Practice & Promote Peace

As I shared in my prior blog, Pink the Creeks, on March 4, 2023, while meditating in bed, I “went out” and up in my seventh or ascended light body to the etheric realms. Upon coming back down to conscious awareness, an astounding vision was shown to me:

There was a Christ column of solid, congealed, brilliant white light, which was implanted in the center of Beijing, the capital of China. Symbolically, this represented the implantation of Christ light into the central government and into the core mindset of the Chinese political and military leaders, not only in Beijing but throughout China that Beijing governs. The setting of the vision was at night so the column of Christ light was readily visible. Its being at night represented the subconscious or soul level.

The light-filled column appeared to be about two-to-three miles in diameter, with the whole city of 22 million citizens being about 45 miles in diameter. The brilliant column rose from below the ground, up through the atmosphere, in and through the seven astral planes, to the three etheric planes. This was totally amazing to me, as not once previously had I thought of such a Christ column being already so firmly and evidently implanted in Beijing at a subconscious level.

As indicated, this column was not empty inside, although the column was basically cylindrical in shape. Rather this column was filled with cosmic, Christ light, love and peace, especially peace. Thus, as the word column implies, this Christ shaft was solid and impenetrable, and completely filled with fourth-dimensional, white light. It looked somewhat like the symbolic, artistic image to the right/above, which however only shows a white column over and around a single individual, with it being only about 2-3 feet in diameter. The column in my vision was about a couple miles wide.

Peace in China

The Beijing column’s white color indicated the Seventh Ray of Peace, Love and Rest, whose corresponding colors are white and gold. To me, the white light and the feeling about it portrayed more so the quality of peace.

Peace is the first step in anchoring the four-step Christ-Buddha matrix on Earth: peace, love, cooperation and coordination; the so-called Middle Way that first was described by Lord Maitreya in 1993 in a channeling via Nada-Yolanda. To solve any difficulty or conflict, to govern properly, one first must establish peace in his or her mind and heart, and must follow the will of God in practicing and promoting peace.

So, this week in our prayers and projections, while we are protected inside our own white column of Christ light, let us be at peace in our four lower bodies (mental, emotional, astral and physical), which then radiates to and supports the Christ-Buddha column in Beijing, and from there to all in China, with whom we are one. Via the Christ column, I, when I be lifted up, lift all Chinese citizens unto me.

We are going to focus first on those of the 144,000 elect who live in Beijing, whom we love, support and empower with our Christ light. With them, we light up and love President Xi Jinping of China, plus his governmental associates and military leaders. (See photo of Xi Jinping to right.)

Herein is the antidote to all of his and China’s power-mongering that currently transpires in this vast country of about 1.4 billion citizens. We see all Chinese leaders honoring the God-given freewill expression of all its populace. Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven.

Spinal Column of Christ Light

Fifty-five years ago, on June 26,1968, when Yolanda was in the seventh or ascension phase of her third major initiation of Transmutation via Love, Lord Uriel, Archangel of the Seventh Ray, channeled the following through her:

“Your narrow and straight path is the spinal column within each individual form, upon which hinge the flesh, the form, the substance and the opportunity for reaching out and beyond the limitations of the form you are aspiring to perfect. It is through this straight and narrow pathway, the spinal column, that you reach out into the etheric consciousness and bring down into the mortal awareness the light that is all around you and in you as one.

“You go go up out of it and you come down into it, all through this column of light. And out through this column of light you reach into the substance or the column of the light body, the Christ; which is always with you in all ways, inside and outside of the physical and mortal awareness. ‘Lo, I Am with you all ways,’ sayeth the Christ, Spirit, God. I am Uriel, who guards this gateway and opens the door to truth.” [End Quote.]

This key channeling and description that are both literal and symbolic is the primary reason why I most often refer to a Christ column of light that surrounds us, rises through the astral planes, and enters into the etheric and celestial planes. However, we can also refer to such a Christ column as a pillar of peace or a tower of power.

Physical Spinal Column

As above, so below. In anatomical and physiological nomenclature, the term “spinal column” refers to the bones (vertebrae), muscles, tendons and nerves that reach from the base of the skull to the tailbone (coccyx). The spinal column encloses and protects the delicate spinal cord that is composed of nerve tissue and tracts, and the fluid surrounding the spinal cord. The spinal column is also called the backbone, spine and vertebral column. (See drawing to the right; for a large drawing of this, click here1 and look for it in your download file.)

Note that the spinal bones or vertebrae are composed of the most solid structure in the physical body. They are what correspond to the term “column” with its solid connotation.

Thus, in our Christ column of light, the higher cosmic energies have become solidified as we have practiced visualizing ourselves surrounded in a cylinder or column of Christ energy. For the last year or more, in many of my blogs, I have described such a visualization. Therefore, now our column is fully in place, which is comprised of solid, congealed, fourth-dimensional energy. Thus, we currently are not building it, but rather it has been built, at least to the degree that we have practiced the visualization and to the degree that we are capable of solidifying it, given whatever major initiation we are enacting.

Moreover, our column of Christ light surrounds and imbues all of our four lower bodies with its higher frequencies. Typically, we begin by visualizing this column being at least seven feet in diameter, to enclose and consist of our seven bodies: physical, astral, emotional, mental, light body, resurrected body and ascended body. But at times, we see it being still wider, such as 16 feet in diameter so that it encases and includes all of our sixteen bodies, even though we know next to nothing about these additional bodies (bodies 8-16). At times, our Christ column is still wider, maybe as much as 70 feet in diameter, such that ascended masters, space visitors, angelic guardians and higher astral plane guides may descend via it and be with us right here on Earth. Then our column is even more cosmically brilliant with Christ light.

