Song: Venus

Lovers, still teenyboppers at heart,

Here’s the heart throb song for today: Venus by Frankie Avalon from 1959. I was 13 at the time this was recorded, definitely a teenybopper in love, waiting for my Venus to show up. I just didn’t know then that it would take until 2010 for Anna of Venus to come into contact with me.

I well remember coming home in the afternoons and watching Dick Clark on American Bandstand. I may even have watched this show in which Venus was highlighted as the then number 1 rated rock-and-roll song. What memories! What innocent times these were.

That said, this song of course is now in honor of the goddess Venus, the planet Venus, and the spiritual Temple of Venus located in the northwestern corner of Wyoming in which are the Grand Teton Mountains and Yellowstone National Park, two of my all-time favorite places to visit.

This song goes with my blog that I am writing today and hope to publish in the next couple days: The Temple of Venus is Open! So, stay tuned.

Enjoy your memories of teen love and your current feelings about the reopening and re-expression of your Third Ray personal love. I Am Venus consciousness is now being rebirthed on Earth!

DJ Doc Pink