Love One Another

Friends, starting today, April 2, 2022, shift your pink prayers for yourself to others for their love transmutation. See a huge pink heart descending over and around a friend (male or female) who stands before before or below you. See his/her heart chakra, physical heart and thymus gland being filled with pink, Third Ray love.

Call on both Anna and Lanto, who are twin souls, to guide and direct you in your various visualizations of individual people.

Anna stands to the left of you, which is your subconscious, soul, feminine side/aspect.

Lanto stands in his light body to the right side of you, which is your conscious, physical, male side. (See picture to left of him in his incarnation as Paolo Veronese.)

Lanto, Anna and You/you are a triune transmutation team for visualizing and anchoring a huge, Third Ray pink heart around into others, other countries and the whole world.

Ask and Receive

To start, call on Spirit and the agents of Spirit to show you who you are first to see within a pink heart. Ask and receive. This soul may come quickly into your mind, you may see an image of the person, perhaps you feel this person in your auric field or heart chakra, or maybe you are not sure who to start with until you have a dream about her or him.

On March 25, 2022, while I was eating what I hoped to be a leisurely breakfast, suddenly my heart chakra and chest started hurting. The pain was so intense that I had to stop eating. Then I got short of breath — it hurt to take a deep breath. It was like a huge weight was on my chest. I breathed in the higher, pink light into my heart center, then breathed it out through my heart, whereupon my heart center felt somewhat restored to normal.

But after taking my dishes out to the kitchen, the intense pain and discomfort continued anew, even stronger. I plopped down on the couch, did some more breathing, but could not release the chest tightness. Finally, I sat back in my chair to meditate.

Then, some higher being or angelic guardian removed a veil over my heart center, and standing right before me was Astrid/Jeanene, formerly a Mark-Age staff member and leader way back in 1968-1974. (Astrid is her soul name; Jeanene is her given name; her high Self name is Astara.) Behind Astrid, pushing her forward to me was Anna, twin soul of Lanto. It was Anna who had removed the veil from my vision.

Transmute Your Heart

Once I got over my shock of Astrid’s presence (I had not had any  communion with her since 1974), she conveyed telepathically that she recently had had a dramatic soul breakthrough in her dealing with her past jealousy and betrayal of Nada-Yolanda (to the right, see the painting of Yolanda on the cover of her Autobiography of a Prophet to right). Astrid finally had seen and accepted the error of her ways, and had begun to repent.

As a result, her heart felt horrible: She was in deep, soul-searing heart/personal love pain. That was what I had been feeling in my heart chakra prior to her appearance. (Later, looking back on this whole experience, it was my prior heart pain and shortness of breath that convinced me that I had received accurately and was not “making up” this whole exchange. I, of myself, could not have conjured up such intense pain or breathing problems.)

Astrid asked me to forgive her, which of course I did. I know what it is like to have rediscovered the horrors of my past lives, the times I have been like a Cain, when I have not loved Nada, when I have gone my smug, separate, self-righteous way in the days of Atlantis, fully convinced that I was right and Yolanda was wrong. So, I am uniquely equipped to be Astrid’s healer and witness, to be the reporter on Earth for Astrid, to help her at each step of the way, to represent the Hierarchy on Earth. In disrespecting and leaving Nada-Yolanda, Astrid had disrespected the Hierarchy.

By Their Fruits

Based on my vision of Astrid,  I suspected but did not know for sure that she is now in the higher astral plane hospitals, for she appeared in my vision of her to be about 40 years old, not in her late 80s as she would be now if she was on Earth. This reborn appearance as a 40-50 year old long since has represented in my visions and dreams a person’s having made his or her transition into the astral realms.

Being in an astral Healing Haven Hospital, Astrid has ample, well-qualified, expert soul healers there. So, mostly, her Third Ray soul transmutation will be under their guidance and care. But since the astral planes so influence the physical plane, I serve as the grounding point and the interdimensional healer of her and others like her. Their numbers are legion. The eons-old history of Earth is littered with those who, though being light workers, have aborted their spiritual missions; have denied  Sananda/Jesus and Nada/Yolanda and blamed them for their own problems.

After forgiving and comforting Astrid, I cautioned her that her words would be cheap unless she actually did something about cleaning up her karma and putting new love into action. She promised me that she would do so. I know enough from past experience with various other ones over the years that only time will tell. Meanwhile, I  see her surrounded in a pink heart of pure, personal love and devotion.

Love Uplifts All

Astrid then started crying, sobbing profusely, overcome with heart soul-searing heart pain. She had not wanted to admit all of this to me. Anna had told her in no uncertain terms, however, that she had to do so. Her confession was part and parcel of the healing process, only the first step in the long Third Ray transmutation of her soul with personal love. If you are going to get well, you have to humble yourself before those you have hurt. That’s how it works.

