Be a Light-Green Diamond

Today, June 15th, the second of three days of focusing on the Temple of Pluto, our primary purpose and goal is to commune with the masculine and feminine co-leaders of Pluto, whose spiritual code names are Plouton and Persephone (see image to right of them on a Greek tablet).

One with them and their numerous Plutonian associates, we will become a light-green, etheric diamond that symbolizes the manifestation of the combined Fourth and Fifth Rays, which the planet Pluto demonstrates and radiates throughout the solar system.

He & She

Plouton and Persephone take their code names from the mythological Greek god and goddess of the underground. (These are not their actual names on Pluto.) Plouton originally was called Hades, who was the king of the underworld, that of the subconscious and soul, hence the astral planes that to the mortal mind is clouded in darkness. When Hades first saw Persephone, he was smitten with her. She was a young, virginal maiden at this time. She and her mother, Demeter did not wish her to marry Hades, so with the permission of Zeus, Hades forcefully abducted her and took her into his abode beneath the Earth’s surface. Herein, is symbolized the still all too common mistreatment and domination of women by lustful, power-mongering men.

Persephone at first was angry and horrified by her abduction by the dark, negative Hades who forced her against her will to be his wife. Eventually, she worked out a deal with him that she would spend six months (spring and summer) on the earth and six months (fall and winter) in what has come to be called the place Hades that is like the conventional Christian version of Hell. She became the goddess of spring, seeds and vegetation, including grains. As such, she and Hades portrayed death and rebirth, crucifixion and resurrection each year; Fourth Ray decrystallization and recrystallization, aligned with Fifth Ray new images of healing and wholeness.

Plato, Pluto, Plouton & Ploutana

Hilarion is the Fifth Ray Chohan of Unity, Integration, Balance and Healing; his twin soul is Harmony. He incarnated as the Greek philosopher Plato (427-348 BC). He later incarnated as Paul the Apostle and Charles Fillmore. In these three lifetimes, he devotedly served Sananda, the Seventh Ray co-leader with Sol-O-Man of Earth.

(See a part of the painting of the School of Athens by Raphael, in which Plato with finger pointing upward is to the left, and the younger  Aristotle with his hand pointing forward is to the right. Aristotle was an incarnation of Kut Humi, Chohan of the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom.

From Hades to Plouton

Plato in his many writings updated and morphed Hades into Plouton, which is the Greek spelling of this name; in Latin and English it is Pluto. The name Plouton incorporated the name of the Greek god of wealth who was called Ploutos. Plato said the Plouton was wealthy because he ruled the underworld; that beneath the Earth’s surface were found precious metals like gold and silver, gemstones like diamonds and emeralds, and seeds that in spring would grow and produce grains and other plants and vegetables.

However, Plato went on to say, in the words of Socrates who was an incarnation of Sananda, that true wealth was of the soul with its seeded memories of past lifetimes. The physical body dies but the soul and its astral body travels into, and evolves in, the astral planes, reaping its karmic credits and debits. Upon death, greedy, selfish men and women do not take their wealth and desire for fame with them. In fact, greed, sex only for the physical pleasure, and fame are the primary causes of suffering on Earth.

Thus, Plato said that death was not to be feared but to be welcomed, for it offered a new opportunity to purify one’s soul. In Hades’ hell, souls burned and suffered in everlasting, unescapable fire, just as conventional, orthodox Christians currently proclaim. Mortal man fears Hades but spiritual man loves Plouton and his riches in consciousness. Mortal man fears death, which fear leads to all manner of negative behaviors.

Plato wrote that in his ideal city, each of the twelve major Greek gods were to be worshipped and appreciated in one of the twelve months, with Plouton being honored in the twelfth month. Later, Hilarion as Charles Fillmore wrote The Twelve Powers of Man, in which he equated each of Jesus’ twelve Apostles with one spiritual, I Am power, such as faith, strength and love. Nada-Yolanda and I updated Fillmore’s treatise in our book Birth of the Light Body. Several times in past blogs, we have focused on one power each month. The last power, portrayed by Jude Thaddeus, is elimination and cleansing, clearing out residual errors, including the fear of death.


