atman, Abel consciousness, we trust only God and His-Her cosmic laws. We only trust and have faith in those in the etheric and celestial planes who rightly express and demonstrate divine, universal laws, especially the law of love.

We are not fully free of our mortal errors and soul scars going back millions of years to the days of Cains and Abels, and their final “war” between good and evil at Mt. Shasta (see picture of Mt. Shasta below/right), until we fully ascend as Jesus, Mary and Yolanda did.

Time and again, at each step of the way, no matter far up we have climbed, we are tempted to give up and to give in to the remaining Pharisee/selfish/Cain/egotistic attitudes within us; and even more prominently to those negative thoughts and actions in other souls on Earth and in the astral planes, who oppose us and try to breach our blue lattice/screen and thereby steal or decrystallize our blue sapphire gemstone.

No matter what major initiation we are in or how many years we have been on the spiritual path, with First Ray faith, will and power, and Seventh Ray peace, love and rest, we pull back from the ledge and stand securely in our Christ center. With First Ray willpower, we resolutely stay there. Then we keep climbing to full I Am, Buddhic or Christ consciousness on Earth. When Spirit lifts us ever upward, we draw all others unto us. Therein is the highest expression of our I Am, ascended, spiritual, pure power and selfless love.

Reflect, Repent & Remake

Note: Here’s another pace/time you can stop, ponder, meditate on and demonstrate what you have read. If so guided to do so, take sufficient time in your meditations, reflections and soul searching to evaluate how much and in what ways you still are tempted to give up and give into the temptations of your residual mortal/soul darkness, and that of others around you.

Affirm, decree and visualize anew the way you are going to transmute your lingering darkness, to not only talk the talk but also to walk it. Decide once more how you are going to wield the sword and to love others, even when they do not love you or try to mistreat, take advantage of and even physically harm you.

Put your I Am power and love into action. Then Spirit and Its agents will shower you with divine, powerful love that lifts you higher and helps you to more masterfully manifest truth, peace and love on Earth.

Feed the Five Thousand

The next morning, July 29th, I dreamt that Phillel and I each were leaders of five hundred light workers whose combined goal was to lift other light workers, transmuters and healers at lesser levels into five hundred more units of spiritual light-love in their auric fields and physical bodies.

Phillel led primarily 500 light workers of the Sixth Ray, as this is his home ray. I, as the physical plane Director of Healing Haven, mostly led other holistic healers who are a few steps behind me. Phillel and I work together as an united team, two who are gathered together as one.

As the dream progressed, I gave my five hundred co-workers, those who specialize in applying the Fifth, Green Ray of Unity, Integration and Healing, a pep talk that encouraged and exhorted them to keep their third or all-seeing eye single on wholeness, balance and unity, both within themselves and in others, no matter how much Fourth Ray decrystallization and Sixth Ray cleansing was taking place.

As Jesus had proclaimed, if our eye is single, our whole being and all our seven bodies become filled with Christ light. Via the clear doorway of our third- or all-seeing eye, with crystal clarity, we receive new I Am images and ideas to spiritually feed and heal humanity. Moreover, when Spirit working through us re-energizes and lifts five hundred other light workers, each of them in turn become more masterful in healing and harmonizing five hundred others who are a step or two behind them in their ongoing ascents to the top of the mountain.

Eventually, we, like Christ Jesus, become able to feed not just the 500, but the 5,000 (see image above/left). When enough of us reach this point, all 144,000 elect will be lifted sufficiently so that they can complete at least their sixth major initiation of crucifixion-resurrection, whereupon they will have mostly pure blue brains. With this accomplished, mankind as a whole will have a spiritual awakening and Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary will return to Earth. Dear Lord, may this be soon!

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

At the end of my instruction to my five hundred kindred students, I wisely cautioned them that in the upcoming cycle or year, we might not fully rebalance and harmonize all the darkness in our own auras and physical bodies, or those dark areas in the minds, souls and bodies of others upon whom we focus, represent and serve. Rather, we might only attain and anchor four hundred and eighty units of light, or reach only four hundred and eighty of the five hundred others that we are attempting to heal and uplift.

Twenty of our group of five hundred may fall prey to the various temptations in the wilderness, and thereby to step off the ledge of their temples/mountains. This has happened throughout all past ages of Earth, and it is likely to keep happening now in these End Times or Purification Period.

Still, these twenty units of light in us and/or the twenty light workers who fall would represent only 4% of the 500. Thus, if we are 96% successful in our healing and transmuting work, we rightly will see and judge this as a grand success, and thereby celebrate it, rather than decry the 4% of darkness. Besides, the 4% of remaining errors and limitations in ourselves and others can be healed and transmuted in the next cycle.

In the number “48”, “4” represents manifestation and crystallization; “8” symbolizes a new and higher octave; and “0” represents completion of one’s taking 12 steps to I Am wholeness in this present moment of now. 4 plus 8 equals 12, hence numerically symbolizing our own indwelling 12 spiritual powers, plus the 12 spiritual temples or power centers around the planet, as well as the 12 planets revolving around the Sun in our Solar Love System.

Moreover, Earth, in regard to the other 11 planets, symbolically is like the 20 units of light or 20 fallen light workers, with Earth being the only planet to still be functioning in third-dimensional consciousness, the only planet that is not fully devoted to, and a member of, the Federation of Planets. However, all other planets have sent representatives to Earth to help us ascend into the fourth dimension. Moreover, the whole Solar Love System is about to graduate into a new level of unity, integration, healing and wholeness, as symbolized by the number “O” that signifies Cosmic Oneness. All for one, one for All.

Harmony & Hilarion

In my following morning meditation, Hilarion, Chohan or Director of the Fifth Ray of Unity, Integration and Healing, who is the etheric Director of Healing Haven, and Harmony who is his feminine twin soul or spiritual counterpart, transfigured me and stimulated the lower half of the center of my third/all-seeing eye and forehead to signal their combined presences. (See Healing Haven logo above/right.)

They explained that in my above dream, without my consciously realizing it, they had inspired and spoken through me, with my being a major Fifth Ray healing channel and grounding point on Earth. They and I were so at one that they could seamlessly integrate their much higher ascended master healing consciousnesses with mine. They indicated that they now were contacting me because new revelations were about to come through my newly opened third-eye chakra and via my corresponding two thalami in the center of my head, and into my conscious awareness. They also said that they work in and through many other light workers, who are not fully aware that this is taking place.

Hilarion and Harmony then welcomed and introduced me to the Green EloHer and Green EloHim of the Fifth Ray, whose brilliant presences I now saw and felt as multiple shades of green light in the form of starbursts on either side of me. As their green light shone upon me, the top half of my third-eye screen was particularly accelerated, with this being their contact signal.

Green is the corresponding color of the Fifth Ray. When I had been incarnated on Uranus, which demonstrates and radiates the Fifth Ray throughout the Solar Love System, Hilarion and Harmony first had introduced me to these two Green Elos. (See picture to right/above of Charles Fillmore, who was an incarnation of Hilarion and the co-founder with his wife Myrtle of the Unity Church of Practical Christianity.)

Now the magnificent presences and healing powers of the two Green Elos were reintroduced to me, and through me to others. Moreover, as I worked for the healing of others, so did the Green EloHim, Green EloHer, Hilarion and Harmony focus on the healing of my own mind, body and soul. In healing, like in all aspects and functions of life, as we give, so do we receive.

Be 1 to 7

As a result of this new level of interdimensional, Fifth Ray teamwork, I could see more clearly via the clear window or mirror of my all-seeing eye, and thereby peer deeper into my own soul and that of others. Moreover, I could keep my eye evermore single on my own I Am Self and on the Christ, Buddhic or spiritual Self of others. As I did so, the Green EloHer and Harmony/Myrtle Fillmore (see her image to right) would help me to recall and heal further memories of my own past soul succumbing to darkness and selfishness, in my prior lives on Earth and in this present one. I also would see deeper into the soul darkness of others and then work to heal, enlighten and transmute it.

This communion with Hilarion and Harmony of the Fifth Ray also showed me that we as light workers are not just to focus on the First and Seventh Rays, although they are most prominently needed. Rather, we also are to unify, integrate and work in balanced fashion not only with the Fifth Ray but with all other Rays.

In my example, at the conscious/physical/personality level, I focus primarily on the Second Ray, as a scientist, researcher, writer and teacher; as a spiritual psychiatrist or mental health worker that comes under the Second Ray; thus, my symbolic physical number is 2. At the soul/subconscious level, I function mostly on the Fifth Ray in my role as a holistic healer, so my soul number is 5. At the superconscious level, I Am of the Seventh Ray, hence my superconscious, symbolic number is 7. So, my overall spiritual number is 2-5-7. But I also work with the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th Rays as the need to do so presents itself. As a Seventh Ray worker, my weakest Ray is the 1st Ray.

Each light worker has a three-part, symbolic, overall number, such as 3-5-7 or 4-1-2, but every light worker also works to some degree on all Seven Rays. Therefore, in the highest sense and level, one’s full number and goal might be 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. When this number is attained, one becomes a Master of the Middle Way. One reaches the top of the spiritual, symbolic mountain that everyone is climbing, via their own unique pathway. From the mountain top, one fully ascends in his or her seventh or ascended light body, and then redescends in it to Earth.

Do take some time now, if so guided, to focus on your own healing and on those whom you serve and represent. Call upon Hilarion, Harmony, the Green EloHer and the Green EloHim to inspire and assist you in your ongoing efforts to heal humanity. Go green. See green. Be green goodness and Godly grace. So be it.

Good Government

Given the above spiritual guidance about the new opening of my Fifth Ray third- or all-seeing eye, (after the prior opening of my crown chakra), it was not too surprising that the following morning, January 30th, I dreamt that former president Donald J. Trump (see picture of him to right) walked up to me and sat down to my left side of me (my subconscious or soul).

In a calm, confident, authoritative but somewhat cocksure manner and voice, he began talking about himself and asking me to support him in his current candidacy to once again be elected as the President of the USA (the New JerUSAlem). Time and again, in slightly different ways, he said and emphasized that he deserved to once again be president.

I quickly and emphatically told him that I would not listen to, or follow, anything more that he said; and that under no circumstances would I vote for him, given his blemished past history and his current selfish, power-mongering plans and actions, unless of course he clearly and obviously changed for the better.

But, in his smooth, polished but somewhat pushy way, he persisted and repeatedly tried his best to prove to me that he was the best man for the job — he said the same things over and over again, each time with a somewhat different slant. And he seemed masterful in doing so.

In effect, he preyed on the four percent of me that still was not fully healed and transmuted, the remaining weak links in my soul chain that connects me from my personal, conscious self, via my soul/subconscious and astral body, to my spiritual Self and light body. In so doing, he was a quintessential wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Keep Your Eye Open

Rather that my saying to him “get thee behind me, Satan,” pulling back and leaving, I kept listening to him, hoping that with Seventh Ray peace and love I could help, heal and convert him. However, in his First Ray fashion and power, as our talk progressed, he seemed to me to be so confident, self-assured and persuasive that in time I began to wonder if indeed he already might have transmuted his past negative soul/emotional aspects and would possibly now become a good president. Maybe all the healing work that I and others in Christ or light-body consciousness had done with him in the past eight years had led to his healing and transmutation. The thought even came to me that he actually might be speaking on behalf of the Hierarchy, and that he was right and I was wrong.

Although I did not fully realize it at the time, I allowed him to hoodwink me, to pull the wool over my eyes, to drag me down into my soul darkness, even as he professed that he was helping and loving me. In my so doing, I stepped off the ledge of my high mountain rock and started my downfall from my peak of spiritual, I Am presidency on Earth, thereby letting him take me over and treat me like a slave.

My residual lack of faith in Spirit’s laws and in my own high Self, my self-doubt and tendency to focus overly on what is still wrong with me, my lack of confidence in being a spiritual leader, my reluctance to wield the First Ray sword of truth, and my wanting more to be loved by others rather than to love them, all contributed to my calamitous downfall.

Play Your Trump Card

Upon awakening from this vivid, soul-searing dream, I was totally shocked, dismayed and disgusted that I had allowed myself to be swayed by Trump’s mortal, cocksure attitude and expression, by his only talking about his alleged good deeds and not his multiple past and ongoing, error-filled ways.

But with time and calm reflection, I blessed and thanked God for my prior warning dreams about my now not stepping off the ledge of my mountain peak, and on focusing on healing, not self-condemnation, of myself and others.

I also gave renewed thanks to Spirit for guiding me to place the protective blue lattice around me. Fully awake now, I once again placed and reinforced this blue lattice around me. I was determined to keep the faith; to speak the word for my and Trump’s upliftment; to see and love the Christ or I Am Self in me and him; but not to be breached and conned by him, or to be blindsided by his dark side.

Fully prepared by Spirit and the agents of Spirit, I would see him rightly via the openings in my blue lattice, and then use my I Am spiritual willpower to slay him in the Spirit; to help him, to uplift him, but only if he would accept my doing so. The next time he came to my screen door, I would keep him outside of it and banish him from our I Am Nation property here at the Sun Temple.

Thus, rather than allowing him to mortally “trump” me, I would spiritually “trump” him by using my combined First and Seventh Rays of power and love; as well as the energies and consciousness of all the other Seven Rays of Life. I would play my Christ “trump cards,” the Ace of hearts and the three of hearts, which I now had in the cards that God previously had dealt to me. I would wield the merciless sword of truth, even as I mercifully loved the Christ in Donald Trump. I would see the good in him, but also perceive the selfishness and self-power in his mind and soul. I would see him holistically as he truly is, not as how he now falsely tries to portray himself to me and others.

 Be an Able Abel

Moreover, as I thought more deeply about this dream, it dawned on me that it was partly the Hierarchy’s verification of what I first had recalled in 2014, prior to going on the Shasta-Alaska Mission. In that soul remembrance, it came clearly to me that 26 million years ago, during the battle between the Cains and Abels, I initially had been a devoted, loving follower of Sananda and Sol-O-Man at the Third Ray Temple of Venus in what is now the area of the Teton Mountains (see picture to right) and Yellowstone in northwestern Wyoming, USA.

I had been their devoted disciple, dedicated to learning how in my own unique way to become just like them. But I had fallen under the negative influence of nearby Cains and eventually had become a Cain.

I also remembered my dream way back in 1992, in which I recalled that Serena (my feminine twin soul) in the days of Cains and Abels likewise was devoted to Sananda and Sol-O-Man, but especially to Nada of the Seventh Ray who was part of Sananda’s and Sol-O-Man’s small group of Abels in Wyoming (the letters “na” in Serena symbolize her I Am devotion to, and love of, Nada).

However, Serena, due to her own residue of self-power and underlying soul insecurity, had allowed nearby, “satanic,” selfish Cains to tempt her into jumping off her mountainous roof/edge into the dark abyss of mortal/soul consciousness — she left Nada-Yolanda, Sananda, Sol-O-Man and others of the Abel band of light workers. In Serena’s and my present lifetime as mother (Aleta) and son (Robert), we were (and still are) transmuting and rectifying our common past negative karma that originated in these ancient days.

This present dream about my exchange with Donald Trump also helped to explain to me why so many people, even highly evolved light workers, currently have allowed themselves to be conned and misled by the Cain qualities in Donald Trump. It gave me more compassion for these fellow souls. How could I condemn them when I had fallen under the sway of those of Cain consciousness some 26 million years ago?

Healer, heal thyself. Then and only then can anyone be a truly holistic, holy, healing channel and spiritual leader for others.

Beware of False Prophets

Furthermore, as confirmation, I read recent psychological studies that proved that if a person listened long enough to someone who confidently and powerfully repeated some false idea or approach, then this listening person eventually would give up and give in to this powermonger, would give away his or her power to this false prophet, and would believe in and promote what this “evil” person said. Error-filled czars, kings, queens, emperors, religious leaders, educational teachers, healthcare charlatans, slavery advocates, and wealthy businessmen and women, even fathers and mothers with their children, have used this fact and false way to dominant others down through the entire history of mankind on Earth.

Seventh Ray workers have been especially prone to give in to deluded yet mortally charismatic First Ray powermongers, for these Seventh Ray folks prefer peace and love to prevail, but are not sufficiently willing or able to wield the sword to bring this about, to stand up to those whose goal is to dominate and enslave them, to take away their God-given free will. On the other hand, Christ Jesus of the Seventh Ray whipped and drove the money changers out of the Temple, which they had made into a den of thieves, not a place of prayer. Jesus called the Pharisees vipers and boldly proclaimed that they were of their father the Devil, thus the sons of Satan. No matter what, Jesus powerfully told and acted with the First Ray truth.