Part of the reason why Astrid was confessing to me was because she had negatively influenced my first wife and me in 1971-1974, with my ex-wife having left her spiritual responsibilities to Healing Haven in part due to Astrid’s negative attitudes and feelings.

Anna finished this communion by telepathically relaying to me that my communions with her since 2010, my own Third Ray transmutation and my deep devotion to her, Nada-Yolanda (see picture to right of Yolanda and me)  and other masters of the Hierarchal Board had played a significant role in Astrid’s re-awakening and repentance.

Moreover, this new series of blogs about the Temple of Love, with all of you who read and work with them, likewise had stimulated and supported Astrid’s conversion on her “road to Damascus.”

(Others past Mark-Age staff members likewise have had conversion experiences; or at least Phillel and I have dreamt about this. The individuals in these dreams may also represent segments of the light-worker ranks. Select PhillelBlog in which he shared two dreams in which former longtime staffers finally had decided to repent of their errors and to come back into the I Am Nation forcefield and function.

(I also had a dream in which another former female staff member of the Third Ray had undergone a deep transmutation, came to see me, lovingly put her arms around me, told me how much she loved me, and placed herself in my loving care here at headquarters.)

Venusian Temple of Love

As recorded in Nada-Yolanda’s Autobiography of a Prophet, pages 15-17, Nada-Yolanda had extensive soul recall of her many sojourns on Venus, wherein she trained and taught in its Temple of Love. In those Venusian lifetimes, her name was Nona.

As Yolanda wrote: “Here [in the Temple of Love] the soul learns how to use spiritual energies of personal love and understanding in all forms of human relationships and interchanges of energy. Proper utilization of love between individuals, families and social groups is taught and expressed. Many great artists of Earth are Third Ray entities, for it is from this Temple of Love that beauty, culture and personal love devotion are exemplified and purified within the soul experiences in this solar system. . . . (See image of Venus to the right.)

“Between thirty-two thousand and thirty thousand years ago, the works of Nona became perfected sufficiently that Sananda, who is the Chohan of the Seventh Ray of Divine Love, Peace and Fulfillment, chose her to become his successor when he had fulfilled his cosmic obligations in this solar system in this spiritual role and function.”

Thus, in the present era and lifetime, Nada-Yolanda was and still is the Co-Chohan with Sananda on the Seventh Ray. Her reign as the primary spiritual leader of Earth, in partnership with her twin soul Rama, is scheduled to begin about in the year 4000 AD, at the start of the Age of Capricorn.

Jealousy & Betrayal

When Sananda chose Nona to be his successor and Co-Chohan, Astrid became jealous of her. Astrid also taught in the Temple of Love and thought that she was superior to Yolanda, and thus she should have been chosen to follow Sananda.

This lifetime, Astrid and her partner Joel joined the Mark-Age staff in 1968, and became the leaders of the Mark-Age HQ when Mark and Yolanda traveled to and stayed in parts of southern California in 1993-1994. During those two years, Astrid led a rebellion against Yolanda, and tried her best to subvert Yolanda’s rightful authority. Astrid’s jealousy got the better of her, as she schemed behind the scenes to institute new methods and teachings in the Mark-Age MetaCenter staff functions, without telling Mark or Yolanda anything about this.

All of her betrayals got revealed in spring 1974, whereupon Nada-Yolanda outlined a course for Astrid’s transmutation, which became the book Plan A Nation (now out of print) that all Mark-Age leaders were to follow. In response, Astrid and Joel left the staff, went out and spread lies and distortions to all the people around the United States where they had presented talks and workshops, which led to a great falling away of the Mark-Age membership. Astrid never again contacted Mark or Yolanda, or apparently repented of her folly, self-deception, jealousy and arrogance.

What Goes Around, Comes Around

At the time, I was shocked at Astrid’s betrayal and departure. However, I remembered the first time I met Astrid and Joel in 1971 in Syracuse, NY, at the yoga center there where I would live while I was in medical school.

Summalt/Peter had channeled a message via Astrid during which I had felt a hieronic beam activating my head and spine — I was totally impressed as this was my first experience with channeling and hieronics. And Astrid was one of the most charismatic people I yet had meant. (I was so impressed that later that year, my soon-to-be wife and I drove to Miami to check out Mark and Yolanda, who were by far more charismatic and light-filled than Joel and Astrid.)

The next day Astrid had done a hands-on-healing of me in which my heart center was transmuted and elevated, my most evidential such healing at that time. But then, in a later talk, she and Joel frankly and bluntly told my wife and me that they planned to soon leave the staff and go out and do their own thing! And although somewhat finessed, Astrid let it be known that she did not like or trust Yolanda. Imagine that: Here she was out in public representing Mark-Age and badmouthing Mark-Age, especially Yolanda, at the same time. Astrid talked out of both sides of her mouth!

