Be Yellow

On November 24, 2023, I dreamt that in my seventh or ascended light body, I was high above India. Peering down on it, the distinct outlines of thirty-nine regions or states were visible. Shortly thereafter, in a second dream, my attention focused on the thirteen states or territories that are around the city of Varanasi in the northeastern part of the country. (See map to right.) I descended to, walked around and settled in Varanasi that was my spiritual home.

After awakening and going online to research India, it turned out that there currently are only twenty-eight states in this India, which have their own state governments and police force, but which share their distribution of power with India’s political capital, New Delhi, in the northcentral section of the nation. Moreover, only eight territories, not thirteen, are found throughout India, with just some of them being near Varanasi. These are called Union Territories because these areas are under the direct control and administration of the central government in New Delhi.

Understanding & Wisdom

So, why the difference in numbers between those in my two dreams and the literal, physical facts about India’s current states and territories? One interpretation is that the symbols in my two dreams represent the two interconnected aspects of the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom, whose corresponding color is yellow. (See yellow hues to right.)

Darker shades of yellow correspond more so to understanding, whereas lighter yellow hues correlate primarily with wisdom.

Via Second Ray understanding, utilizing our five physical senses and the analytical aspect of our conscious mind, we gather and analyze third-dimensional data and delineations. In other words, we see how physical things are in the “lay of the land,” hence in all of India in my first dream.

However, via Second Ray wisdom, we perceive spiritual, fourth-dimensional realities of life on and about India. Thus, New Delhi is its political capital that mostly portrays understanding, whereas Varanasi is its spiritual capital that primarily manifests wisdom.

Yellow Hues

Understanding relates primarily to the five physical senses and the male, conscious mind, whereas wisdom is more so the realm of the psychic senses and the female, subconscious mind. Because we have had multiple incarnations or past lives, to be wise, we must see the past, evaluate how it is influencing or manifesting in the present, and perceive how it will lead to our future. Our current life in large measure is an outpicturing of our past lives.

Prior to India becoming an independent nation in 1947, it also included the current, highly populated nations of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The name of this former, “greater India” originally came in part from the Indus River that flows through modern-day northern India and then south through much of Pakistan to the Arabian Sea. When Greeks originally explored western India, they called the people who lived in this region Indians.

Pakistan currently has 4 provinces (states) and 1 federal territory. Bangladesh has 8 states. These provinces, federal territory and states, plus India’s 28 states, total 41 such areas or regions, hence very close to the 39 original states of India as perceived in my first, above dream.

Moreover, the combined population of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh currently is about 1.8 billion people or 22.5% of the world’s total population of 8 billion. As such, this “greater India” has vast influence upon the whole planet. Of the worldwide located 144,000 elect, 22.5% or about 32,400 elect in this region.

Temple of Mercury

Where two or more are gathered, there I Am. Thus, when our understanding (conscious) and wisdom (subconscious) function together as one integrated unit, we experience superconscious, Christ, Buddhic illumination and enlightenment. In this spiritually re-awakened and re-born state, we perceive and know that Varanasi is the epicenter of the Second Ray Temple of Mercury. This temple, power center or vortex of sacred light is but one of thirteen such spiritual temples around the world, one for each of the twelve planets in the Solar System, and one for the Sun.

From the core center of Second Ray illumination in and around Varanasi, multiple shades of yellow light shine not only on and throughout the present country of India, but also to and on the surrounding nations of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and the southern part of Tibet (see map above). We can think of each of these six nations as being represented by a different shade of yellow. All six nations have unique qualities and beliefs, but they all are yellow. This yellow light also radiates to all the other interconnected 12 temples around Earth.

Two as One Flame

Via our understanding faculty, we rightfully gather and systematically analyze physical data, for we live in a physical body in a third-dimensional world. Therefore, we are not to denigrate or deny five-sensual understanding or our physical ability to function on Earth. We do not call the things we physically see, hear and touch as being maya or illusion, as traditional Hindus do. We do not say that our conscious mind deceives us or is not part of a bigger whole, our one mind. Our conscious mind is part of one yellow flame.

At the same time, however, we know that five-sensual, conscious understanding is but a step that leads to, or is to be married with, subconscious wisdom. With this accomplished, we wait for I Am, Buddhic, yellow, fourth-dimensional fire of life to flow from our superconscious mind into our feminine subconscious and masculine conscious aspects.