Thus, Christ Jesus rightly and in balanced fashion employed First Ray Will and Power in conjunction with Seventh Ray Peace and Love. We are to follow in his footsteps and to do likewise. We are to keep our third-eye open and clear, to wisely judge and rightly verify what others claim; and not to be conned or hoodwinked by them, but to cut away the wolfish darkness and wool that they attempt to cover our third eye and our physical eyes. We are to utilize our spiritual sword of truth not as a weapon to harm others as power-mongers do, but as a way to serve, empower and uplift others. We are to be spiritual surgeons as well as loving, holistic, medical doctors.

Pink Path to Heaven

The ancient Venusian spiritual temple, power center or vortex of sacred pink light demonstrated and radiated Third Ray Personal Love, Feeling and Devotion to a Higher Cause. Pink is the color of this Ray. Venus is the primary, prototypical Third Ray, pink planet in our Solar Love System.

Lanto, the Chohan of the Third Ray, and Anna who is his feminine soul, were the leaders of this ancient Venusian temple or power center. (See self-portrait to right of Paolo Veronese the painter, who was an incarnation of Lanto in Italy during the Renaissance. He recently has revealed to me that I was one of his four sons at that time, thus I had trained under him.)

In the days of the Cains and the Abels, Sananda and his twin soul Sol-O-Man became the co-leaders of the Abels, who taught and attempted in positive Third Ray fashion to lift the fallen humans from the third dimension of mortal consciousness back into the fourth dimension of immortal, spiritual consciousness and light-body expression, from which they previously had descended into, and become entrapped in, animal bodies and mortal consciousness.

The Cains, on the other hand, negatively erred on the Third Ray. Their governmental headquarter was in the area of what is now Lake Tahoe, on the current border between California and Nevada, where they eventually felt so smug and superior to the fallen humans that they treated them as slaves. The Cains decided that the fallen ones were there to serve them as God’s chosen elite and leaders, not that the Cains were to serve, heal and lift the fallen ones back up the mountain to I Am consciousness. The Cains built their homes and governmental buildings near or at the tops of the mountains of those ancient days, such that no fallen humans at the base of the mountains could hope to climb up to and enter them.

Physical Versus Spiritual Sex

Cains, despite their selfishness, still were selfless enough to be able to demonstrate many of their light body powers, as they were perhaps about 95% or more in their light bodies, even as they maintained their astral and physical bodies. (They were like spiritual initiates who currently reside in the highest or seventh astral plane.) However, as noted in the Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible, some of the Cains, due to their 5% of mortal, selfish, self-power consciousness, fell into mortal/soul temptation, climbed down the mountains to their bases, and had illicit sex with the daughters of the fallen humans, and maybe even sex with the sons of the fallen, third-dimensional ones.

In so doing, such Cains prostituted themselves and made whores or hookers of many third-dimensional women. A prostitute is a person who engages in sexual intercourse in exchange for pay. A prostitute also a person such as a writer, painter, political or religious leader who deliberately debases his or her spiritual talents in order to pursue money, fame, mortal power or illicit, inappropriate, at times abusive, sex.

Those golden giants, who became mortal men at times, contributed mightily to the start of the war between the sexes, between allegedly “superior” men and supposedly “inferior” women, which still is being raged today in peoples around the world. Masculine Cains thus started the prevailing patriarchal bias of mankind on Earth.

In Jesus’ day, men by Mosaic law were called upon to stone prostitutes to death, but these same men who partook of prostitutes’ services were not likewise apprehended and stoned. Jesus, as the spiritual, Christ, Abel man, did not condemn but rather forgave a prostitute that was brought before him, but in good First Ray fashion then instructed her to go and sin no more. He loved the Christ in this lady and called It forth.

Transmutation & Rebirth

When Sananda and Sol-O-Man, in order to escape the clutches of the nearby Cains who wanted to shut them up and conquer them, led their small group of Abels from the Temple of Venus to the Sixth Ray Temple of Saturn in what is now Alaska, I went with them. At this Sixth Ray Alaskan power center or vortex of sacred light, Sananda and Sol-O-Man underwent Sixth Ray Cleansing and Transmutation, whose corresponding color is violet, whereby they refined and released the remaining minor residues of their own mortal/soul selfishness and fears, and rose fully into resurrected I Am, Seventh Ray peace, love and rest.

After doing so, Spirit and the higher plane agents of Spirit guided them to travel south to Mt. Shasta (which is located in modern-day northcentral California) to confront the Cains there; to wield their swords of truth there, just as Jesus later would do in his interactions with the Hebrew scribes and Pharisees. Mt. Shasta was close to the Cain governmental headquarters at Lake Tahoe.

Thus, we first transmute ourselves, then we step forth in our efforts to transmute others and to be divine love in action. We go from the Sixth Ray to the Seventh Ray of fulfillment and completion, to being an I Am Self in powerful and loving consciousness and actions.

At some point, we cannot stay in seclusion in our sacred, protective center/home. Rather, when the time is right, as directed by Spirit, we step forth publicly and actively, and wield our sword and demonstrate Seventh Ray love. As Christ Jesus put it, one is either for him in I Am consciousness or one is against him. Fence sitters, those who try to stay home and to be above it all,  typically end up becoming arrogant, and thereby become conned and controlled by those of Cain consciousness. Our enemies may kill our bodies, but they cannot kill our souls and spirits.

Third Ray Devotion

Before Sananda and Sol-O-Man left Alaska, I encountered and focused on my own necessary cleansing and Third Ray transmutation with personal love. However, instead of crossing out and then resurrecting above my residual soul darkness, at some point, I “flinched,” like unto what Simon Peter did when Jesus was taken away by the Roman soldiers to his trial and crucifixion. As Jesus had predicted, although Simon Peter, who represents the I Am power of faith, had assured Jesus that he would devotedly follow him, even unto death, Simon denied knowing Jesus three times before the cock crowed.

Simon Peter did not keep the faith but gave into his mortal doubts and fears. Due to his giving into his fear of pain and death, he floundered and eventually failed to serve Sananda/Jesus. As a result, part of his blue sapphire brain gemstone shattered. He fell off the ledge of his mountain peak and crashed into the burning hellhole of soul/mortal/third-dimensional consciousness on Earth.

In like fashion, I had allowed various Cains, like unto Donald Trump, to convince me that they were better than Sananda and Sol-O-Man, that they as Cains could help me if I followed and learned from them — to use a modern phrase, due to my doubts and fears, I “bought the farm.” Trump, and/or others like him, were stationed in or near Alaska at Cain governmental offices there, separate from the Temple of Saturn — they were similar in our present day to being a governor or senator of a state/province. However, they took their orders from the primary Cain governmental, capital headquarters at Lake Tahoe.

When Sananda and Sol-O-Man traveled from Alaska to Mt. Shasta in modern-day central-northern California, I did not go with them, for I had become a Cain. I did not have the Christ faith or willpower to rightly wield the sword of truth in the clash between the Cains and the Abels. First I became a fence setter, not wanting to choose either the Cains or Abels. Then, I became an impure Seventh Ray peacenik, what Yolanda used to call a creampuff.

Two Rays, Four Steps

After the Cains, who were in the vast majority, overcame Sananda and Sol-O-Man and their small group of followers, the Hierarchy banished all the Cains, the imperfect, so-called golden giants, including me, to Venus for Third Ray Transmutation with Personal Love, Feeling and Dedication to a Higher Cause. In my present lifetime, in 1976 in a vivid dream, I recalled and saw my ancient banishment. The dream imagery was like unto Adam and Eve being thrown out of the Garden of Eden, walking with their faces down, filled with guilt and shame about their having eaten of the apple of mortal, selfish, power-mongering, Cain consciousness.

In this 1976 dream, I was so ashamed of, and felt so guilty about, my downfall that I did not want anyone to know about it; I did not want to leave and go to Venus, but the higher plane forces rightly used their spiritual, First Ray power to take me there. However, when I was on Venus, with the help of all the Third Ray forces there, including Lanto and Anna, Lord and Lady Chamuel, and the Pink EloHer and EloHim, I zealously repented and thoroughly transmuted my soul. From there, I traveled to other planets to learn methods for rebirthing I Am, Abel, selfless, loving consciousness on Earth. With this training and healing accomplished, I set out to be love in action on Earth.

I took on many incarnations in Lemuria and Atlantis, as well as in the present era, to demonstrate Seventh Ray Love of God and Third Ray Love of One Another, and thereby to transmute and heal my soul. However, along the way, I gave in to some soul weaknesses and thereby repeated parts of my ancient history — I succumbed to the remaining 4% or more of my own soul darkness. But I did my best to keep on keeping on, to heal humanity. I did much more good than evil.

History Repeats Itself

Now, following my above January 30, 2024 dream about my succumbing to the personal, selfish, Cain charms of Donald Trump, I began to wonder if, and to intuitively feel, that this dream was not only symbolic, but that I literally I had fallen under the sway of Trump and his followers when he was an ancient First Ray Cain governmental leader. In my current dream, like in the Cain-Abel days, I mistook Trump’s mortal self-confidence for his immortal, spiritual, I Am Self-confidence and righteous faith in spiritual laws. I believed his words, without wisely and thoroughly checking out how to that point he had walked and demonstrated these statements.

So, it seemed likely that Trump the Cain had literally and physically converted and “enslaved” me to Cain consciousness some 26 million years ago. Mortally and soulwise, I could blame him for my ancient downfall, but no one has power over us unless we let them do this. In the end analysis, I had only myself to blame for giving away my spiritual power. After all, I had trained under Sananda and Sol-O-Man, so I had the tools and ways to keep the faith and do what was right and good. But under pressure, I wilted, faded, folded and blew it.

The more I pondered this, the more it seemed to me that history was repeating itself, that the final residue of all things that had been hidden in my soul or akashic record were now being revealed; I was now scraping the bottom of the barrel of my subconscious memories of the past, finally dealing with the  remaining black, congealed, ugly, nasty junk in my soul record.

Now, in my mind and heart, I began to have greater faith and to more lovingly accept that Spirit in Its wisdom and love had granted me a new, golden opportunity to finally make all things right, to continue and complete my transmutation of 26 million years of soul evolvement on Earth, and thereby to climb up the remaining 500 to 700 feet to the very top of my symbolic mountain. To do so, I needed to heal my soul (hence the number 500), transmute my soul darkness (thus the number 600), so that I could rise fully into I Am ascended consciousness on Earth (symbolically to walk the full 700 feet to the mountain’s top).

Sananda & Sol-O-Man

This idea/conception about Donald Trump and myself as actual past Cains “blew me away.” However, I had little proof, but mostly just inner faith and certainty that it was true. Sometimes, we know from within that something is true, even though we have no outward verification of it. It resonnates in our heart. Our open, love-filled heart tells us what is true or false.

Thankfully, from past spiritual experiences and training, I now was confident that if Donald Trump had been a Cain and if I literally had succumbed to his selfish power were indeed literally true, then current dreams, visions and outer events would explain, flesh out and confirm it. So, I humbly asked Spirit and the agents of Spirit for verification, to help me be wise as a serpent, as gentle and loving as a dove; to be protected inside my blue lattice even as I saw the truth of my error and that of others. I put my Donald Trump dream and soul recall on the shelf, and as patiently as possible waited for Spirit’s new guidance that would elucidate what I had dreamt and begun to consciously analyze. Thy will be done!

In particular, I appealed to Sol-O-Man and Sananda to guide and enlighten me as to how I was to be more purely devoted to them and to the Christ Selves of all humankind. After all, who better than Sananda and Sol-O-Man, who had been on Earth back then, who were the prototypical Abels, the masterful co-leaders of the Abels, who now are my spiritual parents, to show me the truth!

I knew from within that they long since had forgiven me. Now it was time for me to know and rightly deal with the full truth about my past, such that I could accept their forgiveness and then forgive others, including Donald Trump and his fellow Cain lackeys.

Winners & Losers

Back in the days of Cains and Abels, the Cains erroneously and proudly thought that they had won the battle of spiritual wills, talents and powers, but they actually had lost the war — they won the mortal world but they lost their immortal souls. For, in this ancient War of Armageddon between good and evil, Sananda via Seventh Ray love had discovered and applied the spiritual power in the mantrum Love God and Love One Another. He and Sol-O-Man had laid down their lives to help and uplift the fallen ones, and thereby had demonstrated divine love sacrifice that is the defining hallmark of the Seventh Ray. Moreover, they had not let anyone on Earth or in the astral planes to deter or enslave them. They had not chicken out and sold their souls to the Devil.

Moreover, Sananda had locked into etheric crystals this powerful two-part Christ mantrum, and the history of this epic, titanic war between the Cains and Abels, which crystals he buried in caves around what is now Mt. Shasta. Now, finally, in these Latter Days, these crystallized records are being rediscovered, such as Nada-Yolanda did when she received the epic, ground-breaking intunements and channelings that became our Mark-Age textbook Evolution of Man.

The Cains not only had wanted to shut up and defeat Sananda, Sol-O-Man and the rest of the Abels, but they also had hoped to remove all memory and evidence of their evil deeds. They wanted to live in denial of their horrid past, to glory in what they thought was their superior present. That was Donald Trump in those days. And me.

Due to Sananda’s and Sol-O-Man’s demonstrations, the Hierarchy designated Sananda as the Chohan or Director of the Seventh Ray, and in time elected him and Sol-O-Man as the spiritual co-leaders of Earth, its spiritual king/prince/president and spiritual queen/princess/co-president.

Now, following in Sananda’s, Sol-O-Man, and Nada’s footsteps, it is my time, in my own unique way, to reveal and “read” more of the long-buried crystals of truth in my soul about this ancient period and my role in it. Now is the time to set the record straight about Donald Trump, others like him, and me. For this have I come!

Mother Mary Comes to Me

This same morning of January 30, 2024, I asked Sananda and Sol-O-Man for their help in my doing so. In response, deep into the first hour of my morning meditation, I “went out” or fell asleep, and had the following vivid, mind-expanding, night vision/dream: In it I was in my proper role as a detached, objective observer, a wise spiritual man and righteous judge, not an active participant, as I stood off to the side.

As the dream started, I silently watched Donald Trump talk with Sol-O-Man/Mary. He sat in a chair on a platform that was about one foot high (he saw himself as better, above and more powerful than her). Mary sat in a smaller chair before him, with her chair being at floor level. She was dressed in ordinary, tasteful, loose-fitting but beautiful, simple clothes. She had a pretty, charming, love-filled face, but used no makeup or other adornments to emphasize or flaunt her physical beauty. Moreover, nothing about her appearance revealed her well-shaped physical form as a woman. Rather, she looked like an everyday, normal, married woman who had children. In other words, she appeared as she had when she was Mary, mother of Jesus.

Speaking directly and authoritatively with Trump, she said that she had come to advise him about the way that he spent money. She briefly explained that he paid too much for building supplies and items in his house, governmental office and business; that it would be better to spend less on more common, cheaper but still high-quality items, not on glamorous/glitzy ones; and then to use the saved money to help others. He immediately objected, saying that in the long run, paying more to get the best materials would pay off because they would last longer and function better; and that this would save money.

He was sure about this, and did not address the glitzy, glamorous description in Mary’s sharing with him. In patronizing fashion, he treated her like she was a dumb, naïve, impractical woman who had no business sense. Noting Trump’s condescending, duplicitous, demeaning response and attitude toward her, Mary made no attempt to further explain herself — she knew that it would be a waste of her time. As a wise woman/judge, she chose not to cast her pearls before Trump, who like a dog or swine would turn and try to rend her, as Jesus later would describe it. (See image above.)

Trump, meanwhile, felt sure that he had handled the situation rightly and truthfully, and then said that if he could be of any more help to her in the future, she could consult again with him. Then he curtly dismissed her. The whole scene and exchange took all of about five minutes. That’s all the time he had for her, which in itself spoke volumes.

See the Whole Truth

Meanwhile, throughout this meeting, via my open, all-seeing eye, I viewed the glorious white-and-golden light in Mary’s huge, brightly-shining auric field, which Donald Trump did not perceive. Moreover, peering at his aura, which was much smaller in size, it had an overall grey, murky appearance, with dark areas especially in his crown, throat, heart and regenerative chakras. Furthermore, it was clear to me that although he outwardly seemed to be the perfect gentleman, one who lovingly helped women, in his heart he lusted after Mary’s flesh. Jesus later proclaimed that if a man lusted after a woman in his heart, he already had committed adultery. I, as a wise judge in I Am consciousness, therefore concluded that Trump was an adulterer.

Trump, in his personal “sizing up” of Mary, knew better than to try to press and pursue his sexual desires because he could tell that she would not have anything to do with his illicit, masculine attempts to demean and misuse her. She was not about to be conned or used by him for his selfish, sexual purposes. To put it in modern slang, he knew better than to mess with this Mama! Thus, Sol-O-Man won the war, even if it appeared that she had lost this battle.

