Purple Peace

Today, Monday, October 17, 2022, we take our sixth step in the final, physical re-birthing of the Tenth Temple, within and without. This step comes under the auspices of the Sixth Ray of Cleansing and Transmutation, and the Sixth Major Initiation of Crucifixion-Resurrection. The corresponding color is violet/purple.


A week ago, on October 10, 2022, in the 6th day of my receiving the experience and guidance for this, my 6th blog this week, during my morning meditation, I aligned myself with the Hierarchal Board whose principal governing board meets on Saturn, which demonstrates and radiates the Sixth Ray. I felt balanced from the prior day’s green work with healing my soul and wielding the sword to help and heal others. In particular, I linked in consciousness, with Lords Michael and Maitreya, co-titular heads of the Hierarchy; and with their two feminine counterparts, Ladies Mariel and Maya.

I spent a good hour doing so, becoming still, at one, centered and well-grounded. Then, a huge ankh appeared over me. It was primarily violet in color but it also exuded brilliant white light, with some gold in it. (See image to right.) It lit up my entire third-eye vision/screen.

This ankh was about 10 feet tall. Slowly the bottom of its central, vertical pole descended into my crown chakra/cerebrum, and from there to my third-eye/thalamus and each lower chakra, until it anchored into my sacral center below my abdomen, but above my regenerative chakra and reproductive organs.

The cross bar of the ankh was at my third eye and throat areas, whereas the loop of the ankh was about from the top of my head upward for several feet. The ankh and I became one. In this oneness, I cleansed remaining threads of doubts, fears, worries, and inferior and superior attitudes. Then, I rose above them in resurrected light-body consciousness.

Creative Energy

61 years ago, on August 2, 1961, John Mark channeled via Nada-Yolanda: “The crux ansata [ankh] has not been only of this civilization’s period of time, but predates any use upon the Earth planet. It goes back into other-planetary history, particularly Saturnian. In the Saturnian Council, which is the seat of interplanetary government, this is the symbol used by the heads of the Council for utilizing the power of Creative Energy, the eternal or everlasting Father-Mother God, manifesting into a single or individual manifestation.

“This is the origin, received of course from the interplanetary parliament during the time of Atlantis when there was a fair amount of interplanetary communication, and then carried into Egypt by those who did inhabit that land from the Atlantean fall. It will be found in Lemurian history and in all ancient and conquering civilizations, from one era or phase to another.”

Michael & Maitreya

After I had adjusted to the presence of the violet ankh, and was able to hold it securely in and around me, to the right and above me appeared Archangel Lord Michael of the First Ray, with a sword of light in his right hand. Above and to the left of me descended Lord Maitreya of the Seventh Ray. The horizontal cross bar of the ankh then extended outward in both directions. Michael stood on the right side of the bar, and Maitreya stood on the left side of the bar. Their combined energy flowed especially into my third eye and throat chakras. It took a good deal of effort and at least ten minutes to get used to their presence, power and love.

Lord Michael then proclaimed: “You are the President of the I Am Nation!” Many times in the past, starting in 2006 when Lord Gabriel first announced this to me, I have heard those of the Hierarchy, including Michael and Maitreya, say this very same thing. Only this time, Lord Michael’s announcement carried the greatest authority and power yet. Maitreya’s love was greater than I ever had felt from him. I was electrified and resurrected anew. I was ready at a whole new and higher level to assume my Presidency.

Pondering all of this later, I received that first it meant I was now the President of my own individual I Am Nation, composed of my thoughts, feelings, memories and physical actions. Michael and Maitreya were confirming that I am in the seventh phase of my seventh major initiation.

Moreover, they were confirming and announcing anew that I am the stand-in for Sananda prior to his Second Coming. I am a Seventh Ray worker and have trained many lifetimes under him and his twin soul Sol-O-Man, including when he was Jesus and Gautama Buddha. In these present Latter Days, we have a dual focus: Sixth Ray Cleansing and Transmutation and Seventh Ray Peace, Love and Rest. Phillel is “President” of the Sixth Ray under St. Germain. I am “President” of the Seventh Ray under Sananda. Thus, we are Co-Presidents.

Ours is not a competition, like unto being the President and Vice President of the United States, in which the President is #1, the top dog in government; and the Vice President is #2, the bottom dog in the pairing. By contrast, Phillel and I are co-equal and cooperative. That is what I Am to bring forth. No longer are we light workers to be Cains versus Abels. We are to recognize and cleanse away any residue of Cain consciousness within us, even as we keep our eye single of Abel consciousness within us. In every pairing, we are to be primarily Abels, ones who are able to Love God and To Love One Another

Plus, the overall goal of these End Times or War of Armageddon is to prepare the way for Sananda’s return to lead us into the New or Golden Age of Seventh Ray peace, love, cooperation and coordination. In this sense, as we now go forward, individually and collectively, year by year, the Sixth Ray emphasis/focus will diminish whereas the Seventh Ray function will grow and expand. I Am the President of this forward emphasis on golden peace and love and brotherhood/sisterhood.

Mariel & Maya

In my above morning communion with Lords Michael and Maitreya, I also was aware that Ladies Mariel and Maya were with them, but primarily in a supportive role. I could sense their presences behind Michael and Maitreya. The four of them served as the foursquare foundation for re-birthing my own Temple Ten on Earth, for my being the President or leader of the Sun Temple here in Pioneer, TN.

That late morning, I took a nap. Suspended between dimensions in my light body, I became aware of Mariel, feminine angelic partner of Michael, and Maya, twin soul of Maitreya hovering over me. They descended such I could psychically sense them with their “feet” almost down to the floor. They proceeded to smooth out my aura and helped me to assimilate the tremendous energy implantations of Michael and Maitreya. They also helped me to complete the soul healing work of yesterday

Toward the end of this communion with Mariel and Maya, I was once again a violet ankh. I was ready to, and capable of, and capable to express the power of Creative Energy or Father-Mother God in being as the President of my own I Am Nation and the I Am Nation that is descending into all light workers on Earth. By the end of this visualization and experience, the purple ankh turned more so into a golden color and light. My sixth step was basically done. Temple Ten was almost completely anchored and rebirthed on Earth.

Be an Ankh

In your meditations and musings today, see a ten-foot tall violet ankh descend into, around and through you, down to your sacral chakra. The vertical pole comes down your spine. The top loop of the ankh surrounds your head and extends upward a few feet.

In this violet-purple ankh and consciousness, link with Michael and Maitreya, then with Mariel and Maya. Imagine yourself being under their guidance, power, love and presence. You may or may not feel their specific presences. If not, have faith that you are one with and serve them selflessly. By your faith you resurrect. By this faith you are healed and transmuted. Via this faith you rise above any residue of darkness from your past into a glorious new golden future.

Affirm: I am re-juvenated, resurrected and re-born as the Christed being that I Am. I Am one with Apollo and Diana of Planet 10. Temple 10 is born anew within me.

See a huge violet ankh descending upon and into Córdoba, Argentina, the epicenter of the the Tenth Temple there. Whatever selfishness remains there, see it being cleansed and transmuted in the violet flame that emanates from the ankh. See violet light streaming out to all of southern South America. See the resurrection of this whole area.

Affirm: I move from purple cleansing and transmutation to golden peace and love; from purple rain to purple peace. I Am the president of my temple. I lead the way for others to go and become their own Presidents who right use spiritual power. In the midst of all the ongoing cleansing and confusion worldwide, let there be peace and love on Earth. I Am my brother’s and sister’s keeper. May all people join us in bringing Christ brotherhood and sisterhood to Earth. Amen!