Tenth Temple Reborn

Today, June 19th, we focus for a third and last day on the Tenth Temple in the southern half of South America, and on our own, individual Tenth Temple. By day’s end, we will have re-juvenated, re-generated and re-birthed Temple Ten on Earth, without and within. We will be a 10. (See map to right of the Tenth Temple in and around Córdoba, Argentina.)

The Tenth Planet manifests and radiates the combination of the Second, Fifth and Seventh Rays. Today, our primary focus is on the Seventh Ray of Peace, Love and Rest, whose colors are white and gold. Uriel is the Archangel of this ray and Sananda is the Seventh Ray Chohan or Director.

Be a Seventh Ray Flame

Therefore, at the start your meditation today, say the Lord’s Prayer that was given to us by Sananda/Jesus. Then see yourself in a 10-12-foot tall, white-and-gold flame that surrounds your aura and suffuses your physical body with its brilliant light. Rest in its peace and love. Be at one with your I Am, high, Christ, Buddhic, Atman or God Self. Be the golden giant that you are in ascended, I Am consciousness.

To the right of your flame is Apollo who is the co-leader of the Tenth Planet, which is etheric or fourth-dimensional in vibration and consciousness, and hence not seen by mortal Earthman’s physical eyes, telescopes or space probes. However, you are capable of  clairvoyantly viewing this sphere via your ESP or spiritual senses and powers. Apollo emanates yellow light of the 2nd Ray of Understanding and Wisdom. He represents our masculine conscious mind.

To your left, imagine Diana, Queen of the night, the moon and the subconscious, who accelerates and quickens the female part of you, including your astral and emotional bodies. Her colors are shades of green of the Fifth Ray of Unity, Integration and Healing.

Above the two of them and yourself, visualize and come into communion with Lord Maitreya and his twin soul, Lady MaYa, who are of the Seventh Ray of Peace, Love and Rest. Lord Maitreya and Archangel Lord Michael of the First Ray are the Co-Titular heads of the Hierarchal Board or spiritual government of our Solar System.

Maitreya and MaYa emanate gradations of the white-and-gold colors of the Seventh Ray. Maitreya is the Christ or most highly evolved man of this Solar System, whereas Maya is the most elevated woman. Sananda is the Christ of Earth and Apollo is the Christ of the Tenth Planet. Maitreya is the masculine Christ or so-called King of all the twelve planets, whereas MaYa is his feminine Queen or spiritual leader of all planets, including the Tenth Planet.

Vulcan Space Visitors

With Apollo and Diana are Kelpa and Lu-See-A of Vulcan that is the 12th and highest vibrational planet in our Solar System. These two Vulcans serve as the pilots of the spaceship #257 in which Apollo and Diana have come to Earth. They are like unto the Jupiterians Ashtar Gabriel and Astara, with Ashtar Gabriel being the pilot of Sananda’s ship #10, the Star of Bethlehem, and Astara working more so with Sol-O-Man aboard her ship #01.

In these Latter Days, space visitors from all twelve planets and the Sun have come in their spacecrafts to assist Sananda, Sol-O-Man and all light workers in bringing forth the Second Coming. Earth, being the lowest vibrational planet in the Solar System, needs all the help it can get from space brothers and space sisters. Earth is destined to become the primary Seventh Ray planet in our Solar System.

So, welcome visitors from other planets, especially Apollo, Diana, Kelpa and Lu-See-A. In a vivid dream, Lu-See-A first showed herself to me as having 16 diamond-like crystals or lens in each of her eyes. This signified that she can perceive all of our 16 bodies, whereas we on Earth only see and work with our first seven bodies. (Note Hartmut Jager’s picture of a space lady with incredible eyes that approximates how Lu-See-A looked to me.)

With the help of Apollo, Diana, Kelpa, Lu-See-A, Maitreya and MaYa, become the 7th Ray gold-and-white flame that you are in I Am consciousness. Merge together the 2nd, 5th and 7th Rays, and their corresponding colors, in your cosmic, Tenth Temple flame. Then especially radiate white-and-gold light to the Tenth Temple located in and around Córdoba, Argentina, whose forcefield includes parts of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. See Tenth Temple yellow, green and gold-and-white light flowing to all other spiritual temples or power centers around the world.


Two days ago, in my morning meditation on June 17th, the first day of focusing on Planet Ten, a brilliant, huge starburst appeared before and above me. It was so bright and so filled with cosmic energy that I could not see any forms within it, but I was totally uplifted into it as it shown its light on me.

Afterwards, I initially thought it might represent Maitreya and MaYa appearing to me in all their combined splendor and higher consciousness. Then, it seemed like it might represent the Elohim who oversee the Tenth Planet. Eventually, I thought this brilliant light portrayed the Tenth Planet itself. Its brilliance, crystal clarity and purity perhaps portrayed symbolically this first of three invisible, fourth-dimensional planets; the 10th, 11th and 12th planets, with the 12th being called Vulcan.