Three More Ladies of Light

The above scene faded away. Then a new scene unfolded. Once again, a light-filled lady came to consult with and advise Donald. This time, the woman was Serena/Aleta, my twin soul, who was feminine sweetness itself, whose aura was bright like unto, but not as vibrant as, Mary’s. Serena tried her best to make the point that Donald was too caught up in his pursuit of fame and prestige, and that he lacked humility.

But he immediately and emphatically replied that this was not the case — that yes, because of his wealth and talents, people tended to put him on a pedestal. But he claimed that he was indeed down to earth, rightly using his fame to do his best to help people. Serena did not buy this fabrication and misjudgment, did not respond further, and stopped talking. She, like Mary, intuitively knew and felt in her aura that Trump silently was lusting after her, so it was best for her to protect herself and to leave. As I observed this, my heart chakra/heart hurt, as I felt her pain about being “slimed” and disrespected — my heart revealed the truth. And then the scene faded from view.

In the next scene, it was Rhea/Andrea, my first wife of this lifetime, who came to see Trump in the same setting. Her input and advice was that he was too dominant a male, too much a power-monger, too self-powered and self-centered. He smiled and said that none of this was true, that she was totally mistaken. And then he got a bit nasty with her and said some snide remarks about her — he verbally put her down, into what he thought was her proper, subordinate, feminine place.

Andrea thought about saying more about this, about the many accounts of him and his masculine power trips, but quickly realized it would be fruitless to do so. It was clear to me that she, like Mary and Aleta, felt denigrated by Trump’s negative thoughts and desires. My heart chakra/heart hurt once again as it had in the prior two scenes. I knew without a doubt that I was psychically, resonantly, picking this up from Andrea. Trump’s nastiness hurt both her and me. Still, I did my best to stay detached in this segment of the dream.

Finally, in the fourth scene of what turned out to be this 4-part dream scenario/play, my longtime, loving, feminine friend and co-worker of over fifty years in this lifetime, Narathusa/Corinne Thorsell, took her place in her chair before and below Trump. She spoke of and noted his lack of a co-equal feminine partner, and that he seemed to see and treat women mostly for their physical beauty and sexuality, not their inner, spiritual beauty in mind and soul, no matter what their physical form looked like. He responded that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his loving physical, feminine beauty, that most women appreciated him doing so. He also tried over and over to make his case that he treated his wife as an equal partner. Obviously disgusted yet calm, Corinne got up, quickly thanked him for his time, said goodbye, turned around and left.

Double Dreams

I awoke in a daze, not fully comprehending what this four-act soul drama depicted on my dream screen had told me. I already knew much about Donald’s sexual exploits in his current lifetime, so my dream partly was confirmation about this. But dreams typically and mostly reveal the unknown, not just the known. They show us what we have not yet seen or appreciated. They are messages via our subconscious from our I Am Self and from those in the etheric and celestial planes.

What was new and most significant to me was that Trump had so obviously and egregiously mistreated, demeaned and lusted after Mary, my beloved master teacher. Here she was/is the co-leader of the Abels and the current co-president/queen of Earth, and he had treated her as some lowly, third-dimensional lady, someone whom he could teach, control and hope to have sex with. He obviously had no idea how much negative karma he had created, or how difficult it would be for him to transmute or to correct it. In his personal smugness, he had no clue what a heap of trouble he had put himself into.

Then I went back to sleep and dreamt the same four sequences again, with only the slightest difference in details. Upon awakening from this second dream, I knew that it was a sign that what I first had dreamt was highly accurate and deeply significant, and that it had many levels of further key meanings, insights and confirmations. Dreams that get repeated the same night almost always indicate how important, far-reaching, accurate and prophetic they are. The second dream confirms the first one.

As I would later realize, the first dream of four scenes was from Sol-O-Man, and the second similar one was from Sananda. Sol-O-Man had revealed the essence of Donald Trump’s soul, and Sananda had confirmed and put his conscious stamp of authority on it. I was their son and spokesman on Earth. As above, now so below.

Four Eras

After getting up and writing down these three above dreams in my spiritual diary (the one about my being with and conned by Trump, and the two about the four ladies meeting with him), I began meditating again. I started out by once again seeing myself inside a Christ column of gold-and-white light, with a power-packed, protective, electrified blue lattice/screen around it. Then I whole-heartedly asked Sol-O-Man and Sananda to explain and elucidate what I had dreamt and begun to interpret, but only barely understood.

Shortly thereafter, Sol-O-Man powerfully transfigured me and began to point out the deeper, multi-leveled meanings of my three morning dreams. As to the first dream about Donald Trump and my succumbing to his personal, mortal charms, Sol-O-Man conveyed that indeed during the days of Cains and Abels, I had flinched, in large part due to my exchanges with Donald Trump and others like him, including some others that I know in this lifetime.

Therefore, my dream with him was to be taken not only symbolically but also literally. It was specific past life recall. Knowing this, I now better could let go of my doubts and to  transmute, heal and rise above the residue my ancient weaknesses and selfishness.

Then, Sol-O-Man assured me that she would help me to do so, as she had in the last fifty years since I first came into interdimensional contact with her when I was in my first major spiritual initiation of birth.

Four Eras

Then, Sol-O-Man went on to explain that the four women (hence symbolizing Donald Trump’s soul) in my following two dreams also represented Trump’s past incarnations in the days of: 1) Cains and Abels; 2) Lemuria; 3) Atlantis; and 4) now in this present era and cycle. Sol-O-Man shared via thought transference that she had known Trump in the Cain-Abel days, had spoken to him as she had in the first dream, and he had treated her as a nobody, a physically beautiful but clueless lady, not as the spiritually powerful co-leader of the Abels who could read his soul or akashic record. Moreover, he had participated in and helped to orchestrate the defeat of Sananda and her when they were at Mt. Shasta.

Furthermore, as depicted in this first dream, he had totally misinterpreted her talk with him about money. She was speaking to him in symbolic, spiritual terms, in an attempt to reach past his conscious, masculine, fixated, crystallized, physically-based, Cain attitudes. She knew all about the physical wisdom of buying the best materials that would last the longest. But she also knew that Donald worshipped money for its own sake, rather than seeing money as God-given spiritual energy made flesh. He mostly used money to glamorize and glorify himself, to impress people, to make the case that he was an advanced, powerful soul that all others should follow and emulate; not to help others.

Thus, in his present life, he built glamorous, ritzy, upscale hotels in which only the wealthy can afford to stay. He also invested in gambling casinos that prey on the weakness of gamblers, which usually make casino owners rich; but even some of these Trump Organization casinos went bankrupt, which cast doubts on Trump’s alleged business acumen. He had 16 upscale, world-class golf courses built around the world, with adjoining hotels, which again are frequented mostly by well-to-do, famous folks. These golf courses were another high-priced, glamorous project to enhance his fame and financial power all around the planet. People go there to play childish, mortal, competitive sports/games, not to learn how to help others.

Have a Golden Heart

In my above dream, Sol-O-Man/Mary was saying to Donald Trump, as Christ Jesus would say in his lifetime, that it is harder for a greedy rich man to enter heaven than it is to thread a rope through the eye of a needle (with “rope” having been mistranslated as “camel” when the Aramaic Bible became Greek and English versions).

Jesus and Mary built no gaudy, glamorous buildings; they charged people no money for what they taught or for the healings they performed; they lived amongst and primarily helped the ordinary, poor, seemingly simple people of those times. Jesus fed the five thousand, but did not charge them exorbitant fees for this food and service. Jesus, however, was rich in spiritual things and energies, for he knew that Father-Mother God did all things through him.

Jesus also taught that the “poor in spirit” would inherit the kingdom of heaven, by which he meant that those who had the least amount of Cain/selfish consciousness would ascend to heavenly, Abel, loving consciousness on Earth and in the etheric realms — the first would be last and the last would be first. Hence, as we do to the least of the poor and downtrodden, so it shall be done to us. As we do unto the physically dispossessed and downhearted, so we do to Jesus and Mary.

On a positive note, Donald Trump in this lifetime has donated money to multiple charitable causes, but these donations have been no where near even the ten percent tithing of truly spiritual individuals. More often than not, his donations have been given with the underlying motive of polishing his public image, and trying to prove that he is not a racist or anti-Semite; that he is not a misogynistic, selfish, greedy millionaire/billionaire.

Sol-O-Man next explained to me that money in and of itself is not the problem. It is how we spend money that proves that we are a Cain or an Abel. Being rich or poor in material things has little or no bearing on how spiritual we are, for giving love is what makes us spiritual, not mortal.

If we are prosperous and righteously make money, then that is in keeping with divine law. But if we make our money by shady means or do not tithe at least 10% of our righteous earnings to those who are less fortunate, via churches, temples, mosques, charities, colleges and other truly loving groups, then we fall down the mountain into the hellish realms of the lower astral planes or the dark places on Earth. Selfish greed is what banishes ourselves to Venus.

See the Whole Picture

Serena/Aleta in the second dream scene represented the soul of Donald Trump and others in Lemuria, for in I Am consciousness and as a soul, Serena has been and still is devoted primarily to the Eastern Hemisphere (Lemuria), whereas I as her masculine twin soul have incarnated mostly in the Western Hemisphere, although I have had some Eastern incarnations, and she has incarnated some times in the Western Hemisphere, like unto when she was my mother in this current time. The six letters in Serena partly stand for the six spiritual temples in the East, whereas the six letters in Soliel represent the six power centers in the West.

During the East Asia Mission in spring 2013, when my second wife and I were at Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal, Siberia/Russia, which is the site of the First Ray Temple of Neptune, Sol-O-Man had vividly showed me scenes of a series of Lemurian lifetimes with her, in which she had trained me there in how to better to work with and apply the First Ray sword of truth in healing myself and others, how to combine First Ray will and power with Seventh Ray peace and love. This explained why I felt so at home at Olkhon Island, how it had been one of my favorite places in the Eastern Hemisphere that I visited during spiritual missions around the world. I loved being there.

Sol-O-Man now told me that she and I had dealt with Trump near or at this site in the days of Lemuria. There, he had been mostly like he is now in his present incarnation in the West. He was still acting mostly in Cain consciousness, and did not truly listen to, or apply, anything that Sol-O-Man or I tried our best to point out to him. Meanwhile, she had taught me how to mostly work with Trump and others like him from the distance, with spiritual thought power and loving forgiveness, such as I Am doing now. Serena, my twin soul, also had been incarnated at Lake Baikal; in my first dream in 1992 of realizing that she is my twin soul, she was an Olympic gymnast who hailed from the Siberian section of Russia; being a gymnast symbolized her being a powerful woman.

In this life, and her past ones, Serena/Aleta is one of the most humble, self-effacing souls I know. She is not interested in or attracted to fame or prestige in any way, shape or manner. Even now, in her being a spiritual leader in the highest or seventh astral plane, she has no desire to be in the “public” eye, to be honored for her ongoing spiritual work, or thought of as someone special. If anything, she tends to stay too much in the background. By contrast, Donald Trump revels in his personal fame and prestige, and continually seeks it out and flaunts it. He is a publicity hound and an expert at manipulating the media.

Atlantis Rebooted

Rhea/Andrea as my first wife represents the soul thought forms and memories of Atlantis. In her current lifetime, she incarnated in Syracuse, New York, in the outer fringes of the Earth Temple radiations and forcefield, when this temple was located on what is now central Long Island, NY. I was born and grew up in Dansville, NY, about 90 miles west of Syracuse in upstate New York. Andrea to this day dislikes dealing with, and detests, men who try to dominate her; those who attempt to use their selfish power in an attempt to control her and others; and those who like Donald Trump are flawed, power-hungry, political leaders.

In Andrea’s current lifetime, early in our marriage, she had aborted her spiritual mission, which led to our divorce. But decades later, just a couple years or so ago, after going blind and nearly dying, she had a spiritual re-awakening, as guided and prompted by Lord Michael and Nada. Now she is once again totally devoted to the Second Coming program as given by Mark-Age, Inc. Now we once again we are spiritually married, of one heart, even though we are physically apart. (She still lives in Syracuse.) She represents, therefore, that no matter how Donald Trump the soul, or others like him, have fallen from grace, he still now may re-awaken to the spiritual truth of his being.

Moreover, as Sol-O-Man now revealed to me, in Atlantis, Donald Trump had incarnated in what is currently New York City, which back then was a major financial center, like unto what it is today. Back then, Sol-O-Man, as Zolanda, was the high priestess of the Earth Temple where I trained under and served her. Sol-O-Man said that she and Donald had met one another back then, and he had treated her just like he had in the days of Cains and Abels, and in Lemuria.

Furthermore, Sol-O-Man reminded me of Nada-Yolanda’s receivings from the Hierarchy in the early 2000s that revealed that since so much greed, selfishness and abuse of power had become deeply encrusted in New York City, the Hierarchy had decreed that this metropolis and surrounding area would be flooded and destroyed in the years to come. The Hierarchy had realized that it could not be cleansed and purified in any other way. This decrystallization and dematerialization is now in progress — the angels and devas are already initiating and preparing for this; the Earth Temple that in Atlantis was at the middle of Long Island, NY, has already been moved north to southcentral Vermont, which is over a thousand feet above sea level, and thereby will not be inundated with the flooding of NYC.

Now, unless Donald Trump repents, he will meet a similar fate. If he is still alive, most of his financial holdings in this city, including his hometown Trump Tower, will be destroyed. Moreover, unless he changes his eons-old, mortal, greedy, selfish ways, he will eventually will be removed from this Solar Love System. However, with the downfall of NYC, Trump may well go “blind” but inwardly see his pending death and dismissal. Hopefully this will be the stimulus for his spiritual renewal. Maybe Lord Michael will finally be able to reach him and cut him open so that he might be reborn spiritually.

We see such a spiritual re-awakening of Donald Trump, just as we see the spiritual rebirth of all on Earth.

Here & Now

Fourth and finally, Corinne Thorsell represents the soul of man in this time of now, thus the current state of Donald Trump’s soul and his views and treatment of women. Corinne and I are soulmates, those who have incarnated together many times on Earth and throughout the Solar Love System. The first time we first met physically this lifetime, and since, we have recognized our loving soul connection with one another — my first meeting with her was like being reintroduced to a long lost friend or to my sister.

Corinne is a Seventh Ray worker, who also works at a conscious and soul level on the Third and Fifth Rays (she is 3-5-7). Through all the ups and downs of our spiritual journey over the last fifty years, we have been friends, we have loved each other in the good times and the seeming bad times, we have been devoted to the Second Coming program that cements and feeds our evolving spiritual friendship. We have treated each others as equals.

Donald Trump tends to divide his acquaintances between those who slavishly follow him (whom he calls “winners”) or those who ardently oppose him (who he labels “losers”) — he functions primarily in us-versus-them, competitive consciousness. He does have loving relationships with some of his friends and family members, but these are in the vast minority of his relationships with others.

Typically, he has to be the “top dog,” whether it be with men or women, rather than just to be himself as a balanced, respectful, helpful human who loves others, regardless of their stations in life.

Love the Whole Woman

Trump’s bottom-line, macho, superior, sexist attitudes are especially revealed in his calling women all kinds of nasty, demeaning, derogatory names. He treats his masculine enemies in similar ways, but he saves his worst, negative insults for women.

Moreover, Donald has married three beautiful models who are known more for their youthful, physical beauty than for their brains and loving, caring, compassionate nature. None of his three wives has had or now has a co-equal relationship with him. His current wife, Melania, who is twenty-four years younger than him, is more so a “trophy wife” than a co-equal partner.

In this lifetime, Trump bought and for years presented the Teenage and Miss America beauty pageants, as well as the Miss Universe pageant. He thus used his money, fame and power to promote mostly youthful, physical beauty and sexual appearance, which in the long run demeans and degrades women. He does not promote the spiritual wisdom, talents and integrity of middle-aged and older women, their inner spiritual beauty and loving works despite their ages and outer appearances. Trumps worships youthful, feminine, sexy physicality, not ageless spirituality.

Know Them by Their Fruits

Outside his marriages, Trump frequently has had inappropriate, illicit and abusive encounters with multiple women, as noted in lawsuits by them. Trump claims that no such abuse of these women happened.

In one lawsuit, a porn star threatened to sue him over his having inappropriate sex with her, to whom he paid $150,000 to keep her quiet (he claims that a man under him made the payment to her without his knowing it, but this person has testified under oath in a court of law that this is no so). Trump has called her a bitch in public, and said that her whole account is a lie.

In a taped recording in 2005, which was not released publicly until 2016, just prior to Trump’s election as president, Trump bragged that he commonly forced himself on unsuspecting women, kissing them and grabbing their breasts and crotches; and that because he was a star, they allowed him to do so.

He did apologize publicly for this taped account, but said that it was “locker room talk,” that he never had done what he said he had. (Supposedly, Melania inspired him to use the “locker room” ploy; and in regards to the numerous law suits by women against him, she has publicly proclaimed that all such women are liars (just like so many subordinate wives typically do to “help” their husbands).