New Age Children

In 1998, during the Eastern Hemisphere Mission, Nada-Yolanda and Narathusa-Corinne, who then was a Mark-Age staff member, visited Beijing and anchored the four-step Christ matrix therein. This was the first step in spiritually re-opening and re-juicing this governmental/capital city that is comprised of 22 million citizens, making it the 8th largest city in the world. This was the first anchoring of the Christ column of light in the center of this metropolis.

When touring Tiananmen Square on October 7, 1998, Yolanda and Corinne watched a group of twenty or more students, about seven or eight years old, with their teachers as their pictures were being taken. They all insisted that Yolanda be part of their group photo. The children and Yolanda joked, laughed and exchanged information through their teachers, who spoke English, as all Chinese students now have compulsory English starting in the fifth grade.

Sananda overshadowed Yolanda and said approvingly: “Suffer the little children to come unto me. . . . Remember, concentrate on the children, for they will save the planet and this current hierarch plan and program.”

It is some of these very children or those like them who now are continuing to anchor a Christ/Buddhic/Taoist column of light in Beijing. A whole new wave of children from other planets and even beyond this solar system have answered the call for recruits by the Hierarchy Board of this Solar System, and have incarnated in China in the last 25 years or so. They bring with them remembrances of their higher consciousness and spiritual talents in other realms, dimensions and planets.

In the West, we do not hear much about such light workers, for most of their work has to be behind the scenes, in the silence. The Chinese government does not allow overt, major spiritual works and activities to take place, and censors any that do occur such that few reports to the West are made. Chinese citizens can and do practice their religions, but only if they do so quietly and their activities do not impinge upon or attempt to change governmental, Communistic, atheistic, power-mongering control.

East Asia Mission

In May 22-28, 2013, during the East Asia Mission, my ex-wife, MariLyn, and I toured Beijing. Our primary higher astral plane guide was Ming-Xi, with his twin soul whose name was not revealed. Ming-Xi resides in the seventh astral plane surrounding China and oversees all light workers therein, and in the sixth and fifth astral planes, who serve with him in the Second Coming program.

On May 23rd, Summalt-Peter, etheric director of light workers in the Eastern Hemisphere from aboard his city-sized spacecraft #7423, with Sol-O-Man/Yasodhara/Kwan Yin/Mary and Ming Xi, showed me an image in my morning meditation of a Chinese man, about twenty years old, standing beside me. He was a sensitive soul whose inherent spirituality did not resonate with the Communistic and materialistic mind-set of China’s leaders or of the masses.

Shortly thereafter, a young lady of about the same age appeared on my other side. Her blouse had a pink stripe and her shoes had splashes of pink, which indicated that she was of the Third Ray, whose color is pink. Due to her delicate, compassionate and loving nature, she too appeared to be a “fish out of water.” Pondering these two visitors, the realization came that we light workers should focus primarily on spiritually awakened young adults, for they will be the most receptive to our spiritual projections. My heart opened wide and I felt deep compassion for these youthful light workers. This focus on Chinese youth continues today.

China comprises about twenty percent of the world’s population that now is about 8 billion in number. Beijing, as mentioned above, has 22 million inhabitants. There are a minimum of 144,000 elect or light workers around the world who are devoted to the Second Coming. So, in Beijing, by calculating all these figures, this means that there are approximately 400 light workers who have elected to Love God and Love One Another (22 million divided by 8 billion times 144,000 = about 400).

It is especially these 400 elect that have been working for at least the last ten years to anchor a Christ column of light in this capital city. As the channelings via Nada-Yolanda state, the projections and works of one fully developed light worker can reach a million or more people, lifting them slowly into spiritual awareness.

Michael & Maitreya

While still in Beijing, on May 24th, in my pre-dawn morning meditation, I entered into the Void or Emptiness, at one with the Tao or Way as taught and demonstrated by Lao-Tze, whose presence I now sensed. Lao-Tze was an incarnation of Kut Humi, the Chohan of the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom. In the Womb, I also felt the strong presence of Ella, Kut Humi’s twin soul.

In the early creation myths of China, the first man and woman were called Fixi and Nuwa. (They correspond to Adam and Eve in Genesis of the Holy Bible.) When Ella had first contacted me in 2011 (click Yin to read my past blog about her), she had said to call her Nuwa. Now, in this current meditation, I linked with Kut Humi/Fixi/Lao-Tze and Ella/Nuwa. Ella had been incarnated when Lao-Tze was on Earth, but she has not shared her name or role with me from that lifetime. (See painting above/right of Fixi on the right, and Nuwa on the left, intertwined together as one; with the yellow-orange color indicating the 2nd Ray.)

By entering into the Emptiness, I was following in the footsteps of many spiritually aware Chinese people from ages past to the present time. This Inner Space, Void or Womb is where Chinese citizens over the centuries have retreated to escape the oppression of their rulers. When Nada-Yolanda was in China during the 1998 Eastern Hemisphere Mission, she received that there are as many spiritually awakened light workers there as are in the various countries in the West, including the United States. We just do not hear outwardly of them, but intuitively and psychically we can see, sense and feel them in our meditations, visions and dreams.

Later that morning of May 24th, in the Silence, I came into communion with Lords Michael and Maitreya, the two co-leaders of the Hierarchal Board or spiritual government of this Solar System. They overshadowed me in the shape of two large letter M’s at right angles to each other. The bottoms of the four poles of the two M’s were planted at the four corners of the city. With the two lords, I breathed in divine will, power, peace and love to break the chains of mortal willfulness and power that prevent political freewill expression by Beijing’s populace. While doing so, I became aware of being inside a column of Christ light that protected me and made it possible for the two lords to transfigure and project their combined light through me.

