Unite with Uranus

Today, June 4, 2023, our key focus is  on uniting with, and revitalizing, the Fifth Ray Temple of Uranus that is located in and around Manaus, in north central Brazil in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest. (See map to right; to view a large map, click here.)

The Uranian Temple’s green flame, symbolized as a green pentagon on this map, radiates to all places and countries in the northern one-half of South America, in which about 250 million people live. About 11,000 of them are of the elect who have chosen to holistically heal humanity and to birth the I Am Nation on Earth.

Hands Up

Be centered inside your own green flame, green dodecahedron or green globe, as the Holy Spirit (your I Am Self) directs you to do. If you do not see or sense any of these three symbolic images, then affirm, decree and realize that you are surrounded in glorious green light of the Fifth Ray of Unity, Integration and Healing. Be green. Flow and glow with green. Be the individual green Temple of Uranus that you are in I Am consciousness.

Then raise your arms and hands to about your shoulder level, such that your palms are pointing forward. Each hand is a green-light-broadcasting instrument. Your whole body is a hieronics healing device. Your receive green light from above to below, as it pours out in a Pentecostal way upon your mind, soul and body. Then you channel and radiate this light via your hands to the Temple of Uranus in Manaus.

The five digits of each hand — four fingers and one thumb — symbolize Fifth Ray healing. Your right hand is your symbolic conscious, masculine side. Your left hand is your subconscious, feminine side. Together, they form one, superconscious, I Am healing instrument

Five Healers

One finger of your right hand is for connecting with the masculine Elo-Him of Unity. A second right finger is for being one with Archangel Raphael and his masculine angelic co-workers of the Fifth Ray. A third finger symbolizes your unity with Hilarion, Chohan of the Green Ray. Your fourth finger integrates with the masculine space visitors from Uranus. Your right thumb is for receiving and radiating the input of higher astral plane Fifth Ray guides.

Affirm, see and feel these five right-handed linkings. Know and have faith that they are taking place and now are solid. Your masculine, interdimensional healing team members are now one with you. Your right arm and hand, as well as the upper right side of your astral and physical bodies glows, tingles and vibrates with green-light-energy.

Do the same with your left hand. One finger is for the Elo-Her of Fifth Ray Integration. Lady Raphael connects with a second finger. Harmony, Hilarion’s twin soul, symbolically and literally unites with a third finger. Lady space visitors from Uranus work in and through the fourth finger of your left healing instrument. Feminine seventh-astral plane guides unite with you by way of your left thumb.

Light it Up

See and feel green light and electromagnetic energy now flowing through both of your hands to the Temple of Uranus in Manaus, Brazil. You may feel this energy especially radiating through and out of your palms. In any case, go with the flow of this, with the way that you experience it in your own unique fashion. Stay with it as long as the green energy flows into and through you. See the Uranian spiritual temple, power center or vortex light up with ever greater and brighter green light.

When this transmission ends, typically after 10-15 minutes, pull back within your I Am Self and protective forcefield. Lower your hands and place them comfortably in your lap. Give thanks to Spirit and all the green agents of Spirit for this new re-opening, re-birthing and re-harmonizing of the Temple of Uranus in northern South America. As you are inspired, do this same work again once or twice later in the day.

Link Them Together

After any of your meditations and projections, click here2 to look at a map of the 13 spiritual temples worldwide. Place your forefinger on the site of the Sun Temple. Then draw an imaginary line with your fingertip from there to the First Ray Temple of Neptune; and from this power center to the Second Ray Temple of Mercury.

Your imaginary line, tube or co-axial cable goes next to the Temple of Venus, and from there to the Temple of Mars. Finally, see and know that the integrated gridwork of the first five temples now is linked with the Temple of Uranus. West and East are now united anew.

This entire exercise is even better when working with a globe. So if you have one, use it to imagine the linking of the first 6 temples, vortices or power centers worldwide. Note that sometimes the linking lines of force go up and over the North Pole or down and under the South Pole. In other words, the gridwork links the whole planet, top to bottom, side to side, and every direction in between.

Then envision the whole planet  being surrounded by and lit up with green light. All on Earth now are being healed. Everyone feels a new degree of oneness, a turning away from power-mongering. New harmony suffuses the entire planet. So be it.

Be Humble

Rejoice and give thanks that the 13-temple gridwork has now been re-infused and strengthened with spiritual I Am consciousness and energy in and through the first six temples. We are nearly halfway through our 40-day project to re-birth more of the I Am Nation of Earth; to bring forth greater peace, love, cooperation and coordination everywhere on our current beloved home, Heart-Earth. Hallelujah!

Thank You, our beloved One God-Power-Light. We are one with You, as You are with us. The Temple of Uranus, within and without, is indeed newly re-opened. So be it. It is done.