Rise & Shine

Friends, fellow light workers, it is time for us to Rise and Shine:  to Ascend our spinal column of light and Shine our I Am, Christ, Buddha, high-Self light on one and all!

On June 26, 1968, Archangel Uriel of the Seventh Ray of Peace, Love and Rest, whose corresponding color is white and gold, channeled via Nada-Yolanda:

Your narrow and straight path is the spinal column within each individual form, upon which hinge the flesh, the form, the substance and the opportunity for reaching beyond the limitations of the form you are aspiring to perfect. It is through this straight and narrow pathway, the spinal column, that you reach out into the etheric consciousness and bring down into the mortal awareness the light that is all around you and in you as one.

“You go up out of it and you come down into it, all through this column of light. And out through this column of light you reach into the substance or the column of the light body, the Christ; which is always with you in all ways, inside and outside of the physical and mortal awareness. (Drawing to right is by Arthur Douet.)

“‘Lo, I Am with you all ways,’ sayeth the Christ, Spirit, God. I am Uriel, who guards this gateway and opens the door to truth.”

Our Angelic Guardian

On November 5,1969, Lord Uriel transmitted via Nada-Yolanda: “I am your friend, your instructor; one who shall watch over you all, for I Am responsible into all children of the third dimensional form. That does not mean I am the one with whom you will come into contact as you reach the I Am Self identity, and reach out to become it and to have it dissolve that which is lesser than its perfect Self and perfect creation.

But I am that overseer and supervisor unto all who are evolved and connected with the Earth planet, since this is my domain and my particular job for this solar system. Until this complete reign of Sananda, who is Jesus, can be brought into final culmination in the Golden Era, I shall not be released; nor shall I release all the souls connected with the Earth karma and the Earth fulfillment as a love child in the solar logos.” (See our Mark-Age text MAPP to Aquarius, pages 284-288, for this entire, excellent channeling.)

Bell Around Clapper

To ascend means to move upward, to mount, to rise, to proceed from a lower to a higher level or degree. Ascendancy connotes governing or controlling influence, authority and mastery. Each of us particularly ascends in the seventh phase of ascension-redescent in each of the seven major initiations: birth, baptism, transmutation, transfusion, transfiguration, crucifixion-resurrection, ascension and redescent.

On April 17, 1993, following her communion with Sananda/Jesus the Christ/Gautama the Buddha, Yolanda reported: “The spine is like a mountain climb, for the vertebrae resemble a form of rugged pathway that you climb area by area, until you reach the plateau of the crown chakra, from which you then ascend to the light body. . . .

The ascension out of the crown has an umbrellaing effect, in this respect: it rises above the physical vessel and showers down then in light, encompassing the entire physical form. The light body then . . . can and does burst, as a shell would burst; and its branches or its energy then tumbles down over or encompasses the physical, such as a bell encompasses a clapper.

“You then become a physical being inside a [bell-shaped] light form, which is your own light body; freed then to operate and to function consciously and with self free will of the individual mortal self; overshadowing, overtaking, over governing everything else.”

Bobby the Buddha

Here I Am (Soliel-Robert) at age 3 in 1949, as Bobby the Buddha, ready, able, willing and looking forward to following in the footsteps of Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha, and his wife (twin soul) of that lifetime, Yasodhara. (See picture to right. Even at age three, in my sitting and body language, I am recalling, no doubt, my past lifetime with them, in which I symbolically was Rahula, their son, or probably a close disciple and thus as a “son” of them. They are my spiritual, Eastern Dad and Mom. (Yours, too!)

I Am sitting in serene peace, legs crossed, spine straight, my head up to the sun and to Helios and Vesta of the Sun, as well as to Lord Uriel and her masculine angelic partner Ariel. As Jesus said, You must be as a little boy or girl to enter into the kingdom of heaven, into I Am or ascended consciousness while you still maintain your physical form here on Earth.

I Am awaiting the call from the Buddha to sit once again with him under the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya in northeastern India, site of the Temple of Mercury; where he experienced his spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Rahula, his son, was only 7 years old when he joined the Buddha’s sangha or core community of the Buddha’s disciples.

