Be an 11

Today, June 20th, we begin our three-day focus on the fourth-dimensional Planet Eleven (11), and on Temple Eleven (11) on Earth, within and without. This 11th spiritual, planetary temple, power center or vortex of sacred energy is located at and around Mt. Kilimanjaro in east-central Africa. (See map to right; click MAP for a large PDF map of Africa.) Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano that is 19,341 feet above sea level, making it the tallest mountain in Africa and the sixth tallest mountain in the world.

The name “Kilimanjaro” means bright, shining, tall, great mountain because the tallest of its three cones, Mt. Kibo, is covered with ice and snow that shine all year with white light. In like manner, this mountain peak and the area around it, including Lake Victoria to the northeast and the vast Serengeti Plains to the south, shine with the etheric light of Temple 11. As we become a number “11,” we also shine with greater etheric, fourth-dimensional light of our ascended light body. (See photo to right of snow-capped Mt. Kibo of Mt. Kilimanjaro, rising about the Serengeti Planes.)

The Eleventh Planet and Temple Eleven on Earth manifest and radiate the combined flames of the First (blue), Third (pink) and Seventh (white and gold) Rays. All today, in our prayers, projections, study times and other quiet periods, our primary focus will be mostly on the First Ray of Faith (royal blue), Will (sky blue) and Power (blue-green or aqua).

Blue Undecagonal Column of Light

After becoming relaxed and clarified in your meditation, see yourself within a blue, 11-sided, undecagonal pillar or column of light that protects and suffuses you with varying blue hues of First Ray light/energy and consciousness. (See image of an undecagon.)

Your blue Christ cylinder is 11 feet in diameter. It goes from below your feet to high into the heavens. Ask Spirit and all the 11th-Temple agents of Spirit to lift you through the astral planes to the lowest of the three etheric realms.

As you ascend through the seven astral realms, be guided and guarded by Fish Eagle, who is the masculine, African co-leader of the astral realms that are associated with Africa. His feminine partner is Eagle Wings. Eagles represent the ability to rise above the Earth plane into the astral and etheric planes, “to rise on the wings of an eagle.”

A fish represents a soul in the astral planes, like unto a physical fish in water that represents the subconscious. Fish Eagle is a “fisher of men,” as Sananda/Jesus has instructed him/us to be. He is a Seventh Ray worker.

Click XC682061-African-Fish-Eagle-Haliaeetus-vocifer-1.mp3 to hear the clarion call of the Fish Eagle.

Click 13-Eagles.mp3 to hear Corinne Thorsell’s uplifiting song, Eagles.

Etheric Masters

As you continue to rise, become aware of the etheric master Kil-I-Man, who is helping and uplifting you. He is the masculine co-leader of Temple Eleven. He is named after Mt. Kilimanjaro. He is like unto a “mountain man” who has scaled this sacred mountain and now resides in the etheric realms above it. With him are scores of fellow Planet 11 space visitors. Kil-I-Man’s twin soul and co-leader of Temple 11 is Afri-Ka. (Our key focus will shift to her in the next blog.) Being masculine, both Fish Eagle and Kil-I-Man portray our masculine, conscious mind; our mental and physical bodies.

With Kil-I-Man is El Morya, who is the Chohan or Director of the First Ray. As such, he especially watches over the Temple of Neptune at Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal, and the 11th Temple at Mt. Kilimanjaro. El Morya vibrates to the number “11”. Each of the two “1s” in “11” represent a sword of truth.

He currently is positioned at the junction of the 7th astral plane and the 1st etheric realm, whereby he oversees all light workers in the astral planes. He is a spiritual brother to Kil-I-Man and to Sananda. His twin soul is Glo-Ria. (See picture of him as Mark of Mark-Age in 1961.)

1st Ray Angel & EloHim

Above El Morya and his First Ray co-workers is Archangel Michael of the First Ray, the co-titular head with Lord Maitreya of the Hierarchal Board. Like El Morya, he has come with his First Ray sword to cut out error and to implant blue energies of truth and power into the entire forcefield of the 11th Temple. (See painting of Lord Michael to the right.)

Given that Africa is so poor, riddled with hunger and disease, highly corrupt politically and militarily, and carries such deep scars of past slavery, it requires the sword of truth to cut out the darkness of this temple and the whole continent of Africa, and to implant vivid blue light in its place. They will be done!

Above Lord Michael is the masculine EloHim of the First Ray, who helps to hold the First Ray blue matrix of Temple 11, both in Africa and in you.

Sword of Truth

See a huge, brilliant First Ray of Truth being lowered into you by all of your inner plane, Temple 11 team, as described above. It descends through your blue column of light until its tip enters your crown chakra and then slowly moves down spine, lights up all your other chakras, until it reaches into the earth below you.

Affirm and know: I Am a blue flame, a blue sword of First Ray light. My entire, individual Temple 11 glows and radiates blue. I speak the truth to cut out error in myself. As Spirit guides me, I also focus on those around me who who have tried or are trying now to wield negative personal/soul power over me, and I slay them in the Spirit.

Also, affirm, decree, visualize and realize: I Am a reborn Temple 11, especially as it expresses in and through my masculine mental and physical bodies; I am a blue light that has some pink and white-and-gold light in it; I am on my way to being an African 1-3-7 Temple 11 citizen, one with all my spiritual brothers and sisters in this entire continent.

Then, shift gears, and see a much larger blue sword of truth being anchored into the top center of the highest peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro. It passes into the crater at the top of this great, tall, brightly shining mountain, travels down through its lava core and anchors fully into the ground at the base of the mountain.

Mt. Kilimanjaro is blue. The surrounding Serengeti Plains are blue. Lake Victoria, which we will rename Lake Africa, as well as other large lakes nearby, are blue. All Africans are now free to become the enlightened spiritual beings that they are, free to heal all the inhabitants of the 55 countries that make up Africa. Slavery has been slain in the Spirit. All in Africa willingly and powerfully follow the four-step matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination. So be it.

Thank you, Spirit!

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