Be Two Vs

Today, December 7, 2022, our Vulcan V or vortex of sacred light begins its four-day descent into our solar plexus chakra in our astral body, and our abdomen, digestive system and pancreas in our physical body. Our solar plexus center is the fifth of the seven chakras as seen from above to below. As the bottom of the swirling vortex of sacred light descends, we will focus on another set of Twin Rays: the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom (yellow), and the Sixth Ray of Cleansing and Transmutation (violet). (See image of a descending V to right.)

The letter “V” in Vulcan stands partly for Twin Rays: the First and Seventh Rays, and now the Second and Sixth Rays. With Vulcan being the highest vibrational, etheric planet in the solar system, it demonstrates all three sets of twin rays. But for the next two blogs, we will focus primarily on the twin pairing of the Second and Sixth Rays.

When all is well in our soul, when our soul/subconscious is aligned with our superconscious, I Am or solar/sun/son Self, our solar plexus and abdomen feel good, relaxed and comfortable. When something is out of order in our soul or subconscious, our abdominal muscles tighten, our digestive system dysfunctions and we become emotionally upset.

When such symptoms occur, we need to think things through (Second Ray) to discover what is out of order and how to wisely put it back into balance. Then, in complementary fashion, we cleanse and transmute (Sixth Ray) our thinking and feeling nature, and release the lingering selfishness in our soul record; (See the depiction of the two sets of Twin Rays.)

Anatomy & Physiology

In our physical body, the digestive system consists primarily of the stomach and the small intestine, which consists of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Together, these three sections of the small intestine are about 22 feet (or 7 meters) in length, or three-and-a-half times the length of our body. The small intestine is called small not because it is shorter than the large intestine, but because it is narrower in size. The colon or large intestine is only about 5 feet (1.5 meters) long.

Digestion starts in our mouth when we chew and break down food, and our salivary glands secretes the enzyme amylase (ptyalin) to begin the digestion of starches.  Chewed food travels in a bolus down the esophagus to the stomach, where hydrochloric acid and the digestive enzyme pepsin are secreted to start to digest proteins.

From there, the partially digested food goes to the duodenum, jejunum and ileum where additional enzymes are secreted to complete the digestive process. The liver, which functions mostly via the love/circulatory system, also provides bile to the duodenum to digest fats. The pancreas secretes multiple enzymes. See above picture of the digestive system.) Thus, digestion is a multi-step process that takes 2-3 hours to fully complete. In similar fashion, it takes time to rightly employ Second Ray Understanding and Wisdom to sort through and understand, and then to be wise about, all our thoughts, feelings and memories.

Sixth Ray Transmutation expresses via our colon and our urinary system, including the two kidneys, two ureters, bladder and urethra. The colon removes solid wastes whereas the urinary system eliminates liquid wastes and toxins. Both forms of waste elimination take place over time in a step by step process. In like manner, spiritual transmutation of our mind, soul and body does not happen overnight. Rather, it is an ongoing, multi-step, physical and psychological process that we utilize throughout our life, especially now in these Latter Days of cleansing and transmutation. Second and Sixth Rays must work together in a balanced, Twin Ray fashion, complementing and supplementing one another in order for us to be a V, a Vulcan-Earthling.

From Above to Below

In today’s and tomorrow’s meditations and visualizations, think about and connect first with Vortex and Vertex, the co-leaders of the planet Vulcan. Both of them are masters of the First, Second, Sixth and Seventh Rays, with Vortex being masculine whereas Vertex is feminine, who are equal counterparts. They are now positioned in the highest of the three etheric planes above the earthly site of the Temple of Vulcan in and around southeastern Vietnam. They are in a Vulcan spacecraft, as well as at times being in Summalt/Peter’s space ship #7423 that is positioned over southeastern Vietnam.

They transfer their dual Twin Rays consciousness and energy down and into the second and first etheric realms, wherein some of their Vulcan assistants and other ascended masters hold sway. Thus, the V vortex first receives Vulcan energy that radiates from the planet Vulcan to the highest or third etheric plane above the Temple of Vulcan on Earth. Then, from the third etheric plane, the V is lowered and inserted down into the second etheric plane, and from there to first etheric plane. Guardian angels assist this alignment, interconnection and empowerment of the three etheric planes; with them representing the superconscious level of one’s total Mind.