As it is prophesied in Isaiah 11:6: “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them.” That little child, my friends, is you and me, as little, reborn children of our Father-Mother God! It is time for the power mongers of the world to transmute their swords to plowshares, to stop fighting and start loving.

Be a Tree of Life

About sixty years later, on September 4, 2008, I dreamt that I came up to a huge tree in a forest whose trunk was about 4-5 feet wide. I walked through a invisible doorway into this trunk, in what looked like an elevator that would take me up to the top of the very tall tree. However, to my consternation, I could not fit in the tree trunk/elevator because my spinal column bowed out in front of me. It bent outward from about my heart, from my regenerative chakra to my third-eye chakra, for about two feet. It was bowed outward like this: ). It was not straight like this: I. I began to draw my outward bulging spine back into me where it belonged.

As I was starting to do so, two men, who wanted my job and powerful position, appeared and pointed to my difficulties with my spine, saying that they were better qualified than me. These men looked like men from a TV show — I was seeing them on my third eye. They probably were from the seventh astral plane, thereby highly spiritually evolved but still 10% competitive, self-powered and jealous. I powerfully told them to back off, and that I was the right man for the right job.

In a following dream, I was with two women. My focus was my third eye, which I was refining, using and adapting. The two women said they were more proficient than me, and they should be chosen for the function I was performing. I spoke up, without any rancor or upset, and told them they were not as well-trained or capable as I was, and that this was readily apparent. Again, they represented higher astral plane competitors, as well as my own soul doubts and fears going back eons.

Follow the Straight & Narrow

Looking back with hindsight now, I realize that this dream signaled the start of my second phase of baptism with fire and water, in my seventh major initiation of ascension and descent. The tree is my tree of life. It is large and tall enough, I have evolved enough spiritually, that I can ascend via its trunk/spinal column. However, first I have to straighten out my spine, to draw back into myself, into my indwelling golden heart; to correct my own 10% or less of my soul record that has not yet been straightened out and refined.

My focus is too outward, I am too in love and enmeshed in outer activities, too in love with my own power. In my healing visualizations, I am used to seeing people or places right in front of me, and radiating love to them. Now, however, I am to re-center myself within the core column of light within me and to rise up my spine and into my light body. From this ascended state, I will be able to see others below me and shower light, peace, power and love down upon them. It is a entirely different perspective and ascended light-body function, from above to below. Moreover, when I am lifted into I Am, ascended light-body consciousness, I draw all others unto me. I do not fight others, rather I rise above them, therefore blazing the pathway for them to do likewise in time.

Love is still the key, but it is Seventh Ray peace and love that flows down like a river to one and all; like a bell over its clapper. I ring the “bell of freedom.” In so doing, I Am at peace. I Am love in action.

Notice that it is two men and two women that try to compete with and supplant me, with “two” referring to my second phase.

Men are the conscious aspects or competitors, those who are jealous of me, who think they are better than me but are not; they are my own conscious, mortal thoughts that need further refinement.

Women are the subconscious resistors and detractors, my own remaining negative, selfish emotions, my fear of rightly using spiritual power and not failing to do so in past lives.

One of the major challenges or temptations we have is wanting to be loved by others. But the truth is that nobody is universally loved!

Therefore, at some point, we are not see our “enemies”, including others and our own negative self-talk and images, before us. Rather we rise above them and then shower our superconscious, I Am Self love down on friends, fellow light workers and “enemies;” and down into and and flowing through our conscious and subconscious aspects of our one mind.

Stay in your Golden Dome

Thus, to bring this discussion and teaching up to this moment, there is little or no point now in our putting President Putin in front of us and radiating love to him. He stubbornly and dictatorially thinks he knows it all, that he has it all in his control, that he can get away with dominating others, when in fact he who lives with his negative sword will “die” by this same sword. Putin is now “crazy” enough to think he is beyond cosmic law — truly he has lost his way. His two-thirds dark side has almost totally dominated the one-third part of him that is loving and compassionate, in which he is capable of serving others selflessly.

As we do unto others, so it is done to us. Vladimir, the mortal man and soul, currently is like a man obsessed and possessed by those negative souls on earth and in the astral planes who still believe in personal, mortal power, who think it is right to take away others freewill expression. He is a self-righteous fool who thinks he is king, but who as a supposed “emperor” truly has no clothes on. And he has now revealed himself to the whole world, most of which rightly condemns his actions in regard to Ukraine.

