Be Golden

On December 4, 2023, while resting and meditating in bed, Siddhartha the Buddha unexpectedly appeared and stood before me. He wore ordinary, gold-colored clothing, not a saffron robe, and his skin and surrounding aura radiated golden light. I especially was aware of his golden heart of peace and love, whose radiation deeply moved my whole being.

Later, when doing some cleaning around my apartment, I was still so moved to tears by his lingering, fatherly, loving, down-to-earth presence that I sat in a chair and thanked him again for visiting and supporting me. He was “The” golden Buddha, and I was his prototypical son, Rahula the golden Buddha-in-the-making.

Going Home

In the afternoon, when I was driving on a back road from a nearby town to Sun Temple headquarters, Sananda/Siddhartha the Buddha again appeared to me so powerfully and evidentially that I parked on the side of the road. He telepathically transmitted: I have come to take you home; I have come to take you and all my spiritual sons and daughters back home to I Am, Buddhic, golden, peace-and-love consciousness.

In the ancient days of the Cains and Abels, I was originally an Abel who lovingly and devotedly followed Sananda and Sol-O-Man as the leaders of the Abels. However, due to doubts, fears and wanting to be loved by others, at some point I had “flinched,” much like Simon Peter had done when Jesus was taken away to be crucified. I thereby became a Cain. In Lemuria and Atlantis, despite my many good works, I had perpetuated and reenacted my “original” sin or mistake.

Now, Sananda/Siddhartha had come to take me home to when I had been an Abel, when I had been a pure “golden giant.” He had come to take me home to my golden, sacred heart.

Be a Golden Funnel

In your meditations during the next few days, prepare yourself for Siddhartha the Buddha’s visit to you by seeing yourself as being a golden funnel, into which flows golden light that emanates from Siddhartha, Lord Maitreya who is his master teacher, Lord Ariel who is the masculine counterpart of Archangel Uriel of the Seventh Ray, and the EloHim of Peace and Love.

Feel their combined golden hues of I Am peace and love swirling down the cup of your funnel and entering your crown chakra/cerebrum. Then perceive the golden, fourth-dimensional energy flowing down and through your spinal column until it anchors into the floor or ground below you. Be aware that your aura, all your seven chakras and your entire physical body are illumined and enlightened with golden energy.

Be Golden

Then, in your mind’s eye, picture the gold-imbued Sananda/Siddhartha standing before and radiating his golden light to you. Know in your heart that you are his son or daughter. Receive him as your beloved spiritual father. Deeply experience his lifting you anew into I Am Abel, golden consciousness.

Welcome and accept Siddhartha the Buddha’s forgiveness of your residual negative karma going back eons, including from the days of Lemuria and the Cains and Abels. Be the golden flame, the golden giant, the golden Buddha or Buddhi that you are. Be a gold and white flame that lights up and burns away the residual darkness within and around you.

Golden Earth-Heart

Next, radiate your golden Seventh Ray peace and light to others to help them birth their I Am Buddhic consciousness. Focus especially on those of the 144,000 elect who live in India and the five countries surrounding it. See the entire Earth becoming the golden planet that it is destined to be as the primary Seventh Ray planet in the Solar System.

See the whole globe being fully surrounded by, and imbued with, golden light. See it being a golden heart that radiates peace and love to all other planets throughout the solar system.

Give thanks unto Spirit and the golden agents of Spirit who are assisting, loving, uplifting and helping you and others.

All is well and in divine, golden order. So be it. It is.