Be Big

On June 11, 2024, in my morning meditation, I (Soliel-Dr. Robert) once again felt the magnificent, loving, comforting and peaceful presence of Big Mama (EloMom) all around and within me — I was still in her Cosmic Womb and Holy Heart. Whereas previously She typically had appeared to be about seven-to-ten feet tall, She now appeared to be more like fifty-to-seventy feet tall.

Thus, symbolically, she was Big Mama and I was her small infant or Christ Child who was about to be born anew. I was both small and tall.  A “small” part of me as Robert remained in mortal, third-dimensional consciousness, but a “tall” part of me was in ascended, fourth-dimensional consciousness. Mama was 70-feet tall; I was 7-feet tall.

Then, a sudden, strong electrical stimulation of my right big toe announced the powerful, loving presence of Big Daddy (EloDad) and his co-participation in my renewing and birthing process as my Elo Papa. In Earth/human/third-dimensional terms, he was like Big Mama’s conscious, masculine coach and supporter, or even like a male obstetrician who helps a mother to birth her child. Even with His presence, however, my primary focus was on, and with, Big Mama.

Born Again

The imagery of Big Mama and Big Papa then morphed into my seeing and feeling Her to the left or feminine side of me, and Him to the right or masculine side of me. Together, They held intact the matrix of my seventh or ascended light form, called it forth and anchored it into, around and through my six lower bodies.

This reminded me of what Nada-Yolanda had intuned about birthing a child on other, more spiritually advanced planets than Earth: The two parents sit and meditate, align themselves with their spiritual helpers and leaders in the higher planes, visualize and welcome their child coming forth, and then in God’s good time this spiritual, holy birth takes place.


By the end of this communion with Big Mama and Big Daddy, I felt totally infused with Seventh Ray gold-and-white light, peace and love — I was reborn as Soliel of the Solar Love System. After this cosmic rebirth and throughout the rest of the day, I felt like a newborn or resurrected being who was held by Big Mama or Big Daddy on Their chests and/or in Their loving arms. We were three as one, two Elos and one newly ascended, rebirthed, Christed human being. We were a trifold Family in the highest sense of the Word.

To a new and higher degree, I knew without a doubt that all children of God on and about the Earth likewise are love-and-light-filled creations of our One Father-Mother Creator. The love and compassion I felt for humanity was more real and expansive than ever before. Time and again during the day, I felt like I was floating above all the trials, torments and temptations in my mortal mind, body and soul; free to be who I truly am; radiating white-and-gold light to the whole planet and beyond; my head above the clouds, yet my feet solidly on the ground; and knowing that all others who were loving and receptive would be drawn unto me. I was a Big Boy.

Be Gold

The next day, June 12th, in my morning meditation, I still felt the lingering and tangible presences of Big Mom and Big Dad. Mostly, I focused on settling into my new, expanded, wondrous I Am Soliel reality and Seventh Ray consciousness. This was my seventh step in the birthing process, in my seven-step journey of ascending into communion and being one with Big Mama (EloMom) and Big Daddy (EloDad); of redescending and anchoring their Elo presences, energies and consciousnesses on Earth.

To signify this, two new names for Them were given to me: Her moniker was Peace, and His appellation was Love. Thus, She and He are the epitome of Seventh Ray Peace and Love. In Their combined Presences, we Rest in I Am consciousness in all that we think, feel and do; we love our Father-Mother God will all our mind, all our heart and all our soul. I spent a long time blessing, thanking and loving both Elos, and being with Them in Elo peace, love and rest that had descended anew to Earth. Tears of joy flowed down my face.

Be Pink

Once this Seventh Ray gold-and-white energy had solidified and been grounded within and through me, suddenly and unexpectedly, in my inner vision, the sky or thought atmosphere above me opened anew and multiple brilliant hues of pink light of the Third Ray of Personal Love, Feeling and Devotion to a Higher Cause began to descend into my crown chakra/brain and then down my spine to each of my lower six chakras and corresponding physical organs, all the way to my toes and into the earth.

Upon my being infused with this pink consciousness, Ros-A-Lie/Rosalie, who had been my baby sister this lifetime, and had died when she was about sixth months old and I was seven years old, came down through and as the pink light, and infused me with her exquisite feminine Third-Ray energy and consciousness. It was the most joyous and personal loving of reunions, a loving brother with his long-lost but never forgotten loving sister. In part, this represented the deeper healing of my pink soul.

