Be Lifted Up

On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, I published my blog, Meet Meta. As typically happens, the next morning, May 11th, in my morning meditation, it was difficult to get centered and balanced. I felt unprotected, my solar plexus/abdomen was upset, tight; and it hurt.

In part, this was due to what I call “blowback.” In other words, after my blog goes out, what comes back is not only acceptance and appreciation from those who work positively with it, but also resistance, rejection, negative thoughts and feelings from those who wish to shut me up, to hurt me, to have power over me, even to kill me. This negative blowback especially emanates from those in the lower astral planes.

Lady Raphael Appears

In order to deal decisively with this negative energy, time and again I visualized myself inside my 12-foot green, dodecahedron, as I had in the previous four days. Each time I did so, it helped for a while, and then I would still feel discomfort in my solar plexus/abdomen. Full harmony, balance and healing still eluded me.

So, I called upon Lady Raphael, the feminine, angelic, co-worker and associate of Archangel Lord Raphael of the Fifth Ray, to help me with my protection and healing focus. After all, angels are our celestial guardians. And I already knew that I would be focusing on Lady Raphael for this blog. The challenge was, however, that I never had had definitive, verifiable contact with her this lifetime. I had a general sense of her, but almost all of my Fifth Ray angelic communions have been with Archangel Lord Raphael.

Brilliant Sphere of Light

So, I asked Lady Raphael, whose specific name I do not know, to show herself to me in some unique, verifiable way; to protect me; to be as an angelic mother who guides and guards me, especially at a subconscious/soul/astral/feminine level. Shortly afterward, in my third-eye screen, she seemed to appear as an immense sphere of light above me, brilliant and dazzling. with a very light blue hue; but without any discernable features of her (if indeed it was her).

Only later did it dawn on me that the white/slightly blue sphere not only represented Lady Raphael, but it also symbolized Uranus, the Fifth Ray planet in this solar system. In some photos provided by NASA space probes, Uranus has rings around it or is a darker shade of  blue in color. In other NASA photos, like the one above/right, Uranus is shown as being primarily white or maybe almost an imperceptible light shade of blue. (See NASA image above/right.)

Lady Raphael was saying to me in this unique, multi-leveled imagery that she was coming to me from Uranus, where I had trained under her in past sojourns there.

50-Foot Dodecahedron

Then, she instructed me to expand my emerald-green dodecahedron, such that it became 50 feet wide, deep and tall. (See image to right.)

I was totally surprised, because in the previous guidance from Lady Master Meta, I had been shown a 1-foot wide dodecahedron that Meta had imbedded in my chest, which was to grow about a foot each day, thereby to reach about 28-30 feet at the end of this four-week time of focusing on the new re-opening of the Temple of Uranus.

Plus, I had envisioned a 12-foot dodecahedron around me. Now it was to be 50 feet!

Keep Your Eye Single on the Goal

Lady Raphael explained: I was to see the final goal, not just to focus on the expansion by 1-2 feet of the dodecahedron each day, even while I am protected within a 12-foot dodecahedron. The expansion of the 1-foot dodecahedron in my chest would indeed take place, but I and others working with these blogs were now to also envision the final result. And the goal was to be within a 50-feet, not a 30-foot, dodecahedron, which of course is a symbolic as well as a physical number, with 5 and 50 being for the Fifth Ray.

At 50-feet wide, deep and tall, we will be impervious to any negative energies being projected to us, especially from the vast, lower astral planes. We will be a brilliant beacon of Fifth Ray healing, like unto how Lady Raphael first appeared to me. We will be as a brilliant star in the heavens.

By way of an analogy, to climb a high mountain, we first see ourselves successfully at its top. We keep our eye single on this, not just on the hourly, daily challenges, difficulties, two-steps-forward-and-one-step-back, then two-more-steps-forward-process of ascension. We see ourselves reaching our goal, believe that we will indeed do this; and we  keep at it determinedly until we arrive at the summit, whereupon we see in all directions and radiate unity, integration and healing to one and all. We see ourselves already being an individual Temple of Uranus.

