Promote Peace in Putin

As I shared in my prior blog, on June 29, 2023, GalacTos and GalacTia, the co-leaders of the GalacTic Godsent Group, contacted me. Mostly, my connection and communion was with GalacTos. He, in conjunction with Sananda and Dr. Hannibal, eventually guided me to anchor a cosmic V in Lake Titicaca, on the border of southeastern Peru and northwestern Bolivia, hence in the Western Hemisphere.

Early the next morning, June 30th, I dreamt that I was visiting President Vladimir Putin of Russia in his huge home or office, which was about twice the size of the room in which we had met in prior dreams and visions. (See picture of him to left.) He was mostly friendly but somewhat guarded and reserved. He appeared to be healthy and in command of himself.

About 15 minutes into our sharing, from my right, a beautiful, about 40-year-old, smiling, charming woman opened a door and walked through it into the room. Although I was totally captivated by her, Putin barely noticed or responded to her light-filled, loving, gracious, queenly presence. It was as if he did not know she was there.

At first, I thought she might be his longtime “girlfriend” of about 10 years whose name is Alina Kabaeva, who had been a Russian gymnast. They are rumored to have had three children together. He is now 70 and she is 40 years old.

But when this new lady visitor came over and said hello to me, and welcomed me to her and Putin’s home, I knew it was not Alina. This current lady visitor did not look like pictures I had viewed of Alina. Moreover, this visitor’s aura shone with brilliant light, and she was completely at peace and filled with love. Plus, she felt very familiar to me.

Afterwards, still in the dream, three Russian thugs, like KBG agents of old, came up to and threatened me, for they did not like my being alone with Putin for a half hour or more. They said that I was never to visit him again, or they would kill me, and I knew that they meant it.

Upon awakening, I quickly realized that these thugs represented the typical lower astral blowback or negative reaction that comes with each new and higher experience. So, I re-wrapped myself in spiritual protection, and called upon Lord Michael and El Morya to clear out any lower astral connections in my aura. I was then at peace.

GalacTic Visitation

In the second half of my following morning meditation, it was if a veil over me dissolved and GalacTos and GalacTia descended into my conscious awareness and overall forcefield. He was to my right, she was to my left. They stood beside me in my meditation room, so I pulled up a chair for both of them. As I imagined and felt myself holding hands with them, my body involuntarily shuddered two or three times as I adjusted to their glorious power, which validated my contact with them.

They assured me how much they loved me, how I was as a son to them. They felt and were so happy to be at home with me here on Earth at the Sun Temple. And more than ever, I knew that I had been with them out in the Milky Way Galaxy in various sojourns there in the past, as part of my spiritual training for this present incarnation. It now was a grand reunion on all levels. Copious tears streamed down my face. (See image to right of the Milky Way Galaxy over Lake Baikal, Russia.)

However, GalacTia still felt somewhat distant from me. Pondering this, the realization came that this symbolized that she was positioned in the Eastern Hemisphere, aboard Summalt/Peter’s mother ship #7423, whereas GalacTos was in the Western Hemisphere aboard St. Germain/Dr. Hannibal’s ship #1235; as well as at times being aboard Sananda’s ship #10 that is now located over Peru and Bolivia. Thus, GalacTia with Summalt was positioned over Russia, and focused especially on President Vladimir Putin, as symbolized in my dream.

GalacTic Queen

Then, in a brilliant flash of insight, I knew that the dream lady visitor to Putin and me was GalacTia! That is why this lady’s aura was so brilliant, her physical beauty so great, her presence so peaceful and loving, beyond Earthly energies. She was a GalacTic “queen of heaven” who had lowered her vibration sufficiently that I could see her in the dream. Putin, meanwhile, did not notice her, so focused was he in his personal, mortal consciousness on his war with Ukraine.

In the dream, the doorway through which GalacTia entered was that between Earth and the etheric realms. The door being to my right indicated that I was about to have conscious communion with her, which had now occurred. After all of this solidified in my conscious mind, slowly she and GalacTos started to rise up and to disappear. My God, how I wished to go with them, but I knew I was one anchoring point for them here on Earth. Every since MariLyn and I had visited Russia in the Eastern European Mission in fall 2012, I have had numerous communions with Putin. With the current strengthening of the 13-Temple global gridwork of light, now GalacTia has been able to visit and influence Putin to finally become an apostle of peace — she was right there in the room with him.