To read Wikipedia articles about the allegations of Trump’s sexual misconduct and his taped statement of his groping women, click here1 and here2.

Sol-O-Man’s Wise Judgment

How much of these published accounts of his sexual abuse of women is accurate is hard to tell. But given the large number of creditable women who have sued him over a long period of time, it seems highly likely from this physical evidence that many, if not most of these ladies, have indeed been truthful, not  vengeful and greedy liars.

Moreover, Sol-O-Man has told me that most of Trump’s alleged sexual misdeeds are indeed so, and that there are many more women, who because of fear of him and his lawyers, and due to their concern about their own reputations, have not come forward and exposed and sued him. Furthermore, in my own dream with Trump and Mary, and three other women, I clairvoyantly saw and clairsentiently felt his inward lusting after their flesh. I still now clearly perceive this when I work spiritually in my light body with him from the distance. He does not fool me. The truth is written all over him. He is a sex addict.

God is not mocked. Donald Trump’s day of reckoning is fast upon him, in which he will reap what he has sown, regardless of anyone’s current mortal/soul judgment of him. Women’s wise words have and will continue to expose him; his own actions will do the same. The hidden truth of his soul will be, and is being, being revealed in these Latter Days, in which all things that are hidden are to be revealed.

Christ Crystal Clarity

After Sol-O-Man shared with me all the above about Donald Trump’s literal and symbolic meeting with four spiritual women down through the ages, Sol-O-Man summed it up and said: Donald Trump has not repented of, or transmuted, his selfish, Cain consciousness that originated in the days of Cains and Abels and has continued all through Lemuria, Atlantis and now in this present era and program. Instead, for 26 million years, he has been primarily in love with, and addicted to, money, fame, self-power and illicit, gratuitous, often abusive, physical sexual exchange.

To simplify matters, Sol-O-Man then proclaimed that Donald Trump has been, and now still is, an unrepentant, selfish Cain! He currently does not have the spiritual powers he had when he was a political leader of the Cains 26 million years ago. But the same patterns of selfish Cain consciousness that he exhibited back then have carried all the way over and through to his current incarnation on Earth. These patterns and overt acts, despite his repeated denials, are clear as a bell for those who have the clear, insightful eyes to see them.

Speaking on behalf and a member of the Karmic Board of this Solar Love System, Sol-O-Man now gave their spiritual verdict: Trump is guilty as charged! She explained that the four ladies in my four dream segments symbolized the wise, spiritual women (including Nada), who with wise men, comprise the Karmic Board of the Solar Love System.

In my double dreams, each woman had noted one aspect of Trump’s past and lingering soul selfishness. His four responses and following actions are what convicted him. The evidence was clear. The pronouncement of the Karmic Board was the truth. If he at some point listens to, and begins to repent of, what this Board clearly sees and has proclaimed, this truth will set him free. This verdict is the First Ray sword of truth that cuts deep into, and does surgery to, the darkest depths of his soul. How he responds to this is up to his own freewill choices.

Thank You

After this astounding revelation had begun to sink into my mind, body and soul, Sol-O-Man slowly disappeared and rose back into the highest etheric plane, but I still could feel her lingering, multi-dimensional presence and energy. Meanwhile, I was stunned by the enormity of all she had revealed to me. I continued to sit quietly in meditation, and to marvel at how masterfully and crystal clearly she had presented this information to me, starting with the three dreams and then her following interpretations, followed by my own physical, earthplane, correlating and confirming evidence about this.

The whole experience was so unique and with such almost unimaginable complexity, clarity and depth, yet so simple and straight to the point, that I could not doubt for a second that it was accurate, that there was absolutely no way that I had could have made up or significantly colored any of it. A few details of my interpretation and analysis of it might not be fully accurate, since I am not a perfectly clear channel, but the whole gist of it was accurate. I profusely and tearfully thanked Sol-O-Man time and time again. What a spiritual Mom we have! What a friend we have in Sol-O-Man/Mary! What a loving Lady she is!

Sit with It

Before Sol-O-Man had left, she had instructed me not to share this revelation at this time. Rather, wisdom dictated that I would need further confirmation and verification of what she had revealed so clearly to me. In the silence, however, in my own protected meditations, I would send out this verdict to one and all on the planet and in the astral planes. This would prepare them for the time I would publicly share this in my blogs.

Moreover, Sol-O-Man advised me that before I went public, I would need to prepare myself for the inevitable negative reaction and blowback that would come my way, not only by Trump but also by his supporters, both those on Earth and those in the astral planes. She said that this blowback might well be the worst such psychic attacks I yet have experienced this lifetime. It would be an all-out War of Armageddon, like when Sol-O-Man and Sananda experienced when they confronted the Cains at Mt. Shasta. Sol-O-Man assured me that she and Sananda would be with me during this waiting period and would signal me when it was over.

Moreover, before Sol-O-Man had left, she had made it particularly and abundantly clear to me that her soul intunement of Donald John Trump was not just about his partisan political view and actions, or even his sexual deviations, but rather it was about the overall negativity in his soul that he had and still expressed in every part of his daily life.

See the Light 

This same afternoon, upon my resting in bed, Sol-O-Man once again descended to and overshadowed me. She said that now that I had seen the extent of the error and darkness in Donald Trump’s soul, I was not to keep focusing on it. Rather, I was to mostly and consistently see the Christ in him, to hail the Christ in him, to see his healing and wholeness, to see his underlying good First Ray talents via which he would be capable of cutting out his darkness, calling forth his good, proper, spiritual speaking of the word.

For, no matter what he has done, at heart he is still a beloved child of God. Moreover, as Sananda had explained via Nada-Yolanda in the past, those who have fallen the furthest have the greatest motivation and capability to rise to the highest.

Furthermore, despite all of the above revelations of Trump’s ongoing, ages-old darkness, he has done some good and spread some light in his present life. As I had been shown in my four dreams of him from 2017-2020, which I shared in my last blog, he has a loving center or quality within and about him that is not tinged with his soul darkness.

Therefore, as El Morya/Mark had channeled via Yolanda back in the early 1960s, Sol-O-Man instructed me to be positive, positive, positive; to promote spiritual awakening and progress in Donald Trump and others like him. I and other light workers are to keep focusing on the good seeds within these individuals, such that one day these seeds might germinate, grow and flower.

As Christ Jesus put it, we are to love our enemy, to turn our other cheek. For, if you and I just focus only on Trump’s soul darkness, then we will fall and descend anew into our own residual, dark, Cain consciousness. We will fall off and down our mountain.

A Gift From God

The next morning, February 1, 2024, I dreamt that a light-filled, powerful, masculine arm and hand appeared to the right of me, and handed me what looked like a cashier’s check in the amount of $141,412. This check was made out jointly to Mark-Age, Inc. and me.

My first thought upon awakening and starting to interpret this lucid night vision was that it revealed once again that as we sow, so do we reap; as we give, so shall it be given abundantly unto us, both as individuals and as organizations. In the past, I have had several of this type of dream in which large sums of money are given to Mark-Age, Inc. In every instance, usually about six months later, that amount of money physically has been donated to Mark-Age or individually to me, which I then have donated to Mark-Age. So, I now assumed and had faith that Spirit would continue to supply all our needs. As a spiritual organization, Mark-Age depends primarily on the generous tithes and donations of others who support us here at Sun Temple/I Am Nation headquarters.

Then I thought about the 144,000 elect. My above dream indicated that my I Am receivings from Sol-O-Man, and her and my beaming of it out to the 144,000 elect via the multiple facets of my blue sapphire gemstone, successfully had reached into and quickened the souls of 98% of the elect located all around the world. 141,412 divided by 144,000 equals 98%. Needless to say, this was a grand victory and report!

Be a Clear Channel

Sananda then overshadowed and informed me that it was his ascended light-body arm and hand that I had seen in my dream. He powerfully proclaimed that I had been 98% accurate in what I had received from Sol-O-Man about the soul of Donald Trump. 98%! That was even better than the 4% in my dream about reaching 480 of the 500 I especially represented, hence 96% of them. I profusely and wholeheartedly thanked Sol-O-Man and Sananda for their longtime, and current, parenting of me. I was humbly in awe of them, totally honored once again to be as a spiritual son to them.

No channel is 100%, as long as he or she lives in a physical body on Earth. To be 98% clear and accurate is about the best that can be expected of any prophet, channel or light worker who is of the 144,000 elect, serving selflessly in the Second Coming program, while incarnated in a physical body.

Sananda also noted that he gave me this evaluation of my recent channeling ability in the terms of money, just as Sol-O-Man first had talked with Donald Trump about his misuse and squandering of money in my four-part dream of him. As it is commonly said, “money is the source of all evil.” Better put, the abuse and selfish misuse of money and other things of this physical world are the primary origin and source of all negative karma. In Cain consciousness, to one degree or another, everyone lusts after money, fame, self-power and mortal, third-dimensional flesh sensations. In Abel consciousness, we love God and one another. We follow the Middle Way in doing so.

One in the One

Sananda further elucidated that 2% also symbolized those of the elect who still harbor significant amounts of uncleansed negative thoughts, feelings and memories, which they inevitably express. At a soul and conscious level, they believe and pronounce that one political party is good and the other is evil. They believe in partisan politics rather than Middle Way politics and governing.

Thus, although all 144,000 elect have chosen to serve Spirit only, some 2% or 2,588 of them still are mired in, and blind-sided by, their subconscious/soul residue of Cain consciousness, which however they consciously deny having. It is primarily from this 2% that will come the most threatening, negative reactions and blowback to us who are rightly and fully committed to the Middle Way and to the Middle Way Party, even as we continue to heal and transmute our own residue of Cain thinking, feeling and action.

We keep the faith that our individual and collective blue lattice screen will alert us to, keep out and disperse any negative attempts to destroy our holy houses or temple. We keep following the Middle Way. We keep loving God and loving one another, which protects us. We believe even more fully that we will win the War of Armageddon.

(Note: Once you have read thus far, you may wish to take time now to meditate on what has been given to this point about Donald Trump and others, to apply the information to yourself and in your relationships with others, so that you might become a better spiritual governor of your own thoughts, feelings, memories and actions, and be a better example to others who are trying to following the Middle Way. You may also want to give abundant thanks to Sananda and Sol-O-Man for what they have given us, and to recommit yourself to more lovingly and powerfully serve them.)

Step Forth

Back on December 27, 2023, the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades first contacted me. I continued to have a series of evidential communions with them until the end of February 2024, as described in my past blogs about them. They lifted me into galactic consciousness, for I had incarnated in the Pleiades in my past sojourns beyond our present Solar Love System. These Pleiadean communions powerfully and lovingly helped me to shore up and fortify my I Am or Abel consciousness, even as I shed my remaining doubts, fears, worries and other such negative thoughts, feelings and soul memories. This significantly prepared me for, and helped to verify, the revelations that Sol-O-Man would give me on January  about Donald Trump and my past interactions with him.

Furthermore, even before these Pleiadean contacts ended, on February 11, 2024, I first came into contact with the two primary Elos or elohim, which word is plural, thus male and female) who oversee Earth, whose names were MaiTrix and LoGos. In the following weeks and months until this present day, Solaria and Solios of the Sun, and Big MaMa (White EloMom) and Big PaPa (Gold EloDad), also anchored their extraordinary vibrations into my forcefield.

As a result of these multiple EloHim and EloHer communions, I felt like a totally new person. Moreover, I took these Elo communions as further, powerful verifications that what I had received about Donald Trump was accurate and true, and that I would be able to counter the onslaught of negativity that would come my way.

As May ended and June began, I began thinking more about and planning how I would write this blog about Donald Trump’s 26-million-year-history and how it related and applied to each and every soul on and about the Earth, including me.  After four months of absorption and assimilation of Sol-O-Man’s soul intunement of Trump, I was finally ready to write and present it publicly. I felt her nudging me to do so.

Sananda Speaks

In my morning meditation on June 2, 2024, Sol-O-Man and Sananda surrounded me in their glorious Seventh Ray peace, love and rest. Sananda, as the conscious or masculine polarity of their male-female partnership, then stepped forth and spoke on behalf of both of them, authoritatively proclaiming: “Donald Trump lives in denial of the darkness in his soul.” These eleven words electrified and further empowered my entire aura and physical body.

Here was the concise, conscious, analytical summation and superconscious verdict about Donald Trump’s subconscious soul and conscious mind. All that Sol-O-Man, acting in her role as the soul mother of mankind on Earth, previously had revealed via my three dreams and visionary communions with her now had been distilled into conscious (masculine), practical truth that anyone on Earth or any light worker could comprehend and apply. Sananda’s statement was like an exclamation point at the end of what she already had given. Therefore, it now was my time to step forward, write and post my blog(s) about Trump and his ilk.

Be a Clear Channel

Twelve days later, on June 14, 2024, as I drove along the isolated, sparsely traveled, tree-shaded, picturesque back road into town, Sol-O-Man powerfully overshadowed me. Her contact and presence was so powerful that I pulled my car off to the side of the road and gave my full attention to her loving and powerful presence. In answer to my lingering question about why I, of all people, had been elected to receive her soul intunement about Donald Trump, she explained that this was because I was truly and fully non-partisan when it came to political matters, and rightly followed the Middle Way as it applied to governmental and all other matters. No one else was as clear a channel in this regard as I was.

After this loving, uplifting, totally welcome sharing and confirmation, Sol-O-Man switched gears, took out her First Ray sword of truth, and said to me: “Soliel-Robert, don’t you trust and have faith in what I Am doing and have done for and through you, in what I as the soul-of-man have revealed to you, in why I have chosen you to channel my wisdom?”

Oh my, Sol-O-Man slayed me in the Spirit! I still at times had been so wrapped up in my own doubts that I had let myself doubt even her. I had done the same thing 26 million years ago. So, enough already, I said to her and myself. And I released my remaining mortal/soul fears, doubts, worryings and selfishness, and my lack of faith in her and Sananda. I was no longer going to doubt and mess with my Mama or my Papa! Now, to use the modern slang, it was time for me to “man up.”

As for my lingering fear of, and concern about, those who inevitably would doubt and disapprove of me, that would be their problem, not mine — they would only end up revealing and hurting themselves, not me. I would no longer seek the personal approval of anyone on Earth, but only that of Sananda, Sol-O-Man and others of the spiritual Hierarchy. I no longer would fear anyone’s earthly misjudgments of me, their attempts to “cut me down” to their size. Let them flail away. My sword of truth and my I Am love would trump and defeat their negativity.

El Morya Stands by Us

Another twelve days later, in my morning meditation on June 26, 2024, El Morya/Mark, Chohan or Director of the First Ray of Faith, Will and Power, strongly stimulated and accelerated the right side of my head and neck. Via mental telepathy, he said that he had come to shore up and enhance my masculine First Ray functioning, to support me and add his spiritual willpower to mine. As a Seventh Ray worker, I especially need this masculine First Ray input, assistance and teamwork. El Morya reminded me that in the days of Cains and Abels, he had fully supported Sananda and Sol-O-Man. Even back then, he was the Chohan of the First Ray. Now he was doing the same for me, even as I served Sananda and Sol-O-Man here on Earth.

El Morya assured me that he fully believed in and accepted the accuracy of what had given to me about the nature of Donald Trump’s soul. El Morya also shared that he was specifically and particularly working with Donald Trump who is a First Ray worker. El Morya also reminded me that when he was incarnated on Earth as Mark of Mark-Age, he had told and trained me that most people on Earth and in the astral planes believe what they want to believe, not what the facts show them; and that this is especially true of political and religious zealots.

Donald Trump is one such person. Trump repeatedly has gone so far as to say that all attempts to point out the discrepancies in his talks and actions are “fake news or fake, nasty accusations.” He encourages people to believe him, not those he considers to be the crazy media folks or the rabid, far-left, mentally imbalanced, ultra-liberal Democrats. To Donald, he is right and all his detractors are wrong. And many folks do believe in Donald Trump, even though he borders at times on being a megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur.

El Morya then shared that because there were so many people who fiercely believe in and act upon Trump’s half-truths, distortions, exaggerations and conspiracy theories, it was inevitable that I would be a target of Trump’s and his followers’ nastiness, judgmentalness and other such negative thoughts and feelings. El Morya said that some psychic negativity that blows back to me would impinge upon and even enter partly through the openings in the blue latticework around my aura. But such indentation, but not penetration, of my aura was not totally my fault, or due to my not rightly protecting myself.

Rather, Morya explained that if I was a psychiatrist in an insane asylum, at times, I would feel and become a bit insane myself, unless I took sufficient time away from my hospital duties; met and talked with other stable, rock-solid mental health doctors; and daily continued to cleanse any darkness from my aura and then work with spiritual protection.