Reinforce the Moscow Dome

So what can we do now? We can pull back, disengage ourselves from President Putin and his male syncophantic cronies, and surround ourselves in our protective and impenetrable golden dome of light. Then we can rise up our spine into our huge tree of life, into our powerful ascended light body. From above, we shower down peace and love on Vladimir and all those other powermongers around him that make up the Russian government.

When we feel at one with our guardian angel and/or an ascended master, plus space brothers and sisters, we can rise up and travel in our light body to high above Moscow. We look down below us, and from a pitcher of living water in our right hand, we pour forth a river love, light and peace to all the light workers in the Moscow area; and to some degree into Putin and those like him.

When MariLyn and I were in Moscow in 2012, Spirit and the agents of Spirit, including Sananda-Jesus and his twelve Apostles, including Summalt-Peter aboard his mother spacecraft #7423, had placed a dome of light over Moscow that extended out for hundreds of miles. What we now are doing, is reinforcing and further energizing that dome. To some degree, it is the light of the original dome over Moscow that has pressed out the soul insanity within Putin and others there. In a pillar of fire, to use another analogy, we see the darkness that remains in Putin and the soul of Russia. For this nation has a long list of powermongers, from the czars, to Stalin and other communist leaders like Khrushchev, to virtual dictator Vladimir Putin.

But even this is not likely to reach him, as he most likely will misinterpret what we send to him. He will see it as a threat and will react and rebel that much more (this is called “reverse receiving”). So, with this understanding and our being wiser, we know that it is best to let him wallow in his own darkness for the time being, even as we see and call forth the forces of light on the planet to stand up to him and stop him in his crazed state.

You cannot appease a deranged dictator and expect him to change. It will not work (as demonstrated by Hitler). It will take First Ray will and power, plus Seventh Ray peace and love, to heal this ages old scar tissue in the minds and hearts of Russians, especially those who think they are in power.

Link with the Russian Elect

Fifteen and one-half years ago, on August 21, 2006, I dreamt that a wise, etheric master told me that I was being used by Spirit and the agents of Spirit as an anchoring and relay point for new I Am images and ideas that were being broadcast to those in Russia, especially those in government. A triangulation was occurring, with the apex in the etheric, me on the Earth and those in Russia. I was shown several men who were looking at a huge TV screen that clearly showed the images that were being broadcast through me to them. (The screen was their third-eye screen.)

Three days later, on August 24, 2006, at our weekly HBM, I projected peace and love to all of Russia and its people, and then worked about 10-15 minutes with President Vladimir Putin. The energies were so strong that I fell asleep or “went out.” When I came back, via my third-eye clairvoyant vision, I saw and felt a high-ranking Russian Orthodox Church priest and his fellow priests and followers. They had come to me in response to my prayers to Russia, and were looking to me for guidance.

They believed in the Second Coming of Christ Jesus and thought it was soon to occur, that it should take priority in their teachings and practice within the church. I shared openly and lovingly what we at Mark-age know about both aspects of the Second Coming: the second coming of all on Earth into spiritual, I Am awareness; and the return of Christ Jesus in his light body, hopefully sometime before about 2040, although no one knows the time when this will occur. The head priest was very thankful for my sharing this, nodded his head in agreement and blessed me, and said he would share it with other priests and Russian Orthodox believers throughout the country.

So, for at least fifteen years, those spiritually advanced ones in the Russian Orthodox Church, priests and laypeople alike, have been growing spiritually. They do not get any ink or notice in the news. They are behind the scenes, but they are an enormously powerful group, to whom we currently can continue to share our love and light.

Lady Light Workers

Three years later, on July 7, 2009, I dreamt that I was observing numerous Russian women who were working at dirty, nasty jobs in the major oil fields in southwestern Siberia, east of the Ural Mountains, where most of Russia’s oil is produced. Many of them came up to me in a loving, friendly manner, and expressed in several ways how much they loved the United States and Americans. They spoke glowingly of the USA’s emphasis on freedom and equality, including the equal treatment of men and women. And they shared that they were deeply religious and especially loved and devoted themselves to Mary, mother of Jesus.

