Temple of Mars is Open!

Yesterday, April 21, 2022, Lord Michael contacted me once again and proclaimed: The Temple of Mars is now open!

He was following up on his insertion the previous day of the sword of truth into Jerusalem and the surrounding area. He had cut open an area that was 40 by 40 miles square. He had removed the veil from over the top of the 40 by 40 by 40 mile cube that is the Temple of Mars. That allowed all the brigade of light to pour down, into and through the cube, reenergizing and re-empowering it. He had pinned the 40-mile cube down into the very Earth itself.

This morning, having surveyed his work of yesterday, Michael affirmed that the Temple of Mars in and around Jerusalem, whose radiations extend all throughout the Middle East, is now open.

Rejoice my friends and fellow light workers! Rejoice and then get back to work, for we still have a little more than two weeks to complete and fully anchor this cubic rejuvenation, rebirth and expansion.

From Above to Below

Think of the 40-mile cube as consisting of four layers or levels. The top 10 miles of the cube is primarily the mental level, that of the various thought forms that currently imbue this region. Some of these thought forms are positive and of the highest Christ energy. After all, Christ Jesus resurrected here and 40 days later ascended in his light body into the etheric realms, wherein he resumed his role as Sananda, Prince of Peace and primary wayshower of Earth. These thought I Am or Christed etheric forms are more powerful than any negative, lower, third-dimensional ones.

However, the negative thought forms go back millennia. The region has known almost nothing but violence, self-power, war, competition and suffering inflicted by man upon man, unto death. Only Michael with his incredibly powerful sword could have cut through the darkened veil of these negative thought forms at the top of the cube. With a single, downward thrust, he cut through them like butter.

All manifestation and crystallization begins with thoughts, for better or for worse. As we think in our heart, so we are; so we feel and form memories in our soul; which eventually manifest in our own bodies and actions, in our homes and cities, every place on Earth. So, the first step in healing and growth always is to renew our thoughts, to align them with the will and power of God. Michael leads the way with this renewal, in conjunction with Mariel. El Morya and Glo-Ria add their extraordinary First Ray energies to this process, with the four of them being a kind of super cube that descends and decrystallizes anything less than their righteous power and love.

Emotional, Soul-Astral & Physical Recrystallization

We are now in the second week of focusing on the Temple of Mars. This means that our focus now is more so at the emotional level, the next 10 miles of the cube below the top 10 miles of the mental level. Michael’s sword has penetrated the emotional region, but the work therein is not finished. All kinds of negative emotions have been decrystallized, which need to be reformed and rebalanced. In my next blog, which I am writing today, I will talk more about my experiences in doing this in the last week or so, which I am sure are very much like what you have been going through.

Then in the following two weeks, our central concentration will be first on the soul-astral level, the memories that go back thousands and millions of years; and then down and into the physical level to complete the process. The descent of the New Jerusalem for this 4-week cycle will be complete.

Four weeks, four bodies, four steps to manifestation and crystallization of the four components of the four-step Christ matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination, four weeks for the Temple of Mars to shine brightly for all the world to see, feel and experience — for this have we come and are we dedicated.

Our minds and hearts are now re-opened. Now the real work begins to complete this process. The Temple of Mars is reopened. Now we fill it with new feelings, new things, new furniture, new thought forms, new love vibrations, new light-filled actions. Following in the footsteps of Sananda-Jesus, we make all things new.

So be it!