Astral Descent

From the first or lowest etheric plane, the apex of the V descends into the seventh or highest astral plane, wherein are the chief astral leaders of the Temple of Vulcan vortex: Viet Nam (masculine) and VyRa (feminine), both of which are code names. Note that their two monikers start with the letter V, to represent Vulcanized astral consciousness. Viet Nam and VyRa work with scores of fellow seventh-plane astral souls who lower the descending V into the sixth astral plane, which likewise has its leaders, as yet unnamed and unknown to us on Earth.

From the sixth astral plane, the huge, cosmic, Vulcan V descends into the fifth astral plane, whose two leaders are Papa Viet (Ho Chi Minh) and Mama Viet (Hoang Thi Loan). Symbolically and literally, both have a V in their name, at the start of Viet, hence relating to the whole country of Vietnam.

Higher & Lower Astral Planes

The seventh, sixth and fifth astral planes are called the higher astral planes, wherein souls are spiritually enlightened and express in varying degrees of soul purity, until they graduate from the seventh astral plane into the first or lowest etheric plane.

From the fifth astral plane, the apex of the V descends into the fourth, third, second and first astral planes, in which souls are not spiritually awakened and illuminated. They correspond to souls incarnated on Earth who are in mortal, third-dimensional consciousness, in varying degrees, from the best to the worst. Ideally, as the V enters the fourth astral plane, the souls there begin to have their spiritual re-birth, such that they then can enter into the fifth astral plane.

The spiritual goal is to inspire and uplift as many of those in the fourth astral plane into the fifth astral level. Papa Viet and Mama Viet, as well as their assistants and co-workers, are especially devoted to this work, because in their prior lives on Earth they were in mortal consciousness as good people but who when they made their transitions (died) they had their spiritual awakenings. In other words, they know the way of the journey from fourth to five astral consciousness.

The reverberations and energies of the anchoring of the V then descend into the third, second and first astral planes. All kinds of upheaval now is occurring there, especially in the 2nd and 1st astral levels, as negatively oriented souls therein resist and rebel against the influx of the spiritual light and love flowing into their astral lives. That negative reaction then spills down and into the two earth planes: into those who are spiritually awakened on earth, and those who are not yet enlightened. It leads and contributes to much of the disturbance we now see so prevalently worldwide

Second Ray Illumination & Enlightenment 

Both Sananda as Gautama the Buddha and Kut Humi as Lao-Tze in China portrayed Second Ray Understanding and Wisdom in the Eastern Hemisphere. The Buddha in northeastern India, in the Second Ray Temple of Mercury, taught and demonstrated that one had to clearly and fully understand life on Earth in order to change one’s consciousness, to become enlightened. He gave multiple techniques and practices to do so, centered in and around meditation, and in compassionately serving others. But he did not stop with human, intellectual understanding, but also pointed the way to spiritual wisdom.

He said that his teachings were like a boat that could carry one across a river from one side (mortal) to the other side (immortal) of it. Clear conscious analysis and high-minded intellectual comprehension could propel you on your journey from third-dimensional awareness to fourth-dimensional knowledge and wisdom. However, not until you had crossed the river and stepped onto the other shore could you realize what I Am wisdom is, what it is like to be awakened and enlightened, to be able to not just talk the talk but to walk the wise walk of a Buddha (masculine) or Buddhi (feminine).

Lao-Tze in China, at about the same time of the Buddha, taught basically the same thing, as he shared in his book The Tao Te Ching, which described the Way of Wisdom. Yes, outer rules and regulations, as portrayed by Confucius, were a starting point in understanding how to live a good, healthy, happy life. But true wisdom came from within, by listening to the still voice of the Tao or God within us. One had to unite yang (masculine understanding) with yin (feminine wisdom) in order to follow the Way, the same Way that Christ Jesus had taught and demonstrated. Lao-Tze’s name meant “wise old man.” Indeed, he was an “old soul” teaching and demonstrating ageless wisdom. We are to do the same.