Stand Tall

Furthermore, El Morya explained that some of the negative blowback or reactions would come from mass consciousness as a whole group, not just from individuals. It would come from what Carl Jung called the collective unconscious. Because mankind over eons of time has been so negative and selfish, it is inevitable that at times, we will feel mortal man’s negativity all around us and subtly oozing into us, without always recognizing that it is coming from the collective soul of man on earth and in the astral planes. Because it is diffuse and not personal, because it is not just one or two nasty finger poking us, we may not recognize this form of blowback, and thereby think that what we are feeling is our own negativity. But it is not.

El Morya as my First Ray physician and metaphysical healer now said that a majority of my current mental, emotional and physical symptoms are due to this type of overall, dark-cloud-like-negativity. So, I was to recognize this and be more kind to myself and to other light workers. He reminded me that even angels pick up mankind’s negativity when they descend to earth and work directly with individuals and groups. Upon returning to the celestial realms, such angels have to go through a thorough cleansing of the darkness that has clung to their auric fields. If angels experience this, that we humans will too.

At the conclusion of this exchange with El Morya, he commanded me to “stand tall” and confidently speak words of truth. I was to to stand tall in my seventh or ascended light body, and to be a pure, power-filled, loving golden giant on Earth. He said he would be with me, and all other devoted light workers, every step of the way, as we did this. Whenever we call on him and Glo-Ria for help, they and their First Ray swords of truth will be with us. With them, we as a group will stand tall, all the way up and through the seven astral planes into the three etheric planes!

(Note: This may be another time to stop reading this blog. In your meditation(s), visualize yourself being 7-10 feet tall in your light body. In your daily activities, straighten your spine, roll back your shoulders, keep your head held high, and have a smile on your face and love in your heart. When others attempt to “cut you down,” stand up to them and tell them the truth. When you doubt that you can do what Spirit has asked you to do, affirm time and again that you are able to be an Abel, and that you are going to stand tall in doing so. Give thanks to El Morya, Glo-Ria, Michael, Mariel and others for their helping you to do this.)

Michael Speaks

One month later, on July 30th, after I had written a beginning part of what would be this whole, long, multi-leveled blog/pamphlet/short book, Lord Michael overshadowed me and filled me anew with his wondrous, angelic, First Ray willpower. He reiterated El Morya’s above guidance and then instructed me to “keep telling the truth.” In other words, what I already had written was the truth. Now, I was to have even more solid, rock-like faith in Michael’s proclamation about, and evaluation of, me. I was to stay the course, to keep telling the truth and to keep empowering one and all with my written words and my spiritual-mental, power projections, as well as my everyday acts.

Moreover, Michael explained that Donald Trump and Cain folks like him on earth and in the astral planes will daily keep on spreading misinformation, denials, denunciations and such. They think they will be able to wear down and convert their “enemies.” They are not about to give in without an all-out fight. In the ongoing election campaign, Trump will fight to the end, and probably every day will get even more nasty as the campaign progresses (this already is now happening). Therefore, each day, we must keep on decisively dealing with and dispersing this negativity, and keep telling the truth.

This reminded me of an early channeling by Hilarion/Paul via Nada-Yolanda who said that due to the darkness of the planet, we must daily affirm our holiness, wholeness and oneness with God, our adherence to divine laws and principles. Moreover, as El Morya had channeled, we must daily be positive and promote God’s good will. On a daily basis, we must keep speaking word and telling the truth, or we will allow ourselves to be clouded, hoodwinked and overwhelmed by the darkness.

Michael also reminded me that in one of my past contacts and communions with him, he had lovingly and truthfully told me that he was my loving friend. A friend at all times stands by and helps his or her friend. Lord Michael is amongst our best, most powerful friends in this Solar Love System. Michael is the angel who slayed Lord Lucifer, the fallen Archangel of the Third Ray. When Michael is with us, no enemy can have power over us. We are immune to the dark side of humankind on Earth and in the astral planes. What a powerful friend we have in Michael!

(Take a few moments now or later, or even a whole meditation or two, to realize and feel that Michael is not only your protector but also your friend, one who helps you to wield your own sword of truth, one who stands by you in thick and thin. Michael may be First Ray, but he also loves you in Third and Seventh Ray fashions. He lays down his life for you. So, take enough time to now feel his “wings” around you, which caress, uplift and empower you. See him placing a new blue sword in your hand. With our friend, Michael, keep telling the truth.)

Be Reborn

In my morning meditation one week later, August 6th, upon completing my first complete draft of this blog, it dawned on me that what I had written thus far was a good draft, but it seemed to focus too much on the negativity within the souls of Donald Trump and his MAGA followers. To present the whole picture of Trump and his political supporters, there needed to be more attention to, recognition of, and calling forth of the good within him and them.

Then, the realization came that never once in my focusing on Donald Trump had I asked Spirit and the higher-plane agents of Spirit to reveal to me Trump’s high, I Am or Christ Self name, hence his true, transcendent, spiritual nature. Yes, I had hailed the generic Christ within him many times, but I did not know his specific, God-given, spiritual code name as an unique, beloved Christ son of God. So, I asked that if it was God’s will, that Trump’s I Am moniker be given to me.

Within minutes, what came clearly to my open and receptive mind was the name Judas! It did not seem to come from any ascended master, angel or elohim, at least not one that I could identity, although I knew that they were above and with me. Rather, it seemed to come primarily from my own I Am or Soliel Self. Thus, it apparently was a test or opportunity for me to be more of an ascended master on Earth, one who is aligned with those in the higher planes but rightly playing one’s own role; one who is a master of the Middle Way on Earth, not just a student of it. I felt like an eaglet in a nest at the top of a tall tree. Now my father-mother-parent eagles were pushing me out of my nest. It was my time to get my wings under me and to fly high, or to fall headlong to earth. It was time for me to “eagle up.”

Regeneration & Rebirth

However, needless to say, the name Judas at first felt far too negative, just the opposite of what I was inspiring to focus upon. After all, Judas Iscariot had betrayed Jesus and then upon recognizing the error of his ways had gone off and hung himself. But now, I remembered my past research and realizations about the name Judas. Metaphysically, as explained by Hilarion/Charles Fillmore in his Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, this Hebrew name means: “praise God; laud God; thank God.” At the start of the Lord’s Prayer, we say: “Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.” We look to and praise God by way of His-Her name.

Thus, in Donald Trump’s I Am state as a First Ray worker, as Judas, he rightly speaks words of truth that praise, laud and thank God from Whom all spiritual ideas, energies and money flow. Being named Judas, therefore, is an honor, not just a damnation. Moreover, Judah, with an “h” instead of an “s” at the end of it, had been one of the twelve sons of Jacob, who was renamed Israel. Judah was the great-grandson of Abraham, the father of the new spiritual nation on Earth. Judah became the leader of the tribe of Judah, who eventually settled with the other eleven tribes in modern day Israel. In Jesus’ lifetime, Judah became Judas, one of the twelve that Jesus himself chose to be his primary male disciples/apostles.

Judah, Jude and Judas all mean the same thing: To praise God. Moreover, Jesus was of the descendants of the tribe of Judah. Jesus praised Jehovah God!

Be Reborn

In the 12 Powers approach, Judas represents the power of regeneration, renewal and rebirth, as expressed by way of the regenerative chakra and its corresponding reproductive system. This chakra is the lowest of the seven major chakras, from which kundalini or the fire of light begins its climb and ascends all the way to the crown chakra at the top of the head, which is the seventh and highest chakra/spiritual center in one’s spiritual anatomy, from which we ascend in our light body to the heavenly etheric realms.

So, hail to thee, Judas-Donald Trump! I praise, love and bless the Christ in you. May you as Donald Trump be regenerated, renewed and reborn. May you rebirth your I Am, Judas Self on Earth. I keep my third-eye single on this. Amen.

Soul or Astral Self

Next I focused on the name “Iscariot.” Metaphysically, it means: man of Kerioth, man of the cities, man of hostile encounters, man of conveniences. “Kerioth” was the name of a city in the southern part of Moab that is just east of Judea, on the eastern side of the Dead Sea (see map to right; and here3 for a large map). The prophet Jeremiah prophesied the overthrow of Moab (Jeremiah 48:41). Amos also prophesied against this self-righteous, negative, greedy or hostile city of Kerioth (Amos 2:2).

Furthermore, in Jesus’ day, there were many men named Judas, so to separate him from the other Judases, he was called Judas of Kerioth, hence Judas Iscariot (Kerioth), like unto Jesus being called Jesus of Nazareth.

The father of Judas Iscariot was wealthy, who passed his wealth unto his son, just as Donald Trump’s father was wealthy bequeathed his wealth to his son. All other eleven apostles of Jesus were poor fishermen that lived in Galilee in small towns or in the country.

Galilee is currently located in northern Israel. Jesus often is called Jesus of Galilee, for his home town of Nazareth was in south-central Galilee. Jesus lived in this whole area and performed many of his miracles at and around the Sea of Galilee (see map of Galilee to the right/above.)

Additional Correlations

Donald Trump is and was a man of New York City, both in Atlantis and in this lifetime, which we might symbolically call the Kerioth of those days. Moreover, many of the Trump hotels have been built in major American cities. Thus, Trump is a “man of the cities.” Because New York City is now encrusted with greed, competition and power-mongering. Therefore, the Hierarchy has called forth its cleansing by earthquakes and flooding, just as Atlantis was shaken, flooded, destroyed and purified. Angels and devas already have put into motion this apocalyptic flood that will occur shortly, in God’s good time. Thus, like the Iscariot aspect of Judas, New York City is about to meet its self-inflicted death.

Moreover, Donald certainly is hostile in his encounters with his self-perceived enemies. He is what I and others call a “head-butter,” one who hostilely attacks his enemies in a fight to be “top dog” to the other person’s ‘bottom dog,” to make himself a “winner” and his opponent a “loser.” He focuses on negatively naming and describing others, attempting to demean them and to take away their power, rather than on affirming and promoting the truth within himself and them. He is competitive, not cooperative. He is nasty and hateful, not loving. He certainly does not promote peace or the goodness that is in all sons and daughters of God. He is an Iscariot.

Donald, like Iscariot, is also a man of conveniences, who has spent most of his money on decorating his living quarters and hotels with only the best and most lavish of items, on mostly making his own life easy without helping or serving others. He uses his wealth primarily to promote himself and to make it more convenient for him to move through his life and to get what he personally wants, including political power, fame and sex with multiple women. And he has been doing this for eons of time.

Sixth and Seventh Rays

Given all of the above, the name “Iscariot” denotes and refers to Donald Trump’s soul nature or subconscious self. “Is” refers to his I Am or spiritual Self. However, the letters “ca” in the middle of Iscariot symbolize Cain consciousness that dwells in the deepest, most murky depths of his soul, buried away so deeply and thoroughly that he even has forgotten that it exists, and thereby denies that he has it, but it still gets consciously expressed by him. Donald Trump as Judas has devolved into become Iscariot.

The four letters of “riot” stand for Iscariot’s misuse of power, hence like unto Trump’s inspiring and condoning the January 6, 2021 riot that started as a proper verbal protest, but devolved into a overt, physical riot in which the MAGA folks invaded and took over the hallowed halls of Congress. It seems highly likely that in Trump’s past lives he likewise promoted and condoned the physical use and abuse of power to establish and maintain his own Cain consciousness and control on Earth.

So, as it comes to the darkened soul of Donald Trump, we often may be guided by the still small I Am voice within us and by those voices of spiritual teachers and friends in the higher planes to see Donald enveloped in, and suffused with, the Sixth Ray of Cleansing and Transmutation, which works in and through the violet flame. Before he as Judas can be reborn, he first has to undergo Sixth Ray soul purification. Then and only then can he resurrect into Seventh Ray peace, love and rest, which expresses via the gold-and-white flame of this Ray.

Only then can he follow the Middle Way and become a positive, loving member of the Middle Way Party. Only then can he help to build and to live in a shining city on a hill (Matthew 5:14), which the Puritans hoped to bring forth when they came to America. That city is the New JerUSAlem.

How do we know when to use these above two or other Rays of Life for Trump’s upliftment? We ask Spirit and the agents of Spirit to guide, instruct and assist us, to teach us how to be a better holistic healer and light worker.

Personal or Physical Self

As I was pondering all of the above, I realized that I never had looked up the meaning of the names “Donald” and “Trump.” Trump was reasonably obvious, in the sense that Donald is always trying to “trump” others, to get them to follow him, to make others small in his attempt to be big, to win in the card game of life. Trump is also for “trumpet,” whereby Donald announces his allegedly powerful, superior presence, and tries to drown out the words and noise of other instruments and voices, calling them fake voices and fake news.

Trump’s middle name, however, is John. This name means “love,” like in John the Beloved, the apostle of love in the group of Jesus’ twelve apostles. In other words, right in the middle of Donald J. Trump is love. So, we are to mostly focus on the spiritual love within him, rather than on his hatred, nastiness and combativeness. There are many accounts of how he has been a loving father to the children of his three marriages, how he has positively helped others.

Moreover, I encountered his loving presence/self in my visionary visits with him when he was president, as I shared in my last blog. At the deepest level of his soul, he is a loving being. He was not always a Cain in the ancient days. Before the development of the Cains and Abels, he was an Abel, a true and pure golden giant. This is the loving, selfless part of him that we are most to love. In time, his negative attitudes and tributes will drop away. What we see, will be. Amen.

Be a Righteous Ruler

Donald means: ruler of the world or world mighty. Does not that fit the personality of Donald Trump as a billionaire, as a seeming ruler in the financial world; and politically, in his presidency he was the ruler of the USA and in many ways tried to be the ruler of the world; and as a man, being the ruler and dominator of women? Like Iscariot, Donald carries the “purse” — Iscariot pilfered coins from this purse to use for his own selfish purposes, rather than use such coins/money to help his fellow apostles and others.

Iscariot betrayed the location of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane to the soldiers of Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest, who eventually turned Jesus over to Pontius Pilate to be crucified. When the soldiers first arrived, Judas kissed Jesus on his cheek to indicate that indeed he was Jesus. As it turned out, this was the kiss of death, not only for Jesus but also for Iscariot. (See painting to right by Giotto of this kiss.)

For Iscariot’s betrayal, he was paid 30 coins, which he later tried to return to Caiaphas who would not accept them because these coins were blood money. So Iscariot threw them on the ground, which became Potter’s Field where poor, indigent people were buried. 30 coins refers to Iscariot’s abuse and misuse of the Third Ray of Personal Love, Feeling and Service to a Higher Cause. Iscariot sold himself to the devil within his soul.

For the three years prior to this, however, Judas had been a loyal follower of Jesus. Thus, in our current perspective and understanding, it was not Judas who betrayed Jesus, but rather Iscariot, the “devil” or darkness within his soul that he allowed to take him over. In like manner, Donald Trump as Judas in I Am consciousness does not betray, belittle and attempt to control others — it is Donald Trump as Iscariot that does this. It is Iscariot in him that is mean-mouthed, grandiose and self-promoting, who delivers the kiss of death to people. It is Trump’s subconscious that contains, reveals and betrays his soul darkness. Therefore, it is Trump’s I Am or Judas Self that we are to commend, honor, praise and call forth, even as we see the cleansing and transmutation of his Iscariot soul.

Be A Loving Spiritual Ruler

In the lifetime of Jesus, Iscariot secretly wanted Jesus to become a physical king, not a spiritual Messiah and teacher, even though Jesus proclaimed that his kingdom was not of this world. Iscariot let himself be influenced by the Zealots of his day who wanted to use physical swords and other physical means (including assassination) to destroy and remove the Romans from Judea. Being a self-righteous, physically based Zealot is once again the misapplication and denigration of the Third Ray.

Iscariot hoped that by betraying Jesus to the authorities, when Jesus was tried by them, he would not accept their verdict but rather would step forth publicly and demonstrate his spiritual powers to conquer and remove his false judgers and the Roman military rulers and political leaders who then occupied and governed the area. (One also has to wonder if Judas’ wealth, passed down to him by his father, contributing to his thinking that he could hoodwink and control Jesus, and thereby impose his will on him; just as Donald Trump allows his wealth to cloud his judgment.)

Jesus, whose third-eye was fully open, saw and knew this about Iscariot’s dark desires and plan, and he tried to help Iscariot transmute them. But when it became apparent that Iscariot would not do so, Jesus finally said to him, “Go and do what you have to do, and do it quickly.” Christ Jesus thus did not force his will on Iscariot or physically control and conquer him. He knew that Iscariot would have to learn his soul lesson the hard way, hence backwards. The easy way would have been for Iscariot to follow Jesus’ guidance to live the law rather than to be evil. But instead, Iscariot acted in reverse fashion: l-i-v-e became e-v-i-l.