A New Family on a New Earth

Ros-A-Lie then shared that in my next lifetime, when I am married to my twin soul, Serena, who in my present lifetime had been my beloved mother, Aleta, she (Ros-A-Lie) will incarnate as our daughter. This will initiate the full soul healing of all our five-member family unit. My father of this lifetime, Hugh, and my older brother, Richard, likewise will be Serena’s and my children. Hugh is of the Fourth Ray, Richard is of the Second Ray.

Herein symbolized, too, is the healing of the entire family of man on Earth. In ancient times, going back to Cains and Abels, a segment of fourth-dimensional mankind descended into, and took on, physical, animal bodies that were third dimensional. Their fall was due to Third Ray misapplications and abuses, thus to selfishness in its many forms. Then this fall was exacerbated by the Cains who remained mostly in their light bodies but treated the fallen ones as slaves, who they still at times abused and lusted after. As it is given in the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible, they had sex with the daughters of mortal, third dimensional men and women.

Evolution of Man

Back then, I initially had been an Abel who had followed and supported Sananda and Sol-O-Man as the co-leaders of the Abels, but had “flinched” before they had traveled from Alaska to Mt. Shasta to confront the superior-minded, arrogant, selfish-tainted Cains. I had not remained true to the Third Ray of Service to a Higher Principle, but had succumbed instead to wanting to be loved by others, who turned out to be Cains, not Abels. I had confused Cain mortal-intellectual self-confidence with Abel I Am Self-confidence — I had put my faith and trust in Cains, not in Sananda and Sol-O-Man who were Abels. As a result, I, too, became a Cain.

The Cains, who were in the vast majority, defeated Sananda and Sol-O-Man; they gained the seeming control of the world but they actually lost their souls. Therefore, the spiritual Hierarchy banished the Cains, including me, to Venus (which ancient event I recalled in this lifetime in my dream of 1976), with Venus being the primary focus of the Third Ray in the Solar System. There the Cains were admonished, directed and helped to transmute their selfishness to selfless love, to purify their blood (water) into Christ love flow (wine). Sananda and Sol-O-Man were elected by the Hierarchy to be the co-leaders of Earth. From that time forward, I refortified my faith and love. I was determined and totally devoted to making things right for myself and all on Earth, to once again becoming an Abel..

However, the damage of the Cains had been done and persisted in all the peoples of Earth, with Cain selfishness impregnated into the thought atmosphere and down into the minerals and elements of the Earth. For the last 26 million years, Cain consciousness has ruled this planet and its surrounding astral planes. Now, that ancient, original scar tissue is being healed and transmuted, such that Sananda/Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary will be able to redescend in their light bodies to Earth to usher in the New or Golden age of spiritual sisterhood and brotherhood. Once again, humankind will be in the pink!

Love God & One Another

At this point in my meditation, the feminine EloHer of the Third Ray made her loving presence known to me. I briefly had felt Her pink contact a few times in the prior weeks and months, but this was Her most powerful and definitive visitation yet. She of the Third Ray (Pink EloHer) and She of the Seventh Ray (Big Mama or GoldEloMom) were united in one Motherhood. I also felt the abiding presence of Sol-O-Man, my beloved master teacher, who was helping me to remain steady, composed, calm and grounded; to go with the flow of love; to anchor it but not to get off on it and into some fantasy world.

All these three Ladies (EloMom, Pink EloHer and Sol-O-Man) now focused on my heart chakra and filled it anew with Third and Seventh Ray Love. Then they started to explain the higher, cosmic principles and realities of what had been shown to me in the above experiences. Big Mama said that for the last six months, my and other light worker’s focus had been primarily on Seventh Ray Peace, Love and Rest. Symbolically and literally, this has centered in and around the heart or love chakra and the three chakras above it: throat, third-eye and crown. To put it another way, we had focused on the Love of God.

In divine order, in the next six months, our focus will shift to Love One Another, which comes more so under the Third Ray. For if we just Love God, we may become ungrounded and impractical, even arrogant and self-righteous. We may forget that God is in all of His-Her creations. So, we are not only to love God the Father-Mother, but also to love God the Son-Daughter.