The Second Ray has to be combined with the Sixth Ray of Cleansing and Transmutation. For, to attain enlightenment or the Way, one has to let go of the old, the outworn, the error and the mortal/soul consciousness in order to transmute and morph into the new, the higher, the purer expression of Buddhic/Taoist/I Am consciousness. Without transmutation, one runs the risk of living in one’s head, in intellectual mind games and conceptions, even in mental arrogance and superiority.

One cannot become enlightened without letting go of the mortal nonsense of third dimensional life. One cannot intellectually think oneself into I Am consciousness. Rather, at some point it is necessary to fully let go of the mortal way of thinking in order to make way for the I Am Way of superconscious seeing and being. Let go and let God: This sums up the Sixth Ray of Cleansing and Transmutation.

On the other hand, one cannot focus so much on cleansing that one misses out on the inherent wisdom that has been granted us by Father-Mother God as His-Her divine creations. We have to know when to stop the cleansing process and to begin anew in thinking things through and building in the good thoughts, ideas and I Am images and insights. Second and Sixth Rays are thus to be demonstrated in tandem, one with another, equally balanced. Then we become a V. Then we are Vulcanized. Then we are a 12.

As a 12-leveled, Vulcan-Earthling, we understand the whole picture, structure and order of the 12 planes of consciousness on and about the Earth. There are three etheric planes, seven astral planes and two physical planes. We can express I Am consciousness in all three levels: etheric, astral and physical, but only if we understand how they work together, and undergo transmutation at each step of the way in aligning conscious with subconscious with superconscious aspects of our one Mind or Beingness.

Tà Cú Mountain

Yesterday, December 6, 2022, a 6-day for the 6th Ray, and multiple 2s in 2022 for the 2nd Ray, I once again tried to discover what the words Tà Cú in Tà Cú Mountain mean in English. Over the last few days, I had looked online several times to learn this, but with no success. Following my morning meditation, however, the strong inspiration came to look one more time. 

This mountain, as described in my prior blog, is located due east about 100 miles from Ho Chi Minh City in southeastern Vietnam (see map to right), near the coast of this area and the South China Sea. It is the highest peak in this area, although it is only about 2,129 feet high. 

Finally, this time in my online search, I came across a new-to-me-website that gave the following translation of Tà: huge, tall, high, great, hence a tall or great mountain. Thus, to me, the letter “T” is for Tall. Buddhist pilgrims for centuries have climbed this tall mountain to have a peak experience, to commune with the Buddha and Kwan Yin, to awaken to their indwelling Buddha/Kwan Yin Nature. Mountains always represent this ascent into I Am, transfigured consciousness. Currently, throughout East Asia, Buddhist and Taoist Temples (Pagodas) are located atop mountains.

Next, to my amazement and delight, I read that one of the multiple meanings of Cú is owl! Around the planet, owls represent wisdom, as in a “wise old owl”; thus, the wisdom of the Second Ray. Owls sit in the top part of trees, have huge eyes and huge ears, see and hear clearly, near and far, within and without; hence with Understanding and Wisdom.

So, Tà Cú means Wise Tall Mountain, where one is Transfigured and enlightened e. Atop Tà Cú, in Tà Cú/Vulcan consciousness, we are like Christ Jesus when he was transfigured on the mount, shone with the light of the sun and projected images of his past lives as Moses and Elijah. We remember past lives and realize the wisdom of the Way that we developed and expressed during the days of Lemuria, Atlantis and in this current cycle or civilization. We remember and re-birth our Vulcan consciousness and talents. We let our Vulcan light shine upon one and all!

Two Words to the Wise

Later, still feeling charged and totally tickled by this revelation, when driving into town to get something to eat, it suddenly dawned on me that Tà Cú Mountain is the symbolic and literal epicenter of the Temple of Vulcan. I started laughing about this crystal-clear realization, how wonderfully amazing it all was, how it all had been right there before me without my wisely seeing it, starting nine years ago when I was physically there atop Mt. Tà Cú. 

Previously, I had only partially understood what this mountain means and is. Now, in the blink of an eye, wisdom flowed into and through my mind and heart. All the old, limited and incomplete ideas about it were shed and transmute. And, while still driving down the road, I felt utterly at home on Tà Cú Mountain, one with Sananda/Gautama the Buddha and with Sol-O-Man/Kwan Yin!

