Be Crystal Clear

Today, May 30th, we begin three days of focusing on the Temple of Mars that is located in and around Jerusalem, Israel. Mars is the primary planet in the Solar System that exemplifies and radiates the Fourth Ray of Manifestation and Crystallization (see image of Mars to right). This ray’s corresponding color is crystal clear.

Lord Gabriel is the Archangel of the Fourth Ray. His feminine angelic counterpart is Lady Chamuel. Serapis Bey, who incarnated as Pythagoras, is the Chohan of this crystal-clear ray. His twin soul is Clar-I-Ty. In your meditations for the next three days, link first with our own indwelling I Am Self, and then with the above two angels, two ascended masters, and their co-workers.

With their help, become crystal clear, especially in your mental body. Become a crystal clear channel for anchoring and broadcasting peace, love, cooperation and coordination to the Temple of Mars and to all souls on Earth and in the astral planes.

Be a Christ Cube

See a crystal-clear cube being lowered by the above Fourth Ray celestial and etheric beings until it fully surrounds and protects you. It is 12 feet high, wide and deep. Its bottom face or facet is below your feet on the floor or ground. Its top face is 3-4 feet above your head. Your third eye chakra and thalamus are at the center of the cube. Via your I Am imagination power, see clearly, receive clearly and broadcast clear, new I Am images to those around and far away from you.

For today, focus primarily on being centered in peace, which is the first of the four steps of the Christ matrix that Lord Maitreya, Co-Titular Head of the Hierarchy with Lord Michael, gave to us in 1993. With all the various upsets, conflicts, battles, shootings and disturbances worldwide, peace is the essential first step in healing humanity. Be at peace and see this peace pervading all around you and the planet.

Let no thought, feeling, memory or physical challenge, within or without, disturb this peace. Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin and grow with you, me and all other light workers who comprise the 144,000 elect who have chosen to manifest and crystallize peace on Earth, starting with Jerusalem, Israel and other countries in the Middle East. (See map to right with the central focus of the Temple of Mars being in a red, dashed square.)

I Am crystal clear. In cubic Christ consciousness, I anchor peace within me in my own Temple of Mars, within the Temple of Mars in and around Jerusalem, and everywhere on Earth.

All is well. All is peaceful. All thanks goes to God. So be it.