In like matter, the Temple of Uranus in and around Manaus, Amazonia in northwestern Brazil, which we originally envisioned as being 5 miles wide, deep and tall, will become at least 500 miles in diameter; but probably more.

Uranian Space Visitors

When visualizing myself inside a 50-foot dodecahedron, I felt a definite sense of uplift, a new and higher power to protect myself and disperse any negativity directed my way or any darkness that was still in the depths of my own soul. Surrounded in green light, I blessed and radiate healing to my detractors. I saw the Christ in them. I loved the good within them. Love is what truly protects us. To one and all, we say: Be ye healed!

As I did so, I felt an Uranian hieronic spacebeam on top of my head, pressing into my two temples, augmenting and empowering my protection and healing visualizations. In time, after repeatedly seeing myself inside the 50-foot cube, I felt so uplifted and empowered that I lost physical awareness and “went up and out”, and into my light body. I was there at least 15 minutes.

And yet, upon returning to conscious awareness, I still did not feel fully settled, secure, balanced or whole. There was still some lingering negative thoughts and energies coming from others that kept me a bit on edge, with some digestive system discomfort and dysfunction. Partly, my solar plexus disturbance also was due to my own lack of faith in my will and power characteristics. Somehow, I still did not believe that I had the full ability to protect myself. And I was not really sure that it was Lady Raphael who was guiding and guarding me. I was too tired to accept what I had received. I rightly and cautiously needed confirmation.

Angelic Healing Mother

After getting up and having something to eat, including numerous nutritional supplements, I spent about an hour working on physical projects in Hilarion House. I felt much better, more grounded, more at peace. So, I laid down and rested on my back in my bed for what I expected to be a short time. Instead, after relaxing for 10-15 minutes, I became aware of a much stronger space beam than the earlier one in my meditation. My head was totally abuzz and accelerated with the hieronic energies, such that I could barely move. Peering up and through the astral realms to the etheric realms, I clearly saw via my third-eye clairvoyance that 5 Uranian spacecraft hovered over our I Am Nation/Sun Temple site, whose inhabitants were working in conjunction with the Conrad group here. No wonder I felt such hieronic activation.

And then, out I went into higher consciousness in my light body for what seemed like 10-15 minutes. When I came back to conscious awareness, instead of my arms being along my sides where they had been, I now had both hands over my heart chakra in the center of my chest. Pondering this, I felt a powerful feminine, angelic presence around me. In this vision, I somehow was now standing up. Lady Raphael was standing behind me, with her arms or “wings” around me, her hands touching and surrounding my hands, her “wing tips” on my heart-of-hearts.

With this came an extraordinary sense of love and peace, beyond description, beyond anything I ever have felt this lifetime. Lady Raphael conveyed telepathically to me that she “had my back.” She was protecting me, nourishing me, loving me, lifting me into I Am/light-body consciousness, and healing my heart! And her angelic vibration and energy felt so familiar to me, like I had felt it consciously a thousand times, when in fact this was the first time that I had consciously identified it. I felt totally protected, with no abdominal or heart discomfort whatsoever, filled with love, resting in the peace of my I Am, Soliel Self.

Looking back, I remembered numerous times in the past when I felt somewhat similarly, only without any realization of who it might be. Now, Lady Raphael told me that she had been with me often, behind the scenes, for my own healing and when focusing on the healing of others. She said that indeed she had trained me on Uranus to do this deep soul healing work. I was now an Uranian-Earth healer who will bring harmony and holy wholeness to the entire planet; one who will continue to lead the light-worker brigade in the re-opening and re-empowering of the Temple of Uranus in Brazil.

Hierarchal Board Meditation

It being Wednesday, Phillel and I gathered together for our weekly HBM at 3 PM. I was not sure that I would share with him my morning’s communion with Lady Raphael. Typically, I wait a few days before doing so in order to be sure that it is accurate and verified. (See Phillel’s picture to right.)