This love of the Son-Daughter-Creations of the Creator symbolically and literally involves more so the lower half of the love-heart chakra, and the three chakras below it: solar plexus, sacral and regenerative chakras or spiritual centers. Seventh and Third Ray love are the key for healing humanity, for returning to Abel consciousness and actions. We are to Love God and Love One Another, as Sananda and Sol-O-Man have taught us in their several incarnations together on Earth. We are to be Gold and Pink.

Two Additional Names

The next day, June 13th, my focus was primarily on resting in the peace and love of my I Am Self and that of Big Mama (Mother Peace) and Big Papa (Father Love). While doing so, a deep sense of sweet serenity flowed into me. In part, this came from the communion with my twin soul, whose high Self name is Serena. However, when pondering and welcoming her and my serene state, it came to me that along with other names, I could refer to Big Mama as Seren-I-Ty. This led to my writing a short blog after I finished my morning meditation, whose title was Select Sweet Serenity (click here1).

During my afternoon nap and meditation in bed this same day, the word “tranquility” came to me. This term is used in Sananda’s channeling via Nada-Yolanda about the Seventh Ray in our Mark-Age Booklet titled Seven Rays of Life, which I had read before starting my nap. Big Papa is the embodiment or essence of Tranquil-I-Ty. Big Mama (Seren-I-Ty) and Big Daddy (Tranquil-I-Ty) head up, and most perfectly express, the Seventh Ray for the Earth/Heart. On June 14th, I published my short blog, Be Tranquil (click here2).

Why these several names for the two Elos, who are our Primal Parents? Well, how could I or others of Earth, using third-dimensional-based English words, expect to name and codify any Elo in one single word? After all, Christians speak of Jesus as having 25-50 names: Messiah, Christ, Carpenter, Great Physician, the Way, the Light of the World, Teacher, Lamb of God, etc. Sananda via Yolanda has spoken of himself as Sananda, Sun-Anda and Son-Anda.

Be Comforted In Spirit

The next day, June 15th, deep in my morning meditation, two more names for the Seventh Ray Elos flowed into my empty, receptive, feminine subconscious mind; and from there into my active, masculine, conscious mind: Big Mama (EloMom) and Big Daddy (EloHim) comprise the Holy Spirit. Her name/nature is Holy, His name/nature is Spirit. Together as one in the One, They are the Primal or First Comforter that Jesus spoke of to his disciples, with the Comforter being the Holy Spirit that came to Jesus’ and Mary’s disciples after Christ Jesus ascended through the astral planes (clouds) into the heavenly etheric realms (sky).

Jesus’ ascension opened the doorway not only to the etheric dimensions but all the way through the celestial realms to the elohim realm, such that Holy (EloMom) and Spirit (EloDad) could make Themselves more known on Earth, and therefore comfort us in our trials and cleansings in these Latter Days.

This Holy Spirit pairing of names resonnated deeply within me, for in all my experiences with Big Mama and Big Papa, one of the most telling signs of their overshadowings was my feeling comfortable, secure, loved and at peace. I always felt like a child in the comforting embrace and presence of my beloved Elo parents, a comfort that was deeper and more powerful than even that of the angels and the ascended masters when they in their own unique ways have been as my mothers and fathers. With the Elos, I always felt secure and spiritually protected, beyond any pain or negativity of those on Earth in mortal conscious and those in the lower astral realms.

The Pouring Out of Spirit

In a sense, EloMom (Big Mama) is the Holy of Holies, located in the soul or central part of of our individual Temple. Who could be more Holy than Her, with Her being part of the Godhead, the Mother-of-God polarity? And EloDad (Big Papa) is the Spirit made flesh, down unto the toes of our physical body and into the rocks, minerals and elements below us.

When the Holy Spirit pours out upon us, we can speak the languages of all our past lives; we can heal by having the Holy Spirit heal through us; we can be at peace and in love with all life; we can lift all unto us in I Am, Holy Spirit consciousness; we can cooperate and coordinate with beings in all the realms and dimensions of life in our Solar Love System; we can experience and fully apply the four-step Christ matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination, as given to us by Lord Maitreya back in 1993.