Iscariot deep in his uncleansed soul felt superior to Jesus. Thus, Iscariot acted in Cain consciousness. When Iscariot realized this after Jesus was taken to his crucifixion, rather than Iscariot asking God for forgiveness and setting out to cleanse his soul and make amends, he killed himself, which was was an evil, cop-out thing to do. God gives life. Only mortal humans willfully choose death. God lifts humans to the top of the temple; mortal humans willfully step off it, and thereby souly and physically kill themselves.

Words Betray & Reveal

Donald Trump as Iscariot now says that when he is elected as President this year, he will become the most imperial president in US history. He will not accept any election result in which Kamala Harris is declared to be the winner, unless he and he alone decides that the election was fair and honest, which of course he will not do. Moreover, Trump says that when he is elected president, he will not follow and apply the decisions made by the Supreme Court unless he agrees with them. He will get Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that people accept, which will allow him to imprison his opponents whom he judges to be not patriotic, in other words those who do not want him to rule as a totalitarian dictator, king, czar or emperor; a crazy, demented, power-mongering Cain.

Moreover, Trump repeatedly has said that he as president will pardon all those who stormed the halls of Congress on January 6, 2021. He will even try to pardon himself of all the lawsuits now before him. And should he lose the election, Trump has prophesized that his followers will not allow this, that there will be a bloodbath; thereby Trump has prepared and personally authorized them to resort to physical violence to put Trump in the presidency.

In essence and truth, what Trump mostly wants is to make himself “great” like he was as a selfish Cain governmental leader some 26 million years ago. History is repeating itself!

Judas Reborn

When I first received the guidance to focus on Donald Trump’s I Am spiritual code name as Judas, I first thought that this inspiration came primarily from my high Self. But three days later, in my morning meditation, Jesus’ apostle Judas Iscariot, who has transmuted himself and currently resides in the etheric planes as one of the original twelve apostles of Jesus, overshadowed me. (See two 1961 channelings by Judas Iscariot via Nada Yolanda on pages 81 and 89 in our Mark-Age text MAPP to Aquarius, which describe Judas’ role and functions in these Latter days.)

Judas Iscariot now told me that he had been the principle, higher-plane, etheric being who three days ago helped me to remember and receive that Donald Trump’s high Self name was Judas. This was part of Judas Iscariot’s efforts to praise God and Sananda/Jesus, and to set a new pattern for all who now are following Iscariot’s false footsteps in the astral planes and on Earth.

Judas in the etheric planes and I on Earth now are disciples of Christ Jesus, so we currently are working together as one team in healing the soul of man on Earth and in the astral planes. In past years, I had several communions with Judas Iscariot, so I now knew his vibration. But this current time, I was much more confident that indeed he, as a former apostle/disciple of Christ Jesus, was now with me, helping me to transmute my own remaining Iscariot consciousness and to cleanse Iscariot darkness in the soul of man.

Judas & Judith

Judas Iscariot next revealed to me that his feminine twin soul had been the nameless prostitute who had been brought before the scribes, Pharisees and Jesus in the Temple to be stoned to death as Mosaic law required, for she had been caught in the act of prostitution. The scribes and Pharisees, hoping to trick Jesus into betraying Mosaic law and thus to prove that he was not the Messiah, asked Jesus if he would stone this lady. But Jesus remained quiet, bent down and wrote something on the ground.

Having gathered and centered himself, Jesus then stood up and said: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” whereupon one by one, all the men dropped their stones and silently slinked away. Jesus then boldly and lovingly told the woman that he did not condemn her, thereby forgiving her, but instructed her to sin no more. This proved to those who had the eyes to see and ears to hear that Christ Jesus indeed was the Messiah, for he forgave one and all, but he also applied divine, not mortal man’s, law to everyone. (See John 8:3-11.)

Two days later, on August 9, 2024, in my morning meditation, Judas descended and stood to my right. To the left of me came his feminine twin soul, who confirmed that she had been the unnamed prostitute that Jesus had forgiven. His aura was shades of red, whereas hers was shades of pink. Judas and Judith are Third Ray workers. From pink to red is the color of this Ray of Personal Love and Devotion to a Higher Cause. It is due to the misuse and misapplication of the Third Ray that eons ago a segment of mankind fell to earth, and that some of the Golden Giants became Cains.

She said that in that incarnation her name was Judith, which is the feminine version of Judas — Judith of the feminine polarity praises, lauds and thanks God and the God Self in all people, especially in Jesus and Mary. Upon Jesus’ forgiving and healing her, Judith as a Third Ray worker became his dedicated, devoted female disciple, which likewise is not mentioned in the Biblical account.

Women Disciples

Judith was like unto Mary Magdalene, who after Jesus cast out seven “demons” from her aura, had become one of his most devoted followers, even the leader of all the women disciples who followed and served him. In a sense, Judith likewise had seven “demons” in her, the major one of which was in her regenerative chakra, which Jesus cast out from her. Jesus did not lust after her, but rather saw and loved the Christ or I Am Self in her.

Mary Magdalene was the twin soul of Simon Peter, who we now know as Summalt in the etheric planes, and is the etheric coordinator of all light workers in the Eastern Hemisphere. Mary Magdalene’s high self name is SoMa. After Judas Iscariot hung himself, the remaining eleven apostles of Christ Jesus picked Matthias (he who does the will of God) to replace Iscariot. Matthias was an incarnation of St. Germain/Dr. Hannibal of the Sixth Ray, who is now the etheric coordinator of all light workers in the Western Hemisphere. His twin soul’s name is Violet.

Forgive Donald & Melenia Trump

Judith now asked and guided me to work spiritually not only with Donald Trump, but also with his current wife Melania, who originally was a model from Slovenia (formerly a part of Yugoslavia). From numerous online creditable accounts of her, by men and women, Republicans and Democrats, she went into her marriage with Donald knowing at least some of his past, sordid history with women and his current philandering, and knowing and accepting that she would not be treated as his co-equal. She loved him, but to some extent she prostituted herself with him, opting to bask in, and take advantage of, his fortune, fame and power. (Click here to read a Wikipedia account of Melania.)

Melania is twenty-four years younger than Donald, a beautiful former model, and hence what some people call a “trophy wife.” By her marrying him in 2005, she partly made a pact with the devilish Iscariot in him. Donald, when courting Melania, was on his best behavior, like so many men are prior to their marriages. As a much younger, foreign women, Melania had only a limited ability to rightly judge and righteously deal with Donald Trump, although she made every effort to do so. She basically ended up allowing him to “con” her. Shortly after their marriage, he began and continued to “sleep around.”

Fifty percent of married men in the USA admit that they have affairs and visit loose women outside of their marriages, and most monogamous men admit they have recurring fantasies about having sex with women other than their wives, even though they do not act upon these fantasies.

Melania and Donald Trump have one son who is named Barron. From all accounts, Melania has been a devoted, loving, fulltime mother. Moreover, when Barron became a teenager, Melania visited hospitals, clinics and halfway houses where woman were recovering from their sexual abuse by their husbands and lovers. In other words, Melania used her fame to help others. Donald Trump, by contrast, spent relatively little time with Barron in his youth, and has made little attempt over the years to help abused women or to promote women’s rights.

Christ Compassion 

In my ongoing exchange with Judith, she had deep, feminine compassion for Melania. Judith knew what it was like to be poor, to be mistreated by men, to feel that the only way to support herself financially was by selling herself as a “prostitute.” Moreover, Judith knew that due to the patriarchal nature of society, many women throughout history have not stood up to their husbands and other males.

Judith also knew that Christ Jesus and Mary the Mother had forgiven her, and that they would treat Melania in the same way when she turned in her heart and soul to them (Melania is Catholic). Judith knew a New Day and a New Age was coming in which spiritual brothers and sisters, spiritual husbands and wives, would equally rule Earth. Judith thereby loved and forgave Melania as a beloved sister.

However, Judith also knew full well that men are not the only sexual deceivers and abusers. Many women have used their feminine charms to entice men to do what they want them to do. Women, of their own free will, have “slept their way to the top” in businesses and all other walks of life. Some women carry out affairs while being married, rather than focus on the healing of themselves and their male partners, although men are more likely to do this.

Some women dominate their husbands or boyfriends. Other women feel so unloved and insecure that they allow many men to have sex with them, to be self-deceived about a man’s true intentions, his good and his bad qualities. Many women do not step up and insist upon being treated as co-equals, but rather complain about, and castigate men. Thus, being driven by sexual desire and societal acceptance is not just a problem with men, but also with women.

The point now is for us to see women worldwide becoming Judiths for Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary, to visualize women especially linking with and loving, and being loved by, Sol-O-Man, the Mother of mothers, the elder sister of all younger sisters. Upon doing so, Sol-O-Man/Mary and other feminine masters will help and guide women as individuals in one sisterhood. First Ray praising and Seventh Ray loving Father God, Mother God, Sananda and Sol-O-Man are what regenerates both men and women, and rebirths them as co-equal but opposite polarities. So be it.

Christ Confirmation

Although all of the above about Judas and Judith seemed clear and accurate to me, it was so new that I had my doubts about it. I asked Spirit for confirmation and any further elucidation about it, and about how I was to proceed or desist.

In response, the next morning, August 10, 2024, while eating breakfast, Sananda strongly overshadowed me. His golden love enveloped and suffused me. He had come to give me his spiritual food that would nourish my soul and spirit.

He said simply: “Stay the course.” This pointed, powerful, loving statement confirmed that what I had received and started to write about Judas and Judith was indeed accurate. I felt his confirming words written not only in my mind but also on my heart that now filled with Sananda’s golden love.

Then Sananda told me that it was spiritually normal and natural that I would have doubts about what Spirit and the agents of Spirit gave to me. I was still a man on Earth, with a mortal personality. Moreover, doubting actually was helpful, because it insured that I would not become cocksure and proud, and then rush into something or go off and do something stupid and selfish, such as hanging myself. Doubting is not the problem. Acting upon such doubts is what destroys us and makes us in Iscariot.

Sananda added that when he and Sol-O-Man in the days of Cains and Abels were at the Temple of Saturn in what is now Alaska, he likewise had doubted. His master teacher, Maitreya had come to him and assured him that what he had received and decided to do was indeed truthful and right guidance. Even on Sananda’s way from Alaska to Mt. Shasta, he had doubted his clarity and sanity, whereupon Maitreya once more had come to him and reassured him that he was following divine guidance, not deluded soul/mortal thinking and judging.

So, now, on this 10-day, I continued to stay the course, to stay on the straight and narrow pathway, to keep on moving up the mountain. What a father and friend we have in Jesus, who always listens and responds, who loves us as his or her child, who reaches down his hand to lift us up ever higher. Amen!

Be a Judas or Judith

In some of your meditations over the next week or two, as so guided from within, you may want to focus primarily on the Judas/Judith quality, talent or power within you. Judas/Judith regeneration is one of our twelve powers. We all have a Judas or Judith ability or power to praise, laud and thank God for doing all things in, through and as us; and then to rebirth our I Am Self.

Realize anew at some deeper soul level what remnants you still have of Iscariot, selfish, self-deceived consciousness within your soul. As Sananda has channeled via Nada-Yolanda, there is no one on Earth who has not contributed to the planet’s darkness, to its sexual addiction and depravity. There is no one who is not self-deceived in some way.

After your praising Jehovah God, ask Him-Her to give you new, loving, powerful techniques for your dealing with your remaining negative “soul stuff.” Perhaps your first inspiration is to place yourself in the violet flame of the Sixth Ray, in order to cleanse and transmute your soul. In time, the violet light will fade and the white-and-gold flame of your I Am Self and light body will appear to, and shine upon and within, you.

Honor your spiritual father and mother, Sananda and Sol-O-Man, who are in heaven. Ask them for their guidance and wait to receive it. Become a spiritual king or queen, a Christed husband or wife, an enlightened male or female friend of others in your life. Do not any longer prostitute yourself to anyone who overtly or secretly wishes to enslave you. Do not throw stones at others, but shine like a purified golden giant upon one and all. Birth more of the Middle Way in you. rejoin the Middle Way Party and become more active in it. Be love in action.

Love Others

Then, upon your successfully doing this, shift your focus to Judas, the spiritual code name for now of the I Am Self of Donald J. Trump. Bless his Judas Self, call upon it to come forth, give thanks in advance that this shall indeed happen in God’s good way and time. Let go of any remaining negative, nasty, judgmental, fearful thoughts that you have about Iscariot/Donald Trump. Keep your all-seeing eye singly focused on his I Am or Judas Self.

When guided from within, see Donald Trump surrounded by and infused with the blue light of First Ray Faith, Will and Power. See him doing the will of God, not his own mortal/soul will. Have faith that as you see it, so shall it be. Acknowledge and thank El Morya and Glo-Ria, Lord Michael and Lady Mariel, and the Blue EloHim and Blue EloHer for working with and through you to help him.

Follow the same or a similar approach in working with Melania Trump. Give thanks to Judas, Judith, Sananda and Sol-O-Man for guiding you in the transmuting, healing and spiritual re-awakening of Donald and Melania, as well as seeing the Christ Selves in other couples and individuals who are brought to your attention. Be as a loving, truthful parent to them. Love one another.

See & Feel Donald’s Darkness

In my meditations over the past seven months, when I have been Christ centered and then have focused via my clairvoyant vision on Judas-Iscariot-Donald Trump, I often have been shown his auric field, Usually his whole aura appears to be filled with various shades of gray, hence his selfishness, with the gray in some areas appearing black and/or nasty-looking, blackened red colors.

Usually, two sections of his crown chakra/cerebrum look particularly dark: 1) his two temporal lobes at the sides of his head, just above his physical ears, where memories form, function and are recalled; and 2) his two prefrontal lobes at the front part of his brain in and through which his emotions are felt and get expressed. As Iscariot, ever since the days of Cains and Abels, Donald Trump has lived in denial of his soul-emotional darkness. His denials have been so repeated and forceful that they now have literally darkened, shut down and even damaged the prefrontal and temporal lobes of his brain.

More than likely, in Donald’s youth, he had fallen down, been in a car accident, played violent sports like football, or engaged in fist fights, which caused minor damage in his brain. As Nada-Yolanda received from Sananda and Hilarion back in 1976, individuals with major soul blockages/scars commonly attract such brain-damaging events in their lives. Currently, we have no published medical records or accounts of Donald Trump’s early years or later on in his life, so we cannot consciously know if he had such head traumas.

But what I am shown psychically in my communions with him is that he does have such brain damage that has been partly caused by past blows to the head, and which has been added to by his denial of his past This damage is not so major or widespread, however, that Donald cannot function well in some areas and aspects of his life. Thus, he has become a billionaire, which he never could have done if his brain damage was major and involved all parts of his cerebrum, his central computer. He previously was elected as the president of the USA.

Emotional/Soul Sickness

However, the darkness, dysfunction and damage in Trump’s prefrontal lobes has made it difficult for him to rightly deal with and express his feelings. This may well account for some of the ongoing, almost daily, emotional drama in his life — he emotionally goes from one extreme to the other, from one seeming crisis and conflict to another. All too often, he has been a “drama king.” He continually has found it difficult to be calm, centered, composed and compassionate; and thereby to follow the Middle Way of peace and love.

Moreover, his brain dysfunction and damage may help to account for his emotional overreaction to his loss in the 2020 election, when he basically threw caution and wisdom to the winds and went emotionally ballistic. It also may have adversely influenced all his male-female relationships throughout most of his adult life. Our feelings are the energy that crystallizes good or bad order in our lives. Donald Trump’s life has not been in divine order.

Furthermore, Donald’s brain dysfunction and disease is now to the point that he often does not consciously remember or learn from many of his past misdeeds and mistakes in this current lifetime, the records of which are stored in his feminine, receptive subconscious and flow via the temporal lobes into conscious recall and recognition. Without our knowing Donald Trump’s past lives and whole soul record, without our being able to see and feel the auric darkness around his brain or other parts of his body, we may think that he is always an overt, conscious con man and liar; as he is in some ways and times.

But often, due to his brain dysfunction, he literally does not remember the past and therefore continues to repeat it — he “lies” to himself and others. Therefore, he does not consciously understand why other people do not believe in and follow him, but rather seem to hate and even sue him for that he things he has not done. He feels little remorse about trashing and demeaning others. He erroneously thinks other are trying to trash and con him, when in fact they are trying to help him b pointing out the truth to him about his soul. He falsely concludes, therefore, that he is right to harm others, before they try to lie and harm him. He sees and applies the Golden Rule in backward, reversed, darkened, nasty fashion.

Thus, when we project I Am love and peace to him, he may well first conclude that we are being hateful and war-like, just as he is. Therefore, sometimes after we work spiritually and lovingly with him, we wisely step back and give him time to rightly process what he is receiving but not wisely understanding. We refocus on and reinforce the blue lattice of protection around us, which helps us to be better able to deal with Trump’s negative blowback to us.

