Make All Things New

In the Book of Revelation 21:1-5, John the Beloved shared his vision of the New Jerusalem descending from heaven (fourth dimension) to Earth (third dimension):

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away; and the sea was no more.

“And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

“And I heard a great voice from heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and the very God shall be with them, and be their God:

“And he shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor wailing, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things have passed away.

“And he who sat upon the the throne [Sananda-Jesus] said, Behold I make all things new [my bolding]. “

Go and Do Likewise

Sananda was not just speaking for himself as the Prince of Peace, the primary leader and wayshower of Earth, the Golden One, who will make the Earth the primary Seventh Ray planet of peace and love that it is destined to be. (See picture of Christ Jesus below and to the right.)

But, he also was speaking as the Christ representative and example for all of us as fellow Christ light workers to follow. He was saying to us two thousand years ago, and still is saying now, that we, too, are to make all things new in our thoughts, feelings, memories and actions.

So, we affirm with him: I, in I Am consciousness, make all things new; I, as a beloved child of our Father-Mother God, make all things new on Earth. I, as a solar citizen system, make the Temple of Mars within me and in Israel new on Earth. I make all things new!


Starting in my early morning prayer time on Good Friday, April 15, 2022, I felt a sudden sharp pain in the right side of my heart, just to the left of my sternum. It hurt like hell despite all my efforts to disperse it. It seemed to be in the right atrium of my heart, wherein is the sinoatrial node that regulates the heart’s rhythm. This is where atrial fibrillation begins and eventually manifests in and through all four chambers of the heart, two atriums and two ventricles.

Pondering this, I was reminded of when Jesus died and was speared on the cross, as described in the Gospel of John:31-34 which is the only report of this in the four Canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John: “Now because it was Friday the Jews said, Let not these bodies remain on their crosses because the sabbath is dawning [the sabbath begins Friday night at sundown and continues for 24 hours]; for that sabbath was a great day. So they sought Pilate to have the legs of those who were crucified broken, and to have them lowered down.

“So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first one, and of the other one who was crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus, they saw that he was dead already, so they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.”

Spear Pierces my Heart

Biblical scholars disagree about on which side and exactly where Jesus was speared. But no one really knows which side or place it was, because the only account of this is in the Gospel of John, which says only that one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, without giving which side this was.

It has always seemed likely to me that the spearing was on the left side, in the area of, if not right in, Jesus’ heart. That is the reason why blood and water spewed forth. Moreover, symbolically, the left side represents the soul and subconscious, the astral body. Piercing it represents the final cutting away of the soul karma, the death of the physical body, the release of any residue of a lack of love.

All I can say for sure, however, is that it felt like the tip of a spear somehow now had pierced my heart, and that I “bled” for the next three-four days or longer. During this time, I found myself remembering and getting emotionally upset about past hurts, betrayals, put downs, crucifixions and misrepresentations by others of who I truly am as a beloved child of God.

Of course, per usual, I thought that these past hurts already had been transmuted, that they were dead. But, to my amazement, the residue of them not only was within my heart, but that residue went on and on and on and on. And it hurt me so deeply to re-feel and re-experience such past betrayals of me. Time and again, I carried on mental conversations with those of my past, who now lived far away or even nearby. I would no longer work through a layer of my anger, annoyance and resentment then I would remember and feel some other past painful experience with them.

Thankfully, I did act upon my feelings and say or do something stupid, unloving or vengeful; something I would later regret. Rather, I did my battle with these feelings in the silence, and affirmed many times that these things too would past.

Eventually, I got to the point where I found myself hearing the still faint voices of Jesus and Mary saying as one to me: Beloved, make all things new. We did this. And you as our son can and shall do this, if you persist and insist on being born again. Do not wallow in the pain of the past, but let it go and make your heart new. Resurrect and be the golden heart that you are, that we see you as already being.