Uniting East & West

That same afternoon, we visited the Palace of Peace and Harmony, or Lama Temple, in northeastern Beijing. It is of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. In 1722, the Yongzheng Emperor of China converted half of an existing imperial palace into this temple, attempting to make Tibet think it was being honored, even though China forcefully ruled and dominated it. This temple was closed during the Chinese Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976. It reopened to the public in 1981, and is now a practicing Buddhist monastery with about 90 monks or lamas.

(After Communist China invaded and took over Tibet in 1949, they eventually murdered about 1.2 million Tibetans, out of the total 6 million Tibetans at that time; they closed over 6000 monasteries and imprisoned thousands of Tibetans. Talk about horrendous power-mongering!)

While in the central courtyard of the current Lama Temple, we watched mostly young Chinese women bow to the Buddha, light incense, and salute the four directions. I felt for all the world that I was a Buddhist, as I had incarnated with Gautama the Buddha and Yasodhara when they had incarnated as such in India; which was at about the same time that Kut Humi had incarnated as Lao-Tze in China.

Sananda in his aspect as Gautama the Buddha now transfigured me and anchored into my heart. He proclaimed: “I am the Buddha. You are the Buddha. We are the Buddha.” By “I Am the Buddha,” he announced his powerful light-body presence in Beijing. By “You are the Buddha,” he affirmed that all light workers have the same Buddha nature within them. With “We are the Buddha,” he asserted that everyone could experience what he had realized in his enlightenment: We all are children of God who are of one spiritual family. It was all so very simple, yet so elegant and cosmically profound.

In my inner vision, Sananda then morphed from Gautama the Buddha into Jesus the Christ, whereupon he intoned: “I am the Christ. You are the Christ. We are the Christ.” These declarations embodied his complementary teaching and demonstration in the West. He directed this core message also to the estimated one hundred million Chinese Christians. Combined with his prior statements as the Buddha, here was his universal formula for uniting, integrating and harmonizing East and West. Herein was the Middle Way!

Current Chinese president, Xi Jinping and other governmental leaders, are you listening!? Be the Buddhas that you already are in potential form. See and treat all in China as Buddhas or like Lao-Tze who followed the Way, the same Way that Christ Jesus taught and demonstrated.

Temple of Jupiter

On May 28, 2013, my ex-wife and I flew 684 miles from Beijing to Xi’an, China, which currently has a population of 8.8 million citizens. At about 3,100 years old, it is one of the oldest cities in China and has served several times as its capital, including in thirteen dynasties during which 73 emperors ruled there. Located in the east-central part of China, Xi’an is west of the more densely populated areas in the easternmost section of the country. (See map to right; click here2 for a large map.)

Hence, its current name Xi’an, which began in 1368 AD, means “western peace.” Before then, in ancient times, Xi’an was called Chang’an that means “perpetual peace.” So, when we now think of and project to Xi’an, our key focus is on peace.

While MariLyn and I were in Xi’an, I had the first inklings and inspirations that Xi’an might be the location of the Temple of Jupiter, one of the thirteen spiritual temples located around the world. In retrospect, several dreams and visions prior to our East Asia Mission also had indicated this, and numerous experiences when we were in Xi’an confirmed this. So, by the end of our twelve spiritual missions around the world that were completed in spring 2015, my tentative hypothesis was that the Temple of Jupiter was located in Xi’an. However, this would not be confirmed until 2022.

Xi’an is still basically the spiritual capital of China whereas Beijing is its physical, governmental capital. (For the last 700 years, Beijing has been the capital of China.) Xi’an’s Temple of Jupiter radiations extend all the way to Beijing. (see map to right.)

In similar fashion, the Temple of Venus in the Tetons Mountains and Yellowstone area of northwestern Wyoming was and still is the spiritual capital of western USA, whereas Lake Tahoe about 580 miles to the west was the Cain governmental capital 26 million years ago. Currently, in the United States, the Sun Temple here in northeastern Tennessee is the spiritual capital, whereas Washington, DC, is the physical, governmental capital of the nation. These separations symbolically and literally indicate the split in mortal man’s consciousness, whereby the spiritual Self is seen as being as separate from the mortal, physical self.

One Moment of Enlightenment

The next day, May 29th, while we were still in Xi’an, Ming Xi, the seventh astral plane guide, contacted me and asserted, “One moment of enlightenment is worth one millennium of mortal consciousness.” Ming means “enlightenment and illumination,” whereas Xi means “peace, joy and happiness. This current week, may each of us have several moments of Buddhic enlightenment that transmute and transcend the thousands of years of Chinese self-delusion, self-power and selfishness, which go back to at least the days of Lemuria.

While still in communion with Ming Xi and his fellow seventh plane astral associates, Spirit lifted me into I Am consciousness, whereupon I came into communion with Sananda in the etheric realms. The Master directed MariLyn and me to place a golden dome of light over Xi’an and the neighboring region. In my enlightened oneness with Sananda, the anchoring took only a few minutes of my peaceful concentration . . . . just one moment in eternal time.

Later, on June 2nd, after taking a wonderful boat cruise on the Yangtze River through the Three Gorges, we flew to Shanghai, whose 29 million citizens make it the third largest city in the world. Located on the east coast of China (see the above map), this huge city is the financial and business capital of China, as well as the primary Chinese shipping port on the East China Sea that becomes the Pacific Ocean.