However, Phillel, before we started the meditation, shared that he had had a most disturbing dream 2 nights ago, in which he was at our former headquarters in Davie, FL. A deranged, power-mongering, evil man had visited and demanded that all the various staff members turn over their identification papers to him. That way he would have complete power over them. The staff, none of whom Phillel knew, thus had given in to those Cain-like power-mongers in the astral planes. The man did not ask Phillel for his identification papers, and if he had, Phillel would have told him in no uncertain terms to get lost.

To me, this dream sounded so close to what I had initially experienced in my meditation about my strong, repeated need for protection that I shared my experience with Phillel and then also told him about my first, dramatic, definitive communion with Lady Raphael. He readily accepted my sharing, in that it correlated so closely with what he had dreamt. Once again, we had functioned as co-receivers, receiving unique, different aspects of the same Hierarchal message. We supplemented and complicated one another. We were two who were gathered together as one with Sananda and the rest of the Hierarchy. When we went into meditation, we focused first and foremost on protection.

Dodecahedron Healing

To start my meditation, I felt a strong space beam on my head, being directed to me from Uranians about one of their 5 spacecraft overhead. Then, an image of a dodecahedron appeared over and around me. It was about 10 feet or so in all directions. I also was shown a similar green dodecahedron around Phillel. The forward boundary in front of my heart of my dodecahedron was very close to the forward point of his. We were separate but as one united forcefield. We were unique, separate individuals who at the same time were one with one another.

Lady Raphael once again strongly transfigured me. She directed me to look at the most forward point of my dodecahedron, where three pentagons come together. (See picture to right of a dodecahedron that I had made years ago from green foamboard. It has helped me to envision the shape of this Platonic solid around me. The gold arrow points to the forward-most point of the dodecahedron.)

Lady Raphael then guided me to move the front point of my dodecahedron forward until it touched the front point of Phillel’s dodecahedron. We were connected point to point. (See image below/right that depicts this contact and connection.)

Once the contact was secure, Lady Raphael radiated powerful green light through me to Phillel. It felt like a bolt of lightning passed through me to him, which further enhanced and solidified our Fifth Ray unity and oneness, our ability to function as a healing team. It also was directed to those parts of his soul and physical body that required additional healing.

Phillel is of the Sixth Ray with a Second Ray mission, whereas I am of the Seventh Ray with a Fifth Ray mission. Therefore, higher Fifth Ray healing energies can pour through me to him, just as greater Sixth Ray transmutation and cleansing energies can flow through him to me. This is a win-win exchange, not a win-loss competition.

Soul Healing

Lady Raphael then informed me that this was also part of my own healing. In the past, my tendency has been to pour my heart out to those with whom I was doing healing projections and transfers. As such, I tended at times to lose my center, so to speak. My heart would be “out in front of my chest,” and I would end up “taking on” the problems and imbalances of others; not to mention invading their own deserved boundaries. What I was learning anew now was how to stay centrally focused and positioned.

Yes, my heart would still open, and love and healing would flow through me to others. But I would remain firmly within the boundaries of my own light body, which would protect me. This is a new step in the mastery of healing for me.

It means, too, that I will become less susceptible to any “negative blowback” from the person or the group of people to whom I am radiating healing power. Thus, after the exchange with Phillel, I felt entirely Self-contained and balanced, not over-extended or out of control; nor overconcerned about whether or not I was right or how he would go about implementing the healing energies that had flowed through me to him. Moreover, Phillel reported that he felt better as a result of the healing work/transfer with him.

Oneness & Individuality

All of this comes under the Fifth Ray of Unity, Integration and Healing. On the one hand, we are to realize and demonstrate that we are one with all others, but that this oneness is of the I Am Self and light body level. At the same time, we are to maintain our own unique individuality. These two qualities, unity and individuality, seem contradictory, but in fact there are supplementary; two sides of one coin.

To have oneness, we must be our own I Am Self which is unique, one of a kind — no two people are exactly alike. On the other hand, we are not to separate ourselves from others, to feel superior or inferior to them, but rather to know and experience that they too have an unique, beloved I Am Self and light body. Finding the right balance between the two poles determines our ability to be an effective, powerful, masterful, loving healer.