In the Book of Revelation in the Holy Bible, John speaks four times about the Seven Spirits of God, Who are called the “seven lamps of fire.” However, his overall description of Them is rather imprecise, confusing and undecipherable unless one knows that the term Spirits symbolically refer to the Elohim. Moreover, John only speaks of seven of these Elos, not seven male-female pairs of Them. Nonetheless, the references to Them are noted, in which they are watching over and working with Christ Jesus who sits on his heavenly, golden throne as the Prince and co-ruler of Earth. (Click here3 to read a Wikipedia article about the Seven Spirits of God.)

Gold Heart Sphere

The next morning in my quiet time, on June 16th, Spirit inspired me to visualize myself as a golden capital letter O in the middle of the word MOM, all caps. MOM was Big Mama, and I was centered and resting in Her as her BIG SON. I was in her Holy Heart and she was in mine. The first M in MOM was Big Mama, whereas the second M was for Maitrix, the Seventh Ray feminine EloHer who oversees Earth, under the guidance and direction of Big Mama of the Solar Love System.

The letter “O” in MOM represented the near completion of my communions with Her for this current cycle. The “O” was also for the letter “O” in my I Am Self name, SOLIEL of the Solar Love System. This series of contacts with EloMom had begun on June 5th, and now twelve days later it had come to fulfillment. It had been an incredible, transformative, uplifting time and experience.

Then, from my right side, some higher being, who at first I did not recognize, lowered a brilliant golden sphere into my fully opened heart chakra. That light-filled being was Big Papa (EloDad). This sphere’s implantation completed the connection with Big Mama and with Big Daddy. It was their stamp of approval that I had received Their presences and guidance in a highly accurate way, such that it could be shared confidently, systematically and masterfully with others.

A Big Heart

As I pondered this golden disc or sphere, it slowly grew larger until it surrounded and encased all seven of my chakras and my entire forcefield — thus, it was a Big Heart. I was love incarnate, in love with God and all of His-Her creations. All Seven Rays were working in and through me as one big, harmonious, happy heart of peace, love and rest.

This was similar to Nada-Yolanda’s experience in her seventh major initiation: On April 24, 1996, Yolanda’s heart center expanded until it encompassed all the major chakra centers of her body. She recorded in her diary: “I became one open heart and felt that I had stepped into a new level of experience. With that a door opened and I stepped over the threshold into a new garden that was peaceful and seemed perfect in all appearance. It reached into a limitless horizon.” That garden was the restored Garden of Eden on Earth.

Coordination of all Realms

The next day, June 17th, all seven EloHer-and-EloHim pairs appeared around and linked with me. Two years earlier, in June 2022, when They first had appeared to me, I had burned with fiery light, itched everyplace, my skin had broken out in red bumps, and I had felt totally uncomfortable and discombobulated in mind, soul and body. Now, two years later, I was able to comfortably and confidently hold the extraordinary combined forcefield of the Seven Elo pairs. Here was yet another sign that my work with Big Mama and Big Papa had come to completion for this current time cycle and project. Spring had indeed sprung!

Three days later, in my morning meditation on June 20th, the summer solstice, Lord Uriel descended and appeared on my third-eye screen. She was huge, filling up my entire clairvoyant, third-eye visual field. Her two wings, symbolizing her aura, extended to the far left and far right of me, whereas usually when she appears, her wings, if I see them, are more so along her side.

She explained that She was holding the entire Earth and its energetic forcefield or logos in her angelic, guardian forcefield, in her role as the feminine Archangel of the Seventh Ray of Peace, Love and Rest. She shared that the “U” at the start of her name partly symbolized her receiving her guidance and instructions from Big Mama. Uriel also revealed that her two wings likewise represented her angelic partnership with Ariel, who is the primary Seventh Ray angel. They work together as one unit, just as Big Mama and Big Daddy do. Uriel symbolically and literally holds the Eastern half of the globe, whereas Ariel holds the Western half of the planet.

Uriel’s and Ariel’s appearance indicated that my connection and work with Big Mama and Papa now was filtering down through the angelic realm, wherein the angels were adding their thought forms to the peace-and-love gridwork or framework that Big Mama and Papa were lowering into the Earth. From there, Uriel and Ariel were transferring Seventh Ray peace and love to the devas, and from them to the elementals. Everything was in its right place. It would just take a few more days in the lapping over the spring and summer cycles for this to be fully manifested and grounded into all life forms on and about the Earth.