Drive out the Darkness

The next day, June 3rd, Sananda showed himself to me as Jesus driving the money changers out of the temple; which was his message to the greed, commercialism and worship of materiality in Shanghai. (See painting of Jesus to right.) He restated that all that is built on “sand” (whether built of concrete or other material) will be washed away in the coming storms and floods; whereas all that is build on the solid rock of faith will survive and thrive in the Golden Age to come following his return.

This reminded me of a channeling from Lords Michael and Maitreya via Nada-Yolanda on September 16, 1998, when she was in Perth, Australia during the Eastern Hemisphere Mission:

“The whole continent of Australia is under the protection of Michael. It shall be the place of refuge, least affected by the natural catastrophes which are destined to begin in the Eastern Hemisphere, between the present through the year 2250 AD. The purpose for your journey on the Eastern Hemisphere Mission is to anchor in the light for those elemental and devic forces responsible for changing the present conditions of this area.

“Weather shall change significantly, in order that there be enough water to support all the life forms necessary for many millions of survivors, from islands which fall into the sea, and of the vast coasts of China and Russia, which are bound to suffer from floods.” (End Quote)

Shanghai, being located at the edge of the East China Sea, hence at a low elevation, probably will be extensively flooded. Given its vast population, many souls will be deeply and physically affected. We now hold them in the light, just as MariLyn and I did the afternoon of June 3rd, while still in Shanghai (which Nada-Yolanda and Narathusa-Corinne also had visited in 1998).

While meditating on a bench in a beautiful park adjoining our hotel in Shanghai, Sananda guided me to visualize a dome of light over the vast city. The anchoring of the four-step matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination continued for twenty minutes. During this time, MariLyn and I were in a huge shaft or Christ column of light via which Sananda descended to and worked through us. After twenty minutes, Sananda announced, “The work with China is complete. Continue to be love in action as I am. So be it.” This work continues today, in March 2023.

Four Jupiterians

Eight years later, on September 19, 2021, after re-reading our past I Am Newsletter devoted to the East Asia Mission, including to China, I still wondered if the Temple of Jupiter actually was in Xian, China. Pondering this, I called upon Spirit to confirm or to deny this. A couple hours later, Sananda strongly overshadowed me and said that this designation was indeed accurate. Numerous dreams, visions and clairsentient flow-throughs added additional confirmation.

The next year, 2022, my yearlong focus in my blogs was on all thirteen spiritual temples around the globe, including the Sun Temple and the 12 planetary temples, power centers or vortices of sacred light. For one month, from August 14 to September 2, 2022, the primary focus was on the Temple of Jupiter in and around Xi’an, China. During this time I had numerous contacts with four primary Jupiterian visitors who have come to Earth to serve in Sananda’s Second Coming program

These four visitors especially have helped in the re-opening of the Temple of Jupiter. These four Jupiterians are: J.W. of Jupiter; Ashtar Gabriel who is the Jupiterian commander of Sananda’s ship #10; and Jaspar and Juno, who are the two co-leaders of Jupiter, just as Sananda and Sol-O-Man are the co-leaders of Earth.

My first blog, Re-Juice Jupiter, was posted on August 14, 2022. Its central focus was on Ming-Xi, Fuxi, Nuwa, Jasper and Juno. To access and re-view this blog, click on Jupiter1. 

My next blog, Be Electroplated, on August 22nd, concentrated primarily on J.W. of Jupiter, his feminine twin soul, and Ashtar Gabriel. To see it, click Jupiter2.

The following or third blog on August 29th was Be the Star that you Are and featured Ashtar Gabriel and his twin soul, Astara. Select Jupiter3 to peruse it.

The fourth and final Temple-of-Jupiter-blog on September 2nd was Yearn for Yin, mostly about Ella/Nuwa and Sol-O-Man/Kwan Yin. China tends to be too yang or masculine, and needs more feminine or yin qualities and powers. Select Jupiter4 to read it.

Second & Fourth Rays

In our projections this week, we will link with all these Jupiterians and co-workers who have come in their spaceships by the thousands to aid Earth’s transmutation and upliftment. As a planet, Jupiter functions on and especially demonstrates and radiates the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom and the Fourth Ray of Manifestation and Crystallization.

In a soul intunement for a light worker on July 18, 1968, Nada-Yolanda received that in order for this light worker to perform the tasks she had come to do this lifetime, she had trained on several occassions on Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn is the primary planet that demonstrates and radiates the Sixth Ray of Transmutation and Cleansing. Yolanda wrote: “Jupiter is the scientific planet of our solar system. There is the home or the seat of the 4th activity of this solar system.”

Later this same year, she further received, however, that it was Mars that is the primary site of the 4th Ray. However, the emphasis on Mars is on physical sciences, under the direction of Serapis Bey, who is the Chohan of the Fourth Ray. Thus, Martians are particularly skilled and adept at researching and using hieronics.

In additional experiences and channelings, Nada-Yolanda received that Jupiter was one of the higher evolved planets in the solar system. Rather than focus on physical sciences, Jupiterians focus on “super-sciences”, including the use of Christ mind power. As such, Jupiter represents the united teamwork of the Second and Fourth Rays. To read about all of this, go to my blog Be the Star that you Are, with the link to it being given above.

Mother Matrix

Fifteen years ago, on January 21, 2008, in a vivid, transformative dream, four Chohans had taken me to meet with Lord Maitreya who was at least seven feet tall and glowed with peace and love. Once I had become comfortable in his extraordinary presence, he grew in size such that I could walk into his heart chakra. Within it, suffused with divine, Seventh Ray love, I looked out and saw in the distance the Sun and all of the Solar System’s planets. I entered solar system citizenship. But I did not know the name or function of this incredible spiritual master.