Moreover, because individuals are so unique and have different strengths and weaknesses, it is tempting at time to get annoyed with various ones who do not do things the way we do them. We may become deluded in thinking that our way is the right way and the other person needs to become just like us in order to be healed. In other words, we become competitive and judgmental.

In reality, our view is just our view, which we are not to try to superimpose upon anyone else, nor allow others to do that to us. Such competition is basically a power trip, when we think our opinion is the “truth,” when in fact it is only our individual viewpoint. Therein lies much of the cause of people becoming “power-mongers” who try to steal other people’s “identity.” Therein lies the residue of Cain consciousness that goes back eons of time.

Total Transfiguration

Two days later, in my morning meditation on May 13th, I clairvoyantly became aware once again of the 5 Uranian spacecraft hovering over our I Am Nation property. They appeared at first to be in the form of a circle. But then it became clear that their positioning with one another was in the form of a pentagon. One ship was at each apex of the pentagon.

At the same time, a ring of energy appeared and was felt around my crown chakra/cerebrum, which was about 5 feet in diameter. Its vibrational forcefield then descend until the ring was more so around my third-eye chakra/forehead/thalamus and pituitary gland. This ring then morphed into a pentagon. Uranian space sisters and brothers, but mostly feminine Uranians, strongly connected with the pentagonal ring around me, anchoring into each of its five sides. My head was totally electrified to the upmost of my ability to handle this hieronic stimulation, activation and acceleration.

The presence and hieronic projections from the Uranian space visitors formed a shaft or pillar of light that extended up from my head, which was in the shape of a pentagon. It went up through the seven astral planes to the lowest of the three etheric or Christ planes. It shone with brilliant green light. It seemed to me that as many as 50 Uranians specifically were connected with me.

Then Lady Raphael appeared at the top of the pentagonal shaft. She had no specific features in this vision, but rather was more so just a sphere of light. But her vibrational signature was clearly apparent. I sensed her mostly invisible presence as strongly as I would the presence of any ascended master. There was only a little doubt that she was there. Her presence was near overwhelming.

She proceeded to lower my light body down the shaft or pillar of light until it fully transfigured me, with activation and infilling all the way down my chakras and physical body, until it reached and accelerated even my feet on the ground. Lady Raphael held my light form securely in place, while I adjusted to its magnificent, etheric, fourth-dimensional energy and form.

Glove & Hand

Lady Raphael then explained that it would take as much as 5 days for me to be able to securely hold and express in this new level of my redescended light body. My fourth-dimensional body would come and go, with symptoms each time it was lowered into and around me by her and her feminine, angelic, Fifth Ray co-workers, in conjunction with the help of the Uranian space beams. Lady Raphael, referring back to Nada-Yolanda’s experience in 1975, said that the light body had to fit tightly but comfortably over and around my four lower bodies like a new glove over a hand. When putting on such a new glove, it has to stretch to fit the outline of the hand, until it is fully secure. It takes time for this reshaping to take place. This insures a tight but comfortable fit.

Of myself, I could not fully hold my light body in place as I made the necessary adjustments, but rather this process was under the proper control of Lady Raphael. It is the role and function of the angels to lower the light body back over and around the astral and physical bodies. The light form is not securely anchored until it is held there by the angels, even as we focus on welcoming and working with this process.

Meanwhile, there may be some minor mental, emotional, soul-astral and physical symptoms as this process takes place. For example, that day I had a series of loose stools, as my digestive system and colon eliminated any wastes in my body. In large measure, this was due to the effects of the hieronic space beams that commonly affect our solar plexus and sacral chakras, our small and large intestines. If we do not comprehend the spacebeam work, and only feel the resulting physical symptoms, we may think that it is something that we eat, some nutritional supplement that we take, or some medication that we ingest that is causing the problem. Yes, physical things may lead to some of our symptoms, but primarily they are a reaction and response to the space beams.