As GalacTos and GalacTia left, suddenly my consciousness expanded and I saw and experienced my heart as a brilliant, liquid-light-filled sphere, more uplifted and of a higher vibration than in any prior vision of it. My heart, my soul-mortal loneliness and my fear of repeating past mistakes were healed to another, new, and higher degree. This verified what I had previously received in this contact with GalacTia, for there was no possible way I could have made up what I now had experienced and felt in the depths of my heart and soul. It was her and GalacTos’ parting gift!

Moreover, that morning when I drove on the back road into town to get something to eat, as well as to celebrate, Sol-O-Man locked herself into my brain and whole body. She had come to confirm my experience with the GalacTians, and to help me be grounded and balanced. I had to pull my car off the road and focus fully on Sol-O-Man, after which I felt much less “jazzed” and “out of this world.” Still, it took me two days to absorb and anchor all that had been given to me.

Pray for Putin

Today and tomorrow, you, I and all who read and work with these blogs, are going to pray anew for Vladimir Putin. We shall affirm, decree, visualize and realize that peace wells up in his heart, such that becomes an Apostle of Peace for all the Eastern Hemisphere. We see him having a spiritual awakening in which he goes from being “Saul” to “Paul” who became the foremost Apostle to spread the Good News all around the Mediterranean Sea.

Literally and symbolically, Russia extends eastward from Moscow all the way to the Pacific Ocean, hence the entire Eastern Hemisphere. Moscow is the political capital whereas the Temple of Neptune is located on Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia. (See map of Russia to right.)

Moreover, Russia is where Godless communism first appeared, which then spread to China and southeast Asia, where it still exists in several countries. Putin thus represents the residue of this atheistic, power-mongering Russian history that has adversely influenced the entire Eastern Hemisphere. That is why he is the key individual and symbol at this point in our projections to, and prayers for, Russia and the East.

Be a V

Surround yourself in cosmic, Christ light for your protection and upliftment. See a huge V all around you, as you did at the end of your meditations the prior two days. The V stands for Vortex, but it also stands for Vladimir. Be fully centered inside your V, and then begin to shift your focus to President Vladimir Putin. Recall that the name “Vladimir” means to rule in greatness, to be a peaceful rule. So, Vladimir, be who you truly are as a glorious child of God. Be a peaceful ruler!

As preparation for your projections to him, link with GalacTos and GalacTia, especially with her and her GalacTic associates, both female and male ones, in the Eastern Hemisphere. Be at one with Summalt/Peter’s city-sized ship #7423 that hovers over Russia. Call upon Lord Ariel and Lady Uriel, who is the Archangel of the Seventh Ray of Peace, Love and Rest. Be one with Lord Maitreya and his twin soul MaYa of the Seventh Ray, and Lord Michael and Mariel of the First Ray. Think about, and pray that Putin chooses (wills) via the First Ray to become a peaceful and loving ruler of the Seventh Ray. Rather than being a power-monger, see him being a loving powerful peacenik.

Be at one, also, with Peter the Great, the former Czar of Russia, who vastly expanded its borders, including into present-day Ukraine and Crimea. He is now a leader in the seventh astral plane, who works behind the scenes with President Putin and his political and military cronies.

Finally, be at one with Sananda/Christ Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mother Mary, who behind the scenes are worshipped and loved by so many Russians, especially those who do not agree with the war with Ukraine. First, last and always, love is the key to healing Russia and all of the Eastern Hemispheric countries and peoples.

See a V descending into the top of the head of Vladimir, then down his spine and chakras until it anchors into the holy ground below him. Peace, Vladimir, be at peace. Then you will love one another and be loved by them. Rather than your having the paranoid fear that they will try to assassinate you, know that love will unite you. Your current paranoia comes from your past and present misuse of power to control others, before they control you. As you do unto others, so shall it be done to you. So, treat others with peace and love, and it will come back to you multiplied.

As each of us in this network feel so directed, we also see a huge V descending into, and quickening, Lake Baikal. (See image above.) This lake and Lake Titicaca are one. New peace flows freely and powerfully in the East and the West. Hallelujah!

We salute you, Vladimir Putin, as the Apostle of Peace that you are to become. Hail to the Christ in thee!

As we see it, so will it be. Amen. Thank you, Father-Mother God!