Power & Love

On March 23, 2022, after returning from my trip to the Toyota dealer and my communion there of Sananda-Jesus appearing to me, casting the money changers out of the Temple, I re-read the last I Am Nation Newsletter for January-February 2022. In it, I perused the printed version of my MAM (Mark-Age Meditations) audiotape that I first had given in  September 1985.

What most caught my eye was the channeling from Lord Michael, Archangel of the First Ray of Will and Power, and co-titular head of the Hierarchy with Lord Maitreya. Michael had given his instructions about using the sword of truth via Nada-Yolanda on September 1, 1965, as follows:

Use the Sword of Truth

“Ye never shall see the sword of truth used to destroy, to punish, to hurt, to revenge or to bring about karmic resolutions. This is not the purpose of the sword. The sword ever shall be used to cut away canker and wrong and to allow health, healing, good purpose to become manifested in the Earth and in each one upon the Earth. . . .

“It must be done according to my way and my will, because you will do the way and the will of Lord Michael, the sword, the purpose and the will of God. I give this sword to you for use upon the Earth as I use it above the Earth, in the Earth and in you. (See image to right of Lord Michael above the Earth with the blue sword of power in his right hand.)

“First may I use it upon you that you may become strengthened, courageous, enlightened and uplifted. Then do I turn the handle of this sword to you who have learned and have suffered at its mercy and its cleansing flame. Let it then be yours to use. I not only beseech thee to use it, I command thee to use it! [My bold.]

“So it will be from now until all eternity that you who have received the edge of the sword will be given the handle of the sword to use and to plunge its edge again into error and misconception wherever you see it. Then must those who have been so cleansed, uplifted and fulfilled use it and turn it in another direction for the furtherance of God’s creation. This is eternal progress. This is the way and the will of the Lord God. . . .

“This is my will and my way. So it shall be your will and your way for the new phase of manifestation that already has begun upon the Earth plane.”

(See symbolic picture to right of Lady Mariel, Michael’s feminine, angelic partner; with the sword of truth in her left hand.)

Transmute Denials

A couple hours later, Phillel came down to see me at my apartment. I shared with him my experiences earlier in the day, including the visitation of Jesus whipping the money changers. Phillel shared a marvelous, synchronous channeling via Nada-Yolanda from Sananda-Jesus that he had put in the upcoming I Am Nation Newsletter for May-June 2022:

“The accolades given to me as Jesus of Nazareth when entering Jerusalem (for what was to come to be known as Palm Sunday) relate to the great honors and appreciation bestowed upon the worker, the truth teacher, the Christ server.

“Yet, as the week or the days or the steps wear on, plottings take place, murmurings, dissatisfactions, wanderings and questions occur, so that one’s closest associates, disciples, friends, teachers within the group, who profess to lay down their lives for the master, find fault, deceive, and turn away from that which they have received.

“Ever has this been so, not only with master teachers, Hierarchal Board workers, but the mortal consciousness as well. For your own murmurings, your own complaints, your own criticisms, your own denials are but a sample of what you face in the mortal realm of being. Steadfastness, perseverance, steady eye to the goal are all that you can demonstrate. The signs and the wonders as as nothing when that time comes for this ultimate demonstration of Christ consciousness.

“If you are to adhere to Christ principles and laws, the spiritual Sonship with God, you still have to face these denials and reprobations. We cannot allow for any mistakes or chance errors by those who expect to lead the others. (See image to right of Jesus casting out the money changers from the Temple.)

“After all, it was not the Peters and the Judases who demonstrated Christ mastership over the Earth planet. They were the disciples and the students. And though they are forgiven by the Christ consciousness, they are still not the masters of the Christ expression until they can overcome denial, criticism and the feeling of knowing better than the Christ Self within, or the master teacher of Christ consciousness, as to methods and means and appearances for this demonstration.

“All will hear and will understand this more clearly in the next few years. For though there have been some examples of it in the personal life at the moment, it is as nothing when the masses are enlightened to some degree, wish to follow and to heed the special teachings which are to be brought forth.

“All goes very well and all honors are bestowed most willingly until a certain level of effort, a certain change within, a certain giving up of the rights and the privileges of the mortal world, the realm of having and keeping and obtaining and possessing, are concerned. Where these are challenged by the Christ Self or the Christ teachers, the mortal will rebel and will find all kinds of excuses to deny the validity and the wisdom of the Christ.

“If you ask nothing of these mortal beings, students, followers, they are most willing to bestow upon you all accolades, all respects, all honors. But they are the mouthings of words. They are not the services of the heart, the mind, the soul and the body without equivocation.

“Of these things you demand total service, total allegiance, because you do not ask it for your own personalities or your own selves or your own self-aggrandizements, or your self-perpetuations, but you ask it in the name of the Spirit that dwells in each and every one. You ask it in the name of their own Christ Self expression and for the self-sacrifice of the personality, in honor of the higher program, the higher group-evolutionary process that is unfolding upon the Earth at this time.

“There will not be many who can adhere to this, who can serve it and can give up what is asked of them. Many will give up what they are willing to give up or what they consider sacrifices for themselves. But let the Christ ask for something which they had not offered willingly, then they deny the Christ as being something besides the Christ, lesser than the Christ. For they cannot comprehend that the Christ or the God Self will ask more than what they themselves intellectually have conjured, intellectualy have schemed out of their subconscious desires for themselves or for their own self-glory.