The rest of this night, I dreamt variations of this dreamt, as if to emphasize how important and truthful it was. These women are light workers, who like the above church priests, get no press, who are basically dismissed and debased by the Russian male power structure and government. However, they are fulfilling Sol-O-Man/Mary’s directive when she appeared in her light body at Fatima in 1917 and asked Christians worldwide to pray for Russians to consecrate their hearts to her. Mary is the beloved Mother of Russia! And here, right before, was the clear evidence that her directive is being followed.

And don’t you think that Glo-Ria, twin soul of El Morya of the First Ray, is working with and supporting just such women, not only those in the oil fields, but in every other walk of life? Of course, she is and has been for many years.

Putin and the Oligarchs

The attitude and receptivity of these Russian ladies who work in the oil fields of Russia, from which President Putin draws much of his personal power and the country’s wealth was the direct opposite of President Putin and his fellow powermongers, including the oligarchs who had become billionaires with the breakup of Russia in 1991. Some of these oligarchs had cornered the oil markets, which previously were owned by the USSR. And they presently give next to nothing back to the people.

These oligarchs are in cahoots with President Putin and he with them. And imagine, Putin and these other “boys” think that others should follow him and them, when in fact it would be much better to vote Putin out of office, even put him in jail, once and for all. After all, he has now been president for 22 years, has apparently not even learned the basic tenets of being a loving leader, but is now more so a powermonger than ever. And he has had Russia’s constitution changed so that he can rule until 2035.

In 2018, a survey indicated that 3% of Russians (all men) hold about 90% of the country’s assets. The Russian oligarchs hold the major percentage of this 3% of wealthy Russians. (Moreover, at least one of them owns a coal company in West Virginia, USA, which strip mines the coal there, rapes the land, renders it uninhabitable for decades to come, makes huge profits and subjects coal miners to black lung disease for which this and other coal companies manage to avoiding funding its treat, despite laws saying that they must do so.)

Enlighten the Elect

To all our Russian spiritual brothers and sisters in the light, those who are part of the 144,000 elect (those who have elected to serve Sananda in the Second Coming program), we radiate peace and love, cooperation and coordination. Russian light workers, and Russia as a whole, need to step up to the challenge of dealing with Putin. Women especially need to reclaim their I Am power as equal children of God.

Putin and the rest of the power mongers are only in power because the Russian people allow it. Unless the people change and step forward, Putin is not about to change. He falsely thinks he is helping the Russian people, which is true to some extent, but mostly, he is actually doing just the opposite.

Be a Buddha or Buddhi

Even as we continue to focus on Russia due to its ongoing battle to conquer and subjugate Ukraine and to threaten the West (NATO) should it try to stop him, we also connect with Sananda as Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha and his twin soul, Sol-O-Man/Yasodhara the Buddhi.

Gautama became enlightened when he was sitting by himself under a huge Bodhi tree in the area of northeastern India called Bodh Gaya. He pulled back into his core, into the cosmic Womb, and rose up his spinal column and into his ascended light body — hence his enlightenment. Then he redescended and spent the next 45 years teaching others the simple yet powerful ways to do as he had done, extending his teachings to women as well as men throughout northeastern India. (See map to right.)

The Bodhi tree was a huge, old fig tree, whose canopy in some ways was like a golden dome of light over Gautama as he meditated. It represented Sananda’s tree of life, his soul history as the Prince of Earth for the last nearly 26 million years.

In the West, Sananda later incarnated as Jesus the Christ, whose teachings spread primarily throughout the Western Hemisphere. As Gautama the Buddha, his demonstration and teachings have energized and uplifted the entire Eastern Hemisphere.

Following his enlightenment, the Buddha is said to have given his teachings about understanding and compassion the first time in what is now Sarnath, about 155 miles to the west of Bodhi Gaya (see map above.) Another 6 miles to the southwest of Sarnath is the holy city of Varanasi, which used to be called Benares.

Hindus, who currently make up about 80% of India, believe Varanasi is the spiritual capital of India. Muslims comprise 14%, Christians 2% and Buddhists about only 1% of India’s citizens. When MariLyn and I visited India in March-June 2014, we stayed in Varanasi, through which the Ganges River flows, but we did tour Sarnath. We did not make it to Bodhi Gaya.