Then we must “come down to Earth” and demonstrate our newly realized cosmic wisdom in practical steps in our life and in simple, straightforward teachings that others can understand and follow to achieve their own enlightenments and further spiritual awakenings. For the next forty-five years, he did not teach all that he had realized and knew, but only wisely shared those insights and applications that his followers could comprehend and apply. He kept things simple, meaning simply spiritual.

Holy City of Varanasi

The name “Varanasi” comes from the Sanskrit word “kasi” that means to shine, thus Varanasi is a city of light or a yellow flame of light that is the spiritual capital of India. This area is the primary grounding point for the yellow light that emanates from the planet Mercury that demonstrates and radiates the Second Ray to all other planets in the Solar System. Varanasi’s name also comes from a combination of the names of the Varuna and Assi Rivers that surround this sacred city and empty into the Ganges River that passes along the western border of it.

(After Mark-Age moved in 1999 to northeastern Tennessee to establish the I Am Nation/Sun Temple on Earth, Sananda channeled via Nada-Yolanda that this new site was his city of light. Thus, a “city of light” is another description of a spiritual temple, power center or vortex of sacred light.)

Varanasi currently consists of about 1.8 million citizens. This spiritual capital has nearly 3000 Hindu Temples, one or more such temples per each lane in the city. Varanasi also has 415 Muslim mosques and 11 Jain temples. Religious pilgrims come from throughout India’s 28 states and 8 union territories to this sacred city to be blessed by its Second Ray fiery light, and to immerse themselves in the cleansing and purifying waters of the Ganges River, also called Ganga Ma that means the sacred mother river of India.

Thus, although spiritually oriented men, women and children who travel to Varanasi do not describe it as such, they come to his holy city to be baptized with fire and water, as in the second major initiation or step to Buddhahood or Christhood on Earth, which is governed by the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom. An estimated 65,000 devotees immerse themselves in the Ganges each day.

See & Vee

“V” in Varanasi symbolically stands not only for Vortex but also for Venturing into the Void, as Sananda/Siddhartha and Sol-O-Man/Yasodhara did when they were incarnated in this area some 2600 years ago. They and other Buddhist monks and nuns wore saffron-colored robes, with saffron being a combination of yellow and red, with the shading more so to the yellow hue. These saffron robes were said to represent the yellow-to-red flames of physical and spiritual fire.

By re-birthing understanding, wisdom and loving-kindness, Siddhartha the Buddha and Yasodhara the Buddhi simplified and regenerated (hence the color red) those of the Hindu religion (who currently comprise 80% of all Indians), which was filled with multiple mental elaborations, theories, fantasies and descriptions, including the worship of a huge pantheon of gods and goddesses.

“V” also stands for the Victory of the immortal I Am Self over the mortal, personal or egotistical self in the ongoing War of Armageddon within each soul on Earth.

Be Three

39 is 3 times 13, with 3 representing the superconscious, subconscious and conscious illumination of all citizens of India and its surrounding countries. “3” also signifies the Third Ray of Personal Love, Feeling and Dedication to a Higher Cause. Our ancient, mortal misunderstanding and lack of spiritual wisdom in regard to the expression of this Pink Third Ray is what originally led to our downfall from our light body into physical matter and animal bodies, out of which we now are re-evolving by being love in action on Earth; by following the mantrum Love God (white and gold) and Love One Another (pink).

Siddhartha wisely taught that before we can change and transmute our mortal consciousness, we first must understand how our attachments to mortal desires and actions came to be, and how they are now expressed. Then, and only then, are we able to wisely and rightly proceed in all our thoughts, feelings and actions to bring forth a new heaven on a new earth. Only then do we become compassionate and demonstrate “maitri” or loving-kindness as we follow the middle way of peace, love, cooperation and coordination.

Be a Y

During the next three days, wear yellow clothing, enjoy yellow flowers and/or wear yellow gems; all of which will help you to focus on the transcendent, ethereal, yellow light of the Second Ray.

In your meditations and other quiet times, concentrate primarily on your own, individual Temple of Mercury, your own city of yellow light, your version of being in Varanasi consciousness.

Be still and enter the Void, Emptiness, Silence or Nothingness. Then see yourself as being a 7-foot-tall, yellow capital Y. Raise your arms to form the V at the top of the Y. The bottom vertical line of the Y represents your spinal column.