Two Qualifiers

As these days rolled along, the realization came that my current moving again into Hilarion House here at the Sun Temple in northeastern Tennessee had prompted part of this spearing and recall. Hilarion House is our two-story building that is dedicated to Healing Haven under Hilarion. However, it originally had not been built with me in mind, even though I was the Director of Healing Haven.

Rather, in 1999 AD, Yolanda directed Mark-Age to build it to entice two Hawaii-based healers to move here and live in these quarters. And, more to the point, Yolanda directly told me rather meanly one day that she had deliberately done so because she knew that one day I would leave her and the Mark-Age Unit. It was clearly apparent to me by what she said and by her actions that she wanted me to leave, despite my having served her loyally for twenty-five years.

This was largely because I already was in Yolanda’s doghouse, so to speak, because I had not supported her fully in her efforts to have a physical reunion with her soul mate, Edward (which will be detailed in our upcoming text Seven Steps to Christhood). Partly out of her anger about what she considered to be my betrayal of her, and her need to seek revenge and cut me out of her life, she was being tempted to replace me.

But, somehow, despite being hurt to my core, I stubbornly persisted and stayed. Looking back, I wished I had said something to her about how unloving and angry her actions and words were, and that I did not deserve them. But, I kept quiet and turned instead to El Morya in his perch in the higher astral planes and lower etheric levels for his guidance and support; he was was my rock during this horrendous time. (See picture to right of Mark from 1966.)

Layer by Layer of Transmutation

It has been 17 years since Yolanda made her transition and ascended to the lowest etheric plane. During this time, repeatedly I have transmuted this past hurt that cut me deeper than any other time or event in my life. I thought I had it all in order; that I had forgiven Yolanda and she had forgiven me. But, obviously, I had not. There was still some deep pain, anger and vengeful feelings in my heart. I was still bleeding and gushing water.

By the end of 3-4 days of working multiple times on all of this, Nada strongly overshadowed me and said: When I had Hilarion House built, I thought I as doing it for the good of Mark-Age; I thought I was bringing in new blood to keep things going; I thought I was building it for the two Hawaiians. But I was wrong.

I have come to realize that I was building it for you! You have more than proven yourself to be loving, loyal and dedicated to me and to your Healing Haven mission. And I now will do everything within my power to make things right, to help you make all things new when it comes to Hilarion House, as you move anew into it. This time it will be right! It will not only be Hilarion’s House but it also will be my house and home with you!

Astounded, tears streaming down my face, all I could say was: Nada, I love you and forgive you. I certainly had more than my fair share of faults back then. Without you and your extraordinary hierarchal guidance and example over the years, I would not have accomplished much of anything in my life. That you had a very small degree of “mortal blindness and feeling” is just the nature of things here on Earth. The vast majority of you and your works were of the very highest quality, almost beyond imagination. There is no one I admire more than you. As far as I am concerned, all is well. All is now in divine order. All things are made new! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And all my heart pain dissolved and disappeared! Love flowed anew in and through me.

Other Tempters

And what happened back in 1999-2000 to the two Hawaiian healers who had moved here and lived on the top floor of Hilarion House? Six months after their arrival, in spring 2000, Yolanda threw them off our Mark-Age property, because of their arrogance and refusal to follow her Hierarchal guidance. We never heard from them again.

However, my trials, torments and temptations back then continued, because Yolanda brought in others to live at Hilarion House. Even while the two Hawaiians had lived upstairs there, Mark-Age had renovated its basement and made it into a cozy apartment, in which I lived. Imagine that: Here I was still officially the Director of Healing Haven, and I lived in the basement of Hilarion’s House, whom I devotedly had served since joining the staff in 1974. With the dismissal of the Hawaiians, Yolanda put two others in charge of me and the rest of the staff, who lived upstairs at Hilarion House. They lasted about 4 years and then were dismissed by Yolanda. For a while after that, I lived upstairs in my rightful place.