Temple of Mercury

The Second Ray Temple of Mercury is located in northeastern India and the Himalaya Mountains of Nepal, which are located just to the north of India. The color that correlates with, and carries, the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom, is yellow.

The central core of this Temple or vortex or power center, although it is not located in any one place or mountain peak, is the city of Lumbini, in south central Nepal. Siddhartha, whose mother was Queen Maya, was born in Lumbini, right in the central region of the Temple of Mercury. Then mother and newborn son, plus her retinue, returned south for about 34 miles to her home in Kapilvastu, where she was the wife of King Suddhodana of the Shakya Clan.

Gautama the Buddha spent his entire life after becoming enlightened in traveling around and establishing Buddhist centers in northeastern India, thus within the radiations or forcefield of the Temple of Mercury. From Lumbini this power center includes the area 250 miles in all directions, such that its diameter and primary area of influence is about 500 miles.

In the West, the tendency spiritually is to be active outwardly and physically. In metaphysical fashion, one affirms, decrees and visualizes the desired spiritual state and then makes every effort to move into it. This is the Divine Masculine, conscious approach.

Gautama the Buddha taught and practiced the opposite. He gave numerous methods for letting go of the attachments to the things, people and places around him. He pulled back inside himself, into the Cosmic Void of the Mother Principle. Hence, his approach was more so that of the Divine Feminine that functions via the subconscious, which complements and supplements the Masculine attitude and action.

The Buddha said that first we are to understand how and why it is that we are attached to, and mired in, our personal, mortal desires: fame, fortune, self-power, self-importance, selfishness. These are the things things make us unhappy and cause us to suffer.

By understanding these attachments, we can let them go and return to our core. Moreover, to understanding and wisdom, we are to add compassion, which is the Buddhist word for love. The very essence of Buddhism is compassion, which makes us and all around us happy. We are to serve and love one another!

To the Mountain Top and Back

In the later part of the Buddha’s life (he lived to be 80 years old), a schism developed amongst two opposing factions in the sangha, the community of core Buddhist disciples. The leader of each faction each blamed the other one for their problems, rather than find a way to compromise and find a way to cooperate with one another.

Gautama the Buddha addressed both groups who had gathered together. He gave them wise advice and principles to resolve and heal their difficulties. But amazingly, the leaders of the two factions were so caught up in their self-righteousness and arrogance that they told the Buddha they did not need his help. Rather, they would resolve it by themselves. But then they did nothing to do so.

So, rather than the Buddha extending himself further into the morass of this ridiculous, petty conflict, and to assert his authority, he up and left. He told even his closest, most loyal disciples not to follow him. By himself, he went up to the top of a nearby mountain where he spent his time primarily in deep meditation and peace. He basically said, if that is what the two factions want, then let them work it out! His heart did not go out to them, he did not get himself entangled in their mortal nonsense, because they refused to listen to and honor him.

Only many months later did the two factions finally apologize to one another and dedicate themselves to working together again. Then they traveled up the mountain to see the Buddha, who welcomed them, but also developed guidelines from this experience as to how to prevent such divisions and fighting from happening again. Then the Buddha came back down the mountain and resumed his outward, daily, fully engaged role as the leader of his large number of followers throughout the region.

Lift all others Unto You

So, here is it again: Our spiritual guidance now is to pull back, to reinforce the golden dome around us, to no longer see Putin and the other power mongers before us, but rather to rise into our light bodies at the top of the spiritual mountain, at the top of our tree of life. The Buddha did not get angry with his fighting followers and try to fix them.

Rather, in wisdom and love, the Buddha entered “the higher ground” of his beingness as a brilliant, golden, peace-and-love filled child of our Father-Mother God. In time, all the selfish fighters in the sangha came up the mountain unto him. By his example, the Buddha had lifted them up. Let us do the same!

Sit under Your Bodhi Tree

In your meditations over the next few days, for however long you are guided from within to do so, see yourself sitting under your huge Bodhi tree, your tree of life and spiritual, I Am knowledge that you have accumulated over many lifetimes, in the West and in the East.

