Deal Decisively with Denials

Yesterday, March 3, 2022, as I shared on my blog “Stand Back,” in my morning writing session, I was firmly intending to not deal with any outer happenings and/or impingements in my life. Spirit, however, had other plans. Man proposes, God disposes.

The previous day, I had received two self-righteous emails, one from each of two people who are living in denial and blaming me for their problems. For years, I have diligently tried to help each of these two deluded souls, to love the good in them, to forgive them for they do not know what they do. In response, time and again, they have tried to turn against and rend me. Hey, thanks a lot!

All I planned to say was “nothing.” What can one say to such people? If they do not have the ears to hear, why say anything to them? Just usher them out of your golden dome and be done with them. Or, if I emailed them and said anything, it would just be “Goodbye.”

Slay Them in the Spirit

But then I was taken up in the Spirit. A great light and power came over me and compelled me to “tell it like it is.” I was not to stand by and let people try to drag me down into their selfishness, mortal nonsense and soul denial of the darkness within them; to speak negatively to me as a spokesman for the Hierarchy. Rather, I was to speak the word, to tell the truth, to wield the sword. I was to take out my sword and to “cut each of them to the quick,” then quickly pull my sword back out without twisting it in them or goring them, and then to stand fast inside my peaceful, wise pillar of yellow-golden light.

Even if they did not immediately change as a result, at least I would be on record as having told the truth to them. Maybe they will change down the road. Maybe not. If not, they will just have to learn their lessons the hard way, through intense suffering, without accepting my loving, powerful, healing help. Thy will be done.

Thus, “Stand back” does not necessarily mean to pull back and do nothing. It means standing in the truth of our being! It means speaking up when Spirit directs us to do so, then pulling back within our Self and letting things develop as they will. We are to speak, but not to become attached to or all wound up in what we say, to not do anything more than needs to be done. We do the spiritual surgery and then we let our “patient” go about his or her healing. Meanwhile, we are securely at peace.

So, that is what I did. In my emails to each of them, I was loving but direct, blunt, right to the point, and brief, maybe 200 words or less. Anything more would have been superfluous. It they do not hear the simple, core truth, all the further explanations in the world will not reach them.

Each of the two of them in their emails to me had slickly said all the right things, even said that they loved me and were my friends. In my email reply, I pointed out that I did not judge them by their words but rather by their actions, which I have watched and noted for years. This was no sudden emotional outburst by me. This was the result of years of my cutting out my own darkness during my three-four years in the darkness of my soul. This was now the right time to call upon them to likewise deal with their denial and darkness, or it would overwhelm them. This was being tough love in action.

Puncture Paranoia

Down deep within their souls, both of them are somewhat paranoid, although they appear to be normal. Officially, psychologically, they may be diagnosed as having a personal paranoid disorder, although that is more evident and extreme than what my two alleged friends have.

As a result of their paranoia, however, they do not trust anyone. They believe what they want to believe, they try mightily to cover over and deny their soul scar tissue, rather than to wisely weigh the facts or evidence that reveals the truth about them. They are not about to listen to sweet, tender love — they tend to see this as a sign of our weakness or even our acceptance that they are right. Rather, all they possibly might hear is the powerful truth, delivered to them from the I Am Self level.

Even that may not reach them, but at least then I know that I have done all that I can do to help them see the light. At least, I am strongly on record. There will be no opportunity for them at some later date to say, “Why didn’t you tell me so?”

We propose, God disposes. He-She does the work through us. Knowing this in our heart, we do not step over the line and become arrogant and self-righteous ourselves in the wielding of the sword. Spirit, thank You, for using Your Power to heal these two individuals. Amen!

Cut It Out

I could not let evil stand. I could not be silent in the face of such persistent, long-term, well-documented arrogance. I could and would not countenance someone trying to make me the bad guy, to blame the Hierarchy in essence, when in fact they were acting like a couple of Cains: smug, superior, intellectual, talking out both sides of their mouths. I was not about to be a martyr anymore.

I was no longer willing to take their abuse and hold it in my heart with the false idea that my love would transmute it. No, that was their job: Physician, heal thyself. By taking on their negativity, all with the best of my intentions, all I was doing was making my heart sick. So, how in the world was that helping them?

They were not making me sick; they had no power to do this to me. I was doing this to myself! Basically out of my fear of rightly wielding the sword, and my fear that they would not love me. Well, they already don’t rightly love me. And they never will unless I stand up and be the I Am powerful healer that I Am.

Sananda Speaks

Later that morning, I drove into a nearby town, which is farther away than the closest town to us where I usually eat and shop. I ate at one my favorite restaurants, Cracker Barrel. I had the Old Timer Breakfast Special. Yes, I Am an old, old, but still young-at-heart Timer, and I occasionally love eating eggs, bacon and cheese-potato casserole. Yum! At home, I am mostly vegetarian, and do my best to be organic, but I still eat some bacon once in a while. After all, as Jesus said: It is not what goes into our mouth that makes us spiritual, but rather what comes out of it.

Then, pleasantly full, I went to the Toyota dealer to get my car fixed. I did not have an appointment, but things were slow and they took me right in and treated me royally. While I was sitting in the waiting room for the repair work to be done, there were about 8 others sitting around me, with the TV on. Shortly, all of them got up and left, and someone even turned down the TV volume. I began meditating.