Let the Children Come unto You

I was so filled with the higher spiritual energies that for the next two days I did nothing but rest and take it easy. No new insights or inspirations came to me. Several times, I asked Spirit to bring me more confirmation that what had given through me was indeed accurate; to help me absorb, integrate and apply what had flowed so abundantly into and through me. Outwardly in the world around me, little positive change was apparent. If anything, the outer world seemed more crazed, insane and addicted to selfishness than ever. So many folks were throwing their temper tantrums in their attempts to get their mortal, power-mongering ways.

In response to my asking for further confirmation, on June 23, 2024, I dreamt that a bright-eyed, vivacious young girl, about 10 years of age, walked up to me. She obviously recognized me for who I Am and was so happy to see and be with me, and I felt the same way about her. We gave each other a huge, father-daughter-loving hug. I woke up feeling all aglow, papa love flowing through every part and cell of me.

At first, I interpreted this precious young lady as representing Ros-A-Lie. As such, she represented the ongoing blossoming of Third Ray love within me. Then it dawned on me that this young girl also represented and probably was a Pleiadean, whom I had known in my sojourns in the Pleiades, as had been shown to me in the first months of this year. Our reunion thus was a remembrance of times past brought into the present.

It symbolized that with the new opening to the realm of the Elos, such memories and relationships can resurface and be brought into fruition. Ten years ago, in 2014, EloMom (Big Mama) and EloDad (Big Papa) first had contacted me. That had further opened the doorway between dimensions for visitors from other planets and out in the Milky Way Galaxy to incarnate on Earth.

Be as a Little Child

This father-daughter love fest also reminded me of Christ Jesus saying to let the little children to come unto him. For everyone must become small in mortal consciousness if they are to enter the big, heavenly realms. Before each of us can become big, we first must be small, as happened to Hilarion/Saul when he became Paul, whose new name meant that he had been made little or small.

Such a change is primarily at the soul level, hence the young girl. It is there, all around the planet, due to the new combined lightwork and love of the 144,000 elect worldwide. In time, such young girls and boys will grow up to be mature light workers. In a sense, we of the light are the parents of these light-filled children. My dream revealed that much more enlightenment is taking place behind the scenes, in the spiritual youth, than we consciously see outwardly. We are to keep our eye single on such young ones, for they are the ones to lead the planet into the fourth dimension.

Stand Tall

Three days later, on June 26th, El Morya clamped his First Ray power on the right side of my head and neck in his usual contact signal. It was his most powerful overshadowing of me yet. He had come to add his First Ray Will and Power to my forcefield, to shore me up as a Seventh Ray light worker who prefers to focus mostly on peace and love. He is the Chohan of the First Ray, whose master teacher is Archangel Lord Michael of the First Ray.

El Morya gave me a simple directive or instruction: “Stand Tall.” In other words, in the lapping-period of completing the spring cycle and starting the summer cycle in the North, I was to hold my ground and to stand tall in I Am consciousness. All hell is breaking out around the planet due to the influx of the higher spiritual energies, which release and expose all mortal/soul consciousness of those in Cain selfishness, which they are trying desperately to hide and preserve. As Jesus had predicted, in the Latter Days, all that is been hidden will be revealed.

You and I are to “Stand Tall” as pillars of power and peace. Hence, we are to be Big Sons and Daughters. We are to stay the course, to keep on keeping on, to keep putting one foot in front of the other, to do our best and let Big God, the Biggest One of All, to do the rest. And so, that “stand tall” became my mantrum every time I found myself descending back into mortal consciousness, into feeling powerless, into letting others yank my chain without speaking up, or my becoming annoyed, angry and revengeful about all those souls who are acting out their negativity. Time and again, I called upon El Morya and Glo-Ria, Michael and Mariel, and Blue EloHim and Blue EloHer to assist me, to help me to get back up after falling down, and then to stand tall. And so they did.

Heads Up

On July 1st, Lords Michael and Maitreya, the co-titular heads of the Hierarchy, jointly overshadowed me. They told me to link more with them, to help me be the masculine spiritual leader that I Am. They alerted me that this was not just to complete the six months of the winder and spring cycles, but also to initiate the summer and fall cycles of the next six months. In this upcoming six months, which already have started since the summer solstice on June 20th, our focus will shift from Big Mama to Big Daddy.