It took several additional communions with Maitreya over the next two years before I realized his full identity, what his name was, and accepted that indeed he was contacting and working with me. On September 10, 2010, Maitreya telepathically relayed to me that since Sananda was like a spiritual father to me, then he, Maitreya, was like my spiritual grandfather. This sealed the deal for me, in that it felt so simple, so clear, so right. After all, what grandfather would not love and visit his grandson!?

In all of MariLyn’s and my travels around the world, starting in November 2010 with our visit to Costa Rica, Lords Maitreya and Michael often contacted and worked in and through me to anchor the four-step Christ matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination in all the spiritual temples or power foci around the world. Slowly, doing such communions, I became aware of Maitreya’s feminine twin soul, who often appeared alongside him. Although I asked for her name on several occassions, she did not reveal it. She indicated instead that for now, as I slowly began to get to know her, I was to call her Lady Maitreya or Lady Maitreyi, for in Hindi, the name Maitreya with an “a” at the end is masculine, whereas Maitreyi with an “i” at the end is feminine.

My first specific, definitive, near-overwhelming communion with Lady Maitreyi occurred on June 7, 2013, when MariLyn and I were in Vietnam to re-open the Temple of Vulcan there. In a vivid, transcendent dream that night, I was with Maitreyi, who was filled with light but seemed normal in earthplane terms. She explained to me that she was the “mother matrix” of the I Am in our solar system. She shared that she had gathered feminine light workers from all the planets; with Sol-O-Man, Glo-Ria and Nada, they had worked through us and other light workers during the mission. Since the East expresses principally the feminine polarity, this co-equal feminine component of the interdimensional and interplanetary forces had been essential.

I awoke in a wondrous, out-of-this-world daze, suffused with feminine light, one with Maitreyi’s presence in the most expansive feeling of love that I had had until this point during this lifetime. It was extraordinary indeed, beyond words, to be with my spiritual “grandmother,” who is a “Grand Ma” to all light workers. Now I knew and had experienced what it was like to be in her heart, just as I had been with Lord Maitreya in my first experience with him three years earlier. And yet, I still did not know her specific name. But I definitely knew and felt her cosmic vibration.

Mother MaYa

Nearly two years later, on March 23, 2015, after completing the Mexico Mission, Lord Michael and his angelic counterpart whose name is Lady Mariel, along with Lord Maitreya and Lady Maitreya, overshadowed me. Michael was before me, Mariel was behind me, Maitreya was to my right and Maitreyi was to my left. Each one of this foursome appeared as one of the four vertical poles of two letter Ms that were at right angels to one another; and which superimposed over me. They announced that my being able to hold their combined First and Seventh Ray energies, both masculine and feminine, was one of my special I Am talents, which I had trained for as Soliel throughout the solar system in multiple lives.

Eventually, my attention was drawn primarily to Maitreyi. One more time, I asked her for her specific name, but really did not expect to be given it, since I had asked numerous previous times for it and nothing had been revealed. This time, however, to my total delight, Maitreyi conveyed that her name was Maya. At first, I spelled it with a lowercase “y” but she slowly indicated that the name was best spelled MaYa, with a capital Y. “Ma” stood for her role as the Solar System “mother matrix,” with her being the most evolved woman or mother in this solar system; hence she was the spiritual matrix for all women. “Ya” included the capital letter “Y” that symbolizes reaching up to Father-Mother God to purely receive His-Her guidance and instructions. “Y” also starts the name Yolanda.

The “Ma” in MaYa’s name is pronounced like in “mama”, not like the an “i” as in the word “maya” that Hindus use to describe the impermanence of the physical world, which they say is an illusion. The Mayan Amerindians likewise pronounce their name with an “i” as the first “a”, not like the “a” in mama. “Ma” in MaYa also relates to “Mai” in Maitreya, although they are pronounced differently; which indicates their twin soul relationship. Note, too, that “Maitreya” has a letter “y” in it. Maitreya and MaYa thus are the “mat” Rays (as in “rey” in Maitreya) for all in the Solar System, whether souls are expressing on the masculine or feminine polarities.

Let Love and Light Be

For five-to-six years after this, I had only a few, minor communions with Maitreya and MaYa. It was my time to absorb what had been given, to apply it in practical, down-to-earth ways in my daily life, to confirm and verify that what had been shared with me was indeed accurate. By 2021-2022, I started having new communions with the two Hierarchal leaders.

Just one month ago, on February 23, 2022, deep in meditation, clairaudiently I clearly heard: MaYa, which announced her distinct, loving presence. Slowly, she drew me up in my light body into her loving arms. She surrounded me in golden peace, love, cooperation and coordination that is the four-step Christ matrix. One with her heart, I rested in peace and love divine. It was glorious, beyond mortal description.

MaYa telepathically relayed that there are times to be active and engaged here on Earth, and then there are other times when we are to pull back within our I Am Self and to ascend out of the madness and confusion of this third-dimensional-going-into-fourth dimensional realm. This is not a retreat into denial and unreality, nor is it giving into mortal darkness or laziness. Just the opposite. MaYa reminded me of what Jesus had said and demonstrated, “I, when I Am lifted up, lift all others unto me.”