Plato also wrote that Socrates said that he did not discover new ideas but rather that he remembered them from past lives. Learning did not involve gathering just information via the five physical senses and making up conscious theories about this, but rather learning primarily was recall of the past, now come back into the present. What we sow, so do we reap. As we do unto others, so is it done unto us. What we know, we will know and express again, hopefully in a new and higher light.

With Plato’s writings, the name Hades slowly faded in importance and Plouton replaced it, hence death and rebirth. Hades became equated mostly with the place of Hades as an underground hellhole. Moreover, Plato did not not give any attention to the abduction of Persephone by Hades. Rather in multiple Greek writings, Plouton and Persephone were depicted as a loving couple, co-equal but yet each unique in their married relationship. Moreover, unlike most of the other Greek gods, Plouton and Persephone were monogamous. Herein was the new I Am image of healing and righteous harmony that spread to the world from this time forward.


Hilarion first introduced me to Plouton and Ploutana when MariLyn and I were at Mt. Shasta in 2014 as part of the Shasta-Alaska Mission. They appeared to me one morning as blazing light on either side of me. The next day, after MariLyn and I visited nearby Pluto’s Cave, Hilarion contacted me and said he was the primary person who had written about Plouton. After this, I realized that the masculine leader of the Temple of Pluto, who already had contacted me the previous day, was called Plouton. Then, Hilarion informed me that Plouton and his twin soul were the co-leaders of Pluto.

Neither Hilarion or the feminine twin soul of Plouton gave me her specific name. Rather, she instructed me in a series of contacts to call her Ploutana; or in other words, Lady Plouton. Nonetheless, I knew her indelible, unmistakable vibrational signature and carried it with me. I did read about Persephone being the wife of Plouton in the Greek mythical world, and wondered what that signified. But nothing further came to me about this.

Later, I did recall that the name Ploutana also was very similar to Plutana, who was a feminine Martian space commander of her ship #2369; she had channeled several times ia Nada-Yolanda in 1961. Naturally, I wondered if Ploutana and Plutana were the same lady master. What was unknown to me at this time was that Pluto expresses the combined Fourth and Fifth Ray energies. The Fourth Ray planet is Mars. Thus, looking back, it was clear that Ploutana was not Plutana, although I surmised that Ploutana had her own spacecraft in which she came to Earth. In other words, she was a feminine space commander.

Pluto in Paris

In 2014-2015, based on multiple contacts with Plouton and Ploutana, I tentatively hypothesized that the Temple of Pluto was located at Mt. Shasta, although no clear confirmation later came for this. I also thought that the Temple of Mars was in and around Paris, France. It was not until eight years later, in August 2022, when I wrote several blogs about the re-opening of the Temple of Pluto, that Nada clearly and convincingly showed me that the Temple of Mars was in Jerusalem, Israel and the Temple of Pluto was in Paris. (To re-read my two blogs in 2022 describing all of this in detail, click here1 and here2.)

However, even in these four weeks in 2022 about re-opening and re-birthing the Temple of Pluto in ourselves and in Paris, I continued to call Plouton’s twin soul by her name as Ploutana. Apparently, it was enough for me to receive and absorb the new and accurate positioning of the Temples of Mars and Pluto. Moreover, it was at this time that the definite realization came that Pluto demonstrated and radiated the combination of the Fourth and Fifth Rays, which in itself was a totally new realization that took days and weeks to sink in and be verified over time.

A New Name

It was just two days ago, June 13, 2023, following my posting of my third blog about rejuvenating the Temple of Jupiter, in my late morning nap, that Plouton and Ploutana unexpectedly and powerfully overshadowed me. I especially felt the feminine presence of Ploutana that was more highly charged and uplifting than in my contacts with her going back to 2014. But instead of my feeling totally comfortable with them, the lower part of my two lungs hurt, which signified that something was not right. I felt unsettled.

Over the next 5-6 hours, on multiple occassions, I felt the two of them with me, nudging me into some new insight or revelation. Once, they came down and stood right next to me in my dining room, whereupon I pulled out two chairs for them to sit on. What a reunion and family meal that was!