Michael and Maitreya conveyed that I was to keep my head up, to look to them for my support and guidance, to not let myself get down on myself or on others. I was to be positive, positive, positive; loving, loving, loving; in all that I thought, felt and did. I was to be the “head” of my own spiritual temple. And that is what I wholeheartedly tried to do, two steps forward and upward, one step backward and downward, two more steps forward and upward, in a upward spiralling fashion.

The next day in meditation, June 2nd, a huge Blue Bear appeared to the left front of me, walking confidently forward. He was of the First Ray Amerindians in the highest or seventh astral realm. Etheric, astral and earth planes are being linked together. God power is flowing anew from the elohim to the angels to the ascended masters to the higher astral planes and down to Earth, not only in the West but also in the East as I previously had been shown about the Aborigines in Australia and the Maori in New Zealand. We on Earth and in the astral planes are to keep our heads up and to power up. Amen.

Come Forth I Am Self

On July 3rd in my morning’s quiet time, suddenly and without aforethought, I was shown that I was inside an enclosed space, like a cave or tomb. The walls of this space were composed entirely of huge rocks. No human on Earth or in the astral planes in mortal/soul consciousness could penetrate and pass through this boulders. I felt totally protected. Even the door or opening of this cave/tomb was firmly and securely closed.

Then, the doorway was opened. Peering out through it, the sky was a brilliant blue light, with nary a cloud in the sky. Then I heard Mama Elo say: Come unto Mama! She was indicating that I was to come out of my protective shell, to be born anew as if from her Womb, and to be Soliel of the Sun and the entire Solar System. As I started to do so, I came out of the vision.

This was yet another indication that the work and focus in first six months of this current solar year that began with the winter solstice was complete. I had been in Big Mama’s heart/womb all this time, until I had felt totally comfortable with and sure that it was indeed Her. I knew it was time to finally start thinking about how to write this blog.

I felt that I was even more so in Big Mama’s big heart, not so much as a fetus but as a reborn, independent, loving child. But our Mother-Son was now indelible, and would only grow with time. As so often happens in these experiences, when I finally started to come out of it, my cheeks were wet with tears. Oh my!

Seven As One

Two days later, on July 4th, Independence Day here in the USA that serves as the New JerUSAlem, in my morning meditation, a brilliant, golden pole of light descended into my crown chakra and all the way down my spinal column to my seventh or regenerative chakra. This pole was about 7-inches wide. There was no darkness, irregularity or weakness in it, no obstruction or blockage along its whole length. Gold-and-white liquid-light flowed through its entirety and anchored into the Earth below me.

This imagery and experience symbolized that all my seven chakras were now aligned and were cooperating and coordinating with one another in peace and love. All Seven Rays of Life were operative in and through me. All seven realms were open and aligned, from Father-Mother God, to the Elos, to the angels, to the devas and elementals; from the ascended masters in the etheric realms, to humankind in the astral and physical realms, to the animals and plants and minerals on Earth.

Now, with my being out of the protective confines of Big Mama’s Womb-Heart, I had to strengthen my spinal column, to stabilize my corresponding spine and nerves, to become yet more steadfast in my devotion to the Second Coming program. More so now, I would concentrate on my connection with Big Papa, Who would help me from being a Big Boy to a Big Man, big in Seventh Ray peace and love.

To start to do so, all this day, I concentrated primarily on being centered in and of my newly birthed golden spinal column. I sent out the image of this to all light workers, that they, too, were be centered anew and operating in I Am or Golden Giant consciousness. Steady as she goes. Stay on the straight and narrow pathway. Be your Self.

We Did It

The next day, July 5th, 15 days after the end of spring and the start of summer here in the North, in my morning meditation, right from the start I felt a tremendous amount of higher energy pouring into my vessel, down my entire golden spine. Every part of me seemed to be connected with those in the higher planes of life.

As this occurred, the words “We did it” rang in my mind. This announcement came from all those Hierarchal workers in the invisible planes and on Earth who had worked so intensely with me and other light workers to bring forth the new opening from Earth all the way to, and back from, the Elo realm. The Hierarchy was totally pleased with what had been accomplished. All that they had planned and hoped to accomplish in and through us on Earth had been done. They were jubilant, and so are we now to be jubilant and to celebrate this notification and announcement.