However, in 2004, MariLyn, who would become my wife in 2008, moved to Tennessee and within a year, joined the staff and lived upstairs at Hilarion House whereas I moved back downstairs. She and I eventually became Co-Directors of Healing Haven. She renovated and redecorated the entire second floor. And for the next 13 years, she imbued this second floor with her thoughts, feelings and actions, for better and for worse. Then in January 2017 she divorced me and in late 2017 she left and went back home to Minnesota.

In my current healing of my emotional scars, one episode particularly stuck out to me in relation to MariLyn. Several months before leaving me and the Mark-Age Unit, we had a soul searing talk in which she sarcastically, nastily and self-righteously told me that in fifteen different instances I had not loved her but only had used her; which to my view was at least 95% inaccurate. Sure, I had some faults and shortcomings, but who doesn’t? And all along I had done my best to correct them. And they were just a very small part of me, the rest of which was good and very loving.

Then, she smugly proclaimed that she was sure I would end up in a nursing home or mental hospital (I was still going through the dark night of my soul), and therefore she had to leave the Sun Temple focus, allegedly to protect her money and her mental-emotional balance, so that she could continue to serve in the Second Coming program from her new place back in her home town of Minneapolis/St. Paul. I thought, however, that she was just concocting a bunch of misjudgments and outright lies to justify her being selfish and self-powered. Where in the world was the glorious, sweet woman I loved, the one who had vowed to love me in sickness and death?

I briefly registered my strong opinion to the contrary of hers, but it fell on deaf ears. In her distorted estimation, I was just a loveless jerk! And not just a jerk but a crazy jerk. Oy vey!

Dying to the Past

Like with Yolanda, over the last 5 years, I repeatedly have scoured my soul and let go of my pain in regard to MariLyn. After all, I have many positive, happy memories of our time together. I prefer to focus on them. Time and again, I have forgiven her and asked for her forgiveness. I thought I had completed this work. Well, wrong again.

Having been recently speared anew, blood gushed out of my thickened and scarred heart. Over the three to four days of dealing anew with my residual anger, indignation and desire to spear her back, I seemed unable at times to let things go. Round and around I went with it. Frankly, I did not understand why this was so difficult to do, or why it was so emotional, to the point of overwhelming me.

Part of it, I began to realize, was that I was moving back into the top floor of Hilarion House. Previously, maybe ten years ago, I had moved to our Mark-Age guest apartment in what used to be our barn. Partly this was because downstairs at Hilarion House, literally thousands of Japanese lady bugs invaded the place every winter. And I became allergic to them and developed asthma because of this, and therefore moved to the pool apartment that had almost no lady bugs. There I immediately could breathe normally.

Looking back now, I wonder if my primary allergy was really with MariLyn. There was always enough underlying tension and discomfort between the two of us that it was unpleasant to live at Hilarion House. However, despite this, she and I managed to harmoniously and lovingly travel around the world three times in 2010-2015 in our Hierarchal work to reopen and revitalize the 13 temples or power centers on Earth. Those were the very best of times, which I still remember fondly.

But, about four months after MariLyn left in 2017, I developed atrial fibrillation. Obviously her departure, and the nasty way in which it occurred, and her refusal to even try to be friends since then, were contributing factors in causing my Afib. She had had Afib and had undergone two heart ablations in 2008 and 2009, which eliminated her symptoms, but now her Afib had returned; and she blamed me for causing this to occur. Closer to the truth was that her return of Afib contributed to causing me to have Afib, as out of guilt and shame I “took on” her illness.

She, however, was not the primary cause of my Afib. Rather I was. If I had loved more and better, then I would not have developed this heart arrhythmia. Nobody can make us sick unless we allow this to happen.

Embedded Thought Forms

Moving back now into Hilarion House, I decided early on that I would remove anything from the place that had originally been put there by MariLyn: rugs, furniture, curtains, kitchen supplies, etc. My formula was this: Out with the old, in with the new. In time, I thought more and more about Sananda-Jesus saying that he made all things new, and that I was to do the same.

I also have started painting all the walls with the vibrant colors that I love. While doing so, I am making the walls new. I am transmuting and releasing the old thought forms that MariLyn had embedded in these walls, ceilings and floors, in the tables and cabinets, in the bathrooms and all other places.