Be Merciful & Merciless

Despite Trump’s brain dysfunction and damage, however, he has ample remaining brain capacity to understand and rightly apply the Golden Rule that is found in all religions, philosophies and places around the world, which is the essence of Christ Jesus’ teachings and demonstration. There simply is no excuse for Donald to not understand and apply the Golden Rule to himself and others.

Moreover, Donald is the primary one who has caused his own brain dysfunction/damage, so he has no one to blame but himself when he misuses and abuses the sword of truth in dealing with his alleged enemies, or when they seem to turn against him. Nonetheless, because of our knowledge of his brain dysfunction/damage, we at times can be compassionate and merciful in our evaluation of, and feelings about, him. But, for the most part, given Trump’s refusal to acknowledge and make amends for his soul/emotional darkness, we wisely have no mercy on him, but rather are merciless in our wielding of the sword of truth on his behalf. He needs spiritual surgery, not just a few pills that cover over and hide his selfish symptoms.

Donald Trump, the soul, has had 26 million years to learn about and apply the truth, during which he has steadfastly refused to do so, despite his interactions with Sol-O-Man and many other spiritual, ascended masters. Therefore, now in these Latter Days, he is paying the price for his longtime, multi-incarnational, punitive, pugnacious, self-powered, willful, selfish, brain-damaging nature.

Therefore, all that we often are to do now as holistic healers is to step back, see the Christ/Judas in him, and let him reap the results of his negative thoughts, feelings and actions. By the divine law of cause and effect, of karma and reincarnation, what Iscariot/Donald has sown, now he reaps. We do not have the power or the right to stop this from taking place. Moreover, we only can help him if he is willing to help himself and make amends for his past negative actions.

First and Seventh Rays

Christ Jesus gave two seemingly conflicting instructions to his followers, which actually are are complementary, co-equal guidelines. In Matthew 10:34-36, he pronounced: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his [or her] own household.” However, in John 14:27, he proclaimed: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.”

Thus, Jesus was instructing us to use the First Ray sword of truth in conjunction with the Seventh Ray of peace and love. As the situation calls for it, we are to be either merciless or merciful. We are to employ tough love or tender love, or some combination of them. In so doing, we become a master of the Middle Way for transmuting and healing humanity.

Moreover, we continue to envision and pray for Iscariot/Donald’s soul and physical healing, but not to be overly involved in it. We forgive him. We say our prayers and do our projections, and then we let him go to God, even as we keep moving up our mountain. Our ongoing ascension is the most powerful means we have to transmute and heal Trump and all others.

Forgiveness Heals

In a recent YouTube video, a religious leader asked Donald Trump if he ever has asked God to forgive him. Donald replied, no, he had not. So, there it is in Donald’s own words!

Despite Donald saying that he is a devoted, non-denominational, practicing Christian and his even putting out and selling a Holy Bible for the exorbitant price of $60, he does not follow Jesus’ example and admonition. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus asks our Father-Mother God to forgive us our debts/sins, even as we forgive the mistakes/debts of others. Either Donald Trump now follows Christ Jesus’ instruction about forgiveness or he will suffer the consequences of not doing so.

God forgives. We as sons and daughters receive His-Her forgiveness to the degree that we forgive others. Forgiveness heals us and everyone else. This is the truth that sets everyone free. Forgiveness is what makes us a spiritual president and leader. Forgiveness heals one and all.

Know Yourself

Donald Trump back in 2016, primary to his election, said he took a cognitive test, and bragged that he aced it. But he never released any details about it. Most often, people at their doctor’s office take various short forms of this test, which take about ten to fifteen minutes to complete, so this is probably what Trump took.

Some such short tests involve analyzing a string of numbers, drawing the face of a clock and remembering words that the tester gives at the start of the test and minutes later have to be recalled. Other short tests that take a bit longer involve answering twenty questions. These two types of short testing, however, are just a start and only give an incomplete answer or diagnosis. A full cognitive test takes an hour, and has to be administered by someone who is a trained expert in giving it, who knows how to adapt it to the person that is taking it. It thereby gives a much better indication of one’s mental/brain health.

However, as the word “cognitive” indicates, such short or long cognitive tests mostly test our mental body and conscious thinking that function primarily in and through the two parietal lobes of the brain. Thus, such cognitive exams test primarily our analytical, logical, discerning, thinking ability. Trump’s parietal lobes, as I have been shown in my visions of his aura and body, work reasonably well, therefore Trump has relatively good cognitive skills, even as his emotional and memory aspects do not function well.

In addition to an hour-long, full cognitive test, to give an objective view of all parts of the brain, including those parts in and through which feelings (emotional body) and memories (astral body) function, the current best medical way is to also to undergo a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging test — a fMRI exam. This will note not only the health of all parts of the physical brain, but also determined how well they function over a period of time.

See the Whole Person

However, even an fMRI does not note the full health of our astral body or indicate how well we are connected via it with our light body. To do that, a holistic healer must use his or her ESP or Elementary Spiritual Powers to clairvoyantly see and clairsentiently/intuitively feel the health or disease/dysharmony of one’s astral, emotional and mental bodies; to see how far a person has come into I Am consciousness and light-body expression.

I have trained as a medical doctor and a psychiatrist. I have apprenticed under Hilarion and Harmony for fifty years and thereby rightly and accurately have developed and rightly used my spiritualized psychic powers. From Nada-Yolanda, Hilarion and Harmony came my training to diagnose and treat brain damage and dysfunction. Thus, when I have worked with Donald Trump, I have seen, analyzed and rightly diagnosed the health or disease of all his four lower bodies: mental, astral, emotional and physical bodies that anchor into and through the cerebrum as the body’s central computer. In repeatedly doing so, I have found Trump to have multiple areas of brain dysfunction, and even brain damage, as I have shared above. Thus, Donald Trump cannot “con” me, nor lie to me about his past. I see, describe and treat him for who he truly is.

I even have psychically seen evidence of Trump’s decreasing brain function that occurs in all men and women as they grow older. Plus, outwardly, as indications of this brain decline, at times Donald now at times slurs his words; misspeaks; denies having previously said things that videos clearly show he has in fact recently claimed; and tells elaborate, illogical, unproven stories that ramble on and on in almost incoherent fashion, at the end of which you hardly know what he trying to convey to you and others as his listeners.

Partly the cause of these symptoms is simply his age — he is now 78, the same age at which Joe Biden was when he was elected president. Donald Trump does still has remarkable physical energy and mental clarity for a man of his age, but as compared to what he demonstrated in 2016-2024, his physical energy and mental clarity levels are obviously diminished. He already has some signs of having early senility or Alzheimer’s Disease.

Step Down & Up

To me, anyone who is 75 or older, in order to qualify as a presidential candidate for perhaps the most demanding job in the world, should have a complete, hour-long cognitive test, and a fMRI that shows the functioning ability of the brain, not just its physical structure. In the New Age to come, and even to some degree now, it would also help if someone running for office consulted with, and was diagnosed by, a highly trained, accurate “psychic seer” or channel. But even if a candidate who is 75 years or older is diagnosed to have a relatively healthy brain or just minor defects, due to the ongoing effects of aging, this person rightly should be excluded from running for the presidency, because his or her brain will continue to decline for the four years of his/her presidency. As with Joe Biden, and now with Donald Trump, do people really want a president is 82 years old?

Rather, let such an elderly person step down from being, or hoping to be, a physical, fulltime president, and to step up to being a part-time “president emeritus.” Those over 75, with a wealth of experiences in economic, religious and political matters can support, guide and counsel a younger president who does not have the experience that this wise old man or woman now has. This stepping up to emeritus status and functioning would be wisdom and right action. Joe Biden did this on July 21, 2024, when he removed himself as a candidate for president and endorsed vice president Kamala Harris to take his place.

Wield a Blue Sword

When you are guided within to actively work for the healing of Iscariot/Donald Trump in your meditations, you also may be instructed spiritually to see his whole aura suffused with blue light that lights up his brain. Maybe you just affirm that he now has a blue brain. Other times, you may be inspired to see a blue sapphire being implanted in his crown chakra and cerebrum.

On still other occassions, under Michael, Morya and others of the First Ray, you may be guided to visualize a blue sword of truth coming down into the top center of Donald’s head, and from there down his spinal column and six other chakras. (See image to right of sword coming down and into the whole planet.)

This blue sword will cut away the dark areas of Donald’s brain, as well as the dark areas throughout his whole body. It will direct and implant First Ray blue light into his mental, emotional and astral bodies.

Other times, your guidance may be to see Donald surrounded by, and infused with the green light or healing or the pink light of transmutation with personal love. As Spirit directs you, all you may do is say: Hail to the Christ in thee; be your Judas Self; Love God and Love One Another; and/or follow the Middle Way of peace, love, cooperation and coordination.

Forgive & Be Forgiven

Whatever else you do, in your exchanges with Donald, from the depths of your spiritual heart, focus on loving and forgiving him. At the start, middle or end of your healing session with him, you may say, as Jesus did on the cross, Father-Mother God, forgive him for he truly does not know what he does or the harm that he is causing others as well as himself. If and when Donald accepts your love and he sows love, this love will heal him. Even if he resists and rejects your attempts to help him, you will be forgiven for, and healed of, your own remaining Iscariot consciousness.

Donald Trump now risks total “destruction” if he does not change his error-filled ways. He risks becoming suicidal and killing himself when he realizes the magnitude of what he negatively has done this lifetime and in past lifetimes. He risks developing some fatal disease. He risks being assassinated (his repeated trying to “kill” others mentally and emotionally, will by the law of karma, come back to him, as it already has one time). Moreover, unless he repents and changes for the better, he risks being banished not just to Venus but outside the Solar Love System.

Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia, whom Donald Trump says he admires for being a strong, authoritative leader, already is in the process of being removed by the Hierarchy from this solar system. That is what several members of the Hierarchal Board have proclaimed through me on multiple recent occassions. Nothing has been given to me as pertains to Donald Trump’s potential banishment. He apparently still has time to repent, but probably not that much longer. His day of spiritual reckoning and judgment is upon him, just as it is with all of us and all mankind.

Do the Will of God

Given Donald Trump’s obvious, multiple, soul/mortal negative traits, why do so many people plan to vote for him, just as they did in the past two presidential elections? One reason is that they as Republicans have never and never will vote for any Democrat. To them, even a flawed Republican is better than any Democrat. Moreover, as true believers and followers of Donald Trump, they may have concluded that all reports about his negativity are lies.

Thus, some voters believe what they want to believe, not what the facts show them. If one tries to have a loving, objective discussion with such ardent believers, you quickly realize that it is like talking to a brick wall. It does not matter what you say or what the facts are, they are sure that they already know the truth, and that it is their right and duty to convert you to their way of thinking. Hardcore Democrats can be just as blind and stubborn in their beliefs about Republicans, as far rightwing Republicans are about Democrats.

Both men and women now are part of the MAGA political party. The men join this “personality cult” because just like Donald Trump they worship wealth, prestige, self-power and gratuitous sex for its own sake — they see Donald being the ultimate “man’s man,” and hope overtly or secretly to be just like him.

However, given Trump’s long history of demeaning and having abusive sex with women, why do women become MAGA adherents? Well, what greater aphrodisiacs are there than riches, prestige and mortal power? This does not mean that such women necessary want to have, or fantasize having physical sex with Donald, although they may do so. But, what they truly want is to bask in his mortal glow, glamour, wealth and political power. Women forever, it seems, too often have given away their powers and bodies to such men. Women have been, and still are, just as addicted to soul/mortal power-mongering as men.

Evaluate & Verify

Another reason for people voting for Trump is that some people, like I did in the days of Cains and Abels, have let themselves be swayed, conned, scammed and bamboozled by Donald Trump’s ongoing, repeated statements and claims, even though many of them are not accurate or in line with spiritual, universal principles.

Stephanie Grisham was Trump’s press aide in 2015 during his campaign for president. From 2016 to 2020, she was his Press Secretary, then from 2020-early 2021 she was his Communication Director. She was totally committed to, and believed fully in, Donald Trump when she started serving him in 2016. However, over the years, she gradually became increasingly disillusioned with him. On January 6, 2021, when MAGA folks stormed the halls of Congress, she stepped down and resigned from her position in Trump’s cabinet.

On August 20, 2024, at the Democratic Nation Convention, Stephanie spoke candidly about Donald Trump as she had come to know him, saying: “He has no empathy, no morals and no fidelity to the truth. He used to tell me, ‘It doesn’t matter what you say, Stephanie. Say it enough, and people will believe you.'” Here, in Trump’s own words to Stephanie, was confirmation of my dream on January 29, 2024, as noted above, about my having allowed Trump to con me into becoming a Cain in the days of Cains and Abels. Here was evidence that he now knows full well what he does to con and convert people to his way of thinking.

Moreover, Stephanie said that Trump, when out of the public eye, repeatedly had referred to, and labeled, his MAGA followers as “basement dwellers.” In other words, they were a bunch of losers, not winners; symbolically, they could not even function above ground, but lived in damp, even flooded, basements. Most such folks that Trump mocked were not wealthy, powerful or successful people in their professions. Publicly, however, Trump lauded and still lauds his MAGA followers, but he does so primarily in order to con and use them to help him re-attain the presidency; to make himself a king.

Most MAGA folks to Trump are like unto the sons and daughters of mortal, third-dimensional men and women, who in the days of Cains and Abels he abused with his own personal pleasure in mind. So, we as light workers now say: MAGA folks, beware; you have been there before and now are repeating your past history; Trump does not truly love most of you, but only feels superior to you, and uses you, for his own personal gain. Forewarned, you are now forearmed with Christ power, truth and love.

Like Attracts Like

Another reason for voting for Trump is that even some highly evolved light workers have not sufficiently cleansed the remaining Cain consciousness within themselves. The vast majority of light workers were Cains in the ancient past, so they still have some Cain attitudes within them, no matter how long they have worked to transmute them. Moreover, even if current light workers had been Abels in ancient days, when they had incarnated now on Earth, they were swamped with, and negatively affected by, Cain attitudes and customs of those people around them, and society in general; which negativity has to be healed and transmuted in order to demonstrate Abel consciousness.

Hierarchal ascended masters and angels have channeled via Nada-Yolanda that even the most evolved souls, who selflessly take on an incarnation on Earth, cannot be expected to fulfill their spiritual missions. Due to the extensive mass of negativity on Earth, even such highly elevated spiritual masters may be overwhelmed by it and thereby step off the roof or pinnacle of their spiritual temples.

Especially those light workers who were Cains now will be tempted to vote for one of their own, for someone that is like them, for someone like Trump who for 26 million years never has repented of his Cain consciousness, for someone who was a Cain just as they were in the ancient past. Like attracts like. Therefore, if someone mostly is wise and just, but still chooses to vote for Trump, we can rightly conclude that more than likely this person had been a Cain in ancient times, and still is expressing Cain selfishness now. A vote for Iscariot/Donald Trump as he is now is a vote for Cain consciousness. A vote for Judas in the core of Trump is a vote for Abel consciousness.

In all large number of videos that I have watched by Trump’s his supporters and detractors, never once has he admitted that he has done anything improper, wrong or deluded. Always, he says that others have caused all his problems. To admit his faults would in Trump’s mind make him small or a loser. In reality, by being humble enough to share one’s mistakes and frailities, Trump would make himself big, tall and a true spiritual winner.

Knowing all this, being as wise as a serpent and as gentle and loving as a dove, we can better watch and evaluate ourselves, stay centered, rightly wield the sword, and thus not be conned by anyone’s personal, selfish, self-powered thoughts, feelings and actions. We can love the Christ in others without succumbing to the residue of the negativity in their souls, or that in our own souls.

Know Them By Their Fruits

Some light workers talk about following the Middle Way of peace, love, cooperation and coordination, but they do not apply it in political matters — they talk out of both sides of their mouth; they have forked tongues. Such folks may prefer Democrats or Republicans, not members of the Middle Way Party. Middle Way participants “prostitute” themselves when they devolve and become staunch Democrats or Republicans. As symbolically shown in my past dream, they now are under “murky water,” like that in the pool that is in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Such individuals like competing and feeling superior; they revel in blaming others and fighting against them. Its like entertainment or a game to them, like watching football or other sports games, and emotionally rooting for one team versus the other.

Nonetheless, such fallen ones deny thinking, feeling and doing so, or rationalize their actions as no big deal, that we all have to make choices in every election, when in fact we can decide not to take part in such contests, or get overly involved in them, but rather to just vote for Sananda and Sol-O-Man. Or we can vote not on the basis of party preference, but rather as the Hierarchy votes for the person who best demonstrates love of one another. In other words, we can vote for those who have brought forth good fruits, not just petty, partisan theories, words and practices.