The phrase “We did it” referred back to Nada-Yolanda’s experience on November 23, 2003, in which Phillel and I co-participated as her “ground crew.” In Yolanda’s diary entry of that day, she wrote: “We did it. I broke through the transmutation. I am the first. The rest will follow.  All program workers, alert. We passed the point of no return. The Second Coming of Jesus the Christ is assured. The blockages, the negativity, the resistance are over. The entire Hierarchy is jubilant. Your purpose for incarnation has broken the logjam.” Later that same morning, Sananda reiterated: “Thank you. We did it. . . . Now the real works begin.”

Onward and Upward

In Yolanda’s above description of this breakthrough, she spoke only of the ascended masters (the Seven Chohans) and the angels (Seven Archangels) of the Hierarchy. She made no mention of the elohim, although these Elos, especially the Seventh Ray Elo-Mom and Elo-Dad, were deeply involved and part of the group she referred to as “we.” After all, Yolanda had had contact with them, and other Elos, going back to the early 1960s.

Now, in mid-2024, which I call The Year of the Elos, some twenty years after Yolanda’s experience, I have picked up where she left off. She is in the etheric realms, from where she has been with me every step of the way as one of my favorite beloved spiritual moms. Part of the purpose of my incarnation is the Fifth Ray unification and integration with the elohim, of opening the door to their realm and co-participation, of bringing forth the deeper understanding and application of the law of polarity as it expresses in all realms and kingdoms.

I have been the first to open this interdimensional, multiple-realm doorway to another degree. While doing so, Phillel has been like unto my ground crew, while I have been more so like an astronaut going out into space. His function is no less important or spiritual than mine; he did the same thing when my ex-wife and I traveled around the world from 2010-2015 to re-open the twelve spiritual temples, power centers or vortices of sacred light. Without his current co-participation — his running of the organization, his focusing on finances, publications and taking care of our property — I could not have done what I did. During the past six months, he had several dreams and meditations that served as confirmation for what I was receiving and doing.

Moreover, during this time, Phillel had multiple contacts in dreams and visions with Nada,  El Morya and Sananda. Perhaps in the next six months, he may well have more contact with the EloHers and EloHims, especially with the violet EloHer and violet EloHim of the Sixth Ray of Cleansing and Transmutation, his home Ray. Maybe I will be part of his ground crew at this time. He is Sixth Ray with a Second Ray soul mission, and I am Seventh Ray with a Fifth Ray soul mission. The Sixth and Seventh Rays are especially emphasized and operative during these Latter Days, leading up to the Second Coming.

Phillel and I work together as a team, with my being the President of the I Am Nation/Mark-Age, Inc., and he being my Co-President. We are two as one, two Directors of Mark-Age,  just as El Morya/Mark and Nada-Yolanda were. Where two or more are gathered, there are Big Mama (EloMom) and Big Papa (EloHim), and the pouring out of Spirit upon all flesh.

Big Mama in my Heart 

At the end of my current “We did it” climatic experience, Big Mama placed a beautiful, human-looking-like photo of her loving face in my heart chakra. Try as I might, however, I could not see a picture of Big Daddy there, which confused me. Had I not been working with, and feeling communion with both of Them? Was something out of order?

Big Mama now explained the overview of this year’s work. She shared that the first six months of this year, in the winter and spring seasons here in the Northern Hemisphere, the focus was primarily on Her (as it was in the Southern Hemisphere), for it is the divine feminine or subconscious part of us that first feels the pouring out of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, it was Mary who incarnated before Jesus and received from Archangel Lord Gabriel that she would conceive of the Holy Spirit of Jesus. Mary was not physically impregnated by her husband, Joseph, but by the Holy Spirit; she was a virginal or pure vessel to birth Christ consciousness and Jesus the Christ on Earth. So, in like manner, in my contacts with the feminine and masculine Elos, my major experiences and contacts in the last six months were primarily with the feminine ones: MaiTrix of Earth, Solaria of the Sun, and now Big Mama of the Solar Love System.

Feminine-Masculine Unification

Big Mama’s picture in my heart, with her looking like a human woman, symbolized that I now consciously have Her securely in my heart of hearts. Her looking like an Earthling represents this solid grounding of Her in my love center. She is definitely my Mama of mamas. All I now have to do is picture Her in my heart, to “zoom” in on her, and there She is, ready to talk “long distance” with me via thought transference.