I originally and naively had thought that I simply would do a long meditation at Hilarion House and once and for all would exorcise these remnants of MariLyn’s time here. But lo and behold, I have had to work with this time and again, and it won’t be done until every wall has been painted, new rugs and furniture are brought in, thereby making the place my own, making it new, truly making it Hilarion’s House. I’ve done enough by now to know how good and right this feels, how I am reclaiming my rightful place in this house, how I am acting as Hilarion’s direct disciple in guiding his Healing Haven functions for Earth. It is his house. I am only going to be living in it, one with him.

Make It Happen

More and more these days, I think less and less of the past. Whenever any whispers of the dark past flow again through my heart and mind, I quickly release them and reaffirm: I make all things new. Hail to the Christ in thee, MariLyn. May you be healed and made new!

Confirming my progress, in my meditation on April 22, 2022, while attempting to see the crystal clear cube around me, suddenly pink light flowed from above and totally filled my cube with its Third Ray pink light. MariLyn is a Third Ray worker. Now I Am in the pink, holding her in my mind’s eye and heart in pinkness and personal love. All is pink cubed. Lanto and Anna of the Third Ray conveyed via thought transference that this is so. Amen.

Here are the key lessons from these above experiences: Yes, we review the past, feel it out, sort it out yet one more time, and have it be decrystallized and dissolved, via Fourth Ray principles. But, from beginning to end, we keep our eye single on re-crystallization, on making all things new. It really doesn’t matter who did what to whom, nor can we be sure that our judgment of others is fully accurate.

What matters is that we do everything in our power to make things new, to love one another, to see the Christ in them. Whether they are with and for us or not, we do our part in making all things new within us. What others do is their freewill choice, but in the end analysis our own healing makes it easier for them to accomplish their own soul healing, when they choose to do so; now or even in future lifetimes.

Make & Manifest

When Sananda said “I make all things new,” he in essence was talking partly in Fourth Ray principles. It is not enough to think about something, to feel something, to clear out the residue of darkness in our consciousness. Rather, we are not finished until we actually do something physically to manifest and to crystallize our newfound I Am consciousness and light-body demonstration. In other words, we “make” all things new. “Make” means to manifest, to crystallize, to bring forth, to publicly demonstrate our innate, God-given spirituality identity as a child of God. Make all things new!

Meanwhile, in the last week or so, I have been shown twice in visions that MariLyn has finally seen the errors of her ways and has repented. Once a vivid dream also revealed this to me. Therefore, I am hopeful that indeed this is true. But, I have no idea whatsoever when this repentance and rebirth of MariLyn might occur, whether it be days, weeks, months, years or even lifetimes. If she does repent and ask to be forgiven, I will be the first to do so.

Temple of Mars in Israel

One other key insight that helped me get through this 3-4 days, actually for as as much as a week, of soul cleansing and transformation is that we currently are in the height of the spring/Easter influx of spiritual energies. These higher frequencies help us to have wonderful, new, uplifting realizations and experiences. But this increased energy implantation also reveals and surfaces any negativity within us that we previously had denied even being there. And when this surfacing of soul darkness occurs, it feels worse than it actually is. Due to the energy influx, it’s like our soul negativity gets multiplied several times; or that is how it feels to us.

Therefore, in time between now and Pentecost on June 5th this year, we need to be evermore vigilant about remaining centered within our Christ cube, not too high, not too low, fully dedicated to making all things new in all that we think, feel, remember and do.

Moreover, all hell now is breaking loose in the Middle East as the huge, cubic Temple of Mars descends into and around Jerusalem, Israel and the surrounding area. Ages-old hatreds, jealousies, bitterness, blaming others, power-mongering, and desires to kill and control others are coming out of the the subconscious, collective mind of the inhabitants there and in the adjoining lower astral planes. All of this reverberates back to us wherever we may live. This makes our emotional upsets doubly, triply, even quadrupedy difficult to deal with in a balanced fashion. We have a tendency to think of our negative feelings as originating in our own life, past and present, when in fact many of our nastiest feelings come from Israel and the Middle East.