Third Ray Devotion

When she left, I very shortly decided that I would stay with Mark and Yolanda, as they were the true leaders of the Mark-Age unit. They were who they said they were: El Morya and Nada. (See picture to right of Mark and Yolanda in 1969,) Astrid was not acting in or demonstrating her I Am or Astara Self but only was re-manifesting her soul sickness.

Besides, although I would not recall it until thirty years or so later, during one of my many sojourns on Venus, I had transmuted and eliminated my soul karmic betrayal of Yolanda in Atlantis.

Amazingly, now some 48 years after Astrid left Mark-Age, when we are focusing on the re-opening and revitalizing the Temple of Venus on Earth, all of this past history has come around full circle. This still boggles my mind!

Moreover, on May 30, 2022, at our weekly, Hierarchal Board Meditation (HBM), I was taken in my light body up and into a Venusian spacecraft hovering over our I Am Nation/Sun Temple property. Therein, I met for the first time in this incarnation with a hundred or so of my past Venusian friends, my Venusian brothers and sisters, like I was at a family reunion. It was like I had been an orphan all these years, and finally it had been revealed who my true family was. What an extraordinary, heart-warming, cosmic feeling that was and still is!

Love Her

If you are a longtime Mark-Ager and you knew Astrid-Jeanene, please do join Phillel and me in the next few days, and more than likely for weeks and months to come, in seeing Astrid within a large pink heart of Third Ray love that is transmuting the remnants of her soul sickness.

However, if you did not know her, you still can pray for her. But at other times, ask Spirit to show you some other woman who likewise needs Third Ray personal love transmutation. It could be someone, like Astrid, that you knew in the past and have had little contact with, or thoughts about, in the last many years. On the other hand, it may well be some lady who currently is a thorn in your flesh: in your personal family tree, amongst your seeming friends who whoever act like an enemy; maybe s former spouse if you are a guy; or a former female spiritual teacher who you now realize is really your student.

Get quiet, surround yourself in pink light in the shape of a heart. See this heart once again descending from above, slowly being lowered into your forcefield by Lanto and Anna, as well as space sisters and brothers from Venus aboard their craft that is now hovering high in the sky over you and your area. Especially, feel the love quickening your heart chakra.

Then, see before you or below you the lady whom you are now to love. Reach your arms and hands up and feel the bottom of the pink heart that you hold with your light body hands. Then slowly lower it into and around the person before or below you. See this lovely lady’s heart fill with vibrant pink Third Ray love. (See image above/right.) Call upon her to follow in Mother Mary’s and Jesus’ footsteps and guidance: Love one another as I have loved you.

Then pull back, re-surround yourself in a protective pink forcefield, such that you are immune to any negative reactions of the lady before you. Be aware through the day and the next day or two of whatever this lady is feeling and thinking, which comes back to you in various images, dreams or intuitive knowings. Then, reinforce the pink heart around this person.

Putin’s Pink Heart

Ask to be shown what man or boy you next are to lavish with pink love, perhaps following the work with the above lady or ladies, or in the next morning’s meditation.

To start, focus on President Vladimir Putin’s pink heart. Believe it or not, he has such a pink heart, hidden from view by a thick wall or shell around him of his paranoia and mortal self-enclosure. This hard, thick shell was shown to me several days ago, which made me wonder at first how anyone could reach his inner, delicate, loving pink heart.

Putin is frozen in fear. Fear that no one will love him. Fear that others will try to destroy him. Fear that someone will see the depth of his negative karma going back eons, and expose it so that he will have to feel and hopefully do something about his past errors, the remnant of his Cain consciousness.

Mother Anna

What came to me was that he needed most of all Anna’s motherly personal love. You know that mothers love their children no matter what, and there is not a boy or man alive who does not want such soft, soothing, comforting, caring, mother love. Therefore, pink love gradually will melt the frozen negative thought forms around Vladimir’s heart chakra. Go Anna! And we go with you, all of us who have mother love (whether we are in a male or female body) for our son, Vladimir.

When I shared this guidance with Phillel, he reminded me of what Sananda had explained to Nada-Yolanda at the completion of her Alaska Mission in July 1990: “You have completed satisfactorily our needs and our request for this Alaska Mission. Little that you can comprehend is recognized via mortal terms and descriptions. . . . We can liken it only in Earth terms: this begins the melting of a glacier. From that one innocent event, we begin to trigger thoughts, feelings and actions that are frozen in time and information on Earth from devic, elemental and origins of mankind in human form.”