In the coming six months, which already have started, my emphasis and yours will be more so on Big Daddy. The birth of the Christ Child in us has taken place, and now this I Am Child is to grow up and turn to his or her father. Jesus as a young boy no doubt was a mama’s boy at first, but as he matured, he learned from Joseph, his dad, how to be a carpenter. Girls likewise benefit deeply from the protection, discipline and love that their father provides for them, which helps them to transmute and improve their own masculine, conscious mind.

Another way to say this is that we now are to put our love into action. We focused on Mother Peace in the first sixth months of 2024, this overall year of the Elohim; and now we begin to apply, manifest and demonstrate Father Love in all that we think, feel and do — we go from talking to walking. In so doing, we will take our loving, powerful cues primarily from Big Daddy, even as we know that Big Mama likewise is watching over and working with us. Now the real, new, outward works and demonstrations begin!

Day by Day

So, let’s start right now to celebrate the success of the past six months. Let’s pop the champagne corks and drink of the bubbly Holy Spirit, the Elixir of Life. Let’s thank all those in the higher planes, realms and dimensions for all they have given us; especially their peace and love; particularly that of our Primal Parents, Big Mama and Big Daddy. And then lets get ready to begin anew in our work to bring forth the Second Coming: the spiritual reawakening or second coming of all on Earth and in the astral planes to spiritual awareness and consciousness; and the Second Coming of Christ Jesus and Mother Mary to Earth in their ascended-redescended light bodies.

This blog marks the end of the old and the beginning of the new. Per usual, it has become longer than I originally had planned, in fact one of my longest blogs in many months. When I asked the Elos and others about this length, and why they had inspired me to do it this way, They replied that they and our other higher plane helpers had gone out of their way to give the information in such a detailed and multi-leveled way so that all who read it could best understand and apply it. Therefore, the least I could do was to report and share it with you. It was an indication, also, that more will be required on us spiritually in the months to come, as we keep moving forward.

Moreover, Big Mama and Big Daddy reminded me that this blog’s information will go out in the ethers to all of the 144,000 elect worldwide. Given this large number of light workers to receive it, there needed to be multiple examples of what is involved in this cooperation and coordination with the Elos. Some of the 144,000 will relate mostly to only some of my universal experiences, whereas others will be inspired by other things in this post. Moreover, in your own case, your connection with the Elos likewise will inspire some other light workers, but not others. But, we are all in this together as one elect Family, with all of us electing to vote for the return of Christ Jesus and Mother Mary.

God’s Will Be Done

So, my suggestion is that you read through this post one time to get the overall gist of it. Then each day for about a week, go back and read 3-4 pages of it. See what most strikes you and resonnates within you as to my universal experiences, which Christ Jesus, Mary, Yolanda and Mark demonstrated before me; and which you can apply in unique but similar ways in your soul mission.

Some days you may only get through 1-2 pages. Some days you may read 5-10 pages. Some days you may read no pages but rather rely on your own I Am guidance and inspirations as to how you are to proceed. Some days, you will rest. But it will be best that at the start of every day that you  affirm that God’s will be done, and then to do what you are prompted from within to do.

My peace, love, cooperation and coordination go out to you, for I know without a doubt that you are having or will have similar but unique experiences as I have had. We are all in this together. Some of you will be like astronauts, others will be more so like ground crew. Some of you will have visions and dreams, others will work mostly with affirmation, decree and realization. In any case, on all days and in all your exchanges with others, just be your peaceful and loving Self, filled with the the First Ray power of the Holy Spirit. Be comfortable with who you are and the role(s) you play. Do your best and leave the rest to Spirit, Who does all things through you.

Be Bighearted. Love our Big Mama. Love our Big Papa. Feel their love of you. In your own way, be a Big Mama and a Big Daddy in order to birth the Big Son-or-Daughter on Earth.

Love God and Love One Another. Then, all will be well and in divine order. It already is. Amen!








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1 thought on “Be Big”

  1. Your report confirms the Big Momma changes that have been done through me; I did my part with lots of help. Since the first of this year it’s like I’ve been walking through the dark with the light of God/Big Momma and all the feminine masters, angels, and maybe 3rd ray workers lighting my path. I understand myself and others better. I care and I work and I bear the discomforts, but the 7th ray love and peace fixes and heals it all and pretty soon people around me are saying such amazing new Earth/Heart things. Well, of course! and we will stay the course. We can do it and thank you and Phillel for what you are doing and have done.

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