Thus, atop our own indwelling Tà Cú Mountain or the actual physical mountain in Vietnam is the perfect place to anchor the Temple of Vulcan, and to project Vulcan energies out in all directions to all others where we live, and to Indochina and into the nearby South China Sea east of the Vietnamese coast, which can be seen from atop the mountain; with the sea water carrying the higher energies all around this entire region.

Pondering this, I remembered a beautiful painting that I had purchased in Ho Chi Minh City, when MariLyn and I had returned from Tà Cú Mountain and stayed in the city overnight before heading back to Tennessee. It was by a local Vietnamese artist and on sale in a local shop.

On the upper left side of the painting, to my interpretation at least, is Tà Cú Mountain, with a water fall coming down its side indicating the downflow of Vulcan energies into the Tree of Life, and then all the way to the lowlands around the mountain and out into the sea, with its two boats in the painting. My, there it is! The Vulcan Vortex. There, you and I are with Vortex and Vertex, Viet Nam and VyRa, Papa and Mama Viet and all other Vulcan visitors. There we are in our own Temple of Vulcan, thus bilocated within and without, with Understanding and Wisdom, Cleansing and Transmutation. Yes, my, oh my, oh my, oh MaYa!

Past & Present

Hours later, in my late afternoon quiet relaxation time, while listening to Vietnamese and other inspiring music on YouTube, suddenly Sol-O-Man/Quan Âm transfigured me. Her presence was much like two days before when she had appeared before me in all her glorious splendor and had forgiven me for my having “walked away” from her in the days of Cains and Abels, and following times in Lemuria and Atlantis.

In her current visitation, she revealed that she already had forgiven me in a recent past life (dates unknown) when I actually, physically had climbed up Tà Cú Mountain, whereupon she had transfigured and appeared to me, looking like the “woman who was clothed with the sun,” as she is described in the Book of Revelation. She had forgiven me back then, in preparation for this lifetime, when I would re-enact this exchange. Thus, when MariLyn and I were there in 2013, near the top of the mountain, before two statues of her alongside one of Sananda/Buddha, she had overshadowed me and said: You have come home to me as Kwan Yin (Quan Am).

I now shuddered several times from head to toe as she shared this with me. I was in the past, back to my lifetime in this current age, then going back then to Lemuria, then all the way back to Cains and Abels. Time had collapsed into this eternal moment of now. I was deeply enlightened and transmuted. I was no longer just Dr. Robert, Rahula of my days in India, or Zan-Landa in my days of Atlantis, or whatever I was called in Lemuria. Rather, I now was Soliel, one with Sol-O-Man. My soul had been transmuted and healed. But I wisely knew that it would take at least a year or more to fully ground this into my conscious awareness so that I could fully walk the walk of Soliel on Earth and have a healthy, happy heart that beat strongly and rhythmically.

Needless to say, once I composed myself, I thanked Sol-O-Man a thousand times over! She has always been there with me, behind me in every step of the way, my beloved Master Teacher, even when I did not consciously know it. Finally, I now am fully with her — she is right in front of me, in full conscious view, one with me; and will continue to be through thick and thin, whatever may come. I finally am a wise old owl sitting atop Tà Cú Mountain, one with Sol-O-Man who in a past life was King Solomon, the wisest judge in Israel, the builder of the Temple in Jerusalem. Atop Tà Cú Mountain, I am helping to re-anchor and re-birth the Temple of Vulcan on Earth.

Atlantis & Lemuria

This morning, December 7th, in my meditation, Sol-O-Man contacted me again. This time she gave me a broad overview of my life. She explained that for the first 25-30 years of this life after my spiritual awakening at age 20 in 1967-1968, I had focused mostly on the healing and transmutation of my Atlantean karma, while at the same time re-expressing all of the best of my 12 spiritual powers as I had expressed back in that civilization. In the second 25-30 years, until now, my soul focus had been primarily on cleansing my Lemurian karma and resurrecting my soul talents from those ancient days.