Multiple times I have discovered anew that when I am emotionally upset, if I get still and project peace, love, cooperation and coordination to the Middle East, my own problems decrease significantly, sometimes disappearing altogether. Helping others helps me. As I give, so do I receive.

She Has My Back

On April 17, 2022, when I was washing my breakfast dishes, I felt a sudden sharp pain again in heart. Only this time, the pain was lower down, more so in the right ventricle. Once again it felt like a spearpoint was in this ventricle. To say the least, this was disconcerting and disturbing. I did my best to release it, to fill my heart anew with love.

Two days later, on April 19, 2022, I went out to have breakfast at my favorite restaurant, Cracker Barrel. Per usual, I wanted to sit in the second of the two dining rooms there, in the front, right corner of it where I would more or less be alone and not disturbed by others. But because one of the waitresses that was scheduled to come in that day and serve customers in the second dining room did not show up, the second room was closed. Instead, one of the waitresses guided me to the right, front corner of the first dining room, which worked out fine, because only a few people were there.

Looking to my left to the table next to me, I realized that it was the table where Yolanda and I once had sat back in 1993 when we were in northeastern Tennessee to establish Healing Haven Retreat Center (HHRC). While sitting there, waiting for our meal to arrive, Yolanda was overshadowed by Sananda, Hilarion or El Morya (I don’t fully remember which one), and she spoke a channeled message from him in a loud voice, in fact so loud that customers across the room, probably 30 feet away, called out to her and asked her to tone it down. I did my best to protect Yolanda as I wrote down the vocal channeling on paper. What a special time it was!

Currently, after composing myself from this memory recall, I turned on my cellphone to start listening to YouTube music videos. To my amazement, the first one to come up on my screen was a new-to-me version of Love Can Build a Bridge by the Judds. I clicked on it and started listening. In his version, there was wonderful imagery of Naomi and Wynonna Judd (mother and daughter) standing atop a butte out in Sedona, Arizona, singing this song, even as they looked down on an Amerindian small community there in the dessert. In the earlier version that I had shared with you months ago, it only showed the words of the song, with no other imagery. In this version, several conflicts and near fights between whites, Amerindians and blacks occurred and were healed with love.

Build a Bridge

While listening to and loving this new-to-me version, Nada strongly overshadowed me and filled my heart to overflowing with her love. She said she basically had engineered this whole set of experiences. As I had written and posted months ago, Love Can Build a Bridge is her and my theme song, which she once sang to me in a dream with the words changed slightly to Love Has Built a Bridge. Thus, she was reminding me that for years she has been watching over and guiding me, protecting me, and correcting any errors she made with me while still alive. Well, I was a puddle!

Before Nada left, she powerfully intoned via my clairaudience: I have your back!  She was referring partly to yet another emotional challenge I was going through at the time, which I knew I had to deal with outwardly, not just from the distance in my prayers. I had to set things right between this person and me, and I knew or feared that this person would not like my doing so and would try to turn and rend me.

Nada thus was saying that she would work with this whole situation on the inner planes, and that when it came time for me to speak up and out, she would have my back. As she had promised me a few days before, she would make things right with me and do what she had not always done in the past. Several times in the past, she had been “on my back,” and here she was now “having my back.” My, oh my, oh my.

I could barely eat my delicious breakfast when it came. I was still full from the manna from heaven that Nada had given me. It is a new day — all things between her and me are made new. Love indeed has built a bridge between her heart and mine. Thank You, Father-Mother Creator. Thank you, mother Nada.

And all of my heart pain disappeared!

Sol-O-Man Approves

Three days later, on April 22, 2022, back I went to Cracker Barrel, seemingly compelled from within to do so. From the time I got out of my parked car there, my heart chakra filled and swelled with love, originating from whom I did not know. This time I ended up sitting in the back, right corner of the second dining room, which was the most secluded place therein.