The “Y” in yellow stands for saying Yes to God’s will and wisdom. “Y” also symbolizes the color, Yellow.  The “e” in “yellow” represents equality, equanimity and equipoise. The “el” portrays or signifies elder or I Am consciousness. The “o” stands for wholeness. The “w” denotes I Am wisdom. So, be a yellow Y.

The “Y” in yellow also portrays the divine feminine wisdom of Yasodhara, MaYa and Yolanda, which you as a man or woman can emulate in your own feminine soul or subconscious. Furthermore, “Y” represents humility as you reach up with both arms and hands to Father-Mother God — Father to the right, Mother to the left; subconscious to the left, conscious to the right.

Stand Tall

At first, it may be best to stand up when you visualize yourself as a yellow Y. While doing so, lift your two arms and your subconscious and conscious minds to the One Spirit Who is All-Knowing, hence the One Source of your individual, superconscious understanding and wisdom. Ask Spirit to show you the Way of Wisdom as it now is to be applied in your daily life.

Even as you do so, see the base of vertical pole of the Y come down from your sacrum, in and around and through your two legs, and being positioned solidly on the ground below your feet or anchored a foot or so into the ground with its multiple physical elements. Stand in the Stillness. Stand on Holy Ground even as you reach up to the heavenly Sky and the Sun. Stand tall in your light body.

Yellow Funnel or Vortex

Once you are comfortable with the yellow Y being in and around your entire forcefield, you may wish to sit down and to see the two-dimensional letter Y transforming into a three-dimensional yellow funnel, with its cup or rounded V being at the top of the vertical pole of the Y. (See image to right.)

This may give you a better sense or feel of the vortex of light around and within you, since yellow liquid-light is going to pour down like a sacred river into the top V section or cup of the Y-shaped funnel, swirl down and around this vortex to its base (like the movement of water within a whirlpool), and flow from there to and down your spinal column to the ground.

Be Thirteen as One

Visualize the  right line of the V or the right side of the funnel going up to and linking with: 1) the masculine EloHim of the Second Ray; 2) Archangel Lord Hophiel of the Yellow Flame, 3) Kut Humi who is the Chohan of this Ray, 4) your male deva; 5) the male leader of masculine space visitors from Mercury; and 6) your primary higher-astral-plane-masculine guide who is a Second Ray worker. One with these six, higher-dimensional beings, your masculine, conscious mind becomes newly aflame in yellow light.

Then, focus on your upraised left arm that forms the left line of the V, or on the left side of your yellow funnel. See this line or section going to 1) the feminine EloHer of the Second Ray; 2) Lady Hophiel who is Hophiel’s angelic counterpart; 3) Ella who is the twin soul of Kut Humi (note the “ell” in her name, hence she is of feminine yellow light/energy); 4) your feminine devi; 5) the feminine leader of feminine space visitors from Mercury; and 6) the feminine leader of 2nd Ray, feminine, higher-astral plane guides and mentors. Perceive your subconscious, feminine mind being illumined.

(To read my blogs about these twelve yellow beings and other etheric and higher astral beings in association with your Second Ray temple, click on Merci Mercury and Be a Temple of Mercury.)

You are the thirteenth member of this cosmic contingent of Second Ray beings of yellow light. As described above, there are six masculine individuals, six feminine representatives, and you. You are the grounding point or channel for their combined yellow liquid-light that now pours down, into and through you.

Realize as this occurs that you now are an individual Temple of Mercury, a living yellow flame of 13 hues. All 13 parts or aspects of you are enlightened and illumined. You are in I Am Varanasi consciousness.

Go with your Flow

Rather than seeing such yellow hues/flames/energies, you may just feel quickened, accelerated, uplifted and/or charged anew. If nothing much seems to happen, however, then wait and wait some more for wisdom to be reborn within you. Wait, watch and listen. Stay strong, steadfast and steady in your core or center. You have sincerely asked for Spirit’s wisdom to come to you, so in time and in some unique manner it will, either in this meditation or afterwards.

Perhaps all you are guided from within to do is to affirm and know: I Am an enlightened Buddha or Buddhi. I am filled with yellow light and shine it on one and all — friends or foes; those near or far from me; on animals, plants and minerals. See every person having a yellow Y in his or her core consciousness. See all life and places near you on Earth being filled with spiritual yellow light and energy.

Regardless of what happens or when it might occur, be sure right now to thank Spirit and all 12 members of your yellow team for their yellow understanding and wisdom that flows into you and through you to others.

Be yellow. Be understanding and wise. Be your I Am Buddhic Self. Amen.