Stand Back

Yesterday, March 2, 2022, at our HBM at 3 PM here at I Am Nation headquarters, a gold circular band appeared around my head. About two weeks ago, I clairvoyantly had seen a similar golden circle or crown that was about 1-2 feet away from my head. This time, it was more like 3-4 feet away from my physical head.

Then, coming down from above were strands or wires or cables of bright yellow light. Each one “hooked into” and attached securely to my golden halo/crown, one right next to another, until it appeared there were as many as 30 or 40 of them, taking up every bit of available space around my golden crown.

The yellow cables were emanating from each of the Mercurian space sisters and brothers that are aboard their Mercurian spacecraft over our headquarters.

Thus, there was an equal number of yellow wires now connected to my golden ring of light. These 40 or so Mercurians were one with me. I was holding in my crown/brain as many of these visitors from Mercury as I was capable of grounding here on Earth, without blowing my brain circuitry.

Then from each contact point of each yellow cable, a vertical yellow light descended alongside me until it anchored in the ground. When this process was completed, I was totally encircled in brilliant, dazzling, 2nd Ray light. I was inside a reinforced pillar of yellow light. My entire tree of life or nervous system had been strengthened and steadied. I was not to come out of this pillar, but was to stay right within it.

I was to be secure in my Temple of Mercury. This was wisdom!

Stand Back

This morning, March 3, 2022, in my deep meditation, clairaudiently I heard the higher command: Stand Back! Do not send anything out or engage yourself in an attempt to offer guidance and healing to others. Pull back, be inside your yellow pillar, focus on your own spinal column of light. There is a time to radiate and project light and love to others, then there is a time to stand back and to wisely rest in the peace and poise of your I Am Self. This is the time to stay within yourself, to rest in the understand and wisdom of your Christ/Buddha, light-filled Self.

The Hierarchy has channeled this same command several times through Nada-Yolanda. We are not to be so engrossed in the ills of the world, the insanity that is all around us, that we lose our own way. Rather, we are to be as a Buddha or Buddhi who sits under the Bodhi tree and is enlightened in yellow light.

We as men are to be a Buddha, a Baba, a being of cosmic compassion that radiates from us out through the ethers, without our sending it. I Am a Buddha, I Am a Baba, I am that I Am. This is what has the greatest healing power.

We as women are to be a Buddhi, to be a Mata, to be our feminine Self. Be a yellow mother of light and compassion. Be who you are: a wondrous Mama Bear.

For two days, we have radiated love and light to one and all, especially to the now “crazy”, deeply paranoid Putin. Now, today is our time to rest, to pull back, to let things unwind in mass consciousness, to not be touched by any of it, to be in an impenetrable pillar of yellow light, as bright as the sun.

Red Hearts & Cherries

When I pulled back into my central core and spinal column in my morning meditation, clairvoyantly I saw a circle filled with multiple, vibrant red hearts in my throat/power center. Then, this became a bowl of deep red cherries.

I took this to mean that I was to let my love speak for itself, even as it was contained within me and not pouring out into action. I was to realize anew that life is a bowl of cherries, filled with sweetness and spiritual nourishment, not only for our throat/bowl center, but also for our heart and circulatory system.

In time, we can and will speak of our regenerative red love to others or to project this out to others. But for now, we are to be in this love, to be of this love, to make sure that our self-talk is that of love, not anything less than love.

We have more than enough people around us who try to put us down, to make us the bad guy or girl. We do not need to incorporate their negativity in our auric field. Our yellow pillar rejects all such attempts at negative, earthly and astral intrusions from those who try to play the blame game; who attempt to blame us for their problems, rather than wisely see that they are the problem.

In time, we will share our red cherries with others. But for now, it is time to take in their nourishment. They are given to us by Spirit and the agents of Spirit, including our Mercurian brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, uncles and aunts, all forty or more of them. Let us now not cast our pearl-like red cherries on the “swine” around us and in the world, or they will turn and try to rend us, and attempt to rob us of our peace.

We need to be as wise as a serpent, as gentle and loving as a dove. Then, our life will be a bowl of cherries!

Be a Buddha or a Buddhi, full of red hearts.

Be a Baba or Mata, full of red cherries.

Be your Self, full of your light body.

Be a Temple of Mercury.

Be! Be! Be! Be!

Be I Am!

1 thought on “Stand Back”

  1. The thought that most resonates with me right now, at least for my personal on going, is this:

    “… make sure that our self-talk is that of love, not anything less than love.”

    because I have the tendency to be really hard on myself.

    “Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.”

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