My heart chakra continued to fill and expand with love, as if several masters were there with me. I still could not discern who he, she or they were. It was only after I finished my meal that Sol-O-Man suddenly and unexpectedly presented herself to me in gold and white radiations, and proclaimed in a most authoritative way: “I approve.” (Picture to right is that of Mary of the Golden Heart, from her visitations in Belgium in 1932-1933.)

I knew right away this applied to my decision to share my past painful experiences with Yolanda, which I still was not sure was the right thing to do. Would it not make more spiritual sense to keep this soul-healing work in-house, so to speak, to not speak publicly of Yolanda’s minor faults, even though they had deeply scarred me? After all, it was no resolved, so why dwell on it?

Sol-O-Man explained: Although Sananda is Yolanda’s master teacher, Sol-O-Man as Sananda’s twin soul and co-leader of Earth is Nada-Yolanda’s primary feminine teacher. Nada-Yolanda is training under Sol-O-Man to be the feminine co-leader of Earth with her twin soul Rama  in about 2000 years at the start of the Age of Capricorn. Sananda and Sol-O-Man by then will have stepped down from their roles as leaders of Earth and moved on to other functions.

New Pattern & Example

Therefore, Sol-O-Man now was speaking for Yolanda as her mentor and leader, and to me as my master teacher. Sol-O-Man said that she was the one who had prompted me to write about my past difficulties with Yolanda. The key was that Yolanda and I had healed this past dysharmony by loving and forgiving one another. It did not matter so much if I had been fully accurate in my past assessment of Yolanda. What mattered was that both of us had worked together as Seventh Ray workers to love one another, to heal the past hurts and misjudgments, and thereby to make things new.

Sol-O-Man said that Yolanda had been at fault as my teacher and I had been at fault as her disciple. No one on Earth is perfect. No one has yet resurrected and ascended. We all have remaining darkness within us that needs to be transmuted into the light.

Sol-O-Man further shared that it has been primarily the fault of Seventh Ray light workers on Earth that has prevented this planet for eons from rising anew from the third-to-the-fourth dimension, for the Earth is destined to be the Seventh Ray planet for the whole solar system. Therefore, Seventh Ray workers have a major responsibility to lead the way in this transmutation. But time and again, they have floundered and failed.

Teachers and disciples have not fulfilled their roles. Husbands and wives on the Seventh Ray have made repeated mistakes. Co-workers of the Seventh Ray have fought with one another and gone their own ways. In the history of the Mark-Age unit, at least six such major Seventh Ray workers who have been staff members have betrayed Yolanda, blamed her for their faults and left her to do their own selfish thing; thinking that they were right and Yolanda was wrong, and refusing to commit themselves to loving her, to making all things new between them.

Nada-Yolanda and I had now set the new pattern of loving one another, following in the footsteps of Sananda-Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary. And Sol-O-Man wanted this clearly on the public record to say especially to all Seventh Ray workers that they too can do this. Sol-O-Man, representing the soul of man, was blessing and affirming that Nada-Yolanda and I as Soliel-Robert had loved and forgiven one another, had set a new example and pattern for all other Seventh Ray workers to follow, and had inspired the workers on all the other Rays to do likewise.

Seventh Ray Astrals

Sol-O-Man now further opened my psychic vision, such that I saw a vast number of higher astral plane guides and teachers above me. They were from the fifth, sixth and seventh astral planes, which are the spiritual levels. They were especially from the seventh astral plane, which is the doorway to the lowest of the three etheric, Christ, ascended planes.

These higher astral entities had come at Sol-O-Man’s request to view her proclaim that Nada and I had set the new Seventh Ray example, which they were to follow in their soul healing work in the higher astral planes. Moreover, these Seventh Ray astrals were radiating love to Nada and me, in order to further anchor this announcement. That is a major reason why my heart chakra had felt so full this morning at the restaurant and that I initially could not discern who was contacting me.