In the days prior to this, I had spent time projecting love and light to, and reading news reports of, President Putin of Russia, President Xi Jinping of China, and the leaders of North Korea, Iran and Syria, where power-mongering especially rules the day. When I now asked MaYa as to her input about how to deal with such negative souls, who are fighting one another to see who will be “king of the hill,” she smiled like the grandmother that she is and said: “Boys will be boys.”

In essence, she was saying: Let them work it out. Stay spiritually protected and keep holding the higher vision, the higher ground, the higher truth, the peace and love that is to come to our presently beleaguered planet. In time, the “boys” will destroy one another in their masculine misuse of power, as “boys” and boy-like men tend to do. Oh, they may try to say that they are friends with one another, poised against the United States and the West. But, such friendship is a “delusion,” for each country wants to be the leader of the others. In reality, such leaders comprise a “den of thieves”, with each one stealing freewill expression in their countries.

Moreover, the leaders in such nations will destroy themselves, for what they do unto others eventually will be done onto them, which is the divine law of karma. In time, hopefully before they end up getting deported from this Solar System, they will discover, believe and practice that peace and love, not mortal fighting and competition and hatred, is the Way.

As I very reluctantly was coming back down and out of communion with MaYa, perhaps my favorite Beatles song, “Let It Be” wafted through my mind and heart. Yes, when I find myself in trouble, Mother MaYa comes to me, whispering words of wisdom, let it be! And this was followed by the song, “Let There Be Peace on Earth,” and let it begin with me.

Heart Healing

About one month later, on March 18, 2023, MaYa once again made her powerful, loving presence known to me, as a result of which my heart, and whole body were quickened. She referred to my initial experience with Lord Maitreya back in 2008 in which I had entered into his heart chakra and felt his incomparable love. She beckoned me to do this with her. So, up and into her heart I went. Once I was inside it, she said that as the “mother matrix” she was now going to heal my heart of its Afib. She was going to imprint on my heart chakra/heart her divine, feminine love vibration, her heart of hearts, her heart matrix.

This would in time decrystallize and dissolve the remaining residue of the mortal-soul matrix within me that is manifesting as my irregular heart rhythm. Several times as she lowered and placed the next, feminine, loving matrix around my heart, I shuddered involuntarily from head to toe, almost unable to yet hold the higher frequencies and form of what was in essence my golden, light body heart. I was to have a heart of gold. Now, that is some heart transplant! So be it.

At the end of this “operation,” MaYa cautioned me to be very careful and circumspect about various ones around me, for they now may subconsciously react with jealousy and envy, not to mention fear and annoyance as to my new status and vibration. I Am to be especially vigilant in not responding to them in kind, in letting myself get angry and annoyed with them. In my materializing golden heart, I Am to only give back love for whatever anyone gives to me. Time and again, I will turn the other cheek, and even smile when it feels like my heart is breaking and about to explode.

MaYa added that this caution extended to the leaders of the world, to whom I am projecting, for they will lash out in the darkness and attempt to destroy me and all light workers who are radiating love and light. But they will have no power over me or anyone else, unless I/we allow them to do so. They will only end up destroying themselves.

I thanked MaYa profusely. And while doing so, she said to share this experience and guidance on my upcoming blog. For light workers everywhere around the planet are experiencing the same things, and they need to be supported, comforted and loved in ever-expanding ways. Moreover, she said it will take time for my full heart healing to manifest. I am not to get discouraged that it does not happen miraculously right now, in my time and way. Spirit is in control, not me. And my healing will come with the healing of the planet. This is my loving sacrifice, as it is everyone’s who follows the Way of peace and love. So be it.

MaYa then added one final note: Serena, my twin soul who is now in the seventh astral plane, is going through a similar, yet unique heart healing. We two as Seventh Ray workers, who have fallen in the past and now risen to new heights, are to show the way in loving one another.

Healing the Eastern Heart

When coming out of this communion, my attention was drawn to the framed picture of Lord Maitreya that I have on one of the walls of my new office and meditation room, placed atop a picture of Sananda as Jesus standing on the top of the planet, radiating light and love to it. The Maitreya image comes from the Thikse Monastery in northeastern India, near the borders of Pakistan and China (how appropriate since we are focusing on China and surrounding countries this week; see picture to right.)

Buddhists believe that Lord Maitreya is to be the future Buddha in some 500-600 years. But in reality, Maitreya is the master teacher of Sananda, who was Gautama the Buddha and Jesus the Christ. It is Christ Jesus who will be returning to Earth in his Second Coming.

I’ve had this picture on my wall for about a month, and have looked at and admired it scores of times. However, this time when viewing this Maitreya image, it struck me how feminine its round face, eyebrows and red lips were, almost as if they depicted Maitreya wearing makeup. This style is typical of Tibetan, Nepal and Indian depictions of Maitreya, for whatever reason. But to me, this image now transformed in my mind to be that of MaYa, hence its feminine appearance. It was as if she was looking down and through it to me, confirming her just finished communion with me. We were coming face-to-face right here in Hilarion House at the Sun Temple.

For a couple seconds, I fully expected her to manifest right in this room. This communion just about knocked me back onto the ground. Oh my! Here was my confirmation. (Higher plane Ladies, like also Anna of the Third Ray, seem to delight in knocking me down on my butt! And we idiot men still sometime refer to and treat women as the weaker sex.)

This picture is of the head of a statue that is two stories or 49 feet high. It took four years to produce it prior to the coming of the Dalai Lama to this monastery in 1970. When I read about it in a Wikipedia article (click here3), the part that most struck me was that there was a Buddhist nunnery located nearby in conjunction with and as part of this monastery. Prior to the Dalai Lama’s coming, their quarters were substandard or even squalid, with the nuns being treated in typical Eastern fashion as second class spiritual devotees and citizens. Before the Dalai Lama arrived, the nunnery was totally renewed and the status of the nuns was vastly improved, although it was still not fully equal to that of the male monks or lamas. The Dalai Lama was especially pleased by this improvement!