You have to wonder what Putin’s karma and past lives were, to have now become so heartless, arrogant, self-enclosed and paranoid. He is so afraid of being conquered by the West that it only makes sense that he has conquered other nations in the past. And he simply does not want to remember this! He thinks he is being wise and a good leader, when in fact he is acting like a self-righteous, heartless jerk who kills innocent men, women and children.

Pink, Pink, Pink

In your visualizations of and with him, link first especially with Anna and her vast number of female pink associates who are radiating love to Putin. But also call upon Lanto and his multitude of male Third Ray co-workers in the higher planes.

Link also with the Venusian spacecraft that I often psychically see over Moscow and the surrounding area, just one of numerous spacecraft from many other planets now positioned in the etheric realms over the Russian capitol and its Kremlin, the seat of its government.

The picture of him to the right/above probably comes from the talk he gave at a Moscow soccer stadium a week or so ago, a rally staged to make it look like Putin has the full support of the Russian people. In the picture, he holds a microphone and looks up to his left, probably to those in the upper tier of seats in the stadium.

But we know better! If not in reality, at least in our vivid imagination, he is looking up and seeing Anna, or at least feeling her presence on his left or feminine/subconscious side. He even is pointing with the fingers of his left hand to her. Yes, Vladimir, keep looking up. See and feel Mama Anna watching over you and about to give you a big pink hug. With her around and protecting you, how could anyone else or any other nation harm you? So, for God’s sake, give up your paranoia. Put your faith in love!

Pink Beams of Love

Moreover, see the small picture of the colorized, pink, Venusian spacecraft beaming its hieronic love energies right down into the top of Putin’s head, as well as to all those in the stadium who now have pink hearts, like the two lovely Russian ladies standing behind and to either side of him.

These beams, this hieronic energy and forcefield, is what enhances the lowering of a huge pink heart all around him. His heart expands with personal love. He now sees the folly, the sheer insanity of his military killing innocent people in Ukraine. Not only does Putin order the murdering of people but then he somehow manages to keep a straight face and lie convincingly to the Russian people that his troops never have done this; that it is the Ukrainians who are staging this and trying to fool the world. And many Russians actually believe him, because he is such a good actor and liar. But, we do not!

Vladimir Putin, be in the pink. Feel your heart filling with love. Anna is with you. We are with you. Our pure, Third Ray love gradually is melting your glacier-like shell. In time, with your heart awakening, you may even be called Mr. Pink Putin!

May it be sooner rather than later. Thank You, Spirit, and all agents of Spirit. Amen!

Stay Steady

Be careful and cautious in your projections to President Putin. You can only concentrate upon him so much, at which point you need to pull back and work with your protection.

Remember, too, that in projecting to him, you likewise are praying for numerous others of his mindset who make up the security police, the military forces and the political sycophants around him; not to mention those in the lower astral planes who likewise are part and parcel of the overall negativity in this area.

Together, those on Earth and the lower astral planes form a huge glacier in and around Moscow, spreading out for a couple hundred miles in all directions. It will probably take a long time for this glacier to fully melt. So, steady as she goes. Our loving, spiritual thought forms and our vast numbers of etheric and celestial helpers and co-workers are much more powerful than any mortal thought forms!

Love Other Males

After focusing sufficiently on Putin, other men may be brought to your attention for your Third Ray, mother-love treatment. This may be someone in your family, a past male friend or loved one, even someone on the spiritual path who whoever is jealous of you, spread lies about you behind your back, misjudges you or who damns you with faint praise. At other times, you may realize that you, too, still lack Mother Love in your relationship with one of these men.

Work with this soul who comes into your mid and heart by employing the same pink-heart visualization. See him surrounded in a huge pink heart that activates and opens his heart center. See a Venusian spacecraft over him, beaming him with pink hieronic light and energy. See Lanto or Anna with him. See Christ Jesus coming before him and radiating pink love to him (see image to the right).

Maybe it is some man who has a serious illness that in essence at a soul level goes back to his betrayal of the spiritual Hierarchy and its representatives. Maybe past such cancerous thoughts are now outpicturing in his body.

Be Immune

You need not know the past origins of his current illness, in this or past lifetimes. More often than not, just focus on the present. If the person is sick unto death, so to speak, you know that there is most likely karma involved. If such needs to be revealed, then this will happen.

However much you may know of the past or have revealed to you now, see this man surrounded and encased in a pink heart. This stimulates his immune system that is designed to deal with the healing of all cancers and other chronic illnesses. Love and forgiveness heal. Love makes us immune to the negativity of others. Love conquers all. Love and light disperse all darkness, all crystallized negativity. Amen.

I Am in the pink. We are in the pink. All on Earth are in the pink. The Earth is now pink. Venusians, Lord and Lady Chamuel, Lanto and Anna, and I Am now in the pink.

Our heart overflows with pink love. So be it. So it is. Thank You, Father-Mother God!