Lifted Up

The next day, May 13th, from the time I got up after a restless night of interrupted sleep, I felt out of sorts, annoyed with others, and irritable about world conditions. On the one hand, I was still sky high due to the previous day’s lowering of my light body in and around me. And yet, at the same time, I was somewhat discombobulated, distressed and dismayed that I did not feel better. I worked all throughout my morning meditation to find the new level of peace and love, healing and harmony that I desired.

Later, I went to my favorite nearby restaurant to have a full breakfast/brunch. It was loaded with people and filled with noise, so I ate and left as soon as possible. Then, I went into town to go shopping for needed food and some office supplies. The store likewise was filled with people. I had to wait in line for 15-20 minutes at the check out line. By the time I got in my car to return home, I felt like I had been “sucked dry” by the negativity and lower consciousness of those in the restaurant and store. I was physically and emotionally exhausted, despite all my efforts to protect myself and to remain centered and positive. As Phillel and I commonly joke, I had shopping “cooties.”

It was such a relief to get back home, back in our special spiritual forcefield, able to replenish myself even as I shed the “auric junk” in my forcefield. I took a bunch of physical vitamins and supplements that usually help me to regain my balance, but this was only partly effective. Then I tried to sleep for an hour, but after 20 minutes I could not let down and relax. So, I got up and started walking around the house and doing some exercises, which typically restore my harmonious balance.

As I walked, I felt the characteristic Uranian spacebeam on top of my head, so I stopped, stood in the stillness, and tuned in to those in the higher planes. And lo and behold, there once again was Lady Raphael above me, but mostly behind me. The symbolic image of her given to me this time was that she was right behind me (she had my back) with her “wings” or arms under my armpits. Then, wondrously, she lifted me up above my physical body into my light body. And all my symptoms disappeared! Nothing I had tried to do to disperse these mental, emotional, soul-astral and physical symptoms had been fully effective, although they had helped somewhat. But, Lady Raphael’s lifting me up was the best possible, proven treatment!

Lift All Others

Lady Raphael explained that this was the primary function of angels: To lift third-dimensional humans back into our fourth-dimensional light body, from which we had fallen and taken on physical, animal form eons ago.

As Jesus had said, “I, when I am lifted up, will lift all others unto me.” Note in particular that he did not say I, when I lift myself up. Rather he knew that it was the angels, the space visitors, and the ascended masters in the higher planes that would lift him up, with his ascension 40 days after Easter, which will be celebrated this year on Thursday, May 26th. (Image to right is of the Christ the Redeemer Statue at the summit of Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.)

I, when I be lifted up by my angelic guardians, lift up all my thoughts, feelings, soul scars and physical functions. Here then is the most powerful healing approach and technique that we can follow to heal mind, soul and body: We call upon Lady Raphael and/or other angels to lift us up into I Am consciousness, wherein we already are whole, holy, healthy and harmonious. In our ascended light form, all lesser vibrations are lifted upward, refined and reabsorbed, even as we remain physically incarnated, our head above the clouds, our feet solidly on the ground..

I, when I be lifted up, lift all others on Earth unto us, starting with those nearest and closest to us. Imagine what the Apostles must have felt and experienced when, right in front of them on the Mount of Olives, Jesus was lifted up in his light body to the etheric planes. Imagine the healing his Apostles must have experienced! It must have been almost beyond belief at the time.

This was Jesus’ greatest, most far-reaching healing demonstration. Yes, he previously had healed his followers of all kinds of diseases. But, in being lifted up in his ascension, he was healing all of humanity. He was showing everyone the way home to heaven, which they could follow. As he said, the things that I do, you too shall do in your own unique way, and more!

A New Name

I was overcome with emotion and devotion to Lady Raphael with my own next step in ascension. It was wondrous almost beyond belief. It was such an incredible feeling of her reaching down to and around me and taking me upward and home to I Am consciousness. I could not thank her enough. I still am feeling the rapturous effects of this experience.