Thus, throughout my 55 years or so of spiritual growth, I had slowly, systematically gone back in time; had remembered, reviewed, and reprogrammed my soul; and then ascended from out of the past problems into a New Day and a New Way of Being, climbing up to the top of Tà Cú Mountain, literally and symbolically. To a major degree, the current work with and focus on the Temple of Vulcan completes this process, to the degree that it can be done for now. This work with the 12th Temple will complete the Tour of the Thirteen Temples, within and without.

I feel totally humbled by this overview and realization, able in a whole new way to rest in the peace and love of my I Am or Soliel Self. More than ever, I know that I am not special, better or worse than others, or unique in any major way. Rather, by the grace of God, with the abiding, long term help of the masters and visitors from other planets, I have become as a little child in order to enter heavenly, holy, Vulcan consciousness. My prayer is that all other light workers come and follow me, in the same way that I have followed the call from Sananda and Sol-O-Man to walk in their footsteps. Etherically, astrally and physically, we are all in this together, one in the One. Amen!

Be One, Two, Six and Seven

In your meditations today, once again place and surrounded yourself in a 12-sided dodecagonal column of light. Inwardly, intuitively, feel out how wide the diameter of this Christ column is for this exercise. Is it ten feet away from your solar plexus in all directions? Is it twenty or thirty feet away; or even more. Let it be big enough to feel comfortably and securely within it, but not so big that you do not feel protected by it.

Call upon Vortex and Vertex, Vietnam and VyRa, Papa and Mama Viet to assist and protect you as you ascend via the Christ column through the seven astral planes into one of the three etheric planes. Also, be aware of, and give thanks to, guardian angels who are assisting you in rising about your Atlantean and Lemuria past. Fly high like an owl into the top of your “Tree of Life” wherein you can see the whole panorama of your Earthly evolution over millions of years.

Climb and rise to the top of Tà Cú Mountain. It is the epicenter of the Temple of Vulcan, within and without; here within and above you, and there in southeastern Vietnam. Tà Cú Mountain is like unto Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, the 11th spiritual temple, and Mt. Denali in Alaska, site of the Temple of Saturn of the Sixth Ray. But, Tà Cú is much smaller in height. It is more down to Earth, closer to us in its presence, its small size indicating its humility and innocent, childlike consciousness; its lack of superiority or inferiority; hence it elevated Vulcan energy and sacred light and love.

Be especially aware today of being a V, with your First and Seven Ray aspects aligned together, with your Second and Sixth Ray functions in harmonic synchronization. Be one, two, six and seven; two sets of two’s, two Vs that make one W, meaning partly one who is wise, whole, and wholly in I Am, Vulcan consciousness.


Let go and let God flow around and into and through you, lifting you anew, forgiving your lingering worries and wrongs in your soul/subconscious/solar plexus. Anchor Vulcan energy into your stomach, at the top right section of your abdomen/solar plexus. (Tomorrow, see and let the apex of the V descend into your duodenum, the first section of your small intestine, which is only about 8-10 inches or 20-25 centimeters in length.)

Then, as you have been fed from above to below, begin to channel and transmit energies out to others, near and far away from you. Start in your own town or city or place you live out in the country. Then, radiate it out to your state or province, and next to your country, whether in the East or the West.

See yourself atop Tà Cú Mountain in Vietnam. Above you is Summalt/Peter in his mother ship #7423, with hundreds of other spacecraft around it for at least 500 miles in all directions. Feel their hieronic space beams anchoring into your crown chakra and all the way down to your solar plexus. Radiate Vulcan energy much of the way to Hanoi, Vietnam, the political capital in northern Vietnam; about halfway to the east via the South China Sea to the Philippines; part of the way south to Malaysia and Indonesia; and west to Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). 

See and wisely know that all in this approximate 1,000 mile-wide circle are being Vulcanized, with the V being planted down into the souls of one and all in this region, lifting not only every man, woman and child, but also all animals, vegetables and minerals.

Amen. So be it. It is. The Temple of Vulcan is re-energized, re-opened and re-born to a new degree. Thank You, Spirit, and all agents of Spirit. Om.








1 thought on “Be Two Vs”

  1. Your blog focus on Vietnam has stirred within me memories of my time there – the experiences, the revelations and realizations, the protection thankfulness, the implantation of then unknown energies, all of it rolled together into one great sphere of Light; and I am forever grateful.

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