I’m My Own Grandpa

Friends, spiritual family,

Here’s another wonderful, wacky, humorous song from the country comedian, Ray Stevens: I’m My Own Grandpa.


Here’s the official description of this song: “For the 1987 album “Crackin’ Up”, Ray Stevens recorded his own version of the classic comedy song “I’m My Own Grandpa”, which was originally released in 1947 by Lonzo & Oscar. It is the hilarious story about a man who, through an unlikely combination of marriages, becomes his own grandfather. Here is Ray performing it live on CabaRay Nashville!”

Hopefully your personal family is not so complicated (ha). But then again, they may be just as funny, if you know what I mean. That’s why you and I love our personal families and we see them surrounded in a pink heart.

Hey, spiritually speaking, we often are our family’s grandpa or grandma. So let’s enjoy it.

DJ Doc Grandpa

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