Mellow Ella

This early morning in my meditation, March 2, 2022, I (Dr. Robert) was transfigured by Ella, who is the twin soul of Kut Humi, Chohan of the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom. Above Ella was a feminine, Second Ray angel, who was overseeing, guiding and guarding Ella’s overshadowing of me, along with a host of other Second Ray angels around this lead angel. No name was given for this chief angel, but she seemed to be a feminine partner or coworker of Lord Hophiel, Archangel of the Second Ray.

Yesterday, in my blog, I wrote about my two dreams of the Temple of Mercury and of my overshadowing by Babaji, who is a periodic light-body expression of Kut Humi primarily amongst Hindus in India and surrounding countries. The name “Babaji” means beloved father or grandfather In my communion with him yesterday, he helped me to consciously understand my two dreams about the re-opening of the Temple of Mercury, located in northeastern India, Nepal and the southern part of Tibet. (See my previous blog.)

Babaji had surrounded me in a brilliant, light lemon-yellow tube or column of light, which extended about 2 feet from my physical form. Via this yellow pillar or column, I was able to ascend my spine and to rise fully into my I Am light body, then eventually to redescend back down to earthly, physical, conscious awareness and understanding by way of my five physical senses and the conscious, analytical, masculine aspect of my mind.

Babaji had explained that the re-opening of the Temple of Mercury had only first begun. It might take 7-10 days, even 12 days, to be fully rebirthed and re-empowered. And he shared how it was radiating to President Putin in Moscow, Russia, who basically has experienced “instant insanity.”

Make Peace, Not War

Following the communion with Kut Humi/Babaji, at his inner nudging, I was reminded of a channeling via Nada-Yolanda, which spoke to Putin’s veiled threat to “nuke” his/Russia’s enemies, and to Putin’s belief that it was inevitable that there would be a war between Russia and the United States of America, which represents the New JerUSAlem on Earth in these Latter Days.

On May 18, 1960, Wains (who is an incarnation of the etheric ascended master Djwhal Khul) spoke via Nada-Yolanda: “There shall not be another global war of this planet without intervention by space visitors, who wish not to interfere; and cannot interfere without uniting with your karmic matters. This is serious business on any level. But we repeat: no global war shall be permitted without last resorts. Last resorts for any highly developed understanding being is undertaking karmic unity with you and your free will. We are your brothers in love. Love is the key. We are your brothers to teach, to educate you in ways of God’s divine law, love. Can love be any clearer?”

Putin currently is a deluded fool, who thinks that having advanced nuclear weapons will win the War of Armageddon between good and evil. Right now, Putin is evil — he has it backwards. He does not yet wisely see that love is more powerful than any nuclear device. He is to love the Earth, not wage war on it. (See image to right.)

But help is on the way to bring him back to his senses and to wisely see the power of love.

Dilation of Spirit upon All Flesh

On March 2nd (a 2-day for the 2nd Ray), as first mentioned above, Ella  surrounded me in her motherly, feminine wisdom, that of the soul or subconscious. Oh my, what an incredible feeling this is!

Ella’s tube or pillar of yellow light was bigger in diameter than the one in which I had the previous day experienced Babaji’s total overshadowing of me, embracing me in his divine, masculine understanding. Babaji’s pillar had extended about two feet beyond my physical body, whereas Ella’s column now extended 3-4 beyond my physical form. (See image to right of lemon yellow pillar with white in it.)

This did not mean that Ella’s forcefield was more powerful than Kut Humi’s, but rather that he had simply initiated and started the process of birthing my own Temple of Mercury. Ella now was step two. She had doubled the power of the pillar, so to speak, in partnership with Babaji.

Ella’s pillar also was brighter, a deeper shade of lemon yellow light, again to symbolize its greater wisdom and understanding.

She likened this expansion of the pole of light to the dilation of Spirit on all flesh. She said this was comparable to the dilation of the uterus during a woman’s labor to birth a glorious new child of light. Ella’s womb was dilating, I was dilating, we were dilating, in wisdom and in love. This reminded me of a series of dreams I had way back in the late 1970s, in which I was a woman in labor who finally gave birth to the new, stronger, wiser me in my second major initiation of baptism with fire and water.

Babaji and Mataji

Ella then helped me recall Paramahansa Yogananda’s account of Babaji in his book Autobiography of a Yogi, in which Yogananda also came into the presence of Babaji’s sister or feminine partner, whose name is Mataji. “Mata” means mother, great mother or grandmother, and “ji” is a term of respect and endearment. “Mataji” therefore means beloved mother and grandmother! To Hindus, Mataji is “mother wisdom” herself.