Heal the Soul of Man

MaYa then conveyed that this was a key to the healing of the whole Eastern Hemisphere. As stated earlier in this blog, the East has too much masculine or yang energy (hence all the power-mongering-male political, military and economic leaders) and too little yin or feminine energy. It is primarily the men who are competing, fighting, power-mongering and being wayward and selfish, self-important “boys.” Sol-O-Man had told me the same thing when MariLyn and I were in Vietnam in 2013.

On a personal level, this still is part of my own heart healing, as most of my recalled incarnations have been as men. I like to think that I Am an enlightened man who treats women as co-equals. But still, there are improvements to make. Thus, it is MaYa who is implanting a new soul matrix in my heart for its healing, not Maitreya. And Sol-O-Man also is smiling as this occurs! MaYa is her master teacher.

So, all you lovely ladies of the East, please know that I and all light workers here in the West, and soon in the East, love you for who you are: wondrous, co-equal children of God; for all your feminine love, service and devotion; for your “tough” and “tender” motherly, grandmotherly, sisterly, daughterly and auntie love; for having spinal columns that are straight and narrow; for your determined and steadfast tenacity to keep on keeping on. We are with you and for you, one and all. So be it! And that is what makes us men smile, just as the photo of the above pictured Mother MaYa (Lord Maitreya) is smiling.

Shatter the Shell

The next morning, March 19th, while dwelling in the peace and power of Spirit in my meditation, I hoped to have another communion with MaYa. However, although I sensed her abiding presence, she was more so in the distance, watching over me. Instead of my focusing on her and me, my attention was drawn to Xi Jinping of China. He has served as the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Part and chairman of the Central Military Commission, and thus as the paramount leader of China, since 2012. Xi has also served as the president of the People’s Republic of China since 2013.

By 2018, Xi had become so powerful and entrenched in his leadership roles that he was able to get the Chinese constitution changed such that instead of serving for a maximum of ten years in his various posts, he could serve indefinitely. In so doing, he became very much like the emperors of old in China (not to mention Putin of Russia who has done the same thing). A cult of personality has developed around him, which continues today. (For more details about him in a Wikipedia article, click here4.)

In my meditation, “out” I went into I Am Self consciousness. Upon coming back to conscious awareness, Xi Jinping was standing before me. He had been brought to me primarily by MaYa. While I observed him, the auric “shell” around him cracked opened and fell to the ground in multiple pieces. Remaining inside him was a brilliant liquid-light that was mostly white in color and consistency. I could hardly believe my psychic eyes, so transformed was he.

It was as if he had been a turtle in its shell, which now had been decrystallized and shed to reveal his inner core. Each of the pieces of his turtle shell represented one of his past lifetimes in which he had been a prominent Chinese leader and a leader in other parts of the Eastern Hemisphere, going all the way back to Lemuria. What came to me was that he actually had been a Chinese emperor in the last 3000 or so years of Chinese history. Moreover, the shell pieces also represented periods of his soul development and expression in this lifetime.

Light-Filled Column

What had transpired with him was similar to what Lady MaYa, who at times I call MaMa MaYa, had superimposed over my own heart to make it new. With Xi Jinping, the matrix of a new, I Am or Christ-Buddha-Lao-Tze leader was placed over and around him, such that he now can begin to follow the Way and to do the will of Spirit, rather than his own mortal, personal, soul will. This new I Am matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination was what had shattered his soul-mortal shell, which until now had hidden his higher Self from his conscious awareness. No longer was he to be a soul/physical power-monger, but rather if he so chooses, he gradually will become an enlightened leader, one who follows the Way of Tao.

This also correlates with my earlier vision of a Christ column of light now being solidly implanted and operative in the central area of Beijing, the governmental capital of China. Since Xi Jinping is the paramount leader of China, the Christ column especially has descended upon and around him. Moreover, he represents all Chinese citizens, so as he now decrystallizes and recrystallizes, all the Chinese people in all walks of life will be able to change and rise into spiritual awareness. However, if Xi refuses to go with this new flow of cosmic light and awareness, his own stubbornness and adherence to past and current power-mongering ways will lead to his own illness and death, even to his removal from this solar system.

Our focus is to be on Xi’s I Am Self, on the light within him that we know see with the shedding of his shell. We now can reach him in a whole new way. He definitely needs all the spiritual help and support that we can give him. Imagine what it must now feel like to him to have the first inklings that he is no longer a crystallized turtle who is intent on leading China to be the most powerful, prosperous country in the world, which has been China’s underlying goal since they took power in 1949. By 2049, Xi and others like him plan to reach this goal of China being the leader not only of their region in the Eastern Hemisphere, but of the whole planet.

Be Born Anew

The Chinese goal is to supplant the United States as the primary global leader, to supplant freewill expression with ongoing power-mongering denial of free will. Like a slow moving turtle or tortoise, within its protective shell, China has slowly moved forward with their 100-year plan to dominate the world. What they have not accounted for is the spiritual awakening of their people, especially the youth. These young ones, who are old souls or from other planets, already have shucked the shell of China’s imperial notions and desires. The Chinese Communist leaders are atheists, who thus do not believe in God and His-Her divine laws, including God’s gift of free will. Imagine how surprised such current Chinese leaders will be when they discover how totally blind they have been to their own spiritual nature as sons and daughters of our Father-Mother Creator.

