If You See My Savior

I woke up this morning with this song playing in my head: If You See My Savior by Anne Murray. It was written and sung originally by Thomas Dorsey in the 1920s in the black Gospel tradition that united blues, gospel and jazz. Of particular note to me in this song was the reference to reaching the Golden City in the Valley. Click below to hear the whole song.


In my following morning meditation, Sananda and Sol-O-Man contacted me and lifted me into communion with the seven Elohim and the galactic visitors from the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond. I was surrounded in a fiery golden flame of light, and my body itched all over, as it had months ago when the seven Elohim had contacted me. In this current communion with them, I was shown an image of the I Am Nation/Sun Temple/Christ Jesus’ City of Light here in northeastern TN. It was golden and many miles in circumference, with this being what it will look like in the New Age to come. The seed thought/image/experience is already there.

This imagery and experience wrapped up the remaining loose ends, so to speak, of our 40-day cycle for uniting the 13 Temples of Sacred Light. I had thought this cycle was over on June 26th, but it turned out that 2 more days were required. This occurred this morning on June 28th, a 10-day that often is significant, as 10 is the number of Sananda, Sol-O-Man and Nada.

In symbolic terms and literal terms, Sananda/Jesus is our Savior. The “other side” is the higher realms and dimensions, the fourth dimension descending to Earth in these Latter Days. Our Savior is also our own I Am or Christ Self, our Buddha Nature or Atman consciousness. In this uplifted state, we are golden giants who live in a golden city in a valley, like unto the New Jerusalem as envisioned by, and shown to John on the Isle of Patmos. Here at I Am Nation headquarters, our primary buildings are in a valley (a “holler”) between mountains all around them.

Join Phillel and me at our HBM today at noon. We will see the Golden City manifesting everywhere on Earth, within and without.

We give special thanks and love to the EloHim and EloHer of each of the Seven Rays of Light, and to Galactic visitors that comprise the Galactic Godsent Group whose co-leaders are GalacTos and GalacTia. I had only referred very briefly and non-specifically to them in my last blog. To re-read my past blogs about them, click on https://healinghavenhilarion.com, scroll down on the right and click on the categories EloHim EloHer, Galactos & Galactia, Galactic Godsent Group.

May golden peace, love, cooperation and coordination be re-birthed in everyone on Earth and in the astral planes!

DJ Doc K