Ella then said that her code name in her appearances in India is Mataji. In China, she is known as Nuwa, the mythical first woman or mother of mankind. In all these instances, Ella is a wise woman, a wise mother, a wise feminine being of light, an enlightened lady who lights the way for all of us who are open to her Mother Wisdom presence.

Ella/Mataji/Nuwa then took me in my light body to high above the Temple of Mercury in the Himalaya Mountains. Kut Humi/Babaji was there with her. (See picture to right of Babaji and Mataji meditating in a Himalayan valley.)

The city of light there now was brighter, more vibrantly yellow, even bigger, especially its auric field than it was yesterday. This symbolized more Second Ray light having been introduced into this temple since yesterday. This was evidence of the 2nd day of reopening and rebirthing the Temple of Mercury in me and in the Himalayas. And this re-empowerment process will continue over the next week or so.

Mercurian Space Sisters

Having written this much of this blog this morning, I got some breakfast and then laid down to rest in my bed and possibly to sleep. “Out of the body” I went into the higher realms of consciousness via a pillar of light. When I came back to conscious awareness, above me were perhaps twenty ladies from Mercury. Their Second Ray mellow-yellow, mother energy came down first into my crown chakra, down to my third-eye center, and then down my spine, my tree of life.

(See fictional, artistic image to the right of a  “Mercurian” spacecraft with a yellow beam or pillar of light.)

When their combined, cosmic wisdom entered my heart, I was lifted into ecstatic, enlightened love and wisdom. I felt like Buddha under the Bodhi tree. More or less as a chorus, these wondrous Mercurian sisters shared how much they loved me, as I truly was one of them; I was their beloved brother. They revealed that I had known them in my various visitations/lifetimes on Mercury, which were preparations for this one.

This flow through was near overwhelming. Tears streamed down my face. I knew yet once again that if they loved me, it did not matter one whit that other ladies on Earth had not and did not. I Am loved by my Mercurian sisters, and in and with this wisdom my heart/Afib is healed yet another degree. So be it!

Be a Wise Woman

In your meditations today, surround yourself in a bright lemon-yellow tube or pillar of light that that is about 3-4 feet away from your physical body. Be secure and protected in this Christ, I Am column of 2nd Ray light.

Rise up in consciousness and commune with Ella. The two letter l’s in her name represent this ascent up your spine, lifting both your masculine and feminine aspects into I Am consciousness. The two l’s also represent her twin soul relationship with Kut Humi.

Be with, feel the presence and the descent of Ella around you. You can think of her as Mataji, your wise Indian grandmother. You are as her daughter or son. Ask her any question you have. Ask her how you are to proceed with rebirthing the Temple of Wisdom within you and in northeastern India, Nepal and parts of Tibet.

In a sense, one with her, you are in “Shambala,” which represents the city of yellow light that is in the valley of the high Himalayas. You are with not only Ella/Mataji but also with Nuwa (the hardline Chinese leaders now control Tibet — they are even more demented than Putin).

Commune with Second Ray angels and with Mercurian space sisters who fill the skies over the Himalayas, who are with you right in your home or apartment. Realize yet again who wondrous it is to have Mercurian sisters, who wisely love you as you are, and especially because you are devoted to the Second Coming program.

Project yellow light to the prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, and via him to all the peoples of India, such that they enter in higher understanding and wisdom to deal with all of India’s many problems and challenges.

In a phone call, Prime Minister Modi has urged President Putin to negotiate a settlement in Ukraine rather than fight a war with Ukraine, which Putin ignored.

Project yellow light also to Xi Jinping, the leader of communist China. Both India and China in the UN Security Council abstained from condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

And with Kut Humi, Ella, 2nd Ray angels and Mercurian space sisters and brothers, radiate yellow light to Vladimir Putin in his room in Healing Haven Hospital on the psych ward for the criminally insane. Putin is a war criminal, plane and simple, by his despicable actions, killing innocent people whose only alleged crime is that they want to be free to govern their own country. Putin needs all the help he can get.

Slowly come back down and re-anchor yourself, now in a higher vibration here on Earth. Steady as she goes. This is just day 2 of this rebirthing. You still are in labor and will be for days to come. Take it as it comes. And give thanks to Father-Mother God! Amen.