Incidentally, and probably not by accident, this vision was given to me a day or two before Xi Jinping went to Moscow, Russia to confer for three days with President Vladimir Putin, with China stating that the purpose of this trip was to help Russia and Ukraine to reach a peaceful settlement of the Russian war on Ukraine. However, to objective, trained observers, it is obvious that Xi Jinping is more so interested in linking with Putin such that the two of them can counter any move by the United States and Western Europe to support Ukraine. Remember, China’s goal is to become the paramount leader of the world, starting in the Eastern Hemisphere. That means that they are positioning themselves to be the leader of Russia, while proclaiming that they are “friends” with Russia. Previously, Xi Jinping had helped to broker a non-aggression pact between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which again was more so in Chinese best, long-term, selfish, self-powered interests.

Imagine the ultimate folly of a bunch of power-mongers getting together to allegedly be friends and allies. What they really are doing, as stating previously is becoming a “den of thieves,” for each such country who gets lured into China’s tentacles will in time rebel against China. Each power-mongering country first and foremost will promote their own selfish interests. In time, their alliances will shatter, just like Xi Jinping’s shell has now started to shatter.

Peace in the East

In your meditations for the next week or so, continue to visualize and enhance and anchor the Christ column of light that is all around you and imbuing all of you with its cosmic peace and love, its spiritual power that comes from doing the will of God. See it at first as being seven feet in diameter, extending from below your feet, above your head, in and through the astral planes, and into the etheric and celestial planes.

Call upon and see yourself being visited by MaYa, the feminine twin soul of Lord Maitreya. Remember, she is your spiritual grandmother who loves you with all her cosmic heart. Whatever still needs to be healed within your mind, body and soul, ask for her help in anchoring a new Christ matrix of peace and love that will harmonize this part of you. Especially focus on your own feminine or soul self, your subconscious mind and feeling nature, your heart and solar plexus chakras. Love is the key to your ongoing soul healing, to help you shed the pieces of the turtle shell that you in past incarnations and this lifetime have placed around yourself.

Let the shell go. Let it be. Let love light up life, which removes any darkness and negativity within you. Forgive and be forgiven. Affirm: I Am the Buddha, you are the Buddha, we are the Buddha; I Am the Christ, you are the Christ, we are the Christ. Be the Buddha that you are. Be the Christ column of light that you always have been. Be healed by the renewing of your mind and heart.

Then, shift your focus to the Eastern Hemisphere. Link in consciousness with Summalt/Peter and his twin soul SoMa, aboard Summalt’s huge ship #7423 that is positioned over Beijing. It is the hieronic spacebeam from this city-sized mother craft that is a primary component of the Christ-Buddha column of light that is anchored in this capital city of China.

More Linkings

Call also upon the EloHim and EloHer of Seventh Ray Peace, Love and Rest. And, welcome visitors from other planets around the Solar System who have come to assist the re-awakening of spiritual awareness throughout the Eastern Hemisphere, the shedding of the soul-mortal shell that has held those in the East in mortal bondage.

Welcome Sananda and Sol-O-Man into your thoughts and feelings, into your Christ-Buddha column of light that maybe now has expanded to as much as seventy feet in diameter. Sananda was Gautama the Buddha, Sol-O-Man was his wife Yasodhara.

Welcome and link also with Kut Humi and his feminine twin soul, Ella. Kut Humi was Lao-Tze and Ella, whose soul name is Nuwa, was with Lao-Tze in some capacity in his lifetime.

Be at one with Lady Uriel, archangel of the Seventh Ray and her masculine angelic counterpart, Ariel; as well as other angels of other rays who are focusing on the upliftment of China and the Eastern Hemisphere.

Picture the Christ column of light that is now securely positioned into central Beijing. Add your love and light especially to the 400 or so elect or lightworkers who have chosen to be love in action. Be at one with them, and then with all in Beijing.

See a New Turtle, Without a Shell

See the cosmic light within Xi Jinping. “Xi” is his family or surname, which means happiness and joy; “Jinping” is his personal name that comes from the Chinese word “jie” that means close; and the Chinese word “ping” that means peaceful — he is to be close to peace, to have peace in his heart. Thus, right in his very name is the prescription for his following the Way of peace and love, cooperation and coordination, which alone will make him and China happy, healthy and holy.

Link also with Ming Xi, who is the leader of light workers in the astral realms that surround and interpenetrate with China. Remember that much of China’s current woes and limited attitudes come from those in the astral planes, who are one hundred times more that the Chinese now incarnated on Earth. These negative astral entities are like the shell of the turtle, which surrounds the body of the turtle. The Chinese astral planes thus need to be cleansed and transmuted. Ming Xi and his feminine twin soul lead this effort. (Note that the name Ming Xi is similar to that of Xi Jinping, with both having “Xi” in them.)

Keep focusing on the I Am Self and light form within Xi Jinping, no matter what you see in the news about him, or how you feel about his outward, mortal power-mongering. Enough already! Power-mongering has ruled China for over 3,000 years; and probably much longer going back to Lemuria. But that is just a moment in cosmic time. One minute of enlightenment is better that one thousand years of soul/mortal blindness and power-mongering. So, be enlightened in your meditations and let your light shine on Xi Jinping and all in China. See all of China being made new!

Be Your Self

Follow your own I Am guidance as to how to proceed, what to focus on each day, and how you are to be the unique child of God that you are. Ask and receive. Do the will of God. Practice and promote peace!

So be it. So it is. All is now in divine order. Thank You, Father-Mother God!