I was still feeling a bit uncomfortable about how strongly I had wielded the sword this morning. Had I been too forceful, too blunt, too full of myself? Was that really Spirit’s will or just me getting my pound of flesh?

All of a sudden, Sananda clairvoyantly appeared above me, right there in the room. I was lifted up into his magnificent, loving, powerful presence. He showed me an image of himself when as Jesus he had driven the money changers out of the temple, even had whipped them. (See picture to right.) He had said to them that the temple was to be a place of prayer, but they were being a bunch of thieves.

Then, he told me that this is what I had done this morning and that he had inspired it — I had driven my two “thieves”, those who were selfish, out of my spiritual temple, the Sun Temple here at I Am Nation HQ.  Sananda and I had done it together, even though I did not know it at the time.

Sananda shared that had I not done so, I would not have acted as his son. And he thoroughly approved and blessed me for rightly using the sword. He said this was just the first of many instances of needing to do so during this spring-Easter cycle. Finally, he instructed me to share all this in my blog, as it was his instruction for all light workers. Forewarned is forearmed.

Heart Healing

Needless to say, I felt blessed beyond measure, with tears pouring down by face. And a great peace came over me, Sananda’s peace. This was saying, wield the sword rightly and then you will be at peace — that will be your confirmation that you have said the right thing.  The First Ray of will and power comes first. The Seventh Ray of peace and love is the fulfillment and conclusion of rightly using all the other rays, under the First Ray guidance of Lord Michael, Lady Mariel, El Morya and Glo-Ria. (See picture to right of Glo-Ria.)

My heart felt the best, the most open, the most loving it has throughout my whole life, and God knows how many lifetimes before this. No, my A-fib did not miraculously disappear in one fell swoop. I still have more heart healing to do. But I have taken another step forward in this process. I have a much better and deeper Second Ray understanding of, and wisdom about, this gradual, steady, seemingly slow healing process; about how our healing has to come from our healing work for others, including as being a spiritual surgeon.

My having A-fib is a blessing. It has taught me more than anything else has this lifetime. Illness is our teacher, if we embrace it and allow it to be so. Rather than feel ashamed and guilty about our bodily defects or our emotional depression, we bless it and thank Spirit for bringing it to our conscious attention. Better than almost anything else, illness-suffering helps us to puncture our remaining paranoia, to deal a death blow to our denial that we still are somewhat sick and not fully in our light body. It helps us to be humble. God heals, we are co-healers.

Being sick, having an unhealthy emotional/physical heart is not the problem. It is our denial of the remaining threads of our soul insanity that is the problem. We all know the spiritual principles, but sometimes we still misuse these principles, our intellectual misunderstanding of them, to excuse or deny our own lack of spirituality.

All of us are a bit crazy at times, in one way or another. This is called mortal consciousness! Earth is a sick planet, the insane asylum of the solar system. But it can and will be the shining, glorious light of Seventh Ray Peace and Love for the whole solar system, if we will but rightly wield the sword and cut out the crap in ourselves and others, and replace it with goodness, compassion and positive, loving power.

See Past the Words to the Heart of the Matter

It’s funny how deluded people always reveal themselves by trying in some outer or covert way to “stick it to us.” Both of the above two folks who wrote self-serving, self-righteous, arrogant emails to me, ended their sharings by asking me how my heart was doing, and saying how glad they were that I had overcome my depression. In part, they were being sincerely nice and supportive. But behind their words was a “putdown,” an attempt to “cut me down to size.” Robert, they were saying, you still have heart problems so you are the problem. They were saying in so many words, all clothed in sickly sweetness, that I was still the sick one and they were the healthy ones. Two other people recently in their outward talks with me have tried to pull this same stunt with me.

Well, I now have my reply: I somehow manage to smile (why not, they are being funny!) and to thank them for their concern, but then tell them that being depressed and having A-fib is the best thing that ever happened to me. That because of it I have scrapped out more gunk in the bottom of my soul barrel, and I am now more loving than I ever have been. I love power in a whole new way. (See image of a power-filled, blue heart to the right.)

Then I say, I do not judge a book by its cover, but by what is written within it. And they look at me like I have totally lost my mind, shocked that their clever gambit has been exposed for the self-righteous, limited, mortal nonsense that it is. I just smile some more and sometimes say something pithy in return. Like, have a good day and I hope that you do as much healing as I have! And I mean it and they know it. They look like deers caught in the headlights. And they certainly don’t like it. Do you think that the money changers liked Jesus driving them out of the temple?

So, if they are physically present, I shortly get up and leave. If I am writing an email, I end it quickly and send it. I wipe the “dust” off my feet and their “darkness” out of my aura, and I rewrap myself in protective yellow-golden light. I Am at peace.

I go home or shut down my computer, laugh at the whole thing, at mankind’s and my own folly and insanity. And I think what a great blog this will make. Thank you Spirit for showing us the Way for healing humanity.

Power & Peace

May we all rightly wield the sword of truth. May we all Love God and Love One Another.

May we all give thanks to Spirit, and the agents of Spirit, to the whole Hierarchy, for their loving guidance, support and fathering and mothering of us, their daughters and sons in the light.

May we all be at peace and resolutely stand in it, ready and willing and able to speak the truth.

All is well. Amen.