“But you will be willing and able to see this for what it is at the time of the Gethsemane of your program’s experience. (See picture to right of Jesus in Gethsemane.) The time of the betrayals on that scale from the masses will be your great test as teachers of Christ consciousness and externalizations of the Hierarchal Board.

“Let me be most specific about this, for it is being given well in advance to what you will experience or will know. For it is now recorded unto your conscious minds that when the externalized members of the Hierarchal Board then call upon the race consciousness and the leaders of the various fields of endeavor for mankind in the New Age to give up certain self-perpetuating glories, self-engrossed areas of energy and power, they will turn against and try to rend the works, the fabric of the Hierarchal Board in manifestation.

“It can only be by the strength of and the unmoving force of those who have evolved to the point where they will be in Christ demonstration and understanding to band together, to serve together and to hold for the final and ultimate goals of spiritual government equal unto all men and the purpose of all men expressing Christ Self in action upon the Earth.”

Blue Dome over Moscow

To work with the above two extraordinary channelings from Lord Michael and Sananda, we are going to first visualize a blue, First Ray dome of will and power over Moscow, to further empower the dome of light that was anchored there back in September 2012 when my ex-wife and I were there. Then, we will place a golden dome of Seventh Ray peace and love over Kiev, Ukraine that will expand and cover the entire country of Ukraine, including Crimea that the merciless Russians have occupied.

Rise up and into I Am consciousness and your light body. See yourself high above Moscow, which is a city of 12.7 million citizens. You are centered above the Kremlin therein, which includes the living quarters of President Putin and houses the Russian government. (See map to right of western Russia, and Moscow.)

Come into communion with Michael and Mariel, El Morya and Glo-Ria, and space brothers and sisters from Neptune. They give you an immense blue sword of light. They work together with you in inserting this sword down and into the center of Moscow, particularly in and around the Kremlin. This pins down the blue dome around Moscow and the surrounding area.

In particular, the tip of the blue sword enters into the top, central portion of President Putin’s head. Slowly but surely, you plunge this sword down through his head and third eye centers, into his throat chakra, his power center. Here is where his major blockage is. He currently is abusing his power as a son of God. He sees himself as the power, when in reality there is only One Power, God the Good.

(See picture of Putin above and to right. Note that he is pointing his right forefinger upward, hopefully to God and Lord Michael. This one-finger salute is the “mudra” we have practiced in our prior First Ray connections and applications. May he now align his mortal will with Spirit’s will. God’s will be done!)

Cut right through his mortal ideas of power. Follow Michael’s instructions that “the sword ever shall be used to cut away canker and wrong and to allow health, healing, good purpose to become manifested in the Earth and in each one upon the Earth.”

Clear out Putin’s throat chakra, his will and power center, and call forth the power of his I Am Self, which remains within him, regardless of his current insanity and power abuses in regards to Ukraine. Then continue to insert the sword down his spine and lower chakras, until it implants into the earth.

At first, the dome may cover and surround an area that is about 50 miles in diameter, with Moscow as its center. Then, with further insertion of the sword, it may extend 100-200 miles in all direction.

Affirm, know, have abiding faith that God’s will is about to be done in and through President Putin and all his inner circle of sycophantic cronies and thieves. What we see, will in time be. Thank You, Father-Mother God.

Remember always that President Putin can have an experience comparable to Saul on the road to Damascus, after which he became known as Paul or “the little one.” Nothing, no one is beyond the power of God to change and repent! May it happen soon for President Putin such that he uses his power only for good and to serve others, not to dominate them. Amen. Thank You, Spirit.

Golden Dome over Kiev

Shift your attention and see yourself high above Ukraine and its capital city of Kiev (2.8 million citizens), with all of Ukraine under siege by the Russian forces. Concentrate especially on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Begin to place a golden dome of light, a Seventh Ray dome of peace of love, over and around Kiev. This dome is about 50 miles in diameter to start.

(See map to right of Ukraine. In 2012, after visiting Moscow, my ex-wife and I changed planes in the Kiev airport, on our way to Odessa, Ukraine on the Black Sea, where Spirit implanted through us higher spiritual energies for all of Ukraine.)

Link with Lord Uriel and Lord Ariel, with Sananda and Sol-O-Man, who oversee and direct this anchoring of the golden dome over Kiev. Link also with Summalt/Peter who is the commander of the Hierarchy’s space forces in the whole Eastern Hemisphere, aboard his ship #7423. He and his multitudinous other spacecraft throughout the Ukrainian region will be working with you/us to secure the golden dome over Ukraine.

Coming down into the top center of the dome is a pillar of golden, fiery light. President Zelenskyy and his co-workers in government are now in the “wilderness” and traveling through the darkness of the Russian military invading the whole country. These Russian forces are a den of thieves, poised and positioned to rob Ukraine of its God-given freedom. See President Zelenskyy in the column of golden light, supported, loved, and blessed for his valiant efforts, for his sacrificial laying down of his life for his country.

In my communions with him, his heart chakra/heart hurts. He feels the pain of his countrymen. He is understandably and deeply hurt by Russia’s unjust and power mongering actions. He also feels the pain of other countries not doing more to help his country.

We see golden light in him, flowing through him, through all his countrymen and women. In the end, Seventh Ray peace, love, cooperation and coordination will win this war between those of darkness and of light.

So we see it and know it. So it shall be!