Many, if not most light workers, have little recall of their past lives, and especially not of the original Cain-Abel conflict. Many have not even reviewed and healed the psychological and physical traumas of this life. This deeply affects their ability to judge wisely. They, therefore, are more likely to allow themselves to be conned by Trump and others like him, or by ardent, over-the-top Democrats.

Even if such light workers have transmuted, fortified and strengthened most of the links in their soul chain that links them from the conscious (physical) via the subconscious (astral) to the superconscious (light body), even one weak or broken link can and does weaken or destroy the whole chain. Thus, no matter how high we have climbed, we can be tempted to step off our temple/cliff and plunge headlong down until we cause damage to our brains, which carries over into future lifetimes.

Judge Righteous Judgment

This does not necessarily mean that anyone who votes for Trump is doing so because he or she was a past Cain, or because they have now allowed his negativity to cloud their minds and hearts. Some individuals are rightly guided by Spirit to focus primarily on Trump’s indwelling, I Am or Judas Self. They know Trump’s soul duplicity and darkness, but they see past it into his loving center, and they call it forth. They vote for Trump as a way to help him to become truth and love in action.

Such a vote for truth and love in Donald Trump, therefore, is spiritually proper. So, we have to be careful not to falsely judge others based on surface considerations or formulas, for if we do, so will be judged by spiritual ascended masters. Rather, we do our best to judge wise and righteous judgment, but to leave the final judgment to God.

After all, who are we, as former Cains or still influenced to some degree by Cain consciousness, to try to make others think and do as we do, to force our will upon them, to judge them adversely? All that does is make us Cains. Instead, to one and all, we say: do the will of God. We love others for doing their best to do so, even if we disagree with the choices they make. Spirit-God-Creative Energy alone is everyone’s best judge, not us.

Wield the Sword

On August 12, 2024, Sol-O-Man descended and stood before me. At first, she was the essence of Mother God, merciful, compassionate love. She once again confirmed that what I had received from her about Donald Trump, and had begun to write about in what would become this blog, was accurate and just. She encouraged me to keep moving forward with writing this blog without any concern about how long it would be. I was to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God and the agents of God.

She affirmed yet again that she would be with and inspire me as I did so. After all, the central core of this blog is her soul intunement about Donald J. Trump. She knows a whole lot more about him than I do. And she has gone out of her way to present her wise judgment of him to me, so that I might share it with others.

Then, Sol-O-Man as a sweet, tender, loving mother morphed into Sol-O-Man who is a stern, tough and merciless mother, one who has the sword of truth in her hand and is about to use it. Never in all my past communions with her has she presented herself to me in this powerful, full-throttle, First Ray, merciless way. I found myself “standing to attention,” like I was a solider standing and quaking before his or her general, wanting to salute her with my right hand.

Then Sol-O-Man said that she had taken Trump’s Cain negativity for 26 million years, so now she would take no more — she no longer would be a long-suffering mother! She had tried time and again to mercifully lift him into I Am Abel consciousness, and he had rejected her every time. Therefore, she now was going to be merciless with him. She was going to be Mary the Merciless Mother, not Mary the merciful mother. As I took this in, my body involuntarily shuddered from my head to my toes. I even felt sorry for Donald Trump, for he was about to get a divine, Mother-of-God, whooping!

Fire & Rain

Then Sol-O-Man reminded me of what she in her redescended light body appearance/apparition had said in 1846 when she had stood before Melanie of La Salette in a meadow high in the Alps in southern France: “If my people will not submit, I shall be forced to let go my son’s arm; it is so strong and heavy that I can no longer hold it up.” Sol-O-Man then proclaimed that she no longer would hold back either Sananda/Jesus’ arm or her own right arm and arm, via which she wields her divine feminine sword in dealing with Donald Trump and others like him.

My whole body once again shook and shuddered, as I realized that there is no wrath like that of a Mother scorned by her children, who have suckled shamelessly for 26 million years at Her divine breast. “Enough is enough,” Sol-O-Man now spit from her mouth. The Motherly grace period not only for Donald Trump but also for all disobedient sons and daughters of God was over. It is time for everyone on Earth and in the astral planes to face the cosmic music and to grow up, or to be banished from this Solar Love System!

In all of Sol-O-Man/Mary’s light body appearances since 1531, when she had appeared in what is now Mexico City as the Virgin of Guadalupe, her messages have had two things in common. (See picture to right.)

First, they have been universal and meant as warnings and preparations for all people on Earth without exception. Secondly, they repeatedly have begged people to repent (to be truly sorry for one’s mistakes and to be resolved to change one’s ways), and they have warned that if this does not come there will be cleansing cataclysms, followed later by miraculous signs in the sky, like unto the appearance of spacecrafts as happened at Fatima, which will prepare the way for the redescent and Second Coming of Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary in their light bodies.

In the Book of Revelation as given via John, Jesus’ beloved Apostle, Christ Jesus had proclaimed: “Those that I love, I rebuke; therefore be zealous and repent.” Now, Sol-O-Man was about to rebuke Donald Trump and to direct him to zealously repent. And she was about do so for all others who refuse to transmute themselves. This blog is her rebuke of him!

Thus, fiery catastrophes will rain ever more powerfully and frequently upon the earth and into each soul. For those who have built their Abel houses on the rock of faith, the quakes will come, the winds will blow (like in hurricanes), the rain will fall, and the rivers will overflow, but their houses/temples will weather the storms and continue to stand. For those who have built their houses on the sands of Cain consciousness, their buildings will be washed away. They may be washed right out of this Solar Love System.

Go & Do Likewise

Sol-O-Man now turned directly to me and commanded me to have no mercy on Trump, but to be merciless with him in my prayers, projections and in writing  this blog. Moreover, her guidance likewise applied to my dealing with those near and dear to, and far away from, me, who still subtly or overtly try to “ride herd’ on me, who doubt my veracity and clarity, who act as spiritual wolves and not spiritual lambs, who try to con me, who are nice to my face but stab me in the back, thus everyone who continues to act in Iscariot, Cain consciousness. Every light worker has at least one Iscariot in his or her immediate orbit/family. And we are fortunate if there is only one such Iscariot around us.

Then, Sol-O-Man further warned me that if I was not merciless in rightly wielding my sword of truth, she would disown me as her child and disciple; that she would cut me out of her life. Due to the enormously powerful way she said this, I had no doubt whatsoever that she would do so.

This was a reference to what Christ Jesus had said, as given in Matthew 7:21-23: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.

“A great many will say to me in that day, my Lord, my Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name cast out devils and in your name do many wonders?

“Then I will declare to them, I have never known you; keep away from me, O you that work iniquity.” [End quote.]

So, I hitched up my pants, strengthened my resolve, and set about to rightly and powerfully wield my sword as the need for doing so arose.

Remake & Rebirth It

In addition to our wielding the sword with Donald J. Trump, we can uplift and transmute his favorite, hypnotizing, partisan political mantrum and brand name: “Make America Great Again” (MAGA). He repeats and promotes it time and time again; he sells hats, shirts and other products with it on them. To Trump, America is no longer great but has been made small by the evil Liberal Democrats.

Our challenge and opportunity now as light workers is to reinterpret, rebrand and remake this mantrum, formula or slogan, such that it is understood and applied not just from a mortal/soul, Cain level, but from an immortal, I Am Abel level. To do so, let’s first imagine that it was Sananda and Sol-O-Man who gave this mantrum to Trump’s I Am or Judas Self. Maybe it even was Lord Michael and El Morya who did so, given that it begins with the First Ray injunction “to make,” and Donald Trump is a First Ray worker.

However, when the four MAGA words made their way down and into Trump’s subconscious, which is filled with his ages-old negativity, the understanding and meaning of it got reversed and turned inside out and upside down, like unto the process that I explained earlier in this blog. So, by the time it entered Donald Trump’s conscious mind, he interpreted it in a mortal, political, physical, us-versus-them way, in direct contradiction to, and opposite of, the four-word Christ mantrum of peace, love, cooperation and coordination. Nonetheless, some of its spiritual nature and origin was implanted in his brain, waiting to be discovered.

America as a labeled, specific country did not exist during the days of Cains and Abels. However, four spiritual temples, power centers or vortices of sacred energy were positioned in what now is called the United States of America, which is the New JerUSAlem: 1) the Temple of Venus in the Tetons; 2) the Temple of Saturn in Alaska; 3) the Earth Temple on Long Island, NY; and 4) the Sun Temple that in Atlantis was off the coast of Miami but now has been moved to Pioneer, Tennessee.

Before the final ancient fall of a segment of mankind into physicality, and before some of the golden giants then became Cains who wanted to enslave thee fallen ones, ancient “America” was indeed great because it was Godly, because its people followed and applied the dual mantrum of Love God and Love One Another. God was Great in the eyes of all the golden giants before they split between being Cains or Abels. To Abels, God was still Great. Cains, meanwhile, thought that they were gods, separate from the One, True, Almighty God. The Cains were not great, except in their own deluded minds and hearts.

Win the War

So, in your meditations over the next week or two, go back in your imagination to at least 40 million years ago, and begin to recall and get an intuitive sense of that ancient time. Maybe you even go all the way back to 206 million years ago when mankind first came to Earth, when America was a pristine Garden of Eden. Back then, America was Great and Good because it was populated by men and women that God had made in His-Her image and likeness. Back then, you and I were Great, because we fully knew and believed that we were of God.

Think about the word “America” that starts with the letter “A” and ends with the letter “A.” We make America great again by being an Abel through and through, in all seven chakras or psychic power centers, and in their corresponding physical organs.

America is composed of seven letters. Place the letter “A” in your crown chakra, in the center of the blue sapphire there. Place the “M” in your third eye, the “E” in your throat chakra, and so on all the way down your spine and seven chakras, until you see an “A” in your regenerative chakra. In so doing, be reborn in Abel consciousness wherein you see Earth being reborn as Heart.

Then, envision Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary redescending in their light-and-love-filled ascended bodies to Earth, until they stand right before you. They are holding hands — they are the ultimate “power couple” in a loving, co-equal spiritual marriage. With their rebirth here on Earth, the whole planet will be transformed.

At no time in our known history, and probably not even back to 26 million years, has a man and a women jointly ruled the planet or any country thereupon. Thus, the presence and works of Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary as one team will decrystallize, heal and transmute the eons-old history of patriarchal dominance on Earth. Plus, it will pave the way for Earth to join the Federation of Planets.

Wait, Watch, Listen & Learn

Now turn your attention to Kamala Devi Harris and Donald John Trump. View them not in the old, mortal, third-dimensional way as a Democrat and a Republican, as a mortal woman and man. Instead, see them as a female or male child of God who follows the Middle Way. Carefully observe them in order to see the telltale evidence of which one of these two candidates has been, and is now, more masterful in “loving one another,” including all peoples on Earth, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, gender, profession, wealth, or any other such mortal distinction. Know them by their fruits, not just their words. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit. A bad tree cannot produce good fruits.

Hold off voting in your mind and heart for either one, and wait for about the next 60 days in which the political campaign will continue and heat up until November 4th, election day. Stay Christ centered, and watch, wait, listen and learn. Stay in Abel consciousness in the middle of You/you, within your protective Christ column of light, so that you can see clearly, rightly, truthfully, wisely and lovingly who is the best of the two candidates.

Moreover, whether you live in America or in other nations around the world, see the Christ being reborn in the politicians in your country or any other nation. Spiritually, all of us are Americans when we have peace, love, light and power in our seven chakras; when we Love God and Love One Another; when we are in Abel, I Am consciousness. All souls incarnated in Africa, Asia, Australia and all other countries likewise are Abels in the making. All countries are to be part of the New JerUSAlem that now descends to Earth.

Therefore, now until the election, when you see the MAGA slogan on hats, T-shirts and other items, joyously join with such MAGA folks in truly making America again. Salute the Christ in them. Visualize yourself and them as becoming one family of light that functions rightly and lovingly in the Middle Way Party in order to spiritually govern and uplift all people on Earth. Remember time and again that Sananda-Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary are the spiritual father and mother of all children of God on Earth. Together, they are the I Am head and heart of the entire family of man.

Go, fellow MAGAs! Go forward and upward. Go to God and receive clearly from God. Be Good in all that you think, feel and do. Together, we can do all that Spirit would have us do. We can make America great again. Amen!

Wrap It Up

To help you complete your current cycle of spiritual work with Judas/Iscariot/Donald John Trump and Kamala Devi Harris (about whom I will write in my one of my upcoming blogs), update and re-image the light-filled blue lattice around you as now having one set of parallel lines that are blue, with a ninety-degree-crossing second set of lines being gold. Blue is of the First Ray. Gold is of the Seventh Ray. Both First Ray Will and Power and Seventh Ray Peace and Love protect you. So be surrounded by a lattice that is composed of both of these Rays. Be doubly protected and loved.

You previously started with the blue First Ray lattice structure because you start any new project, technique or plan by seeking God’s blue will and then doing it with His-Her power flowing through you. But your final goal is gold Seventh Ray of completion and fulfillment, peace and love and rest.

Previously, with just the blue lattice, you thought of the inside of the 4-sided figures inside the crossing blue lines as being empty, filled only with air and with the electrical energy/forcefield/power that emanated from the blue wires. Now, you realize that the squares are composed of thick, reinforced, crystal-clear glass that no physical bullet, creature or negative psychic energy can pass through. Previously, you could not see or discern this, although it was there. Now you do perceive it.

Your visualization of this crystal-clear glass protects you to an entirely new degree, and transmits your love to others in a purer and more powerful way. A diamond, square and the “color” of crystal clear are all symbolic of the Fourth Ray of Manifestation and Crystallization. So, now, you can say that you are not only 1 and 7, but are 1, 4 and 7, with 4 being in the middle of 1 and 7; hence symbolizing your fourth or heart chakra that is in the middle of your seven chakras.

Inside this new blue-and-gold lattice with crystal clear glass, note and feel how much more empowered and loving you are, how much calmer and centered you are, how much more protected you feel from any physical or psychic intrusion. You feel more 1) peace, 2) love, 3) cooperation, and 4) coordination; especially in your heart chakra and your four-chambered physical heart. You feel more Christlike, more of an Abel and less of a Cain. You know and feel that you are a more powerful, loving, polished and productive member of the Middle Way Party.

Be a Blue & Gold Gem

Next, call upon Spirit and the agents of Spirit to place a lapis lazuli gemstone in your heart chakra. The word “lapis” comes from the Latin word that means stone; “lazuli” comes from the Persian word that means blue. (See image to right of raw, uncut and unpolished lapis lazuli stone.)

A lapis gemstone is blue with streaks of white and specks of gold that may look like stars in a dark blue sky. This gemstone is comprised of three minerals: lazurite that gives it its blue color; calcite that forms the white bands or streaks; and pyrite that appears as gold specks. Thus, spiritually and symbolically, a lapis lazuli is crystallized and manifested First Ray will and power, and Seventh Ray peace and love.

Feel the lapis lazuli anchoring into, and filling up, all of your heart-love center. Maybe it is in the shape of a heart. (See image to right.) Previously, a blue sapphire was placed in your crown chakra/cerebrum, hence in your head. The lapis lazuli is in your heart. So now, your head and heart are one. Your thoughts and feelings work together under the guidance of your I Am or Christ Self.

Maybe the etheric lapis lazuli gem that elohim, angels and/or masters place in your chest is of a different shape, such as those shown in the picture to the right. But, in any shape, it radiates Christ power and love to all other chakras and corresponding physical organs, as well as to your whole aura, and from there to the world. It helps you to stay focused, centered, grounded and composed, to be a rock of faith and a flower of love. (See images to right.)

Step It Up

This new gold-and-blue lattice and gold-and-white-and-blue lapis lazuli are now needed because as Sol-O-Man has shared, she is no longer going to hold back Sananda’s or her light-body arm and hand. Much greater spiritual power and love is now going to flow into the astral and physical realms. Those souls who have prepared for this will take wonderful, new steps forward in demonstrating the Middle Way. Those you deny their darkness are going to be even worse power-mongers and partisan politicians than they are now; all hell in them is about to break loose and to surface.

So, now that you have reached and focused mostly on this last part of this whole blog,  take a day or two, or even more, to see a blue-and-gold lattice around your entire aura, which extends up via a Christ column of light into and through the astral planes to the etheric planes. Call forth, accept and work with a lapis lazuli in the heart/chakra heart. This will step up the light frequency in your mental, emotional, astral and physical bodies.

With faith and love, hold more steady in following and calling forth the Middle Way. Via your crystal-clear, third-eye vision (clairvoyance), see more clearly which candidate for president is more truthful and loving. Have more faith in Sananda and Sol-O-Man, feel more of their parental love for you — vote for them to redescend to Earth. Physically, on election day, vote for the candidate whom you think will best prepare Americans in the USA and around the world for the incoming New or Golden Age of Aquarius, or just vote for Sananda and Sol-O-Man.

In so doing, become more of a Master of the Middle Way!




























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