Finally, after a series of seemingly improbable, disconnected signs and events, like pieces of a puzzle, it finally came clear to me: Ploutana was now to be addressed and known as Persephone! It still gives me goosebumps to recall this. And then all my physical and soul symptoms suddenly disappeared and I was at peace and wholly balanced and happy, which I took to mean that what I had just received was accurate. Her name was indeed Persephone! (It is pronounced per-SEF-a-nee, with the accent on the second syllable; with the cadence like another Greek feminine name, Penelope.)


As sure as I felt about the truth of what had been given to me, I hesitated to share it the next day and in today’s blog. Asking Plouton and Persephone of Pluto (note the 3-letter P’s) for their ongoing guidance and for what they wanted me to do, they jointly and resoundingly said: “Publish it.” You are now a Plutonian-Earthling. You have proven time and again that you are a clear, but not a perfect channel. You are about 95% accurate. Nothing major is out of order or inaccurate in this current receiving.

And besides, given your schedule of publishing three blogs for each Temple or power center, you do not have a week to seek additional information and verification. If there is something amiss, we will correct it in tonight’s dreams or tomorrow morning’s meditation. Nothing new came, so this morning I have sat down, and written and published this blog.

Moreover, looking back over the last nine years, it became clear how this latest revelation and overall view of Plouton and Persephone of Pluto had been given in a series of steps. I went through several cycles of Fourth Ray manifestation and crystallization, then decrystallization and recrystallization, that was enhanced by the overlapping Fifth Ray of unity, integration and healing. In other words, I had lived and demonstrated as a Plutonian on Earth. For all this, I was totally grateful and nearly overwhelmed. How great are our mentors, space visitors, and spiritual brothers and sisters in our one spiritual family all around the solar system and beyond; as well as the Elohim, angels and devas of the two rays that now united as one right here on Earth.

Sit with Plouton & Persephone

In your meditations today, begin by sitting in the Silence, being at one with  with your I Am Self and God and Her-His agents and creations. Be securely settled and at peace, and surrounded in a protective cocoon of Christ light. Ask to come into contact with Plouton and Persephone. Imagine them descending and standing right beside, he to your right, she to your left. Pull up a chair for each of them. And then wait for their descent to happen in the time and way that they determine.

Be with them in ascended I Am consciousness, regardless of what you may see or feel. Affirm that this is so, that it is normal and natural and righteous for you to welcome them into your home, into your own individual Temple of Pluto here on Earth. Perhaps you see light-green, crystal-clear light around you, the sparking, radiant, soothing color of Pluto and Plutonians. During the day, you may want to read online Wikipedia articles about the two of them and about Pluto. Just Googled each of them and the planet Pluto.

(By the way, when the planet Pluto was finally discovered in 1930, it was named after Pluto/Plouton of the dark underworld, because the planet was so small and far away from the Sun that until now it was surrounded in darkness. Most astronomers suggested that when Pluto’s largest moon, that is over half the size of Pluto, was discovered by James Christy in 1978, it should be called Persephone, after Pluto’s wife. That would have been most appropriate for the moon represents the feminine/soul/subconscious. But Christy instead named it after his wife Charlene, who was nicknamed “Char.” He added “on” at the end of this to make it sound scientific. Oh, the follies of mortal men and women.)

Glorious Gem

One with you now, Plouton and Persephone slowly lower a brilliant, light-green, 12-foot-tall and wide diamond around you, thereby crystallizing your Plutonian consciousness in and through your four lower bodies, into your subconscious and conscious minds. This gem represents Fourth Ray crystallization and Fifth Ray integration and healing. It also represents that you have become a superscientist, one who functions in I Am, Plutonian, superconscious awareness and and power. Your aura and physical body now are filled and radiate light-green, crystal-clear light.

Let this green crystal solidify. Then, take sufficient time to radiate and project your light-green, crystallized energies to those near and far, especially to those at and around the Temple of Pluto in Paris. Tomorrow, we will focus primarily on this aspect to conclude our three days of re-birthing the Temple of Pluto within and around us, and in and around the Temple of Pluto in and around Paris and all of Europe, whose radiations go to all of Europe.

As always, at the end of the meditation and experience, give thanks unto Spirit and the agents of Spirit for giving you all the “manna” that you need to be and express as a Plutonian-Earthly. Herein is the ongoing pouring out of Spirit upon all flesh, the infilling and infusion of still more Pentecostal energies.

Amen. All is in divine order. So be it.