I especially like the image to the right of the Buddha sitting under his tree of life, whose branches come down and around him, like a bell over a clapper. Moreover, the image reminds me of how our magnetic field looks, which extends out 2-3 feet around us.

The symbol at the top of the tree is that of OM, the cosmic, primordial, Word of God. We rise up and into this transcendent sound, this vibration, this power via the Word. If so inclined, we chant multiple OMs or listen to others chanting Oms. (In my song for today as DJ Doc K, I shared just such a singing of OMs. Click here. You can listen to this for only 3-4 minutes of this, or as long as you like, and feel more centered and at peace than before.

This round, feminine image above, in gold (love) and green (healing) colors, shows how the Buddha, meaning us, rise up from our regenerative chakra at the base of our spine, ascend our spinal column of light and each higher chakra, then rise above our crown chakra into our light body, whose nature is magnetic. In this enlightened, elevated, magnetically powerful ascended state, we shower peace and love, cooperation and coordination down upon the planet, to all its inhabitants, especially to India and the surrounding area of Nepal and Tibet, hence into China; and of course to Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal, Siberia (the Temple of Neptune) and to the capital city of Moscow. Peace and love is the Way.

Be at Home in the Dome

Notice, too, that the Buddha’s tree of life or aura in the above image is surrounded by a golden circle, a veritable, symbolic golden dome that protects him/us and allows nothing of a negative nature to enter his/our force field as a Buddha in the making.

If someone who is mired in negativity does try to come into our forcefield, like my former lady-love that I described in the prior blog, we usher them out of our dome. No, they are not welcome nor allowed to come into our golden dome until they repent, until they becoming compassionate and loving. They are not allowed to knife us in the heart.

The same holds for President Putin. As for me, he is no longer in my heart, inside my dome. I may be as a spiritual father to him, but his throwing a terrible tantrum is not acceptable, nor will it be tolerated. It is time for him to go to his corner and chill out, to come down from his power play and to remember that love is the key to life, to protection, to happiness, to building a supposed “empire” not of power mongers but rather one of friends who love one another. Like so many others, it seems that he has chosen the hard way to learn this lesson and truth. So, I am duty bound to honor his free will, but not to be subjected to it.

When and if he should come back to me, knock on my “psychic door” as a prodigal son, then I will be the first to welcome him, hug him, love him and forgive him. Until then, of his own distorted free will, he has cast himself into the darkness of hell, a hell of his own making. There is not much of anything that I can do about this, but to let it play out in its own time and way. Meanwhile, I never give up hope that one day he will see the light and be his better Self.

Light Workers: Unite

Meanwhile, we radiate golden light to all the male and female light workers in Russia. They are our friends whom we love and support. Yes, they have a difficult task before them in dealing with a maniac. But they have chosen in their souls to be here now in Russia, to make things right there, going back eons of time to Lemuria. Together, we will transmute Russia as well as India, which has its own internal battles going.

India, for example, like China, has yet to condemn Russia for its ongoing invasion of Ukraine. India is highly dependent on Russian oil and other Russian goods. 21% of Russia’s trade is with India. But if India does not stand up to Russia, all they will end up doing is causing more suffering for India’s people. They, no one, can stand on the fence. No one can hope to pacify a bully. Rather, all of us are challenged to rightly wield the sword, to use tough love as well as tender love. When we do the will of God, then all our real needs and those of our fellow citizens in all countries will be supplied. God is the Source of our Supply!

Moreover, we radiate our love and light to all freedom-loving people of the world, in Europe and beyond. The choice is there for one and all: Will people and nations stand up to Putin and his nonsense, or will they passively and selfishly stand back and do nothing? Here is the battle between light and darkness, between love and selfishness, personally and planetarily.

Meanwhile, India has its own battles between Hindus and Muslims, and with the lingering negative effects of the caste system in which the so-called untouchables are considered to be less than human. We will discuss this and work with this in a future blog, when we link with Babaji, Mahatma Gandhi and Badshah Khan.

Steady, my friends and fellow light workers. Steadily we go as we continue to Love God and Love One Another, as we wisely move forward in making the Earth a golden home of Seventh Ray Peace, Love and Rest.

Rise and shine, my friends and fellow light workers. Rise and shine!

So be it.