The next morning, June 18th, in a vivid vision, the brilliant starburst coalesced and appeared to me mostly as a lighted circle, whose interior was pure light, basically of no specific color. Again, I was totally transfixed by this vision, and felt sure that it represented Planet Ten, where I had been in past sojourns. My own characteristic number is 257, with 2 being my conscious, 5 being my subconscious and 7 being my superconscious identity and functions. So, in this vision of Temple Ten, it felt like home to me.

This morning, June 19th, Planet Ten took on more form, such that I could see some parts of it. But mostly, it still was brilliantly clear. In my vision, this globe had become about 12 feet in diameter, and it directly over my head. I reached up to it, to contact it and hold it deeply in my mind and heart. Slowly, as I lowered my arms, it was lowered down and around me, one chakra at a time, until its center was in my heart and its bottom was anchored into the earth elements. I now was a citizen of the Tenth Planet. I was home and It was home with and around me. It felt incredible, beyond description! It was one of those superconscious experiences that I knew in the depth of my mind and soul was true and right.

Before this, I had wondered if the Tenth Planet might be named after the mythological god, Zeus, who was the leader of all the Greek gods and goddesses. But that never felt quite right–it was more so my own speculation and intellectual, Second Ray pondering. After this third-day meditation, while still in the experience of oneness with Planet Ten, suddenly, clearly and powerfully came the name Clarion. The planet’s Earthly, symbolic name of the Tenth Planet was Clarion. Oh my!

A Working Hypothesis

Pondering this, I realized that the most characteristic feature of each of my three visions of the Tenth Planet on each of three separate days was that this planet was pure and clear, as well as sparkling and brilliant. I looked up the word “clarion” and found that it means brilliantly clear. So, that sure made sense and served as some confirmation.

Then, I vaguely recalled that one of the early UFO contactees in the 1950s and 1960s had reported that he was contacted by visitors from a planet called Clarion. Phillel had mentioned this to me in the past, but I never had thought much about or researched it.

It turns out that the space contactee was named Truman Bethurum, whose initial vision was in July 1952 out in the Mohave Desert of southern Nevada. The humanoid looking space visitors said that their planet was located in a similar orbit to that of the Earth’s moon, such that it was hidden from view behind the moon and therefore was not seen by man of Earth. Bethurum wrote about a book about his experiences, as well as other books about further revelations. (Click here for a Wikipedia article about him.)

His account seems to have lots of ambiguity in it, with some of it maybe being accurate and other parts of it being more so his own imagination and elaboration of what he had received. In light of my own experiences these last three days, his experiences actually may have referred to Clarion being a higher dimensional planet that therefore was not seen physically. In Betherum’s view, it was hidden from view behind the moon, hence his own subconscious beliefs and colorings. And symbolically, isn’t it fascinating that Clarion and its spaceship were located behind the moon, given that Diana is the co-leader of the Tenth Planet. Mythologically, she is the Roman goddess of the night and the moon!

All I now can say, conclude and hypothesize now is that Clarion appears to be the appropriate name for the Tenth Planet, and that this was given to me in a moment of clairsentience, presumably by Apollo and Diana. Its name came to me after my vision of the Tenth Planet being descended to right here on Earth, all around and within me.

It felt so right, just like other revelations Spirit has given me, which have turned out to be almost entirely right! But then again, I received this name this morning and I already am sharing it, so it may well not be what I currently think it is, or it may need further refinement and elucidation. If it is mostly accurate, later experiences will confirm and verify it. After pondering all this and asking for additional spiritual guidance, Apollo and Diana strongly contacted me and insisted that I share it now. So here it is!

Be a Superscientist

Here’s my suggestion: Visualize a 12-foot, brilliant sphere above you, which is clear and sparking within and without, whose aura is mostly pure white light, but with some gold in it. Lift your arms in a V-shape to it, then slowly bring down your hands, and see and feel this globe descending into and around your seven chakras, one chakra at a time. Note how this affects you. As a spiritual, superscientist, note all your inner and outer sensations. Let the name Clarion resonate in your conscious mind and subconscious soul. In superconscious oneness, decide for yourself if this truly is the right name for now of this planet. And let me know what you feel and determine to be true.

Remember, Clarion is not the actual name of Planet Ten, any more that Planet Ten is its moniker. These are just Earth words to approximate its name as it is on the planet itself. It is thus an Earthly, symbolic name, not a literal one; just like those of Jupiter, Helios, Vesta, Mars and Venus. But by calling it Clarion, it helps us to re-birth the Tenth Temple on Earth, to remember our having been on Planet Ten. It helps us to become brilliantly clear in our consciousness. I even like that it is not named after a Greek or Roman goddess.

God Is Good

Thank You, Father-Mother God, for this latest Pentecostal pouring out of Your Spirit upon all flesh here on Earth.

Temple Ten, known and described also as Planet 257 and Clarion, is now re-juvenated, re-manifested and re-born on Earth, in southern South America and in us. Whatever its name, it is now clear that this re-birth is a fact, for we know it in the deepest depths of our heart.

Thank You, our beloved Creator, for your clarion call to us to be a Temple Ten on Earth! Thy will be done here on Earth as it is in heaven. So be it.  Amen.