And I have a new name for her, one that is not her “official or real” name, but one that for me expresses and identifies who she is, as I have experienced in my several communions with her. Her name for now is: She-Who-Lifts-Me-To-Heaven!

Let my detractors, tempters, disbelievers and power-mongers do their thing — they will not touch me one bit. Yes, at times, I still will radiate healing to them, by way of my green dodecahedron, in a horizontal fashion. But in the end analysis, it is up to them to heal themselves — of myself I cannot take on their burdens and heal them. Rather, I let them go to God for their healing.

When the time is right, my healing for them takes place most powerfully when I am lifted into heavenly consciousness, into my Soliel light body. This is vertical healing.

Come home, I say to all others. Come home to heaven on Earth. Come home and be who you truly are: a beloved son or daughter of our Father-Mother God.

And when enough of us come home, then Sananda-Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary will redescend in their light bodies and usher in a new Golden Age of brotherhood and sisterhood. So be it.

Be Your Self

In your meditations over the next five days, be inspired by any one of my prototypical experiences and use it as a template to begin your communions with Lady Raphael, your/our healing angelic mother, “She-Who-Lifts-Us-To-Heaven.” Ask with your whole heart to have communion with her, to feel her presence, to come to know her and be one with her. Ask and you shall receive.

See yourself in a fifty-mile wide, deep and tall green dodecahedron. From the top pentagonal face of this 12-sided sphere, see a column of light whose outer shape is in the form of a pentagon, which reaches up through the astral planes to the etheric planes, wherein are Uranian spacecraft. Visualize yourself rising to the top of this pentagonal Christ column of light, where you come into communion with Lady Raphael. Seeing this helps you to be ready for when this does actually occur.

Lady Raphael, in conjunction with space visitors from Uranus, both lifts you up into your light body and lowers your light body down and around you. She has your back. She has your front. She has all of you in her loving, motherly, healing embrace. Welcome her and her feminine angelic co-workers. Go with the flow. See how your own unique experience unfolds. You can do it. Jesus has said so.

Be a Centered Christ Healer

Who still gets your goat, yanks your chain, annoys and even infuriates you at times, despite your best efforts to not let this happen?

Whoever he or she is, first enclose yourself anew in your 12-foot green dodecahedron. Call upon Lady Raphael, as well as Lord Raphael and visitors from Uranus to help you be a healing channel. See the offensive, annoying one in a 12-foot dodecahedron just like yours. The front point of your 12-sided sphere, which is right in front of your chest, touches the same point in front of the person you wish to be healed. You are the healer, he or she is the healee. (See image to right/above.)

Call upon Spirit and the agents of Spirit to help you love this person as a fellow child of God. Let go and let green goodness flow through you to him or her. After 5-10 minutes or so, disconnect and settle anew within your separate dodecahedron. And give thanks unto God and all the agents of God who have assisted you for bringing forth the healing that you have seen and called forth.

Be at peace, protected anew in green healing power.

Temple to Temple

She-Who-Lifts-Me-To-Heaven has shown me and you that the next step in demonstrating our Fifth Ray mastery is not only possible but shortly about to occur. It is totally necessary for the ongoing re-opening of the Temple of Uranus in the area around Manaus in northwestern Brazil. It is essential now for the healing of humanity, to counteract and deal decisively with the power-mongers worldwide, who want to rob us of our spiritual, God-given identity, to make us slaves to some deranged, self-appointed leader, teacher or dictator.

See the dodecahedron in the vast, green Amazon Rain Forest now being 50 miles in diameter in your visualizations and meditations. As you expand, it expands. As it expands, you expand. Your individual Temple of Uranus is one with the Temple of Uranus in Brazil.

Affirm: I Am green; I Am a Temple of Uranus; I Am one with the Temple of Uranus in and around Manaus; I Am one with She-Who-Lifts-Me-To-Heaven; I Am one with the One Power, our one Father-Mother God, Who is with us, around us and expressing as us.

I/we are healed. I/we are Christ healers. I, when I am lifted up, lift all others unto me. And so it is!