Ease On Down The Road

Here’s our song for today, with Judy Garland in the Wizard of Oz: Ease on Down the Road.

This correlates nicely with my latest blog, posted today (click on Welcome Ariel and Uriel) in which my spiritual guidance was to “ease on down the road:” in other words to be at peace, to go slowly and harmoniously, to sing and dance and have a good time, even as we put on love into practical actions. Indeed, my friends, ease on down the golden road of peace and love!


I also really like the second version of this song in the movie The Wiz, starring Diana Ross and Michael Jackson, with their fabulous singing and dancing. Check it out.

By the way, the road in both versions is said to be the yellow brick road, but I like to think of it as being a gold road, that of Seventh Ray peace and love, harmony and heart-filled happiness.


Double enjoy your easing!

DJ Doc K