All of this is part of the reopening of the Temple of Mars in Jerusalem and the surrounding area. This is where Sananda-Jesus and Sol-O-Man/Mary had set the first example that Nada and I were following and now had manifested and crystallized anew on Earth. With the opening of the Temple of Mars, the veil between dimensions has thinned such that there can be more loving cooperation and coordination between those on Earth and in the astral and etheric planes. Love has built a bridge between the hearts of those in the etheric, astral and physical realms. The bridge is now manifested and crystallized.

I stayed at the restaurant for another half-hour, doing my best to absorb and understand what Sol-O-Man had revealed to me. Eventually, I felt grounded enough to leave and get in my car, sure that I could drive it safely even though I was still sky-high in love consciousness, in wonder and awe at what just had transpired. Right to this very moment of writing this blog, I have not fully come down.


As I was driving home, suddenly I recalled a vivid dream that I had had one-to-two weeks ago. In it, El Morya in his First Ray will and power had corrected me in relation to the past painful experience with Yolanda when she had tried to supplant me with two healers from Hawaii. Then he corrected Nada-Yolanda for her error. El Morya said that Nada-Yolanda had mistreated me back then, and that I was at fault for not sticking up for myself and telling the truth as I saw it.

At the time, I had not trusted the dream, wondering if it was just my own fantasy. But now, the dream had become reality, with Nada and I now on the same page, two as one in love. Amazing!

Still, however, I know that this whole experience is just the next step in many more such steps that you and I as light workers are to experience as we keep focusing on making all things new on Earth and preparing the way for Sananda and Sol-O-Man to return in their light bodies. Steady as she goes remains my major mantra and focus. Head in the clouds, feet on the ground. Have a humble, loving heart. One step at a time!

Forgive Your Four

For the following 4 days, begin by writing down the 4 people who have “speared” you or you have “speared” them. It could be alleged friends, family members, spiritual teachers or students, spouses, or others.

Focus on 1 of these per day, or least start with that in mind. For #1, write a very brief description of the spearing and the resulting scar tissue. Then, ask Sananda, Sol-O-Man, Nada, Serapis Bey and Clar-I-Ty to guide you in making all things new with this person at the top of your list. Let your mind and heart be opened anew, such that you see clearly what you are to do and you do it with love and forgiveness, but also with power and peace. Make everything new!

On day #2, do the same with your number #2. However, be aware that it may take you more than one day to complete your work with your #1. Go with the flow, see how it works, give thanks to Spirit ahead of time for your ability to make all things new.

On days #3 and #4, feel out what still exists in your heart that is not of love and forgiveness. See how it is that you do not really feel loved by Sananda and Sol-O-Man, how maybe your possible guilt and shame still trip you up. See how you still want a “pound of flesh” from #3 and #4. And then, make all things new. Make your house and home new. Make your devotion to the Second Coming new.

Halfway There

By the end of these 4 days, your Christ cube symbolically and literally will have descended midway down and around you body, with its bottom being at about the level of your diaphragm. This means you have completed for this cycle the clearing away of the emotional darkness in your heart and feeling nature. Your mental and emotional levels are clear, without darkness or distortion. You are halfway home to being fully within your own Temple of Mars.

Your Christ cube is now about 20 by 20 by 20 feet. In the following two weeks, you will focus on the astral and physical levels. By the end of these 14 days, you will be crystal clear for this cycle. Your cube will be 40 by 40 by 40 feet.

In like manner, visualize anew the Christ cube over and around Jerusalem and the surrounding area, which is now about about 40 by 40 by 40 miles. See that this Temple of Mars has been anchored halfway down to Earth, pressing clearly now in and through the mental and emotional levels of the cube. In two weeks, our projections to this Temple of Mars will be complete. This Temple will be fully open, as much as it can be in this time of now. Its powerful vibrations will radiate around the whole world, interconnected with all the other 12 Temples.

See it, believe it, be one with it in power and peace, love of God and Love of One Another. Amen!!!!